HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-04, Page 11WEDNESDAY, .00T. 40, '1967
!L•.f" , .H741.!#,;1+Era P1nS.I+ 1l ...
Found Nair�bi
odern & Friendly
The general meeting of the
Lucknow'Unied Church Women
was held September'26th• in the
Fellowship 'room of the Church
n thirty.-ninemembers and four
visitors present. Mrs.'Jack.McKini,
convener of Christian. and Miss-
.ionary Education, opened•the
meeting .with the call -to' worship "
"ler Us Worship, Jesus Christ,,'the
Living Lord"... A hymn' .was sting, ,
followed.with.,prayer by Mrs. Mc
Kim . • The scripture, . selections
from `the New Testament,'1was .
• read by ,Mrs George Joynt.. "Go
Ye Into All the' World" was the '
title of the meditation given by,
' Mrs. McKim,,
Miss Patricia Connors favoured
With, a .solo "Lord Jesus Think: On
Me" :afterH,wt ichthe :offering was
received: by Mrs . Jim :Boyle and. .
Mrs. Laird •Stirling and dedicated
by Mrs•:. Wilfred Anderson;.
The guest speaker ;;:Rev. Laird
Stirling,was then introduced by
Mrs. Gordon Montgomery . ' Mr.
Stirling .showed .filrnss taken enroute
to and from Africa aswell. as pica
ures taken while, there, andspoke
on the Christian Education course
sponsored by, the World Councii'of
Churches-which;was,,held in Nairobi
Kenya, this past sure thher 4 -le Was
one. of '350 delegates from different.
denominations from all over the
world His group, which studied
"Structures of the Church and Soc-•
tety spent 30 to 40 hours in group
'session.' He said that the structure
within the church .should not be sp
binding that it 'resists' change. It ,
should be world .conscious` and ,world
minded . White :people have the
know-how and must• work'with/the.
black people Missionaries: in .'
Africa today work under black:
Bishops: The church should start
looking to see mans needs'.. We
should bea listening, searching
To Decorate Church
On Thanksgiving
'T The Langside C.O.S. met on
Sunday with Russell Young as Pres-
idem.. Carolyn MacGillivray gave
the scripture readings and Agnes,
Conley led in prayer; the:.tninut-
es. of the last meeting were read by
Nancy de Boer. The offering was
received :'by Hilda/de Boer with
prayer. by Bobby Moffat: Janice •
Wall gave the story from the study
book. It was decided tq'decorate
the church for Thanksgiving Sun-
day. Hymn 140' was sung and the
meeting `was closed with the •
Lord's' Prayer..
people, contributing.' our love in
Christ.' Mr,. Stirling found Nairobi
quite modern:and the.people very
friendly. Mrs,.Alex Andrew Very '.•
:capably. thanked Mr.: Stirling ,for
.the interesting :pictures•and;,talk,
'after which a solo entitled "He by,
Miss: Connors was much. appreciated,'
The meeting was then turned over
to the president, Mrs. Harvey
Houston. who welcomed all to the
fall season of meetin s The
U. C; W. 'will .hold.a fowl per,
'Wed esda t 8t
'Wednesday; ober 1 h. Mrs.
Houston expressed• thanks to Mem .-
hers of the U C;•W• who' did spec
ial jobs.dursing the Summer ;after
which,. Mrs., Wharry announced a
Workshop for United,'Church Wom-
an to beheld October.26th at
Mrs, Houston, gave a brief report:
on the Regional Conference at
Guelph Yo which' she•was.a d:ele-
gate;..A.portion:of theSunday'Sun-
rise :Service , at t1te Conference and
based on the Lord's Prayer, was
given by .Mrs. Houston and assisted
by Mrs. Raynard .Ackert; The'
meeting closed with a hymn and
Mir. Stirling pronounced. the bene-
diction. - -
• ,•FORM •416 '
Notice is hereby given That a. poll for ,the Electoral
District of •Huron-B'ruce will be open on'
the 12th, 13th and 14th DAYS.. of
from 8 a.m. until"5 p.rt:,' and•from 7 p.m. until._
10 p.m. '
(9 .a.m .'until 6.p.m, and from 8 p.m until 11 p.m., D S.T.)
