HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-11, Page 944 7 • WEDNESDAY, OCT, 11th, 1867 THELUCKNOW 'SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO a • THEITRE GODERICH •ON THE SQUARE ....:FIRST RUN FILMS IN ''• • COMFORT • •'Enitertoinmeht ii"usiness- THURS., OCT. •12 TO WED., OCT. • . .......„ . , PELL. '• - —1111 11111"..ki..1" Av tad _ ' NOW THE SENSATIONAL MGM MOTION PICTURE The most original and savage novel of World War II since From Here to Eternity THE I Y DOZEN E. M. NATHANSON 1111 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT • , 18 • • . . • One .Performance Each Evening At 'p.m. THIS MOVIE is.CURRENTLy_.likEAKING ALL TORONTO RECORDS! WEBRINGIT TO YOU WITH NO INCREASE IN.. . . .OUR REGULAR ADMISSION PRiCES. , SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, MATINEE ONLY • SPECIAL CHILDREN'S SHOW.' "SNOVVWHITE AND ROSE RED" • - PLUS "THE BIG BAD WOLF" • • " • ' • . . • . • . SERIAL 7.+CAPT: KIDD •NO., 7 ADMISSION 50c ' • • . • . , • . . • • • • • , . • .,,.• comiNG NErrt.7NE:GNOME0MospLE.O.Lus • • "THE LEGEND OF THE BOY AND THE EAGLE" . • . • • . "A MAN FOR.ALL'SEASONS!" .•• NOV.. 2ND NEWSPAPERS GET THINS DONE NA FIONA t NEWSPAPER. WEER . ' • ' • OCT. 8.14. 167 41. Tit !ME ¥ COMMUNITIES * ADVERTISERS •4t;I $ 741 4'4.i Oa, ..4410W0., Oq'ureS,Ilond While U010iding.Tile. • _ DUNGANNON NEWS We ate;sorry toreport that Clay- ton (Buster) Anderson has. been .patient in St. Joseph'shospital, LOndon where he is being treated. for a crushed hand, the result of an accident.While unloading tile •.last week. W hope he will soon beback to work again.. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Pritchard of Toronto spent the holiday week- end With relatives here., ' • We hope Terry Hodges Will soon • be well again. He has been 'a pat-. ient.in Wingharn and District hosp- • ital the'past week... Bob.Eedy of Guelph and..Patricia. Eedy. of Strathroy were holiday visitors' with their parents; Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy. Mr. and Mts. Jack,'Eedy, Michael and. Laurel of Strathroy. • spenv the week end with 'Mr. and Mrs. Heber Eedy.•:• - ATTENDING S61-1001, COURSES • Several of the teachers from Brookside Public school are taking courses for •the fall and winter term Those taking the.Audio course at•Brucefield are Arthur 'Fin- layton, .Donald Can1Pr9n, Ros. • ErtingtOn.. Mts. Dell•Dtanin and Mrs Helen plAk•p. Attending th Science course in Wirigharn,are Donald Cameion; Ross. Errington, Arthur Finlayson, Mrs., Rena,. Fisher and Mrs-. Gwen Caesa Miss Flora Diirnin has return home after:spending,the past tw weeks at Whitby and Schornber • Family Gathering On 77th Birthday A family dinner was held at th• e Log Cabin Restaurant on Sunday, October 8 to honour Art Breckles of Lucknow on the occasion of his 77th birthday. The family gathering was also for Mr. and Mrs. HaroldHald- enby and farriily, who are, leaving ' Kinlough to make.,their home in • Sarnia. Present for the dinner were Mr. and, Mrs. Art Breckles; Mr, and Mrs: Walter Breckles and Arthur and,Mrr and Mrs. Harold Haldenby, Barry and George of. Kit -dough; Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Smith and Debbie, -Mr.• and 'Mrs. Philhip Breckles of'Goderl• ich; Mr , and Mrs. Doug Dahmer of Kincardine and Marie Brooks of Lucknow. • • •• couple. Observe .45th Anniversqry. On Saturday October 7, Mr. and Mrs.Ewart Taylor, life time resi- dents of this commUnity entertain ed 'albeit. home; Ross.Stfeet. Luck now, in honor of, their 45th wedd- ing anniversary, 175 friends called1 to extend. best swishes . • Mr;;Taylor is the son of -the late !Mr.' and Mrs, Joseph Taylor:: Mrs. Taylor it the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph' Hackett. They were married by Rev, De Witt, ... Cosens of the Ashfield circuit on October 4th, 1922. The couple resided on their farm outh of.LucknOW until 16...years ago when they .moved into their new hOrne, on Ross Street . 0• • . . Mr ..and Mrs. Taylor have a fain ily of two daughters; Mrs... Jack (Betty) Ackert of:Holyrood andMrs. •Morgan (Doris) Johnston of Ripley' and eight;grandchildren. Their: • other daughter .(Jeari).Mrs.' Glen • Walden Passed' away fain. years, ago. Mrs. Ackert and Mrs. 