HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-11, Page 4IV A*'N, lOI41R THE LUKKNOW $INTINEI.. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNIEIDAY, OCT. 110, 1967 • 1j PHONE 8.3134. 'FOR SALE 37 pigs, well Started. `Peter De Boer, R.R: 2 Teeswater, phone 357-3097, FOR SALE -- Norge oil burner, horizontal pipes, in good condition. ,Contact E. W. Rice, phone 528.-6695.. • WOOD FOR SALE. soft maple ' and .elm slabs in 10 .cord truck . ' load lots. We deliver.. Borden Litt. phone. Teeswater 39276895. FOR SALE - large` size Perfection oil stove ingood condition; girl's 3 -piece, light blue snow suit . w,ith white . fur • collar, . size 3. Phone 528-2134, Mrs. David Kirkland. CUS'FOM. CORN ; PICKING and DRYING - . also custom' plowing' with 6 -furrow plow, will do this work up '. to November ist when equipment will be moved . 'to southern Ontario. Mike Penich, phone Dungannon 529-7278. ': FOR SALE -/two drag plows, one 3 =furrow IHC, ace bottom, on rub- ber, one 2 furrow, 'wide . bottom, Massey on steel. Leonard J Chis- holm, phone . 529-7205. ' 'FOR SALE York ' hog, ' proven. breeder Gordon Kirkland, R.R..3: Lucknow; phone 529-7508 WOOD FOR. SALE -: Maple, out 'of shade trees' on highway, suit- able for both fireplace or furnace. Gordon Kirland R.R. 3 Lucknow, phone 529-7508-• , FOR SALE - .125; .,. Fisher White Leghorn pullets, 6 months • old, lay- ing. Phone 529-7298:' ASPHALTSHINGLE8" standard, self sear and lock; la lb; felt paper; roof:ec>at:,ags, caulk- 'iilg, roll. sidings, MORRISON EROS • • Lucknow, Phone' .,528=2906 ' • FOR SALE 15 open :Hereford' heifers about 700:: pounds, Well .` cared for; Phone 529 -?943.: " BARN � . EQUI?ME?�'1C ' -- 'Acorn, semi-automatic Cable ' Cleaners, •CLSTOi CORN PICKING .con 'unbeaten for '` hog `barns; chain tact Fred Martin R R..3 Lucknow, :eleaner, . bunk feeders, silo unload phone Ripley 395-5273. ers, ' hog equipment, layer , equip inent, : fans; bulk. 'tanks' Lynn • FOR , SALE, - 100 ;Rhode ' Island .Lowry, :Amberley, phone, . Ri • :ley Red pullets, four .months old; .Leo 38x5286, Murray R. R. 3 lIoly,i-ood; phona Ripley 395-282'1.. • E, ATTENTION FARMERS' 'FLOOR SANDING, REFINISHING !' FARMWAY."BARN... CLEANERS Hace your barn measured now for Both old'floors. and new spg installation. Free estimate . HALLMAN SILOS.Place or - Professional 'Fabulon Floor Finish dor early,; : PAUL RINTOU'LL, WiN:GHAM' For the best. in silo unloaders' Phone 357-31 ice, ' •and bunk feeders,: r see 'Van Dale. A • WEDDING in: the family?' :'Let VERSATILE' SWATHERS .. AND us: supply the invitations, -thank- : GRA\ AUGERS. you • cards, special :n'a loris .andi. We have .a good supply. of tress match_ covers: Call The 13T ' Lucknow seed ;and Pfister corn.. •, GEORGE WRAITH Ili miles south of Goder ch, • Righway 8 Telephone. 524.6511 FOR SALE. SALE CANADIANNATIONAL is, offering for 'sate /the former. 'Station Building:., at RIPLEY..• Structure may be' removed: or de= molished- on site. Bids to be re- ceived :by Mr. A. E. Street, Man- ager, Canadian National; Railways, 205 York Street, London, Ont, be- fore 21 October 1967, - HUMPHREY : STORM WINDOWS Canopies, Awnings, Siding, Etc. ROBT;. J. ROBINSON'. Phone'. collect 3,,96.7950. or 396=2770 Kincardine . FOR• SALE.' -= Comfortable home on double , .lot., situated ' close to. Lucknow,all' 'conveniences. Prop erty . also includes small barn, . and garage which" Would . make ideal welding or • machine .shop. Contact Chester Nicholson; "phone 529-76.40. CUSTOM BUTCHERING., Beef' and • pork sold in, any quan- ity. Custom butchering in Govern ment ' licensed, abbattoii<. Pigs 'every Tuesday. Beef from. Monday through; Thursday. , BUTTON'S` MEAT MARKET . FOR• SALE , • Ten Ton Wagons Limited Supply' Of •. Gravity • 185, -Bu, Boxes Post .Hole Diggers Comfort Queen : Cow.. Stalls and Stabling . Farrowing Crates • SNOWBLOWERS . Now is ' the ' time to place your order for snowblowers for . ' oncoming season • ART HELM• WELDING AND MACHINE 'SH.OP R.R. -3 'Lucknow Phone 395-5342 'Ripley'. VACUUM. CLEANER SALES and .SERVICE For all, • makes _ • Fi?ter. • Queen . Sales. Zurich, phone Henson 262-5.0 collect . ' PLAYING. CARDS Double and single decks. euchhre decks it (the Sentinel Or -Ce. • .SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED "acutee clanin,a and, pumping `of septic: tanks, Ronald ' Fortier, :. IA/al: ow, phone• . 