The: polling' places for the .laid electoral' district will be
located :at • ••
Town Hall,
• . ' � •" Public .Library,
Scout ,Hall, Fire ' Hall,
Mrs, Bere's 'Residence,
for the purpose' of receiving the.' votes of voters who ex
Peet on the day fixed for polling, ;to be absent from
and. unebie to vote in the polling, subdivisions for which'.
their nbmes appear on the lists.
The 'ballot boxes will beopened and the votes counted
at 7 p.m. • (6 . p.m. D.S T.) on the 17th' day of October,
• 1961, at .the. `said places.'
DATED at Wingharn this 20th day 6f September, 1967.
Returning Officer for Huron -Bruce.
Bridal ShowerHek
For Beverley Wall
Holyrood..Hall was: radiantly dec-
orated with pink and; white bells'
and: streamers,;- honouring; the bride
of the month, Miss Beverley. Wall., .
The Chaitlady for the evening was.
Mrs. Olive Hannay The program.
consisted of readings by Mrs. Janet
Ross; -Mrs. Elsie Brown and Mrs.
Olive Hanna. Contests were given
by Mrs. .James' Wraith. and Mrs;
Olive Hanna. Four girls, favoured
the ladies withtwo'songs.
Mrs'. Janet Ross gave the address.
and the bride was escorted to her.
chair to the strains: ofthe'�wedding
march, played by Edna Boyle..
:Beverley was assisted in opening•,
her gifts by her two sisters, Elda
and 'Doris;
Beverley thanked the ladies for
their lovely gifts andinvited them
back tosee her trousseau.
Lunch was served.
Sunday ;visitors with Mr, and Mrs'
Jatries'Haldenby and girls were Mr;
and Mrs. Everett Whytock and
family of, Teeswater; Mr. and Mrs,.
Art:Campbell'• and family of Kin-
cardine and 'Mr. and Mrs, Don
Cameron' 'of: Wingham
Visitors•''with Mr, and Mrs. N.E.
Haldenby and family on.S.unday
were Mr. and Mrs; ,Fred Friendor:f
of Kitchener, . Mr,. and Mrs. Ross
Irwin and family, .Mr, and Mrs.••
Doug Haldenby and ,family all of,
Lucknow '; Mr . and Mrs. Delbert
Hedley.and family of Holyrood,
Mrs...T; P. O'Malley, Dorothy,
Anita, and •joan. of. Teeswater and
Michael O'Malley of'Teeswater':
Mr and Mrs. Midford, Wall were
guests at the Quinn '-' Pollock wedd
ing . in Ripley.on. Saturday..
Mr.• and Mrs. Tom. ac'kett and'
Douglas of Ashfield visited with Mr.
and Mrs Iviidford Wall on Sunday.
Nova Scotia Is
Institute Topic
:Reid's Corners Women's Institute
met.in the,community hall•for
their September Meeting with an
attendance •of fourteen:
'The President Mrs., Cecil Holland.
•opened the meeting with an
• a'utumn poem, The roll •call was
answered by. "A song of another .
' country'; .,, The - treasurers. report was
given by the secretary .,Mrs'. Cecil
Humphrey. After.'a short business".
•meeting delegates were appointed
to attend the .Bruce.County W.1
Rally at , Ri'pley United Church , ' • '
October 19.
Mrs lvi�ery n. F unston••gave. an'
'interesting topic relating to Nova
Scotia' which has many,claims to : ..
fame and' more recently Robert`
Stanfield whose name has been '
mentioned as our next Prime Min-
ister: Mrs. Funston showed pictures'
and maps of the Island and.
