HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-09-27, Page 12THE LUCKNOW Si NTINEL, LUCKNOW. ONTARIO 11. tney a WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 27th. 1967 • • i i'. s Monday.September 25 three politicians namely Mr. Gaunt;. Mr;; West and.M'r. Crawford (sitting in;for, Mr•Pym) were at the. school and outlined to the students theirparty's policies, ,This gives the. students an idea how the ' ' ' government runs grade rade ten, students Were in ... charge of this .election and: they handled themselves.very adult -like Congratulations to the. students, res- ponsible for'these arrar►gernents.. Acting 'as.chairman was Allan I reutaweiser..• Irene 'de, Boer intr-- duced the first speaker whowas..Mr.. Murray gGaunt She ave a little of his background to the students M'r. Gauntlisted his party's policies as. followweducatiq? n, cost of `living economy in government and cheap food policy. He briefly out- lined each of these policies ..He • also listed the farming services in which the'Liberals assist 'to -day. Ray Elliott introduced Mr .:'Roger . West to the stand .' Ray gave,a very; thorough; background' of Mr. West,°', even 'going irito..•h'is college,`days, ` Mr. West firstly spoke •on :the hist- ory of his >political 'party which is Progressive Conservative He gave a'general.idea of what Conservati- sm i$ ; saying that it is a reflection of freedom.and a defender of the. • individual , When he.wastalking about Agriculture• in. -the govern ' merit he said When the •farmer: prospers, .everyone'prospers". Mr... West also said that his party strong- ly supports the free, enterprise sys- tem. • Carol Campbell introduced Mr Crawford to the students; Mr. Craw.. ford was speaking for Mr. Pym who was unable to attend. because of his work. Mr. Crawford started his • speech by giving a general idea of how to vote your Party leader into parliament. He stressed the point of the democratic principles being put in print for all to read The New Democratic Party also publishes their financial' statements,* Mr. Crawford mentioned the age limit' for voters but he said that there was. no age limit for scrutineers and that any of the students were wel come`to aid the party in elections. Jim MacDonald thanked the ,speak ers for corning. The grade tens . arranged a place to vote in the foyer and after the provincial elect- ion, C tuber 17th, the students mock vote will be published in a .further'issue,: Initiation Now that the High School;sched:- ule is running smoothly it is tine • to initiate the grade niners. We: have de cid ed to have only one day this year which is planned to be on Friday, September .29th: As 'usual the grade niners will be .obliged to do as the senior 'students ask or will serve a penalty Plans are for a snake .dance to, be offix FALL GRAINS For increased farm lncome oP`:Offers this Fall Fertilizer Program. 'f'or the most economical •use of fertilizer on your spring; crops. • 'practices and ah analyses based on Depaftrnent of Agriculture results: for cash and the convenience of LOCAL SERVICE • For your fall fertilizer needs and for FREE soil sampling contact Lucknow District Co-op •.PHONE sze-sus tents Rel:ur;n: 'o Farther Studies.. WHITECHURCH NEWS *Lynda Coultes, daughter ?f Mr.` and Mrs Ronald Coultes; 'is this, year attending Stratford Teacher's College., ' • Returning to Western University.,, London, for this year are George Conn, Murray Coultes, Elwin Moore, Wayne Farrier. Elgin ,. Sleightholm is taking a course in Toronto. Mrs. Gordon. Scott of Ripley and Mrs. Earl Caslick are spending a few days this weeks with their sister Mrs. Emerson Morris' (Ida) and. Mr. Morris of Chicago prior to their leaving for Florida for the winter. Wallace Conn is employed at Charlie Hodginsimplement shop in Wingham. • Mr. `and Mrs. Ed Shaw' and: Mrs. Marguerite Scott of Palmerston • were. Sunday visitors with .the latters sister Mrs. Jim Currie •and Mt, Currie. ,Russel Gaunt spent•a few days last week in Toronto with Mr.:and•Mrs. Donald Dirstein • • .. •Mr,, and Mrs; Jim' Ross of Kitchen.