HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-04, Page 6wy ;i` PAGE SIX 114.6.4•W • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, . LUCKIOW ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY, OCT..4th, 114 Married At.Riple' JOHNSTON 'FINLAYSON St. Andrew's United; Church ' Ripley, .decorated: with. 'pink and white gladioli and candles, was the setting for: the marriage of ` Marilyn. Verna Finlayson and. Robert Joseph. Johnston: Rev.. George N.. Ball'. per- formed ,the.' double ring ceremony. • on Friday; •September. 22nd at 7z.20 The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Airs. Orville Finlayson ofR. R. tl'Lucknow: The .groom is the son of Mr. ant!: Mr°s;. Fred Johnston of i elfast ` '• g=iven in n arnage by her father, the bide chose an 'Empire style gowns with skirt of'•peau de :soie and .top and: train of cut velvet , round ,neckline, arid -elbow, length.. sle ii a.. Her 'fiowers•wtre Ameri ' can Beads:}' roses and,.White • asdenias With rosebuds'on.white reamer . . . •. .• Luty Phillips of Kincardine was bridesmaid. Her ice -blue gown was ;Empire stale, .skirt of peau de • sc ie, top of •cut i elvet with ifloa _ •ink; back panel- She 'carried Am - PHOTO BY NEPHEW eric�an'.Bea'uty roses,. Groomsman was L.', :Robert ons of .. •Y .R; R. 1, ' Lucknow . • Ushers were ' : ' Donald. GA t• of R. R. 1 Lucknow and AlvinThompson of ,Kincardine. • Music. was "The ' Wedding Prayer" and "O Perfect Love" A. reception.. followed in the church parlor. • The; tables. were decorated with centerpieces of yellow daisies and 'perennial asters: The bride's another chose a tun- .. 1 quoise dress, feather hat with black 1 • accessories and corsage'. 'of pini carnations', , . • The'groorn's mother wore a brown • dress shot with gold •, . brown .access `: Pries and. yellow carnation Corsage For traVetling the bride donned a' tw:o toned beige..embossed, silk. knit Alit,' dark brown acceisories:'and yellow carnation corsage'. • • and Mr.i.. Johnston' will reside in Ripley Where the groom is em- ployed m -p loy ed'with the Huron, and Kinloss Municipai'Telephone S sterrm.. The bride is on the.•staff of the Kncar- dineand. Disirict 'Hospital. 45th An.niversary Observe. d Recettly WHITECHURCH NEWS Mr.* and Mrs. George Walker recently celebrated their 45th,' wedding anniversary by visiting Mr, and;:;Mrs Almo Hepton of Brantford, Mrs.'Bessie' Lesson of Grimsby and with •Mr: an d Mrs.' • Cecil Snyder of Ayr. Mr. and Mrs., George Walker were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs..• Joe Kermath :and Raymond of Wrox- eter.. Mr,. and Mrs'/. Harry Moss of. Platts ville were Sunday �visitors• with her parents,Mr and.Mrs. Ben McClen• aghan and her brother Carl. McClen.: aghan and Mrs. McClenaghan. Mrs. Nora Cronin of Orangeville: visited Friday and; Saturday with Mrs. Cecil Falconer: Mrs. Cronin: accompanied , Mr. and Ms. George lviclnnes of Alton who. visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John • McInnes of Kinloss. , ; • Mr. and Mrs Relison Falconer, Brian;; Paul •and .Susan Lynn of; Sarnia were weekend visitors with his, mother, 'Mrs. Cecil Falconer . Mr. and Mrs. Tom:Jamieson were in Clinton} at Huronview on Sunday to°visit with .her,mother.Mrs.' Mabel Stapeiton a Mrs Clark' Johnston spent from Tuesday :to Saturday with her daugh •ter, Mrs. George Young, Mr. Young and: family of Langside . Mrs'. Gordon Rintoul andGayle visited' on Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Robert Purdon of Belgrave LOSE TO: MADOC Whitechurch Junior. C Softball team played' Maadoc team for. OAS L ' finals in Wingharn Ball: Park on Sunday afternoon The y series was :a .2 out of 3. Madoc. had PURPLE GROVE Rhonda •Gibson! Ewen Is New Tweenie attended on Saturday in spite•of . - te.cold wet weather. Purple Grove. The 1st Lucknow'B.ownie Pack Women's Institute todk theirturn met on. Wednesday ,• September :. _t year at "serine in the boot. `2' tb,' Joan Hackett was •Fairy ` Mr. and Mrs. Bob 'Forster of Kit` ;Queen. Rhonda 'Gibson was the new chenerr spent the weekend in this " Tweenie, We would 'welcome more part. Other folks f/'oin a distance ia.,ew •Tweenies .. We plan to go •on a.. that %pent the weekend here and like soon,. The meeting closed . atte:iaded;,the fain 'were.Mr. and Mrs..w zh the squeeze and Chimes. Frank Cure aid.girls of Waterloo''` and Mrs." Peter, Leeson and `zona of • r:ira The Ripley Fail Lair A T TSD DMI: ATl'tN Mr. and yrs.. Dor McCash' spent Sunday- it .Stoney .Creek where they attended the Unveiling and • edication Ceremony of a Hi oric.al Plaque ,at the Erland Lee , ornest'ead':K .;i ' Wes Bradndck,•• when r. .and .174e,or Fe °Collirs':: of Ant ac.