HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-04, Page 5AIR. tOon • be fted )ber sOr- nen. ying g with tact trek - owes / AN the rton 13 ified frig- inor 3. mish ices; • low, ten - ring,, • of c, $ry100,.. a any Ited, 6ct-' WEDNESDAY, OCT 4th, INT „„,. e•AP! • Ptelps••• • • AP.-, • 67 . THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCENOW. ONTARIO • '- PAGE FIVE • •1 J. MacKENZIE; 0..D: ,901),,inttriSt • . •NOW IN RI.PLEr • EYERY.-WEDNESDAY • Office l Hours' 10:00 a.in.lo 9;00 ' •• p._in;, Phone Roy MacKenzie, Rw1ey:395-5/54 faraPPOin., 0704 , ,ND, E, kla OPTOMETRIST itii)(T TO LYCEUM: THEATRE WINGHAM PHONE' 357-1361, smw JOHINSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME' Modern and Convenient Lucknow, Phone 528-3013 Day or Night Serving All Faiths According to Their Wishes' Moderate Prices • • Established 1894 • .4.004;;;MP,Po4Poodpe:0.0:4P~4P4PooPP4PP4P.M.:9401 INSURANCE FIRE, 'WIND,. ;CASUALTY, AUTOMOBILE and , L•IFE • To Protect .Vour •Jack, Insure With Jack TOday. J. A. McDONAG14 Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 • eiromokmampapa.aPo R. W. ANDREW Barrister' and' • Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO ' IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday' Afternoon Office ,in .the Joynt • Block Telephone; Lucknoyv 528-3116 PiPoio..444,44.pdowsscP.no,,,44,..cp.mootWEN• CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner, .• E: Kennedy; C.A. . • Phone 881-3.471 -,- Walkerton prP4Pira‘iPaprow. mr..poOrp•ar IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS' for prompt ,service, and quality products. Contact: GRANT CHISHOLM • Phone, Colle,ct.' Dungannon 529-7524 ,• "Always Look To, Imperial ' 'For The Best" • orPri4...;‘,..0.0....,40,44.0.4.......4r,i44,•,•,,,o44: • ” 4441444 A Wiliiams 0.0. Optometrist • .9 Patrick Street' W. " WIN41HAM : '• ' Phone :45.0 202 , A.:M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT • 55 - 57 South 'Street, Goderleh . , ' Telephone 52447662 • FOR COMPLETE TIRE SALES & SERVICES. Phone 529-7600. • • • ENTAIL GENERAL STORE Vulcanizing Retreading Guaranteed Farm, Truck. .& Pass, Tires' Quality Tires At Lowest Prices ,ROY A. HAVENS. PLUMING'— HEATING • WIRING • . EssO Heating EquipMent• and Home Heat Service Dealer Lucknow, PhOne. 528-3012 .,Pc•oloccan . • CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD and MILL J.' .H.,CRAWFORD, N.A. SHEPHERD; ALAN .1t.; MILL, B.A., L.L.B. •WINGHAM IN I-UCKNOW •• EVERY WEDNESDAY ' ,Lot' in, Breckles Block • " . ' IN RIPLEY EVERY FRIDAY.. ' • • In. Ross .1%lartyn Building Phone Wingham • ' Office 357-3630 Res..• 357-2330 . . Amaiimw ';,FORRENT APARTMENT FOR RENT — new- ly decorated 5 room apartment with sunporch on Stauffer 'Street LucknOw. Apply William'G. Hunter R.R. 3 Lucknow .phone 529-7186. FOR RENT — furnished house in Lucknow, from. 1st of November until 1st of May.' 'Contact Alex Mowbray, Lucknow, NOTICE• NOTICE 'Would the persons whO have .in their possession .fertilizer 'spread- ers belonging to, Lucknow Co-op, please return,' them at earliest conveniences or phone 528-2125. • NOTICE wish to inform the public that I am, no longerresponsible for the debts of my wife Mrs. Jim (Freda) Errington. Errington NOTICE' ,RE HOG. SHIPPING • Because of the Monday holiday October 9, hogs' will .be shipped in Lucknow on Tuesday, October 10th in place of Monday. 'NOTICE • . The official- opening of Brook- side &hoot Huron County School Area No. 2, will take place' on Fri- day, October. 20th, 1967 'at' 8 -p.m. VVingham Memorials • . • GUARANTEED. GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct /and Save 13.ttS. Ph. 357-1910 • • ' Res. Ph.: 357-1015 • a partment of Transport' will be closed from 12' noon. to' 1:30. pan., Monday through Friday, „unless otherwise arranged. /.• . . •Mil. 'Shirley Wraith NOTICE ' Brooks Transport Business has been sold and we ask' that all ac- countS receiveable be paid at, my residence in Lucknow, by Novem- ber 15th, 1967. • - Gordon Brooks . . •NOTICE The Luclmow Office of the •De- P4P.