HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-04, Page 4ir WI ' Nlg 41f.CKNQIN' 111NTINEI•,: 'LUCKNOW, ONTARIO` % :WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4th, 1l67 i2&3134 FOR SALE FOR SALE purebred Aberdeen Angus bull, 2 ri yrs., old, John K. Graham; R.R. :3 Goderich,' phone Dungannon 529-7532. • FOR SALE - small • oil stove; Massey ; Harris manure spreader. Contact Keith Cranston, R.R. 2 Lucknow, phone -529-7528. ' WOOD FOR SALE -- soft maple and elm slabs in 10 cord truck load lots. We, deliver. Borden Litt, phone Teeswater 392-6895. FOR SALE -• Four cows Hereford and: Durham "cross due last week in November, 4 to 6 year old,. bred Hereford These cows • have calves at side but calves' not for sale. H. W. Ritchie, phone 529-7246. CUSTOM CORN PICKING and DRYING -- also custom plowing with. 6 -furrow plow, will do' this work . up to November .1st when equipment , will ' be' moved to southern Ontario. Mike Pencil, phone Dungannon 529-7278. ASPHALT SHINGLES Standard.: self seal and • 1ock,, 15 ib. felt paper,'' roof coat.ngs,. caulk- ing, roll sidings'; MORRISON BROS. R.R. :;'Z` -Lucknow Phone,. 528.29061 - FOR SALE - 2 , unit ..Surge milk :ing machine with• pump and Motor; 2 ' : unit Woods . milking machine. Lorne Henry, R.R. 1 Ripley, phone 395-5080. -FLOOR SANDING, REFINISHING Both old floors ; and new • Free estimate Professional Fabulon Floor 'Finish. PAUL RINTOUL, WINGHAM Phone 357-3172: WOOD FOR SALE for use in. furnace'. or fireplace: Contact Al- bert Taylor, .phonehone _ 528-6132 A WEDDING in the family? Let us -: supply the invitations, ' thank- you cards, ' special : napkins and match covers.: Call The Lucknow Sentinel, Phone 528-3134. FOR SALE' 2, Unit • Universal sursingle milker, pump and pipe ' for 14 cows, ' seamless ' buckets. Allan Irwin, phone Ripley 395-5370. VACUUM CLEANER ' SALES and SERVICE For .all makes Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, :phone "Hensall 262-5350 collect, FOR SALE - Annex stove. used only six months: Apply Frank' Moran,•• Lucknow, phone. : 528-2246. • REDUCED PRICES _ on Hog Feeders; Feed Carts,. etc. until October 14, 1967. , Lucknow District Co-op, LAYING CARDS • Double and single'', decks, . euchre • decks at the Sentinel Office. • 'CHICKENS • FOR 'SALE orders' taken. for dressed spring chickens; also Bream separator for, sale, Allan Miller, Lucknow R.R. • 1, phone 528.6540: SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Vacuum' cleaning and pumping of septic,' •tankS,Ronald Forster, 'Lucknow; phone 528-2345, ' manu- facturer of cement septic tanks and well. tile. FAMILY HERALD Subscriptions taken at The Luck - now Sentinel, phone 5282134. EAVESTROUGHING and • metal' flashing, material and labour,, for free estimate call Morrison Bros., at Murdie's Hardware, • Lucknow phone 528-2906, CENTENNIAL Napkins Coasters Pins • Pencils' at •THS LUCKNOW SENTI1EL FOR SALE FOR SALE 2 furrow ace bot- tom, International plow; complete dining room suite; 20 acres stand- ing second cut Alfalfa hay. Charlie Anderson, phone 528-3944. TRAILER FOR SALE -> 8 ft. by 4 ft., steel • bottom. Contact 'Art Helm, Lucknow, phone 395-5342 Rip ey. CEMENT, MASONRY For -building new , or rebuilding old ,chimneys, pointing up, small masonry jobs and. sidewalks. Free estimate. Call Vernon Glenn 524- 7014 or Gerrie ' Glenn 529-7961' FOR SALE Comfortable home on double lot," situated' close to Lucknow,. all conveniences. Prop- erty also includes small barn, and garage which would • make : ideal welding or machine shop. Contact Chester Nicholson, phone 529-7640. CUSTOM BUTCHERING',. Beef and, pork sold in any quan ity: Custom' butchering in Govern - a Govern- ment . licensed abb tt of r g every Tuesday: Beef from Monday through Thursday:' • BUTTON'S' : MEAT 'MARKET. FOR SALE • Ten Ton Wagons ..Limited Supply.' Of . Gravity 185 ` Bu. Boxes Post' Hole Diggers Comfort:. Queen • Cow Stalls • Stabling • Farrowing Crates SNOWBLOWERS Now is the ime to place • Your t y order for snowblowers for • • ; oncoming season: and ART. HELM WELDING AND MACHINE SHOP R.R. 3 Lucknow Phone • 395.5342; 'Ripley BARN : EQUIPMENT - Acorn semi-automatic Cable ' Cleaners,• unbeaten - for : hog barns; chain cleaner,bunk feeders, silo unload- ers,: hog equipment, layer equip- ment, ' fans, bulk . tanks, Lynn Lowry, Amberley, phone Ripley 395-5286. ATTENTION, 'FARMERS FARMWAY 'BARN CLEANERS Have your barn measured now for Spring installation. HALLMAN SILOS Place or- der early: For the best in silo un loaders and, bunk feeders, see Van Dale. VERSATILE 'SWATHERS ANIS' GRAIN AUGERS. • We have a good supply ,of grass. seed and Pfister corn. t ' • GEORGE WRAITH:.. 