HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-04, Page 2f'. 4a N;e fi PAGE- TW THE LUCKNOW. ENT11�Et t .UCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4th, 1917 The LIJC.KNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, • ONTAR o "The Sepoy T'awn On tits Huron -Bruce Boundary . Authorized .ss: second class mail, Post .Office Department, Ottawa .Eblished 1873—Published Each :Wednesday Afternoon Member of the C.W.N.A, and O.W.N.A. Subacription. Rate, .$4.00 as year in advance, — to the U.S.A., $5.00 Donald C., ' Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4th, 1%7 Ceiling Had. To Be Reinforced The above photo shows the •type Shown is a piece`of the an hanging down, the wood frame•''it was attached.to, .the plaster" and lath and the joist which run between the floor upstairs arid, thh'e ceiling downstairs • It is felt that the school was plass- ;tered when originaily•buiit ui 1878 land later the ornamental tin Riad-. ed Over the plaster : probably cause c ac throw h the rs ca . z kut $ g: �i�a . ofconstruction in the ceiling of. the Lucknow Public School where. a sagging this week caused workmen toreinforce the ceiling in grade I. • • Workmen peeled off.a section of the ornamental tin, ceiling and found that the' building ' had origina.11y been plastered before the tin went on. LIONS CLU UDAY. AN OBER 13 STARTS 9 A.M. n The Former Knechtel Feed Building : Next To Finlay ' Decorators' On Lucknows Main ... Stream sob *II e'saso•ao•• •ss•a.aa You can'take part by donating airy hmg from a handkerchiefs tb a threshing machine. The.Lions _ especially need CHILDREN'S 'C,LGT HING FRLTISS ' and V WETABLES, • • ' FURN'ITCRE, .BAKED GOODS. and TOMI Please . gather your donations together ,- hi•ing them m and' : leave at the, building or 'Contact oTfe of the •following. Lions' 'Club 'Members,. E, Ii.. Agnew. Elake Alton, W. B. Anderson, Alex Andrew, -Loyd Ashton, Pete . Bissonette. Cecil Blake, Gordon Brooks, dinar Brooks, Ernest ' Button,' Russell Button,, Clarence Bell, Elliot C rruthers; Grant Chisholm, Stuart Collyer, Dr. M. H . Corrin, • BrockCleland, Bob Finlay, , Gordon Fuila vson, Gordon Fisher, G. arniss, Llo . C yd Henderson, Tem Hackett: Elwin Hall, Alvin .ecd Hamilton; Bud. Hamilton. Harvey Houston,'Wm:.Hunter, Lloyd Hall, , Wes Joynt, . George. Joynt, Cam MacDonald, Jack McDonagh, Dr. Jack McKim, :Robert MacIntbsh, Jack MarKen tie, Bob MacKenzie. Donald MacKinnon, Gordon Montgomery, • Virdin Mowbray, Ken Murdie. George 'Newbold, ,Durnin. Phillips, Wm. Porteous, Donald Ross; Mike Sanderson, Bill., ' Schmid,.' 'F. C. van E'yl,:Charles Webster, Harvey Webster',' Wm. Wharry. ••, =AA VIN Frasers Visit Here From California William Clarence . Fraser ,of• Castro Valley, California made a visit to the 'Sentinel office last week: Mr, /Fraser' and his wife are visiting friendsand relatives in this area Mr. Fraser is a nephew of Mrs. Tyndall. Robinson of town. • He was raised on•.the farm situated in. Kin- loss where Carruthers gursing,Horne is, being the son of Mr, and Mrs, Alex Fraser, a Mr. ansiMrs Fraser came to Ontario' via. Victoria 'and across Canada. While in Victoria they attended the Golden Anniversary of IYir..and Mrs.' Bert Menzies. Mrs. Menzies is the daughter of Alex and Betsy MacLean.. They spent some time with Mr. Fraser's broth- er Clifford Fraser and Mrs,. Fraser of Embro. , ,TO ,JOIN CARMELITE SISTERS Mrs. AudreyCarver Honored At Dinner KINGSBRIDG NEWS A farewell dinner party sponsored by the niembets of St.' Joseph's Council was held.at the Bruce Inn,• Kincardine, last Wednesday evening in. honour:of Mrs. Audrey Carver, housekeeper: at die 'Rectory for the past, three and. a' half; years Mrs, Carver leaves this week to join the Carmelite Sisters whose monastery is near;St Agatha. A nun's pocket watch and a cheque were presented by: the .;President. ` Mrs. Carl Reig- ling, on behalf of all 'the, members and ladies of the parish: as a. token of appreciation of her work and: gen. erosity ,during her stay The Pres- ident res-idem .ably expressed 'thoughts of the members: in the concluding part of her speech, quote; "You have s'erv-. ed our Parish - always doing.. for • others , asking' nothing in return.. which brings to mind this poem : "I'expect topass through g this world but, once. Any good thing therefore, that I can 'do,' or any kindness I can show to" any fellow, creature, let me 'do it now; Let' me not neglect it, for 1 shall not...:. pass this way again." May