HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-11, Page 131967 ;, WEDNESDAY . OCT:, 11th' 1967 ..::ni.,.ieur•,Ls:...• ";''1 rarr,w K ig ;tIP..16 t, t]ITM_ 17-1i[4%:, - -THE . LUCICNOW SENTINEL .LUCKNOW ONTARIO. . PAGE. THIRTEEN. Supplementary Heat At Its Best AIR KING FORCED,AIR BASEBOARD NEATER Thermostat temperattire control. ,CO-OP* ...Two H.••D, heating elements ; SALE • Heater fan evenly di•strib•utes,. heat. PRICE "So Easy to Keep Clean" MEN'S Al! L eather GLOVES REGULAR • S2•95 4ach . A comfortable, • CO-OP. SALE . ,wenn, superb quality glove. Tanned cowhide.. 'S9 , Double stitched. Pair,.. ' . Lined., .99 each, • MADE '.t)F CLEAR GRAIN CEDAR Includes Side:.Perches, Rust Resistant Brass Chain; • co-op Dgiuxe BIRD• .PRICE '• � :: .. :'.FEEDER C0 -OP SL1EtSer;Regular; � Value. $7:95 NIGH • CHAIR Amazing'new. 3 • position tray Seat, tray and : footrest are made .of 'unbreakable, washable vinyl; Popular tangerine: colour: REGULAR. • VALUE' „ $12:98. .49. each OTHER °ITEMS. OF VALU T YOUR CO-OP STORE STORE''; Regular ` CO.OP' Value SALE PRICE. $1,69 :' $1.29' $3.05 $1.99 TEAPOT: :6 cup drpless spout, each :. LEATHER PALM. GLOVES;patr ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS Size up to 60"• •(Width Pins height:et opening) 40 1:/8." to 80,, • • 80-1%8" to 100"• • .:1004/8,,to110",; ''SCREWDRIVER .'5in one 2 en u' e .Phili� nd 2 e ui e R erts nbit 1 g um ps,a g n n ob o • ROTARY .-`H.OG:;FEEDER Al. bd, capacity,: each • TUB ENCLOSURE' .it 3m .. , flts., 3/i to: 5 Opening, each . .6FT. 'ALUMINUM STEP :LADDER, each $14.10' $15.95 $16.95 ..•$19.75 2.98 slot bit. $34:95 $59.99 $14.95 $12.59 $14.29 .: $15.79 $17.49 $2.39 $29:99. $49.99 •., $11.49.' LOOK . FOR OUTSTANDING. SPECIALS IN THE CO-OP 'SALE: CATALOGUE Registered Trade Mark':. one 528.212, Gets Unused Grants • The official opening of the addit- ion to the Bruce County Library,. Porc Elgin,• will take place 'at 5:00 p.m. `Wednesday, October 18th.• This addition is the Official 'Cent,- ennial Project ;for the County of,. $Br,uce and part; of the .cost was slier- ed hmed by the ,Government's bf Canada and Ontario. • Counties"did not qualify for Cent , ennial, Grants unless municipalities forming pareof the County did not apply for a grant for their own . ' project, in,which` case their.' grant- was made available to .the County.' As some municipalities in Bruce Count • y did not undertake a Cent- ennial Project, approximately• •.$8500. o0was made available to the County of Bruce towards the al st f. ti isr add} uta nen,. • :. • The addition doubled the size of the.County'Library. This additional space was required as a. result of the formation: of the Bruce. County t Library which now administers all Public Libraries throughout, the ..County. ST; HELENS lvir , and Mrs., • Angus MacDonald and Dayle were week" -end visitors at St Catharines with•Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson. . Mr. and 'Mrs. John Miller of Guelph were Sunday dinner•guests with, Mrs, Don.Pannabecker and • family. :The gook .Mobile Will be calling at St:. Helens on "October .23'for • book exchange...P.lease return books before this date; Mr. and 'Mrs. Chas. McDonald, Mrs. Sam Reid and Mrs. • • Keith. Cranston Were Sunday visitors With Mrs. Lorna Clipperton at Lon•- don, • • .. Mr. and Mrs, Tom Trafeletand daughters of Southampton and_ Mrs.. Richard Mattin of Lucknow were nndalk,isizter!Abith McNeil and Eimer Woods; Bradley Lucas, infant son or Mr'. and Mrs. George Lucas is a patient in W,inghatn District Hospital. Mr; and .Mrs:, Hugh Rutherford and Hugh of 'Kingston and Mrs..; Melvin MCMurter and Shawn of , Peterborough were Thanksgiving; visitors, with: Mr. end Mrs: Wm.. Rutherford and John. ' • Mr: and Mrs. •Earl Gray and Scott of North Bay were; week -end. visitors' with Mr.;and,Mrs: Ross ; Errington.'On the week-end,.Mrs.. Gray and Mrs. Errington visited their sister; : Mrs Lorne. Hackett who is a patient in Victoria • , Hospital, London : Also visiting 'at the Errington horiie on the' week-`' end wereIvlr. and Mrs. Warren Smyth of Teeswater and Claude Haughton of Toronto. • Mrs: Keith Black and family of near Ottawa and Billy and Benny .Thompson of Oakville were week end visitors with Ivlr, and Mrs. `Gordon McPherson. On their return they were acconipanied by 0Mr and Mrs. McPherson who will visit at Ottawa and attend Expo Mr. amd Mrs. Roy "Hawley, Les- aai Ossltaw ` , anksgiving .visitors with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Larne Woods. .