528-2345.mann- factiirer of . cement •septic• tanks and ' well tile: ' • • • FOR SALE = two family, dwelling, centrally; located, oil heated, double; garage, Good income home, presently • rented,`: Can be seen by appointment, phone 528-2906. FOR SALE - grass farm. 99 acres, south 'half .of Lot 23 eastern' ' divis- ion Ashfield, concession. 11. Apply to' Cyril . Campbell: Stauffer "St., 'phone 528-2183. • • FOR SALE -- threegood quality' large Holstein heifera due soon, bred : Hereford... Contact Duncan Farrish, Lochalsh; .Ripley 395-2728.. ,FOR SALE - large' scraper blade, 8. ' ft.. long by • 2 .ft. - wide. Walter Arnold, R.R. 2 'Lucknow, phone 529-7329. FOR SALE lovely • black mina- ture , poodles, registered and per- manent shots, . paper -trained. Phone Listowel' , 291-4860. T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs • and Installation, Free Estimates, Year Round. Service, 'Doug Harker, Phone 364=3313 ' Col- 1ect; 'Box 467,. Hanover.; Ontario. 1%$' SKI -DOG'S Several models on display; a1- so: Some used machines. Order now and be ready for .Whiter. BLUEVALE: TRAILERS c/o Danny's Restaurant Wingham • 357-3114 CO-OP WARBLE •- KILLER ' . (Contains : • Ruelene Insecticide) A pour -on, ,Spray -on . cattle insect- icide. " Kills grubs,. ' controls lice.. May be applied during • .October' and November. 'LUCKNOW CO-OP •FOR SALE - an '8 ' piece dining.. room. suite; storm windows; , 2 vmrating sanders: Bill Hunter, Lucknow: phone 528-3424. . ELECTROHOME'S 60th ;ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Caravan Mk STEREO.. HI-FI Reg.' $339.95 .. .NOW: ONLY, .$299 HURRY! QUANTITY LIMITED GREER T.M.AND ELECTRIC. Lucknow. .. FOR .SALE'. - a spacious': two' storeyy solid brick. hozne, centre hall plan with 4 ' large' bedrooms and bathroom upstairs, large living room, den, ;dining -room, • kitchen with built-in cupboards, ."utility room, ••front sunporch, "full • base- ment/with new furnace that 'burns.. oil or coal and wood, nese alunin- um• storm • and.'screen windows. Prioed''reasonably.' Garnet !lender - 'son, Lucknow • 5282605. 1 CIDIENEYS - .buut and repaired f by Claude , Guay for Morrison Hros., l .R 2 , Lucknow, ' booking ordeis .now, phone 28.2906. ' KEYS -. Have your keys cit at your local .Co -)-p.'• Lvcaew District •Co-op FAMILY HERALD Subseriptions taken at. The Luck- now Sentinel; phone 523-3134. EAVESTROUGH1NG ' and metal flashing:. 'material, and labour. for free estimate call 'Morrison . Bros. :at . Mutdie's Hardware, Lucknow phone 528-2906. •• CE'NTEN'NIAL • Napkins Coasters Pens Renck.. • •af• THE LUcKNOW SENTINEL• NOW IS THE TIME TO. SPRAY YELLOWROCKET w.th "EMBUTOX" E From now ung. mid October or further imormaton contact , L'UCKNOW, ,co-op FOR- RENT FOR ' RENT heated °apartment for rent. Available•; now: Contact Button's Meat'Market APARTMENT FOR RENT = new ly decorated. heated, 5 room apart- meat 'with' sunporch., on Stauffer Street. Lucknoiia. , Apply lfiilliani' 'G.. Hunter R.R. 3. Lucknow phone 529-7186. • NOTICE 7: ANYONE 'REQUIRING' . SAND, GRAVEL, ;CRUSHED STONE, CEMENT GRAVEL OR 'FILL JIB. EVENTS NEW CASH BINGO - Legion Hall, Lucknow, Thurs- day, 8:45' p.m,' 15 'regular. games, $10.00 each. 4 Share ,The. Wealth games with jackpot included..' in each ' game.. Jackpot this week $75 on 55 calls... •' CARD 'PARTY The. St. ` Helen's' W.I. are holding a Card .Party on, October 19th. and will b. e, held' every second Thursday at 9. p.m, during the winter months. Pie counter, with coffee free. Price 59c. Everyone welcome,. - __ BUS TO . EXPO Last minute Special Bus leaving Luclmow • for Expo, Montreal on Monday, October 23rd, returning Friday, ' October 27th. Transport-. 'tion,• accoiiiodation at Americano Motel and 'Passports included in.. fare $80. For: reservations : call Allan Reed 528-3502, or .Montgem ery Motors 528-3007. . CENTENNIAL TEA and 'BAKE. SALE With old ;fashioned fish pond, etc. Saturday, October 14 :at 3 p.m, at the :Town Hall. Sponsored by the Cub• and Scout Auxiliary; Make this: a'Success... Mothers come and bring the children. 