God continue to bless you and •those who come into contact with you in your'' future life;„;,, Mrs,. Carer. thanked the ladies for their gift and expression of good wishes, and quietly read' this poem Friendship is life's sunshine,. It, brightens gloomy days, It warms.the.heart and makes it • glad', in O'so many ways Friendship is life's sunshine, ;,The reason that I know;'.' Is because you. and. your friendship have brightened my life so. Mr and Mrs.: Joe O'Keefe are• at Expo . this week. Visitors with' Mr . and Mrs.. Gil- !bert •Frayne last week'�' er. e Mr. and Mrs Joe O'Rielly of Detroit ' - Weekend visitors with. Mrs. •Plaise Martin were Mr, and ,Mrs. George Pollard and family of. ' Harniiton Mt and Mit. Arthur Riber have returned to their. home in Florida after` spending two weeks with 'Frank Sullivan. Mr. . and Mrs': Joe Courtney and .° Mt. and:Mrs. Mark Dalton and ` . family are, touring Expo this w eek : We are, happy to report that Kev- • ir Austin is home from London Hospital. • ' TONSILECTOMY • After undergoing a tonsilectorny • with complications setting in, four ;year old Dean Doherty returned • home two days later than scheduled, but his parents Mr and Mrs. Stat! Doherty ;..report him iris ch improved. . Desmond, Michael:and Ursula sari ie . 4 week LU RESBYTE REV. R. H. MacLEOD, Minister y Centennial 1867.119 Sunday, October race GUEST MINISTERS: Rev. Chas. Winn, Moncton —. Rev.. Wm. Henderson, Woodstock' Rev. George Douglas, Toronto Rev: Doug MacDonald, T llsonburg GUEST SOLOISTS Allan ,Stewart, Burlington. Lloyd Stewart, Hamilton Wrn, Thompson, Toronto..: TRIO' Mrs. Alvin Mundell; Mn. `Jim B Mrs.. ' Wm. Henderson, B risbin QUARTETTE . Dale Haldenby, ' Cyril Brown,, Austin Loree;'.Wayne Jamieson ' . ' ORGA1YIST — Mrs: John Allason PIANIST Miss Sbaryn Mowbray A. sing -song of the good:` old hymns will be held from 7:30 8 i00. P.m. conducted by Frank 'Mac- Kenzie, •assisted by the'.Senior and` Junior ' Choirs: A: • Centennial' Costume .O'Nona Refreshments wi •- .. .. 11. be served following the service.• EVERYONE WELCOME WESTELSTO.N CONTINUED FROM PAGE1 dents 'in that.township, 300 less ential•buyers on main :street of any town He said that this drop in rural pop- ulation presents the most serious threat; of any to business •mcn •in Huron-Bruce.'•'"If the farming inr dustry is to be: saved , it • must :be • saved now' ;.he said. He referred to' the change 'in industry, in Wingham in the past few years from 'small businessman to large corporation,; ownership; If a business gotinto financial' diffi culty, these: branch plants would, be the : first to go, . eormnented the Speaker. He spoke of the pollution of : the Maitland river in his township. whichhas resulted in the' death of cattle and the end of good fishing. "An agricultural industry is, the best ind istry. ,any town has ,and under a Liberal government agricul ture'will receive its '.proper, posit= ion in the economy Of the province" , said Mr Elston. . Other: 'business at the meeting chided the Friday night business 'hours from now to' the end' of the year. Don Ross volunteered to' circulate,a petition seeking the - feeling of all business people in this regard. ` Thanks Was expressed by the association to Bob. Finlay tot head,.: ing the centennial•'cornmittee.' It w.as, the business men whose inter• est: finafy muted rhiln:t�ttr to -be formed. .' The pros and cons of the advertising w, rsmg promotion , hick` includes, fees to the association, were:discussed.. A further. meeting will be held.on Tuesday night of next, week;. StOcker..Sole.H.ere On Monday There were. 375' cattle sold 'a :the ,' consignment stoeket sale. on ?� on-• • day of this week at .the LucknoW Community, sale. : Twenty steers 'averaging 756. ltbs . • were 'Sold by Lloyd ,MacDougall of , Kinloss to Russ Adavfss of Gorrie for • 28 •30.. Seventeen heifers averaging,'es65 lbs. were sold by Adrian Van Don- gen of Dungannon. to - Percy .. ibbons. of Londesboro for 24.30 Robert 'MacIntosh is. Sale Manager, Emile MacLennan and Allan Mac=' Intyre:were auctioneers.. A furter. • sale is :planned for October leak • Accepts Position In Western Canada George Hackett of Lucknos' hat accepted a, position with Allis,- . Chalmers Rurnely Limited ,as Industrial Service Instructor fo=:' Western Canada. He will.be stationed at the blanch in Winnipeg and be travellrn to' dealers from the Lakehead to the w est' coast. George left Monday for wfnnp g to commence his•new duties WI