-t.. Mrs. Andrew Gaunt returned home on :Sunday from Vitoria Hospital, London where` she has been a patient for two weeks. • Wesi W�WanoSh Twp, Sed N Omination Day, 'Taxes To B:e Paid MBi. nk WEST.WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP CQUJNCIL, ,MINUTES The October,session of West Waw= anosh Township' Council was held on Tuesday October 3rd; at 8:30 �p. m, with all members in attend- ance. • . The minutes df the regular Sept ember'meeting,and a'special meet= ing on September: 8th were read and adopted ona motion by Councillors Chisholm arid Errington;: • • • The .Weed:Inspector:of Huron .County, Mr . Alex Chesney,- atten- ded the 'meeting and the. Weed prob- lem in Dungannon and other: parrs .of the Township was; thoroughly .dis cussed. " Itwas agreed•'by all present that next year an early attack ion,' the -weeds,in the Township would. be undertaken. Messrs. Murray Wilson and Donald Murray appeared before. Council,on : behalf of the. West •Wawa Risl Fed- eration of Agriculture,. who find their, Rinds in short supply. By -Law No. 13, 1967•, •setting the various rates for the'Townshipand. authorizing: the collection of said 'rates, was given third 'reading 'and fina•ily passed on, a motion byCoun- cillors. Chisholm and Foran. Upon the'reading of this by-law it bras noted: that taxes this year are to be paid it the Bank, rat her. than the, Township treasurer:, By -Law Na 14,1967, ,authoriz- ing the Nomination. of Reeve Coun cillors• `and School Trustees and election, if necessary, was given third and final:reading on aimotion • by Councillors Errington; and Foran: Nomination is set for November 24th at By Law:No. 15, 1967, The Murray Drainage, Works By -Law', authoriz- ing.the work to ,be undertakenand, the borrowing of funds, if necessary to .complete the work, was. given first and second reading on ,a'• motion by' Councillors Aitchi " son and •For -an. .The Court of Revision from.the assessments'in the Report of the 'Engineer will be held.November 7th, at;.10:30 a.n • On a motion by Councillors Aitchison and Chisholm, the Road Superintendent•was directed to: apply for the Interim Subsidy on road: expenditures: amounting to: $79,905..09, The road accounts were'passed;• for payment; on a motion'by Coun- cillors Chisholm and Errington, The. Assessor,._Kenneth Seott, pre- sented the 1967 Assessment Roll to Council.'A motion .by Councillors ,' ;. Errington arid Foran accepted the Roll and the ':Court: of ,Revision from Assessments therein will be held at 11:00 a.m. on November 7th,. On a motion by Councillors Err- ington and: Aitchison, the Road: Superintendent• was directed to :advertise in two local papers for snow plowing and a wing man for the grader for the .winter months. The following general accounts. were ordered paid on e-Motion•by Councillors Foran:and Aitchison:. Municipal 'World, election supplies;'', $22,55; Douglas . Printing ' .Services, Assessment roll. sheets $23.43; Amos C..; :Martin,,tile- Todd Drain, $2.2:00; Wm. McPher son, ` mileage picking, up tile $16.20 ROAD ACCOUNTS; Harvey Culbert salary $188'.22, George Humphrey, operator4297 44f R. • MacEachern, final payment of Bridge $6,325.06; B. M..Ross; 'supervision. of •design N, McDonald, hauling , clay and topsoil $425.00; •N..`' McDonald, ,hauling and spreading chloride' $15.00;Grant Chisholm , motor' and.. gear oil $73;71; Caned- , Ian Tire Corp., hose 34.99i -Irnper ial Oil Ltd.:, fuel'and: tax $305.02; Receiver General,' U; I, stamps. .. $14;80; 'Bank of Commerce, C. P. P. and ihcome tax $53.33, Council. adjourned to meet November 7th JOAN ,ARMSTRONG CLERK Make Sure Up Front! 1 Our' men are specialists on °the fron;t'.end of a car: carburetors, igni- tion systems, steer,ing, • transmissio"ns,• wheels and'cooling systems;. Fast work," reasoj able prices: jy' I li a a it 3 .lbe Air ..r... ur ... ar:i .. wr::.r T