HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-04, Page 9TERRIFYING! EN oF • all . Gert.: N.fr. iv er me qf day iek ter. • immorr4 •. Ur!, k!ro,AlErwellorla Fir....‘7,111'••• -Mmi,..,,,,amo..P.PF.,,tri!!".7fri:r•Fir,"iMr-"'......r- o tf • , , . . THE ,LOC.KNOW SENTINEL, INCKNOW"..QINTARIO PAGE NINE • . • 80 -YE R-01.0 HURON MAN. ERSE S TRIP Two Huron Township men were part of a group of 23 from allyarts of Ontario who joined a tour t� Europe and the British. Isles. The tour, arranged by the Ontario Hog Producers Association left Toronto Airport on Labourday, flying to New Yorkand on to • PHONE 357-11*, 441.:V...44414Lif.• • WED., THIJR., 'OCT. 4, 5, 6 CAPRICE, Colour' CinernaScope" Starring: Doris Day, • Richard • IHarris, Ray Walston • Hold on tight for a .new exper- ience in espionage, murder and comedy. listint*ite**** 6 -ATURDA , MATINEE • • OCT. T.. "FOR THE LOVE OF :IVIIICE". 4.ntle4f1****. SAT?' MON., OCT. '7, 9,10' RESTRICTED TO MOM* MIS OF A01 ' 01 OVIIR "HELL'S ANGELS .. ON WHEELS". Colour Starring An all-star Cast • Shannon, Ireland. They returned on Monday °Oast week, three Week. after their departure. The Huron men were John McMurchy of the Oth concession an' Harold Thompson, la resident of the 8th. Thectwo men hopped around, • Europ&by bus. and plane visiting Northern and Southern Ireland, England, Scotland, Germany; Holl and , Denmark and Belgitirn,. They toured farm areas and projects' and, as well saw' many Of the cities'. Denmark, and thet farming methods and hog quality, was the country which had the most'appeal to. John IvicMurchy.,. The tour 'was arranged by the Hog. Producers 'with each .participant., paying. his own. W/. 80 -year-old John McMurchy has 'penned a few • Obis observations on the trip. which we publish as follows:. By 'John McivItirchy I have been asked by our local .. paper to pass. on a few. comments • regarding thiS flogproducer's tour: we' were on for three weeks. Comparedto our own marketing , • system, Northern Ireland, export • - 90% of he hogs they raise ihd they have a.moie cOinpact compulsoryMarketing' BOard- than we have. They all seemed very pleased with. ,it . They, market about the same number. of .hOgs as we do. in Ontario or around 13. Million a year; Most : of the .processed bacon goes to the • English market , 'Their. competitors. are.Denin0,,England next Ire, land...They are 3rd on the Smithfield market, the largest in .,Europe , Iam tald. and we visited. • Denmark is an to -operative, with the best bacon hogs in the world. You would have to see them to'realize how they have advanced, over their competitors- in breeding and feeding. They. don't allow any breeding stock to leave Denmark. This is in order to •.retain a top product 'all over tbe''. I • We Visitedtbeir packing ,ithe largest in Europe; also the different breeding farms and., feeding Aations. where different kinds :�f grain and concentrates are tested. They Import nearly !•their feed, 'some from Canada. They haven't any self feeders after tb.ehogs weigh 1.00, pounds, cener- ally speaking tliiise finishing hogs are kepi hungry. •• '' As .for Belgium, Holland and Germany PeFSOnally. I Could: not See Where they were doing much.' better than we. d� at horne but we Cindd, learn a lot from the Danes,: also north Ireland:: Of course a book could .:be vritten: abOut the beauty orthe country side the cities of Dublin,: 6elfast; Edinburgh London, London, .Hamburg,. Bremen', Arnst ,erdam. Rotterdam.' all of which • , 'phr, jovial bus driver took us to sight see. I ,might say he was:our one and only.driver from the time we 'landed in Hamburg till'we left. Amsterdam about. twO Weeks later., • This note is written from memory as 1 saw it and what notes I took, unfortunately wrote with pencil • and they are. t'oo blurred to read: .bo not. make this mistake. as I counted on having therri.When.1 • came home All 23 of us spent a 'very happy 'and, educational three- . W;eeks'ip-gether. The British. Isles and •Europe have much to Offer • the ToUrist'and Canadians are .thade, Very welcome', • LUCKNOW .1SENTINEL'. offers a complete .seleetion . Wedding announcements styled for the discrim- inating. ask for . . • . .Sat.. op 7 ROARING OUT OF THE DUST! INISINELS OATINIS '7 THE SHATTERING TRUE z STORY OF THE sum:NG HELLS ANGELS ALSO tr's A, world alORSCOPE DEBORAH TOMMY " A FANFARE FILMS PRODUCTI014 • & FILMS R1NALLEY .AND KIRK ELEASE . • — - , +4••••••, ••41044404.04*. , UnanYi 'MIDNITE TO DAWN SHOW PARAMOUNT PICTURES Vie fittsens rift • . •k • 1111',) • 111411.1#1P,1110c,r SMQ! ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FEATURING THE LARGEST SCREEN, IN THIS AREA • • • • • . HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 . PHONE 524-9981 4,10,*DOITE: 1,7L1RE SHOWS'. ' • •. FRIDAY-4ATURbAY October 6 & .NOW THE fic;n:Ell • . EXPLOES ' Tiff MOST IMPORTANT' MISSION. OF THE °COLOR by DELUXE:-.• PANMRSIOW oum,',UNITED ARTISTS • Mon., Tues., Wed• . October 9-10-11 .A sightless gunman...on a inanhUnti CAMERON MITCHELL is TicinoCoLok. 1 a WIDESCREEN RI ?OM .C.It Olt OM Minnesota 614 ay • HELLS ANGELS ON WHEELS "1.91.41111.1111114 risme FI RIOLIUCTOR.A US..FILAS RELEASE korAITIANCE SUNDAY SHOW—OCTOBER.8 TRIPLE FEATURE HORROR SHOW -...."111LOOD 'AND BkACK.LACIE". "VILLAGE OF THE GIANTS" 3—"CURSE OF VOODOO" • (All -Three Shows Are 'Adult Entertaburrent) • • pDpucH:-. sztARE. FIRST. RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED, COMFORT •-- Entertninment Is Our Busiriess. THURS.. FRI. SAT. — October 54-7 Wake up! FI1 over laughing!!! :011141C010 • • e101NT .1 JANE' 'CHARLESaARMEN • KEDFORDIONDADOYER:1ATMIC K . Evening Shows at 7,30 and 9.20o'plOck • Saturday ‘Matinee -2.3o --chi Id re n 35c • • SERIAL — "CAPTAIN KIDD" •.. , • MON., TUES., WED. October 9-10-11 "TWO FOR THE ROAD" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT1 • " Shows • at,730 and 9.30 Coming Next — Oar -6 Big; Ddys October 12,to 18 "THE DIRTY DOZEN" One Show Per Nght,Ot .8.o0 p.m. sharp (Adult. Entertainment ) . "BAREFOOT IN PARK".. , .this -filth holds the ALL-TIME RECORD • For the longest running motion picture in:the year history •• of the world famous • • • . RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL MARITAL COMEDY PRIMARILY FOR ADULTS