- er spent the ,week end with his•.par-: ents ,' Mr . and. Mrs. Russel Ross and her parents Mr , and Mrs. Millen of Teeswater. Mr hand Mrs. Wallace Conn were Sunday visitors With Mr. . and. Mrs. Gordon Scott of Ripley . J Mr and, Mrs': John Willis of Listr owel were week end visitors with her parents, Mr and Mrs.. bi11ie Caslick of Teeswater andhis mother Mis Doris, VJtllis. Mr and Mrs 'Carl. Weber. , Ann, Marlene and Clair were'' Friday even ing visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Jim 'led .down town at noon hour on Fri- day by someof the senior students. Initiation is :officially over at 3:30 and the grade niners are all invited to come to the dance that night, music by the:"Beaumonts".. This is the first danceof the year and we hope ':for a .good turnout Yearbooks The yearbooks were handed out • this week., Congratulations are extended. to: the yearbook' staff'' who made an excellent effort towards forming a complete surmise of last ;year's activities. School Band Lucknow High School Band played at, the Dungannon Fair this •week. The band went ;by'bus to:D.ungannon. and came back to the school in" time• for the:volleyball .players' to go to Saugeen " . VoIieyboll • . The volleyball sch.edulehas "ben* made out for .this year.. It is .as follows: Thursday Septernber•' 21, • Sacred Heart at Lucknow; 'Tuesday,' September 26 , Lucknow at Saugeen; Tuesday, October 3 ,.'Lucknow :at Wiarton; :Thursda;y, October; 5 , Lucknow. at Chesney; Wednesday, .October 11, Ripley at Lucknow;- Thursday, October 12, Kincardine at 'Lucknow; Tuesday', October 24 Girls Volley"ball•Play-off. The results of the. game. on Tues- day; September 21 'were a 'little discouraging, Senior'girls and jun- for girls bosh lost but both these' teams showed a. good effort and • we.wish them better luck in' their :.,other •games . The boys , won their game after it was tied , the score ended 16 -14 . • The boys'• :team is as .follows: David R:adie, 'Murray Morrison.,. Ray Hogan, Ken, Roulston , Don Maci' in non, Ricky Pritchard, Jim MacKin- non, Doug Cameron; Calvin • Ritchie.,' Brute Colwell, Doug Campbell... , FOR MILKER SERVICE PHO$E KEN'M.RUN.. 3l6-t408" Kincardine Mock and Mr. and Mrs . Robert Chambers and family of Harriston • Olt Thanksgiving Sunday, October 8, there will be no services at the United Church hereas student mini- ster Michael Ross is attending the .' opening of a .church in the Sarnia. vicinity. The U. C. W. will hold. their, Thankoffering, meeting in the church on October 4 at • 230 when Rev. C. F. Johnson of Wingham will be the guest speaker. St. Helens and Donnybrook .U. C. W. and Chalmers Presbyterian W.M.S. have been invited,to attend this meeting. Rev , `John,Honeyinanof Toronto will again have charge of the ser- vices in Chalmers Presbyterian Church on October ht. Visitors on Sunday with Misses' Annie and Mary Laidlaw' were Charlie Falconer and Mary of Glamis and Jim Falconer of Luck now•: Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Smith .and grandson Robbie and Mrs: Bo'b'' ' • ": Woodcock of Markharn were Sun- day visitors with his sister Mrs Russel Chapman and Mr. Chapman. /Ill,'/1i ell/,S'l�1//'/ �rUsedar� 1966 MODELS ord Galaxie 500 ith 3 engine 966 Chev Bel Ai Sedans, ; V -8's,: power steering 1965 MODELS Mercu 2 door A number of 1964 and : 196S "Chevrolets,` Fords • and Pontiacs in hardtops and; sedans, V-8 'automatic MODELS 1964 'Mercury 2 door hardtop, 1964 Chevrolet Convertible A' number -'.of cars, different ;makes and model's • from 1959 1963 TRUCKS Chevrolet 1 ToniPicku i Chevrolet 1 Ton J J Stake Body/ dual wheels, V8 motor. russels: Motor Cities .Service Dealer.' • Pharne' '113, Bru3Selsi •