1%, miles south of Goderich, Highway 8 Telephone 524.6511 • CHIMNEYS built. and repaired by . Claude Guay for ;Morrison Bros., R.R. .2 Lucknow, booking orders'. now, :phone 528-2906. - KEYS. - Have .your keys cut :at 'your local Co-op Lucknow District Co-op NOW IS' THE TIME TO; SPRAY. L1OW ROCKET • with EMBUTOX" E From now until mid October For further . informations contact• LUCKNOW CO-OP R SALE FOR SALE. -- 5 string banjo, in good condition. Grace MacDougall, Lucknow R.R. 6, phone 395-5135. CAR FOR . SALE 1949 Olds, 47,000, miles,.' orginalfinish, excel- lent condition, $150 plus new - parts recently installed, 'call John ' Al- lason, 528-3949 after" 5 o'clock. FOR . SALE 11 choice Holstein•. steers :700. 800 lbs.; also approx- imately 12 ton mixed grain, Phone 'Mel Morrison 528-6291. HUMPHREY STORM , WINDOWS Canopies, Awnings, • Siding, Etc.. ROBT. J. 'ROBINSON Phone collect •396.7950. or 396-2770 Kincardin FOR SALE - lovely black mina- ture poodles, registered and per- manent shots, paper -trained. Phone Listowel 281-4860. • 1968 SKI-DOO'S Several models on display, 'al- so some used machines. Order, now and 'be ready for winter. BLUEVALE TRAILERS c'o Danny's Restaurant Wingham 357-3114 • CO=OP WARBLE KILLER (Contains' Ruelene ; •insecticide) A .pour -on, Spray -on cattle insect- icide. Kills grubs, controls lice. May " be• applied during October 'and November: LUCKNOW ':CO-OP' • FOR SALE 6 . room house along Maitland River, .4 lots, running spring in cellar, hydro, telephone, full. price $3,000. •.'Apply, Walter Debold, Port Albert R.R..1. FOR . SALE :OR. RENT .- a house. .2. miles from;, Lucknow, available in a • month, Contact Orville Elliott, Lucknow, phone 528-3409.. FOR SALE mixed ' :g'rain. -Con-- tact Alvin Moran„ R.R : 7Luck- now, phone: 529-7688. FOR • SALE - :100 acre farm near Ripley, no buildings, $9,500.00 Call) 395-2868.. FOR SALE -' used Timken fur- nace. Contact . Mrs., John- Mac - Charles, Ripley • or see it in Kin-' cardine • at the - Imperial Esso deal- ers, Ron , Catto, phone 396-2795, Queen St. • • FOR SALE •- an 8' piece living room suite; storm ' windows, 2 vibrating .sanders, Bill Hunter, Lucknow phone 528-3424:• FOR. SALE 90 yearling Leghorn - Wyandotte hens, priced • reas on ably. William` Stothers�, •• phone 529-7945. , - FOR SALE - several purebred Yorkshire and Lacombe . boars of 'serviceable age;, also bred. and open gilts. Austin' Martin, R.R. 6 Lucknow, phone Ripley 395-2845. ELECTROHOM E'S: GOtk ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL' Caravan''Mki STEREO HI-FI • Reg, $339.95 NOW ONLY, .$299. .HURRY`! QUANTITY LIMITED GREER 7-V',• AND ELECTRIC Lucknow . FOR SALE a spacious two storey solid brick home, centre hall plan With 4 large. bedrooms and bathroom upstairs, large living room, den, dining -room, kitchen with built-in . cupboards, utility room,. front sunporch, full base- ment with new furnace that burns oil or coaland wood, new alumin- um storm • and screen windows. Priced reasonably. Garnet Hender- son, Lucknow 528-2605. ±R+ i► fi; s •�. - . ire - .► COMING EVE NEW CASH BINGO Legion - Hall, Lucknow,Thurs- day, 8:45 p.m. 15 ,regular: games, 810.00 each. 4, Share The Wealth. games, with -jackpot included in. each game. Jackpot this week $90 on 58 calls. VOTER'S CLINIC ROGER WEST, Conservative Candidate in Huron -Bruce and his campaign manager ' George Joynt of Lucknow invite • you to attend a Voter's Clinic in. the Dungannon Parish Hall Thursday, October 5 from " 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. All pen- sion, . welfare and municipalprob- lems will be given prompt . atte zit ;ion. That's in The Dungannon Par- ish • Hall Thursday, October.. 