Mentioned. the Villagedof .Grandpre
and surrounding country,,. where. the
English took over•the land of the
Acadians'who fere forced. •to leave
their homeland;: hence we'have the
story of "Evangeline"' .. Nova •
Scotia'•s population is 750.,000 and
its main industries are,Agriculti re.,
lobster fishing, mining,• fruit and'
vegetable growing. •
Mrs. Melville Henry. gave interest
ing .current events and mentioned
'fruit growing in the :Annapolis
Valley and the tourist"trade, which•
is'an asset to Nova,Scotia:. After
the closing ode and grace',lunch
was served by the hostesses Mrs.
John Reid, Mrs . Cecil 'Holland and
•Mrs. John Elliott. and a social time
,was enjoyed,,:
Couple Resi in
n LUckflOW
Whitechurch United' Church, deco
orated with gladioli, was the sett-
ing for the ..marriage of Andrea
Elizabeth Adams and.'George' Wit-
fred Gaunt on Saturday., September
2nd Rev.: Cecil' Jardine of Wing- •
ham officiated at the double ring
The bride. is a daughter of Mr;:.
4-nd Mrs., Robert Adams of :White
church:. 'The groom is a son'of Mi.
and .Mrs. John Gaunt `of-
Whitechurch ' •
Given in m.arriage•.by'her father,
the bride wore a• floor length gown
:of.white norganza and chantilly:
lace. The bodice was of lace and
featured 2 a; scalloped sabrina creek-'
line, long lily -point sheath sleev-
es and a•basque waist. The full..
flowing bouffant skirt was also':
accented by chantilly lace, while ,
a. detachable panel cascaded at the
back from a tailored bow at the.•
backline and formed :a sweep .train.;
She carried 'a• white..bille crested
with red roses.
Matron ofhonour was 'Carolyn
Adams of Whitechurch; sister of
the, bride. She was dressed :in a b1ug
floor length gown of .peau de soie
with empire waistline. The jacket:
was snatching blue .lace with bell
sleeves. Her headpiece consisted of
a blue rose and veil, •
;Bridesmaid's were Mrs. Gordon
(Mary Lou), Barger ,of Lucknow ,
Janet arid Mary Lou Adams of White
church, sisters of the bride. They i
'ire dressed similar 'to the matron ..
of honour. They each carried, a
.cascade bouquet of pinkand white
mums :They wore drop pearls, a
gift of the bride,'
• 'Colleen' Adams of Whitechurch,
sister of the, bride was flower girl.
Her,dress Was white satin with .whit
lace train She carried a basket
filled with pink and white popcorn
'mums and wore a'.'string of pearls,,
a;gift of the bride.:. '
David Ross of Whitechtirch,•
'nePhew''of the groom, was ring-
bearer:: .
James, Gaunt Of ,Exeter brother 'of.
the groom, was best'.man.• Ushers
were Harley Gaunt Of Wngham ,
brother of the groom and John"
Adams' of Whitechurch, 'brother of
the bride
Mrs. •Jim• (Karen); Moffat of Tees
Water' was soloist. Mrs ..Garnet
Farrier of Whitechurch was organist
A reception followed in the White
church, Community. Hall which was
decorated ,with. gladioli and asters.
The bride's mother chose a dress of
champagne °silk shantung, pink :hat
and' corsage.of whitemums and
pink roses. The groom's mother
chose a blue dress With black :.
accessories and pink corsage,,:
•• Thebride chose for travelling a
Grand.Seigneur silk dress''With Cor-
sage of pink roses and white mums';
Following a wedding trip to Niag=
ara Falls, Mr. and Mrs, Gaunt •
.will reside in the Anderson Apart -
'merits, Lucknow.
The groom is employed with Fry
and'Blackhall,, W ngham. The
bride is a member of the' Bank of
Montreal staff, Lucknow. .
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With Two' Big Coolers, We Are 'Able To Hang Your Beef From
1 To 3''Weeks, Whatever Your. Requirements Are
For Home Freezers We ' Sell Choice' Home Killed Beef, Pork. '
. and Lamb In Any; Quantity At Lowest. Marketing' Prices
ABATTOIR '" -2905 STORE 395-2961