•••4•Po4Npvisho.c4.044-p.' •••••••••i.o. • Haddenis Studio •• PORTRAITS.. Weddings 'and Children GODERICH,;ONTARIO. , : I .118 St. David Street • • ' D.ial 524-8787 • • MacKenzie Memorial Chapel FUNERAL ,SERVICE • Services conducted : sceoiding , _to your' wishes at your Horne, • your Church, dr at our Medi, ., orial Chapel :at.:n�, additional charge. , ' Lucknow,' Phone 528-3432,, Day orNight R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST — .GODERI.CH • The, Square (Phone JAckson 4-7461); 'INI,IPIMINIJMI:#041•11.0411114KINPAN TED COLL.YER Registered, 'Master Electrician' ELECTRICAL' CONTRACTOR Specializing' Electric. Heating, Electric VViring • and Repairs and All Electrical Appliances Lucknow — Phone.528-S.182 CTION SALE • 'AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, 100 head of beef cattle, modern PaWer machtherY, 36 acres of standing corn and some household effects will be held for Art Eggle- ston, Con, 6 West Virawanosh, 4 corners south of. Lucknow or 1 corner north of Dungannon and 2 miles east on Saturday,. October 14 at 1 p.m. Also. offered for sale subject to reserve bid will be the 100 acre farm of the. late Charles McNee. ' • - TERMS CASH FARM. SOLD Allan MicIntyro• Auctioneer A• UCTION SALE . AUCTION SALE of, livestock, machinery 'and hay will be held 'for Clifford Crdzier & Son, Lot '8, • COncession 6 Ashfield Township, 4 cornerssouth of Lucknow or 1 corner north -of Dungannon, • and 2' Miles west on Saturday, October .7 at 1:30.' TERMS CASH — FARM SOLD Allan Maclntyre,. Auctioneer — Lucknow AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION -SALE.— of choice 150 acre' farm, livestock, machinery, hay, grain will be held for Fred Horton, lits 13 and 14, concession 1, West Waivanosh, Y4' mile east of Nile Store ,or 6 miles •west of Auburn; Thursday, Octo- ber 19 at 1 p.m.' REAL ESTATE 150 acres choice, clay loam, .67.1 which» are situated .two dwellings, one six -room storey arid a half house which modern conveniences and one five -room cottage, one' barn 45' by 70, one barn. 45,••by 35, implement shed awl henhoude.' This farm is all Workable except' five acres of bush. 'Inspection in- vited. Terms 1O% on day of sale, •balance in 60 days. Sold subject to reasonable reserve bid. See bills for list. 'Fred Horton, proprietor, Emile MacLennan, 'auctioneer. Of Volunteers Douglas Bartliff, a member 'of the Board of Directors of the Chilciren'S Aid Society of Huron County, wo. hostess for. a meeting ofthe Board and Stiff, in her home in Clinton on September 20, 1967, • to set up a system of Organized Volunteers 'who will co-operate • with the Board and Staff to broaden the scope of the Children's Aid'., Society's work, , Mr; Peter Collis, a. Provincial Supervisor froth the Child Wel-., fare Branch, was present and cod- tribute4 to the discussien with the... • sixteen members of the Board and Staff Who attended. Miss Clare McGowan, Local Dir-: ector, ,..Opend the meeting. Mrs.. Ewan Ross, Supervisor of Protection. Services, outlined a ,suggested plan for Volunteer Transportation Ser - !Aces. A tentative 'system was • drawn up and IS to be, presented lit', the October meeting of the Board'. • With Miss McGowan presiding at the 'tea table those present becinie better acquainted while , enjoying a delicious buffet' limeh- eon provided by the hostess., • • ' • . • . • • THE SAP TROUGH BY REV. ,DUNCAN' McTAVISH There'would be little iise'.of sett- ing .0:a.Sugar camp with its store troughs, its Wood pile , • its kettle • and back logs, .ifthere Was no: sap t bildo ri Thu' h r ce f • ' "`"•••'''' gathering thesap requires some • explanation in these days of modern equipment for the. making ; of maple syrup. We have' travelled a long way FOR: FRESH DEAD Aril/ . from the old wooden spile made DISABLED ANIMALS OVER • from nice straight cedar. split into 500 LBS rounded pieces by what was known, Licence No.'103'C.67 • ,. as a s9uge. The gouge was'a sort • r, ' , • , • . • . 