5 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. BUS, TO EXPO. Last minute Special Bus leaving Lucknow • for Expo, Montreal on Monday, October '23rd, returning Friday, ; October ` 27th. ' Transport- ation, 'accomodation at ' American Motel and Passports included in -fare'- $80. For reservations call Allan Reed 528.3502, or Montgom- ery Motors••.528-3007. RUMMAGE SALE . Olivet • United Church' Messen- gers. are • holding, their fall Rum- mage Sale on Saturday, October 7th at 10:30 a,m, in the ,former Knetchel Feed Store, ; Lucknow.. Proceeds to help sponsor a child. in Korea. Anyone wishing to don- ate any articles, please phone Mrs. Jack. McGuire;. ' . 395-2827, •Ripley. OPEN. HOUSE / • • Mr and,' 'Mrs.. Jack Swan of Bervie ' are holding "Open House" at their home, on the occasion of ' their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Relatives and ` friends .are invited to call on Sunday, October 8th; from 2-5 p.m. and 7-10 • p.m. -RECEPTION ' A RepePtion will be: held in :'hon- our of. Mr. - and -Mrs. Stewart Lane (Margaret MacMillan), newlyweds on Friday,, October 6, in'Holyrood Hall. Carruthers 'Orchestra.'• Ladies bring sandwiches, 'everyone* .'.wel come.. BAKE, SALE.. • Dungannon'' United Church Wom- en, will hold. a Bake. Sale on Sat- urday, :October. 7th at 3•• p.m.. at the former Johnston Restaurant Lucknow. ' . • •HEAR THE CANDIDATES. ' •. Plan to' attend a meeting to hear Murray ,Gaunt, Roger West ' and Jack Pym at the Lucknow Town Hall Thursday; .October• '12 at 9 p.m,,sponsored by the Ontario Farmers Union. Everyone wel- come. BUSINESS MEN'S 'MEETING The Lucknow"Business, Men's :As-. sociation, will meet in the • Luck - now, Town Hall on; Tuesday' even- ing of next week October 10th -:at 7:30 P.m. • ZONE' 2 . YORKSHIRE SALE WALKERTON •Thursday; October 12th 1, 1;00 pm 22 Bred Sows - • 10 Boars OPEN „HOUSE Mr. and mit.. Ewart Taylor Will be at home to their• friends on the occasion of their 45th wedding anniversary on Saturday, October 7, from '3 to 5 in the afternoon and .7 to 10 in the evening. No gold, but your golden wishes, Nb flowers, save the fragrance of your friendship, No jewels,. except those in your casket of love, No gifts desired, Same the Gift of the:. Divine Spirit, • NG EVENTS WALKERTON CHRISTMAS FAIR • Pair Of Market, Hogs. Six .Prises -Totalling $160.00 Delivered to the Walkerton. • Christmas Fair Building Between 11:00. a.in. and 12:00 noon ' Thursday, October 12th. 'TURKEY 'SUPPER • A. Hot • Turkey Supper will• .be: served; in • the • Lucknow United Church on Wednesday, .October 18th from 5:Sb. to . 8 p.m., ' sponsor - ea by the United Church Women. Adults $1.50, ,public school child- ren- 75c. Everyone welcome. WANTED WANTED -- We are now buying timothy : and -clover seed. Bring in' a sample' Lucknow District Co-op'.: WANTED' a , used oat roller with motor, in good condition, Contact William ;' G. Hunter, R.R. • 3 'Luck - now phone 529-7186. AFPLIATJQN.S: 'ENGINEER-MAINTANCE OMAN ': BRUCE COUNTY HOME . WIARTON Applications for the position' •of Engineer=Maintenance' Man for the .: Bruce County Home at Wiarton will be received up to October' 13; 1967. Applicants must be qualified to be in charge of .,Heating, Refrig- eration,' Laundry and .other;' equip- ment ; and. be able . to do minor. plumbing and .electrical repairs. Applicants to state age, educa= tion, and experience, and .furnish, the names of two ; references;.. Apply. to: T. H • Alton, Sec-Treas., Bruce •County•, Home, P.O. Box :.70, Walkerton, Ontario TENDERS WANTED SNOWPLOW TENDERS Kinloss •Township:. Applicantsto supply truck; plow, wing and wingrpan, statingin ten- der, size of truck, ; length of wing, make, year and horsepower of truck. Minimum 'payment: of $l00 ; per month for December,. January, February & March. •Lowest' or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in. 'to clerk by :Oct-' ,ober 16 at:12 noon. - Fraser McKinnon R.R. 6 Lucknow, Ont. • **i*** r*** *'rt*•*-** *isn-A-To-cqt • . # •• iftEk IL All'* SALE *. Save your money by buying * " bargain at Lions 'Club / * "Y"RUM MAGE SALE ic *Fri. and Sat.. • October .13 & :14 * LUCKNOW , * *******"#-0; * 1,t4* .*-1* * * ANYONE { REQUIRING • SAND, GRAVEL,.''CRUSHED STONE, CEMENT':GRAVEL OR FILL • Contact: JOE MacINT'YRE •KINTAIL • PHON.E 529.761$