HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-04, Page 19EDNESDAY, OCT. 4th, 1961
t 1Wraar . dU M7fAir *lyle W '- ^ fir . _ ..
Total hours worked 440 ...Total
Miles patrolled 3200.
thefts •- .2 break and,enter. 1.
Liquor 7 4. 'Others - 14
TRAFFIC:;: There were only five
accidents; investigated during this,
period, all of a minor nature
CHARGES: High ay traffic Act
2 Liquor Control Act •- .4, Crimin-
al Code of Canada - 1...
WARNINGS -30 warnings were
issued under the Highway •Traffic
Act:,' Most for faulty equipment
GENERAL DUTIES: Two requests -
for assistance were answered, one
involving"the transport of blood
from Mahon Airport to the Kincar-
SAFETY Provincial Constables
Poland 'and McPhail attended. a':
safety -conference in Mount Forest
on. September 27th, 1967 with other
Traffic Safety Officers ;from #6
district.; Ideas obtained from this
meetingwill:be used in ivin •
safety',lessons to school• children inu
this Detachment area duringthe
comin winter.
y .
ED' McPHAIL, Provincial Const
Public, Information.
Total Duty Hours 408 Highway
and other' roads patrolled. in miles.
- 3 263:
Thefts 4.. (b) Breaking and Enter-
ing 2, (c) Other - 12. Traffic (a)
Accidents - .6 (i) Property 'Damage
5. (ii) Personal Injury ; 1. No.
injured -',1.
On Monday,. September 25.
on #21 Highway, Ashfield Town-
ship, :south of Eighteen Mile. Creek..
Bridge, Albert Geddes, 28 .Innis
more Crescent„ Scarboro, Ontario
was involved in a single car%motor•.;
vehicle accident sustaining $125.
damage to' his vehicle.,:
On Wednesday, September. 2'
on 2nd concession Tuckersmith
Township, east of #20'and 21. side -
load ,
ide•road, Brenda McIntosh, .R. R. 3,
Seaforth, Ontario,and Sol Jachim
owicz, 1 Flemington Road , Toron-
to 19, Ontario weie 'involved in a
two car motor Vehicle accident.
with • approximately;$750 :00 total
damage to the vehicles
On Wednesday, September: 2'l
on #8 Highway,. east of Clinton • ,
South .Limits, Janie''s William Fooks,
16 Normandy .Drive;. Stratford, Ont-
ario was involved in a single` car'
accident sustaining $1,000:-00 dam-
age..to his vehicle
On'Friday, September 28,
ori the'llth, Concession sideroad•,'
West Wawanosh Township at Junct-
ion of #27 Huron County Road,. Will
iam Turnbull; 'R;: R.• 3,, Brussels,
Ontario' and: Daniel 'Charles Aubin, .
R, R. 3, Luc now•, Ontario'were in-
volved in'`a two -car accident sust-
aining approxiinate total` damage to
vehicles $45(:).. 00
Dm'Sat urday, September. .30
.on #13 'County ,Road at intersection
•of #31 County Road, Jack-Roorda,
15.7`. Mary 'Street Clinton. and lack
Speatin, 48 Maria 'Street Clinton'
were involved in 'a two 'cat accident
Total approximate damage, to both
vehicles $1, 200.00;, Roorda 'sustain
edminor injuries.
On Saturday,, September :30/67 on
Maitland Concession north of Junc-
tion # 8 Highway, Jean Paul Char-
bonneau; 705 Chemin. Ste Marquer-.
ite, Trois 'Rivers West, Quebec
was involved in, a single Car •acci-
dent sustaining $1;200.00 to his •
(b)„Charges - 16 Highway Traff-
ic Act. - 9. .Criminal Code - 7. •
(c) Warnings - 20.
General (a) Requests for:Assistanc€
- 5::
On September 25, 1967 Provincial•
Constable Allan`; E. Julke,; formerly
of: Preston, Ontario and who
recently completed,
an Orientation
Course at' O. P. P. College,
Mrs.EtheiM�rrisV,iflS.FirstPrii,e for
Braided Mat � It Was fifer 1 aSSth.
Mrs. Russell Brindley of R.R. 3',
Auburn, was the major winner, in
indoor flower exhibits at last ,
week's 109th annual Dungannon
'Fail Fair, .winning seven firsts and.
eight seconds.
George Kennedy of R.R. 1
g .
Lucknow ,. took all the top'
awards: in the Hereford beef class
cattle competitions
• Most popular -winner, though
was 90 -year -Old Mrs; Ethel
Morris of Huronview:, Huron
County's, home: for the aged. at:
Clinton • who won first prize in
braided, mat competitions,',.
,•,The mat vas the 1,055th' made
by Mrs . Morris , • who formerly
lived in Dungannon and took up
residence:at Huroitview about six
months ago:
Thefair officially opened by
Murray Gaunt MPP for' Huron
Bruce ,.was preceded by.a parade
of 600 children from three schools
in. Ashfield and West Wawanosh
.Townships, . Leadingthe parade to.
the fairgrounds, where an estimated;
Toronto Ontario • was posted to
Goderich Detachment. Constable
Julke is married 'with one child
The addition of Provincial Con
stable •Julke to the staff of the
Goderich Detachment brings,their'
total 'strength 6;17, including.
Non. Commissioned Officers,.
Safety Tip: With fall approach;
ing-the .lea.ves are falling.. Watch
.for children playing in the -leaves
when driving •down the roadway.
Provincial Constable.
Sponsored by the Huron -truce Progressive Conservative, ,Association
2;500persons had congregated,
was the Lucknow High School band.
Other major winners of indoor
exhibits were: Baking, Mrs.,
Clarence :Hoy, Port Albert and Mrs
Wilbur. Brown, Dungannon; needle-
craft, Mrs Wes Hiempel, Wroxet
er; centennial dress, Mrs. Mary
Clairmont, Goderich
Andrew Gaunt of R.R. 1, Lucknow
was'the major award "winner in the
shorthorn beef cattle class and also
won a special award for showing
the best three 'femalecattle on the.
'In Dungannon 4 H dairy calf club
competitions, Don McNeil of •
R. R. 6, Goderich showed the
champion senior Holstein. and was
declared the champion showman.'
Placing second in both categories ...
was Randy. Henry of. R. R..1, Port
Albert .'
Donald Culbert, of R. R. 1, Dung
annon, showed the senior heifer
champion in 4-H beef calf club
competitions and his brother Jack
showed 'the reserve champion..
Other 4-H club winners were:
Queen's guineas calf class, .Paul
•Eedy,, R, R. 1, Dungannon;; reserve
'champion showman,. Rosemary' `
' The horse show's pony .class
awards were shared ,by Elmer •
Johnston of Atwood and . Glen.
Meyer of. Walkerton;. Belgium or
Perch:eron classes were swept by
Len ;B:ok of Winghatn
Ripley:Fair Weathe:r IRI/as No Problem
.Ripley Fall Fair day,was eool;and
wet, but these two girls were.
dressed for the occasion. The girls
Marched in the Fall 'Fair parade
and had no problem keeping
warm and dry, .Shown, on .the left,
is Cherie. Nicholson,: age 10, dau-
ghter of Mr: and Mrs..,Clarence '
Nicholsp'n of R. R, 3 Ripley; On
the right is Mary Coiling, also 10,
daughter of Mr, and. Mrs. Allan
Colling, of !tett. 4 Ripley