HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-04, Page 13.th, ,„,
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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4th, 111%7.
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y Helen Courtney
initiation .
Following initiation day on, Frl-- ''•
day, the student council sponsored.
an assembly in the form of a• Kang-
aroo Court. for the grade•niners at
3:30. The antics of those found
guilty were humorous'.As.were the
grade niners•initiated,, So were the.
new, teachers. Mr and. Mrs.. All
ason acted as good sports when
they were called to the front to. ";
feed each other ice cream blind-
To. end •the activities' of .initiation.
the student, council arranged:.a
dance which provedvery
successful. The winners of the spot
dance were Helen Courtney and ..:
z : Jim Henderson,
Mr. and Mrs . Clarence Fraser of •
San Francisco, California. have been
visiting 'friends and relatives .in ,this
Due to the County Rally, falling' on
the sarn .date as the regular instit-
ute, Kairshea W,I. will hold their
meeting ..one week earlier on Oct=.
ober;l•2th . :Mrs. Ira. Dickie is host
ess and Mrs. Currie Colwell' and..
Mrs. Ha:rvey•Houst:on are the:
ors C'
Mrs. Kennedy. (Annie Hughes) Of
Listowel was a .week-end.gi.iest'with
r.: and'>M'rs :Allister: Hu hes:
Mr.: and ;Mrs :Craig; Lamont and:.
son Allan, Swift Current, Saskatch-
ewan, visited at the first of the
eek .with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey•
Houston and Kenneth..:
French . club
The•.french club has gotten uncle r
way by having , its first executive
Meeting. Mrs. Allason is supetvis-
ing the club and she is hoping for..
just as good or better than last
year's activities.led by Madame
Ste Hilaire.
The volleyball scores from. last •
Tuesday werean encouragement,
The boy's and the girl's B team
won and: unfortunately' the_ girl's
A teem' lost . • All teams made. a
very .good attempt :and' their school
spirit is recognizable.. •
Representatives from each of the
classes are'. receiving instruction
from Mr: Ashkanaseas to the oper-
ation of audio and visual ,aids in'
the school.
Mrs. DDn. Wyids, a patientin
.Wingham Hospital for .weeks, is
Nome_again, and also'Mrs. Bruce
MacDonald wh'o was in Kincardine
Hospital:with pneumonia:.
The C.O.'G. met on Monday in''.
the church School under the leader
ship'of• Mrs ..:Donald' Hamilton•and •
'Mrs`. Ross MacKenzie.'
•:Recent visitors at Expo were Mr.
and Mrs.. Don Simpson', Mr', and'
Mrs. Bryan MacLelland , •Mr. and:
Mrs .;R. West andMr. arid. Mrs: Jas:.
West; a.
• Florence IvlacLennan is.
working in. Wingham .at Berry Doors,
Luckily Escape
From Wingham
Garage Explosion
Four men suffered: burns 'last .week
in a garage explosion on Josephine
Street North in Wingham.
In satisfactory conditionwith third
degree' burns at Wingharn and •Dist-
rict Hospital, are Gary ,Petteplac.e,'
28, and his brother Edward, 36,,
both of Teeswater.' `.
Garage operator' Keith Johnston, ,
36 ,,and Harvey .Huston 38 of ' •
Teeswater, were treated for burns
to the upper parts of their:, bodies
and released.
Fire Chief David D. Crothers Sr.,
said Mr. Johnston was using a
welding torch prior to the explosion,
which blewout the ind
1. windows, dam-
aged the interior and cracked the -
rear: wall.
The garage' operator,, Keith John-
ston, is a: formerHolyrood resident
and is the son'of Mr. and •Mrs. Mark
Johnston of Kinloss. '
M a-ry's::Little• . Larnibs
The • fourth• meeting of the Marys.
Little .Lambs was held on Thursday.,
September 28, 196'l in the Lucknow
District. High., School at 7.0:0 p.ni.: •
The meeting opened' with.the 4-H
National Pledge.. The roll call was
taken by the secretary, Jane Mon-
'cr.ief . .
Themembers then discussed the
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design of'the•covers. T he
arrangements for the'.Teeswater fair
were completed Mr•s ® Boyle; then
read:'and gave out�•the notes. Pan
ern pieces• were cut outland Ivies:
Richards.showed how: to stay' stitch.'
We then looked :at ;the lining:. The
Meeting . was closed.
Whitechurch Woolees'met on ••
Mondayevening in Whitechurch
',Memorial Hall. The president
Irene 'De:hoer opened the meeting.
with the 4,-H- pledge repeated by •
the 12 members in attendance....
The roll call was answered'by.
"one reason why I,chose myskirt
material with the -name and weave
it had
The nfinutes were read
Heather Hand : The next, meeting '
is ,October 16th in the Hall, A work..
meeting is to be held •Saturday, •
October. '7 for some of the class ' •
,and the remainder will meet•'inthe
Hall ,on,Monday October ,9 at 2,
p.n. The discussion ceniredon
care of wool, pressing and fitting.
• The demonstrations were onr'fac-
ings, pressing seams, darts; facings
'and. fittings. All worked on their ,
wool skirts and jumpers.. Home.,
assignments were: work on record
book and work on skirts and jump"
.Wool' Workers
On September 25th, the fourth
meeting of the Wool Workers was
held at Mrs. Ritchie's'at 7:30.
We had a review on our books.
• Dianne A'skes;started the meeting
by having each' girl repeat the 4-H•
Sandra Keith read the minutes of
the last meeting Notes.were given
On Butting the skirt arid stayStitch-
Some girls cut their'•patter`hs out
while others worked out other'prob�
The'next Meeting will be held at
Mis. Ire th'sz'On Monday, October
Larnbie Pies
The sixth meeting .of the Holyrood
I:ambie-Pies was held. at the Kinloss
school. on. Monday ,.:October•2 at
We opened the meeting with the
4-H'pledge followed by the minut-
•es:.of the last meeting which were
read, and adopted '
Six girls answered the •roll call
"How to remove one kind of spot
from wool fabric". • .
Elaine Schumacher was chosen .to
comment on the exhibit "Variety
of .Wool Fabrics" for Achievement
Day. Various ideas were discussed•
foran exhibit poster:
The lesson for .the meeting was
.on the ":Storage of Wool Clothing"
"Mrs. Ackert. demonstrated .on how . •
to sew a zipper and Miss Murray
.demonstrated the correct method
of•sewng a waistband. •
The ,members• allworked on •the
skirts. The.meeting was closed
with the 4-11 Creed.
Sheep,: Sheairers
:Purple Grove "Sheep Shearers''.
held 'their 4th meeting 'on Tuesday,
September 26th in the Purple Grove
Commt/nity Centre; Miss Cow- •
'brough was present. The meeting
was opened with' the 4-H pledge •
and the minutes of the last' meet_
ing wete read by Miss Anne McKay'
The girls were taught Staystitching
,arid the leaders and.Miss Cowbr=•
ough assisted'the girls in placing '
their patterns on the material prop=
The 6th meeting of the St. Helens,.
Happy handicrafters was held Satur-
day', September 30th at the hall.
The. meeting was opened with the
4-1-1 pledge. The roll call was
answered by 20 girls; They•then
had a : discussion on how to re-
arrange 'their bedrooms and dressers,
'The girls4,ere shown how to make:
a throw cushion. The next meeting
is next Saturday night at 7
The meeting closed with the