'Johnston • greeted. the guests at the door .with. Julie Johnston iii&Randy Ackert in charge of the guest book•; Presiding. at the tea table were, Mrs. George Hunter, Mrs, Henry Bradley, GoderiCh,, Mrs. Pharis.' Mathers , Mrs. Vernon Hunter, Mrs. Glen Walden. Three granddaughters, Lynda and Nancy Walden, and JaCkie Johnston I Served the guests assisted by Mrs. .Alex Hackett, Mrs, Midford, Wall, Mrs: Wm: G. Hunter, Mrs Ken. Laidlaw; Mrs Clarence Greer; Mrs,Raynard Ackert. , with Miss Nora Creyke and.Mrs.; Creyke.. theyspent the, week -end.. WithMits purnin. • • • Mr.. arid Mrs Blakeand Barbara' and *Bill:Blake of dale and Harold Blake spent the week -end with Mt' and Mrs:' Etig7 ene; HantOn'of East Tawas, • Michigan • ' , Mrs. frank Thompson was in.,LOn7 don for a few days last week with. •: :her daughter ,Mrs, Art 'Panahy, Danahy :and children'who,haVe recently moved to London from, . • . Mrs. Blichanrian. Hamil- • tOn was a Weekend 'guest. Of Me, • and Mrs Lorne •IVers.:.' • and Mts. A.J. SherwOod• spent the holiday week -end with friends in Detroit Mrs. John Falls.andMi.. ,and Mrs. O John Falls Jr recently'With O Mrs lu Jones .and other friends. • aleti StOthers Of. Lucan was a w eek =end, guest With her friend,' Rosemary, Eedy, . • •' . ' I SOLD IT •THROUGH THE WANT *ADS • •••••••••••••••••••41•4•1••••••••• Fri. 13 Set. 14 Is na carditude• METRO GOIDIM MAmsom YER ELIZABETH TAYLOR LAURENCE HARVEY •EDDIE FISHER ;JOHN (MARAS • ' strrineRneum Iha.ontate, LSO . ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 4/41*....40.4.4,40..4,00404441 thvN6:15' 711,4t FEATURING THE LARGEST SCREEN 1N THIS:AR 4 41, KINLOUGH . • •Mr. and Mrs. Howard Whiteside .and•boyS.Mr.• andMrs. HOward Benneitt and 171OWard. of TOronto spent week -.60 with Mr arid Mrs. rt Haldetrby. .• . • . 'Mr. and! Mri..WilliaM IvIr„ and•Mrs.:i<arl Boyle of.Lbridod ' visited on Sailirday•With Edna. and, . May Boyle • . • Mr a nd .MrS Harold 'Haldenby and Geordie moved te-Sainia over the week -end. ' • • •The. of.the Kiniough , Presbyterian chureh.will hold their annual Thankoffering„meetini in the eveningof OetOber 12that „8:30„ Mrs. Wilfred Congram of • Winghini will address the meeting All ladies are welcome: • • Donald BatrOf Waterloo, Mr. and Mts. Russell Barr, Darrell and •Cylithia of Scarborough, Spent:the week -end with Mrs. John Barr. On , Saturday'eyening Mr. and Mrs'. Mbiley. BUshell and ' family -Of Winghatn and Mr Mrs.lack Barr, Jeanette, Susan and, Murray, • also •visited at the tattlehMe where a family; gathering 'Was .field 4.410*' -444"" --'4'4•1116 •41 A111.4.4 '4441!' , • . • • • Wlnghans PHONE 3574630' • STARTING. TIMES Monday to Thursday -8 p.m. Come as late as 830 to see complete show • Friday and Saturday. 2 ShOws -- 7:15 and ° Saturday Matinee —r 2 p.m., unless otherwiseinoted • ***OrOnt•InlnInIf WED., THUR., FRI.,. Od..:11, 12,13 "DOUBLE TROUBLE" Colour - CinemaScope Starring: Elvis Presley, /* Annette Day In this one there's spine -tingling', suspense . . . spiced with songs and comedy. • SPECIAL - SATURDAY MATINEE, '0 OCT. 14 • "SNOW WHITE AND ROSE RED" 4IND "THE BIG BAD WOLF" the,se ' featurei are , • colotir, 'All 'Beata for this p!r- formance.are 50c. itrkittritstr*strs. .SPECIAL LINI1TED ENGAGEMENT . . SAT.,.: .00T.14;:16, 17 • "THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD" Colour Starring; Max 'Von Sydow. Dorothy McGulre, • This is the Story of the birth of the Christian World .. . . A most unusual cinematic ex- perience Due to the length of this feature there will be only otie show each evening at O 8:00 p.m, Week -end visitors withM. and Mrs.. Malcolm Lane and.flugh. ' were Mr. 'and Mrs. Everett Lane •and family:of Chatham, Mr. and. Mrs. Campbell Brown and faMily of StrathrOy, John Lane bf • • Port Elgin, Mr. and IktIrs, Stewart 'Lane, ConcessionMiss Marville Scott Of Torento,and Mrs. Gertrude , 0• Walsh of Kinlotigh: • . ; • Rickey, , Cathy And Robbie fry of Harriston spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. William Haidenby. • • Dr. and,Mts. Ralph !thody and boys of Por!Elgin'visited, with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rhody'and family for Thanksgiving.: Week -end VisitorS with Mr. and 1.irs. Bert Nichoisdn, Allan and Lots were.Nir. and Mrs. Cliff tang - ford and Jamie of Woodttock, Mr. and Mts. Ted Evans, Linda and Larry 6f Georgetown% ,Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Collison of ke*dale were guests at the Lisk - Thompson wedding at • icingarf.on'September 30th and Spent the week -end with' their, Parents' here. • . •