HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-09-20, Page 13to . ' . • ,.WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 291%;11,47 1. • ' t", . " THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE. THIRTEEN • . RIPLEY ABATTOIR ,.. • 41111.1•1111111_ 11.1.1•10 Custom Butchering Curing and Snaking. Cutting and'Wrapping !--4Saosage Making, Fast .Freezing. • HOGS AND CATTI...0 'ON MONDAYS. • • CATTLE ONLY ON WEDNESDAYS. Wfth Two Gig Coolers, We Are Able To Hang Your Beef From ' •.1 To 3 Wks — Whatever YOur Requirements Are: , • n ' . . . , •'For Home Freezers We, Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, Pork and 'Lamb In- AnY Quantity At, Lowest Marketing Prices .• •'ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR., f' ... . • . 1PROTECTION - . ,.• • 4 CALL RIPLEY 100.04 ios CHAS. HOOISMA --pRop, erkh Total tiny Heins Highways and Other Roads patrolled iii miles. • N, INVESTIGATIONS: 'Criminal (a) '. Thefts - 1,•(b),Breaking and Enter- . • • ing•, 1,,'(c..) Disturbances,- 1',(d) Other' .14. Traffic (a); Accidents - 7 (i) Property,Damege .5.(ii) 'Per- sonal Injury -2...'N�.' Iniured - 2. On:Sunday, September 10/67 on / #15 County Road; tinned Township, east: of #: 4: Highway, there was a :two carmotOr Vehicle'accident involving Leslie.'George Bernard, R.A.. 4, Walton, Ontario and Kenn- eth Mansel Cqok,,R42. 1, LOndes'. bora in which:approximate total damage to vehicles was $300 00 On Tuesday,•• September 12, Alvin Roy -Potter, R. R..' ,• Clinton was. involved Ina motor vehicle acci-. • dent on #..8 Highway, weft of Clin ton in which he received .slight'; InJuries. Damage to his vehicle, approximately : $1., 600. 00; 1.Ou Thursday, September 14 on • ,the..10th concession Of Stanley Township ,Jr east of # .21 Highway; • :Mr. Kenneth Bruce WildfOng; 356 . Carling Street, Exeter,, Ontario • .... • roiled the tractor trailer which he Was driving, sustaining $2,000 96 .to thehicle". , ' • On Friday,. September 15; , Douglas R:aynard , R R. .3, Licknow and'Lloyd Hunter.R.R. Lucknow Were involved in a. two. car Motor vehicle accident on #27 County • Road. Raynard vehicle received $150 . 00'daniage. ' • • ,' On Saturday, September 16 • 'LarryWi1iiaki Hoy , -173 Fredrick •-• Street, 'Clinton'was involved in a single ear accident on the 15th ' • 'Concession of Goderich Township; 'receiving $250..00 darnage to his • vehicle. ' . • On 'Saturday, September 16 on 4 3; County Road, west of Bruce- field,.Hugh .Mcconnick, .101 Inkerman„Street; London and 'Don- ald Brodie, R. Ric Btue.itield • Were involved'in a car and .farm wagon motor vehicle accident; in which approximate total damage 'to vehicles was $850 .r.e • were Minor injuries. • • • On Saturday, September :16 on #2] Highway south of Goderich, • Leonard Thompson', •R.R. 3, Clinton and. Kenneth William Wil son, R. R. '2, Clinton 'were inVOlved in a two c AT motor vehicle accident receiving approximate total of . $00 .00 daniage totbk vehicles. (B) Charges - 9, Criminal Code - 3; Highway Traffic Act - 5, Liquor Control. Act - l'Which was eMinpr. (c) Warnings GENEML. (a) Requests 'for •Assistaw ce - 4, • ' • On Thursday, September I4, ar' .ektensive.air and.grouno search waS , • • conducted in the Kingsbridge ,area for a missing Ashfield Township juvenile' boy.. Meinbers of the God erich Detachment were assisted in their efforts by an aircraft from Sky Harbour Air Services, Goder- ich, some 100 volunteers from Can- adian Farces Base, Clinton and several area farmers. The missing boy was found the next day safe and sound in a•13arn On his filler's farm after spending the previous' night 'out in the Open. • ' (c)Convictions - 17persons app- eared in Magistrate's, Court • Goderich; 4 convicted 'of Highway Traffic Act. offences; :2convicted rof LiqUor Control Act offences and 1 convicted of Criminal Code/off- ence, • . • May 1 againsernind all drixiers that "when a school bus has stopped with lights flashing, traffic must stop from both directions until the lights have stopped flashing or the us has resu,med. motion. • , • G,S FERRIS,. • PROVINCIAL CdN' S'TABLE;;.' Grandmothers Are Entertained At Whitechurch. W .1. WHITECHUtial NEWS •Whitechurch Women's Institute held their September meeting Tuesday at 8:30 in Whitechurch Community Memorial. Hall, with' the president Mrs, Bill Evans pre- siding and extending a special wel • come to all grandmothers present: • The pde was sung and creed repeated. Arrangements were made for attending the Bruce Cdurity Rally at Ripley and ,f0t the Convention at Markdale October 26 and 27) • Pie roll call was answered:by an attendance of 29 telling the birth-, ' place of their Grandmothers. . Mrs. George Walker gave a read- ing "Old Lady". Mrs. Dave Gibb gave a centennial pbenn; "Our Pioneers" .