HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-09-20, Page 9WEDNESDAY, 'SEPT. 20th, 1967 J217 id ciat- 0.. • • THE .LUCKNOWSENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINE • , COMMENT BY FALL FAIR SCRIBE FAIR NOTES CONTRIBUTED BY "ME FAIR BOARD With beautiful summer weather and exhibits of top quality and throngs of people to enjoy it all, • Lucknow Agricultural Society have! had.another big Fair. ' • • If you weren't with us then yr • missed an opportunity to share in. Lacknow's Centennial hOnlecornin celebration. The parade was one • which had to be seen to knew.just .how big,and wonderful it was. Only Charlie Webster knows just how -much work goes into such a parade as we•know he travelled; far and wide to get suppOrt. Donald Blue and Cam MacDonald as M.C's did a tremendous job of keeping everyone informed of what was taking placeon Saturday. Bingo,, midway, exhibits bot commercial and competitive vi bigger and, bet(et than ever: To start to 'thank people indi wally for work.done would be * hard to do as everyonerdid thei . • h ere, vid- r ';GODERICH. .• ON'THE SQUARE: 1 FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED . ,,,,?. • • COMFORT — Entertainment 1, Our Bissiness THURS.. FRI., SAT. "60 Maddes Mixti Sija t. 21-22.23 SATURDAY MATINEE — 2:30 p.m. Serial: "CAPTAIN KIDD" — Children 35c TUES., WED. Sept.. 25-26-27 4OTTO PREMINGER '&1640.. • • . MICHAEL CAINEg JANE FONDA JOHN PHILLIP LAW DIAHANAI CARROLL ROBERT HOOKS " FAYE DUNAWAY BURGESS MEREDITH HIER 5UND TECHNICOLOR. ADULT, ENTERTAINMENT Showtimes: 7.00 and 9.20 Coming Next: Sept. 28-24.30 "COUNTESS FROM HONG KONG" • • . • • . ". part from bringing pies for the • booth to lending .a helping hand,' The behind the' scenes workers were wonderful and clays and days of hardlabour were done. by many. to make the grounds and .arena so :pleasant. The booth operators were busy long hOurs after most.figk$ had .gone home to bed. The results, were fantastic and, with due thanks to the bael(ing, from lotal organizations and individuals, the booths operated this year by the. Agricultural Society for the first time were successful. Next year we Will try again. Once again a, big :thank you to those who donated • material or helped in anyway. The beauty •QUeen contest was on , of the best and biggest jobs ever tackled by:the judges. Congratul- ations ,t'the winners. The teen dance at night .drew various comm- ents but was a big hit with the . .young folk. Let's. face it folks, we must be.getting'old when we felt 4t too much, but did you see how • our young folkdanced and .crowded in for the big event. These bands • Were provided by the Village and • to them we say thanks ,for the bands and the. entertainment provided .at 1.16 by the gun 'salute of the army • • group• - • • • • Perhaps you liked everything. about the Fair or maybe we dis- pleased sone by a little misunder standing.Or Maybe there was Softie O part you didn't like. If you have . Any criticism, .constructive or' otherwise,;, lets hear from you at the next meeting, 2nd Thursday in October and help us prepare and pave the way for another big Fair next year Its, your Fair too and only you can help make it as you •think it should be . • , • The big nylon flags owned.by the: Society were taken right. ROM ' '• under our eyes' on Saturday night.; and several butter boxes loaded into cars. These things:leave a bad. • taste in the eyes of the Society, so. if„yon feer you had a good. day ,o1 a better One could be had ,:We'd like to hear from you It would all help to guide the Society do a better job. ' • . • O A fitting climax was •the big, O Centennial, Church Service on Sun- day. A comment heard at the Ser- • vice: - Why couldn't we have .this same type .of Service every year the day ,following the Fair? •.. . triccirdine ••••:••••••••*•••••••:ii*•••••• This. 21 Fri. 22 so. 23 • g 'FIRSTTIME... AT POP01111 PRICES! TECHNICOLOR DireCt from its reserved seat engagement. lifftlillIEN111111111 . •••••••••••••,,••••••••••••• FEATURING DRIVE-IN THEATRE NWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524 9 9 81 Extencl Sympathy To O'Neil.Family KINGSBRIDGE NEWS .• . Sympathy is extended to the fam- ily df the late Mts. Martha O'Neil Who Passed away Saturday morning at the Alekandria anci, Marine Hos- pital, Goderich. 0 . Visitors oVer,the week -end With Mr: and Mrs. •Jack Van &di were Mrs. Morris Sthurrnians and family .of London, Mr and Mrs. John Van Osch and MichaeIof St. Agatha. Mr.O and:Mrs . OrniOnd -Heffernan spent Sunday in Guelph with Miss -. Blanche Bilodeau,and Miss Anne Heffentatr.. Mr. and Mrs,' Kerry Hogan and • Todd of .Stratford spent the.week,.' end with Mr and. Mrs ); • Con Hogan. and Faye. 0 0 0, •• Visitors. over'the weekend. with Mr and Mrs. Dennis. Hogan and faMily Were Irene Hogan and Kentith Ford Of California . .• • Visitors with Mrs. Blaise Martin . on Sunday were Peter, Joe, Teresa, John and Maria of Hamilton. Kevin Austin is a patient in St. • Joseph's Hospital, London and we wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Donald Frayne was admitt- ed to ,Alexandria and Marine Hos- ********* • With the TOPS In, Entertainment O FRIDAY, 'SATURDAY, • Sept. 22, 23 „ "Hold , • Hernianit',Herniitt • 0f 0 Technicolor The lo Pieture of the 'Seem. 11Gun Point" Teebicolor • Audio). Murphy • Blazing Guns Blast the Wekt1 • • ' pital, Goderich, Monday 'morning, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Perry of • ' Detroit are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Drennan. • Crop Report Weather conditions have been very favourable for the harvesting of white beans. On the average, bean yields appear lower this year., The range reported is froth 10 to • 39 bushels per acre with many fields yielding from 18 to 20 bushels per acre. . . • , The hot 'dry days along with frost ' free nights are needed for the furth er maturation of corn and some white bean .crops . Little frost dam- age has occurred except to some corn in North Huron.and a" few low lying acreages elsewhere., • A large percentage of the winter 1 wheat crop has. been planted with some fieldsstarting to green upO . Plowing has become very difficult as a result of the dry weather. A larger acreage of good quality aftermath hay has been stored . during the dry weather. Pastures are ,• beginning to decline in production'. .PHOPIE 397.:16311.' STARTING TIMES .Monday to, Thursday -8 .P.m. Come as late as 8:30 to see • complete show . , Friday and Saturday 0• 2 Shows -- 7:15 and 9:1. O Saturday Matinee — 2 p.m.; . 0 unless otherwise. noted • ifrickltrAlhteltnin.t. • . 'Spedall— Special! -- Special! WED., THUR., FRI., • SAT. MON., TUES. / (6 SEPT. 204142434546 ZHIVAGO" ' 'Colour, - CinemaScope Starring: Omar Sherif,. Julie •Christie . ' This is one of the great filing of all time. A tale of love and country that will become a c.lassic of the 0 screen. Due to the length of this feature there. will beonly one show each even - ii?.$ starting at 8:00 pm. Admis- sion prices for this feature are Adults $1.75; Students and Children $1.00. feRiIrIt****4 SATURDAY MATINEE' Sept. 23 "EAST OF. 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