'CARD' : OF THANKS - . We pay 50c:Ci4t.. I would like to 'thank, my friends . .and neighbours Who remembered nie • with cards and flowers while I was ''a patient in. Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. MAI. Corrin and Dr. J. C. Janies E. Culbert I would like .to sincerely thank all my frierids, neighbours and relatives for/ their' 'cards, gifts, letters, and visits, during my gay in Victoria • Hospital. London. Special thanks to. DoctOrs and Nurses. ' • Mrs. Clarence Adams .• - • 'Sfoc L of chisel ",,figh a curved Inotiththat left.the spile. With the sarrie • • . cu.rve It whittled to a' point RemoVal • 0 with.a.comrn n jaeknife and driven • into a slit in the tree made by, the , Phone . Walkerton 88I-3459. Collect gorge immediately beneath an ' . ...' . " --al'•■;;••••iiiii.. : ,: augur hole.bored-into:the ... • ' • . , ,i• ' ' ' • tree, arid was known is,the-tap.- . :Out from this hole ran the sap and The ' family .of ' the late . George :, ... nnsir — Lamr NAPONAI, . • The sap trough, was .a small troagt1 ' ''' • a find its wayinto:the, sap trough down the little trough'in the Spite .. • '. 'de of a half block .which When • NEWSPAPEto CET Phillips wish to express thanks to a-• NEWSPAPER • a . all their 'kind frieads., neighbours • • • • - VEK, . heW OUt• woulithold:a pail ormore and relatives for exPressions of . OCT. 8-14, 1967 sympathy dtiring their. recent, be- mmulim".*AnunsEle • Inif satPCdTfilreosme ttri°m1Thtsohaiend et° bed , F !WM CO • • ' their cOntoats. ir.ansported: to the , • . • . reavement and to Winghath• HOS- 'pital • staff and Dr. 1VIcKibbon. Special thanks to MacKenzie Mem- orial Chapel, Rev, G. L. Fish of Winghanrfor his kind words, 'those who sent flowers, cards and baking and the ladies who served lunch 'at the home, All 'was greatfully ,appreciated. Mrs.' George Phillips & family. & brother Lloyd, Phillips (3/0 PAINTS , Save 10% On all. Outside House paint, at FINLAY DECORATORS ,•in LUCKNOW HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FRESH DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES AND For Your Conveitience •Under SOO lbs. Picked' Up • A • 4 CALL. MERVYN YULE COLLECT CARGILL 366-2713 • Licence No 42RP66 • - • • P 4T1 • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LAKE, HURON PARADISE 200 acres with ' 2104 feet, df frontage on Lake Huron Var-. iety of cedar log , constructed buildings will sleep 'over 70. Dining room and seyeral rec-. reation rooms With /fireplaces. Wide choice of recreation facil; ities include good swimming • • and fishing. Ideal church camp, :sp,ortmans club or operate as summer resort anddevelop, the hundreds of cottage sites. Boats, motors, furniture and eq- uipment , included In; .the hill • price of only $57,000. For above' and other properties . Contact: IVAN STRUT,HERS PHONE KINCARDINE '396-2172 Wilfred Illichitee iit Co Limited WALKERTON cdra,n,,f. vehic es., At.the endof the ' season the trough made of wood Which in those days was -plentiful was sirnply•turned upside down in thebush until the time for tapping carne the next spring. Usually they •were made frorn timber that split quite easily an'd.thus were easy to • manufacture, But wore on ' and timber becanr,rrore scarce, folk turned elsewhere to replace the\ irOugh. Even as a boy this process wasiii vogpe'as.we sought out candy pails in grocery • stores, etc..Then little by little these became difficult to secure and it Was a great day when the metal spile with the tin pail took • .over, thus eliminating rnuch 'waste and making for greater cleanliness and efficiency. •.Those were ,days of stern relig- ioui convictibns,in which there Werefolk whose 'tirict rules of Sabbath observance forbade the ithei by hand or horse-, gathering of the sap an the Pay. ,The troughs were allowed to run over and the preciou Iiid Member of, the Grey and Bruce :went to waste. Indeed there Were •, • Multiple Listings Service a few who turned the trough upside Lig --- Over 60 ldown Saome. ' on Saturday night; surely a Working p,or you 'perversionzi of dod's plan for "trian's • useof his gracious bountie.s,. .