HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-11, Page 6PAG SIX'. THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO RIPLEY ABATTOIR • Custom. Butchering R. 'Curing and Smoking: • Cutting and Wrapping - ,Sausage. Making Fast Freezing; • HOGS AND CATTLE ON .MONDAY S CATTLE ONLY ON WEDNESDAYS ith, .Two Big Coolers; We Are Abie To Hang Your Beef From m 1 To 3 Weeks -- Whatever. Your Requirements Are For Home Freezers We. Sell Choice Home. Killed Beef,, Porlt. and. Lamb. b. In Any Quantity' At Lowest Marketing. Price., ALL MEATS ARE LGOVERNMENT' INSPECTED. FOR. YOUR PROTECTION CHAS. HOOISMA, PROP:. ABATTOIR 395'1905 ; MAE 3k)-29.61 Parallel' Parking; Now. In Effect Parallel parking officially, came into being in Lucknow.on both sides of. main `street on Wednesday ,after noon;of.last' 'Week. T he street Was cleared of cars, and Department of Highways painting crew had .the job done in minutes Angle parking. had : previously .been'.in effect. The'rebuilding and repaving job; of .Lucknow's main street has been' on the go all sumrner.and '.the paint. r. ing of the parking lines • was::the final; step in a project which gives Lucknow a:'main-thoroughfare "sec- ond to none" in. Western' Ontario. It, had : been originally intended to. have angle'parking on the' south side and parallel parking on the',. :north side and the. Sentinel; had carried previous stories in this re gard ., However, it appears that plans have Changed 'since this ,original"decision' was made. Ashtrays Around 11'ouse • would keep your borne safe from fire? One way, says the Canadian Underwriters` Association, is to. keep plenty, of ,ashtrays around at least •one in every room. • les a good plan,. the Associa- tion adds,, to keep a stack of, . spare ashtrays; in a cupboard so that „they can be brought out quickly if friends drop M, 'Plentyof ash trays: help pre- vent-fires; revent fires;, also *hey may keep .., careless guests from, burning WEDNESDAY, :OCT;: llth, 19i marks on your furniture and "floors. And don't ' overlook emptying them often. It'd, a good practice to do this nightly before going to bed. But be, sure to use a covered metal can' for thispur_ pose. • Progress in Agriculture, .:o The Robarts government rec- ognizes the difficulties that face agriculture during these.:, ,years of change—is taking effective steps including a $500,000 'grant.: to the .new Farm ;Income Committee; Loans for farm modernization; crop insurance at favorable' rates; ' promotion ' of exports; and the ` new Capital Grants Plan:,: Progress. in :Housing H.0 M.E:—the.Robarts govern- ment plan that reduces down '. payments, increases owner ship—is' providing many new homes atmanageable cost. And the .Ontario:,Housing Cor- porati.on, too, has :.p.rovi.ded.. more public housing : in three years: than the rest of Canada combined in 15. ,,Neu satellite city plans also promise orderly suburban development. , Progress in Taxation �, Ontario's:1967`budget showed - n -o .increase: i n taxes What's ' more: two. Smith Report pro posal's•,have already been en dorsed to reduce-yourIocai,tax. •. : bill: :One gives an allowance of upto '$2,000 of assessment un. ' . property, the' other'. takes, -over the entire cost of just Ge'. Progress in Education For the—past five years, an average of.., 11 new':'schools or substantial additionsthave • been: opened everyday: ,•One': new ,i secondary School every . two weeks. Five new :universi-.'�. ties si.nce_.1963: Nineteen new;.. CommunityColleges. : Educa= tion grants up 6.00 ;'fast action in .education 'for fast changing times., ' THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY OF' ONTARIO°x • ..a