• The Topic, "The .History of Grainger Siding" was given )y Mrs: -Wallace Conn. . • - 'Community ,singing' of Old ,Folks at Home and Annie•Laurie was en-, joyed with pianist Mrt, Garnet Farrier Current ,Events was given by Mrs ; Garnet Farrier; . Arrangements wire made foi the twist meeting when Bluevale and St Helens Institutes will be *guests of the branch. The meeting closed with thesinging of the Queen, Contests were then held for the grandmothers under the leadership of Mrs. Johnston Conn. • • - The first contest uas won by, Mrs. Ezra Scholtz. • The second tor the grandmother, not •wearing .glasses Was a tie betweert"Mrs. Cecil, Fal - toner and Mrs. Gibson Gillespie with Mrs. dillespie being the final winner 2 The third,'grandmothers having in 'their purse - at comb, wderand mirror was won by Mrs. KINCARDINE ACCIDENTS: On Friclay,Septemb- er 15, 1967, Provincial Constable E. loolcPhail investigated a Cat - • cattlebeast accident on #7 County: Read ,;'Kinloss ,TownShip. The • vehicle involVecl,was driven by .. 'James Gilbey of R. g.; 3, Ripley. Thecattlebeast owned by •Aurel 4•Armstrong of R,R. 4; Kincardine.' was killed:. Approximately $100. ' damage was done.to the car: • • ' t'wo car accident in Tiverton, was investigated by Provincial Constable J. Poland on Saturday., 'September 16. Begg of ' London 'and Roderich Crawford, R.R. 2; Tiverton were involved. No one was injured in the accident which caused •a tcitalof $300, :•-to the vehicles. • • Provincial Constable E‘, investigated a single car accident involving FraZek Farrell ork.R• 3,, Tiverton, on Saturday Septeiriber. 1,1967. Mr. Farrell was not .. • injured in the mishap. Damage to the Farrell vehicle amounted to $250 .0,{1, On Sunday*Septeinber 17, 1967, 'a single cat accident was investig- ated by ProvincialConstable E. ;McPhail on the # 5 C'ounty Road North of LuCknoW. The driver of the vehicle involVed was Wilda, Thompson of R.R; 3 Ripley. The:, Thompson Vehicle was damaged to the- extent: Of $800, Mrs." 'Thompson 1..a's not injured in the rnitha.p. • Total aceidents to date -last year -.1O5,, This year!s,totalstands at 'CHARGES: 6 chatg6 were laid under the:Highway. Traffic Act, 4 charges were laid under the Liqtiot Control Act. 1 charge: was laid • . under the Criminal Code of Canada J. POLAND • ..„ , PROVINCIAL CONSTABLE ' • PRESS RELEASE OFFICER, Cecil:Falconer. The fourth, the grandmother attending Expo .Was . Mrs'. Ed Walker.' Thefifth; the •• grandmother who baked her own bread was Mrs •Lloycl-Graslo of Arthur. The sixth contest, the grandmother with 'a birthday. near- est December 25th was won by' Mrs: .Robert Ross.• The hostesses,.Mri. Wallace Conn and Mrs. Johnston Conn Served • , , . "• . • or Ouch ct lLttle time.,! • • She looks. upat Mummy and .Daddy 'with complete trust, and 'that trust is well .Placed. For ' • not only is she given love and understanding but financial Protection as Well. Her family are Sun :Life policyholders and her father makes sure that their life insurance portfolio is carefully checked at regular intervals to take care of changing needs.' • ,„ • I'm associated with Sun Life of Canada, the Company with the poliey that's right for you and your family Whyl ot call me today? • WILLIAM ,J -KINAHAN • : . • • • • •.• I.R R 2 Lucknow hone AqiughaM,357.1981._. • SUN LI'FE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANAA . . . . . . . . . ...•. . . .• . HITECHURCH Because some players from. East. WawanOsh are on the Brussels Girls 6Oft Ball team, we report this game . ,Brussels team played St. Marys team at Brussels Park on Monday evening with a score 22-10 ,for Brussels. The. Brussels team are winners of this series with St. Marys, having"won all three gam- es, straight. . Visitgrs with Mrs.Mary Chapman Sr. the first of the week were Mrs. • Gordon Lemon and Mrs Iirn Ridout of Stouffville and Mrs. ,Gillion of Bobcaygeon. • ; . ' Little Miss Lori Jane and Kerry , Schwichtenberg of Port Elgin are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.. Albert Coultes this week while their parents, Mr and Mrs. Wilbert Schwichtenberg are attending Expo. ,• •• Wayne Farrier and Miss Beth • Barbour of Toronto visited a few days the fir it of the week with his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet • Farrier. THE UNIQUE UTERINE•OOLUS APPLICATOR INSURES , -PROPER TREATMENT OF UTERINE INFECTION ANO AIDS IN THE' REMOVAL OF RETAINED AFTERBIRTH IN C.OWS • • Treat Positively for uterine infection when you use • this new exclusive method 'of bolus application in- troduced by SilIJR:-GAIN. • • 4 • Thedisposable tube has a plunger to release the med- icatedholus directly and positivelyinto the' uterus. 'REDUCE POSSIBLE IN,FECTION-7Each unit is individually -packaged in a sealed enclosure ready for easy, safe, • sanitary insertion. • •• A new combination of treatment and application; A 'product of Canada PackersResearch one of the many new stitra-GAIN Animal Health ''Service products. , Ask for .the, new exclusive 'Uterine Bolus. • Available now at your SHUR-GAIN Feed Service Dealer • Limited 1r . . • • * ' . , . ' •