'RECEPTION'; , A reception mill be held for Mr. and -Mrs. ,Doug Martyn (nee Karen Carruthers) on Friday,. October 13th in the 'Kincardine::Pavilion. Boyd's . Orchestra. , Ladies :"please, -bring lunch:: VISIT OF 'GRAND= MASTER A.meeting will be held at Am-' berley . Orange Hall *on;° .Friday, October'. ' 13th.. beginning at 8;30 p:m.: Main speakers will, • be Dont-' inic DiStasi, grand • master of : the Grand Orange Lodge, .Ontario West; deputy. grand • master,• Dave Wordin• and ' • Gordon . McCracken, junior deputy .There willbe .: a .program of ,. instrumentals lunch 'will be ' served, . everyone welcome,. ladies : please ; bring lunch, spon- sored'' by '.. West, Bruce Cotwty. Lodge. 'CENTENNIAL , TEA AND BAKESALE . The Ladies Auxiliary :to Legion 309 are holding a ;Centennial Tea and Bake Sale, on Saturday,-• Octo- ber 14th at, 3 o'clock in the Luck- I now Legion' 'Hall. Proceeds to ' as- sist Legion for„ steam table ,in kit chen •There . will be a draw and penny'' auction.' Please, come one and all and make -this 'a big .. suc- cess for the ladies in this, our Cent- ennial- Year. TURKEY SUPPER A. Hot -Turkey . 'Supper Will, be served in . the Lucknow'• United Church on Wednesday, October, I 18th from 5:30 to. 8 p.m:;' sponsor- ed, by the United Church . Women'. , Adults $1.0, . public school child- ren 75c. Everyone welcome.. LOST LOST between the • farm; of Elmer Woods, .10th concession of WaWanosh and Glenns Hill; . a load - Mg \chute Anyone finding this, the owner would appreciate its return. !lease 'contact Warren' Zinn,. • phone 529-i0' WANTED Contact WANTED We' are ,no* buying othy d over seedBri JOE, MacINTYRE tima samplean. t ucknowclDistrict.. Co-opng KINTAIL PHONE 521- 675 WANTED =- small box stovye to burn Wood. Mrs. Delbert Hedley, Holyrood, phone 528.3315 TENDERS WANTED 'SNOWPLOW•.TENDERS Kinloss Township ., Applicants to supply• truck, plow;, wing, and wingman, stating in ten- der, .size of ., truck, length of wing, make, year and horsepower of true ' um payment of $100 per Ino th for December, January, Februar & March. Lowest or any tender nct. , necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in to clerk by Oct- ober 16 at ,12. noon. • Fraser, McKinnon IR.R.6 Lucknow, Ont,. . TENDERS FOR SNOW PLOWING Township of Huron Tenders will be received by the undersigned 'until 6 ,pin, October ' 24, • 1967 for ' snow : plowing on the Townshiproads for • the 1967-68, winter: season: Successful' • bidders to supply '.wingman. Tender forms. supplied by the • township are . to be used. • Dave Moore, Superintendent" TOWNSHIP ,, :OF WEST; WAWANOSH TENDERS `. FOR SNOW REMOVAL • Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 6 .p.m: Satur- day, October 28 1967; for • the fol- lowing equipment: 2 trucks. equipped with plow and wing. State size and. year : of truck, • size of plow and :wing: Price per hr. Tenderer to supply own wing man; Standing tithe $5.00 per >day when not working. Lowest or any. tender not necessarily accepted. Harvey Culbert Road Superintendent R.R. 6 Goderick APPLICATIONS TOWNSHIP•.OF, WEST WAWANOSH WIN.GMAN APPLICATIONS Applications, 'sealed and ' plainly marked will .be •'received by the undersigned ' until 6 P.M. Satur- day, October .28, 1967. For wingman' on . West ' W.awanosh tdwnship •grad- er. •Duties to commence Decem- ber 1,':1967. ,Hourly rate $1.35. No application ' necessarily. accepted. Harvey Culbert Road Superintendent R.R. f G'oderich` L ESTATE FOR SALE LAKE HURON PARADISE •200 acres with 210'4 fee.( %of. : frontage 'on 'Lake Huron. •Var- iety of cedar • log constructed buildings' will sleep .' over . 70. Dining room' and . severaltec-. rection rooms with fireplaces. Wide choice of recreation facil ities' : 'include . good swimming 'and fishing:, Ideal 'church ' camp, sportmans club or operate : a summer resort. and develop the hundreds of: cottage sites. Boats, motors,' furhiture and eq- tiipment 'included in. ±be' full price of only X7,000. For above and other properties Contact: IVAN STRUTHERS• PHONE-- KINCARDINE 3962772 Wilfred Mclntee Co., Limited 'WALKERTON Member of the Grey and Bruce Multiple, Listings , Service List ML.S.. -e0ver 60 Salesmen Working For You