��;Qhcc the Mc.,"osaes on trip. After 'the ceremony the e �E >„ to e yyonGwY.`i. .yv..a.' . uG nt. . p.;• C . Angus .a . ksor. W a ti` 4,7.reek. .. a . ' •,,,Y,� v.rs. • .Ic :L: 4.'aw red and' • eteville . Mu ,Deli ier Smith didn't return with the Gawleys.bui plans on visiting a While there.. Mr•, and Mrs'. Claude Dore Sr. of. Bettie visited on Sunday afternoon with yMr.: and`:2;:rs.Don Dore and lar illy . �•� 'Cath/'t` Do e� •14 as a'n overnight t e!u et: "o / �:a h. aand'Yk/Iv •Y Y✓�Lr rYY. '.T ld3 'on ledne:C2..t ,, - # .''52.1: r:•a• a._�. 4.::r ''enrge Harkness retv�wd'w'� : r c.i +loMe last week.. e t a.:at.•`"S. n l •. Ww,i • the 'V1 eite. the). t • • CQN$1GNMENTSU.C1ER..SALE Lucknow Cc,niimunity Monday, October 16t 1:3 Acc�rnrno9tion for 450 head • Robert Mdt�sb • '•!HONE:• RIPLEY 315-5230 OR L.UCKNOW:;5U-0112- w' • ° .AUCTIONEERS ' Emile Maclennan • . s .' . .. Allan . Macintyre won one game,before arid • again on Sunday. they'were the winners; They now play the final series with Capreol. Whitechurch team has to finish the series with Tavistock ,for W:.O.A•.A. RETURN FROM,WESTERN, TRIP Mr:: "and Mrs•. Carl McClenaghan and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne.Howe of'. 'T eeswater returned'• home on Thurs- day evening . from their tour to Nan• aimo B. C , where they visited, from `Sunday to Wednesday with. -Carl's sister (Doris) Mrs. Stanley Leeson and Mr•. Leeson. They re- ' port the weather was 'all •that• -could be desired for Motor travelling, the scenery beautiful:. On; the return. •. trip they: spent' Wednesday• evening With Mr : and.•Mrs.,Jack Thom pson of North. Bay. Jack is Mrs. Carl McClenaghan's uncle and at present is a salesman for a lumber company there. Many here:will be in;terested.in learning where Jack is stationed . Mr. and Mrs: Bob Gordon of Wat- erloo spent the:week at-erloo:spent'the:week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Law.erence Taylor. Sacrament Serviceswere•:observed; at Calvin -Brick church on Sunday,.. On Saturday evening Ivlr ...arid 'Mrs Albert Coultes attended the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and.' Mrs, ,Melvin. Kerry held at the Hart ley House, Walkerton. Fifteen relatives gathered for the wedding dinner after:which all went to their home at Eden Grove. Here they were joined by nieces and, nephews„ to celebrate the occasion. with the Congratulations to Mr. and`•Mrs. Patil Groskorth of Toronto on the. arrival September • 23rd of a boy., - Matthew. Steven,;:a brother ;for Shauna: His mother Mrs. Elwood• Groskorth' spent `.last week with them at •Toronto.••• George Conn of Western' Univer sity •and. Muriel Conn of London; spent, theweek end with their par ents Mr..and Mrs...Wallace'Conn. • • Mr, `and Mrs Fred. Tiffin visited Sunda •Y.evening.`with Mi.:and Mrs. • Wallace Wilson and family of rest' Wawanpsh. - en dit! Niagara.,. ictur( orne into the: A rhedicai'bili. A clothing bill. A car repair.; bili.:They .alt: 'seemed to come at once. Jack needed money in a hurry. . Answer: A Niagara Loan. Jack, talked it over with the manager of the nearest Niagara Office. Besides'getting.the 'money,. he got a lot of good advice on budgeting. With a Niagara Loan, Jack was .abie:to pay, all his bilis at one time. And repay the• loan on easy terms to suit his budget. Y . K • When you need 'extra money' for any good reason, you can expect the same courteous, quick service at any one of 300 Niagara offices. NIAGARA FINANCE CONI PANY°:LIM ITED• Member of the +�c Group of Companies 216 Josephine. ,Street, WINGH:AM4 one: 3574421