HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-09-20, Page 7the nk re-, ! • fle • • • app - )67.. to Nay ness • • aw• • tes .967, rice • to 4 ' les n- • ooint te DN. ER. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20th 1467 ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • PAGE SEVEN DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO District. No. 3,StratfOrcl 581 HURON TREET, P.O. BOX Na 8 REQUIRE TRUCKS FOR WINTER SANDING, LOADERS FOR LOADING WINTER SAND, SALT AND. SNOW .REMOVAL AT A LUCKNOVi. AND ININGFIAIIII BASIC REQUIREMENTS: TRUCKS must have Department Of Tramped license. 27,000 lbs. gross vehicle weight. Cab to axle length 84". or 102". Accessories to conform to Highway Traffic Act: . LOADERS Rubber tire or track type. Minimum • 3/4 c.y. bucket capacity.. , • • All equipment subject to approval of the District Highway Equipment Supervismi. ' • ' Rental agreements available at or by mail from the above mentioned address. . • CLOSING DATE FOR, TENDERS ,12i00 NOON, SEPTEMBER 9th, 1967. ' • • J. G.. TILLCOCK, DISTRICT ENGINEER • • • ' White:chijich 4-H • • • WHITECHURCH• NEWS • " Whitechuich club held their :meeting Monday evening at the, home of Pamela King Darlene • Simpsonist Vide, opened the meet- ingwith the 4-1-i.pledge repeated in•unisorte ' 1 • • • • • The minutes were read by Mary. . Lou 'Wall, The•Roll call Was '• answered by 9 'members showing a sample of Material and telling., • '..• why they thought it was wool., The next. meeting is September 18 at, the home of Irene De Boer .• • Discusslons'cent.red weaves, .' 'of material,' ehOOsing style and. • • ' design for skirt, choosingwool for:. 'skirt and selection of pattern.. • :•Mrs. Walter ;Elliott .denionitrated.. ..how tc;:study'a pattern and instruct- • iOn sheet and :also how to alter'a. • pattern.: For Group „Work the Oils' • arranged themselves in pairs and , learned to Meaititefot a skirt.' For homework theyare to work on their • Record Book, buy material for their skirt Or juniperand als urChase ••their pattern and ;studytt • • • . Lambie'::pios.• The fourth meeting of the "Holyrood" Lambie Pies" was held at .the KinlOss Central Public..... School on September 18, at 7:45 p.m. The meeting was opened with the 4-1I Pledge. The minutes )Q. 6f the third meeting were read and adopted, and the roll call, "One pattern alteration, and how 56 to make it", was antwered,by , seven members. The business for the evening was to decide on a design for the book covers. It was decided to hold the • next •rneeting at 7:45 p.m. on Monday, September 25, in Kinloss Central School. • t- ,• m3,41A:12, • . The leSsort was on Staystitching and Darts. In the' group work, • Brenda Bushell demonstrated the proper method of transfering, pattern markings to the wool. fabric. Mrs. Ackert demonstrated ,, • staystitching, and Miss Murray • did the proper way of. stitching. darti. • • Each girl worked on her skirt,. finishing the cutting and marking. ' After. cleaning up the room, the • meeting was' closed .With the' Nat _ziona.1.24.414,keed ' Zionettes The third meeting of the "Zippy Zionettes" was held at the home of Nancy Kirkland on Tuesday. All' members answered the roll tall "the accessories I•haire chosen to Make". The next meeting will•be held on Tuesday, September, 19 at the home of Brenda Ritchie. • The leaders demonstrated how to make continuous bias and the • mitred corner. • • ' • Mrs.'Kirkland was thanked for having the:Meeting and it was •closed with the National 4-H• Creed • • • Learning Lassies The second meeting.Of th coi- wakiash; Learning Laseiel..wai on Monday, September •18.:at"4: 30 .at the home Of Mrs.• C. Riegling;. The meeting opened with the 4-H Pledge.; The roll call was answer- ed' by eight meiribers:. The next Saturday, September 23 at'.1:30 p rn . Making Pillows and dresser scarf were discbssed . The • girls Worked On a sample 'of.a "mitred" cornet and a sample of !Italian Hen -1413,z chine . Themeeting wasclosed witifthe,singing•olthe Queen. • , t'V 001 Workers The second meeting of the slreaiNuinber i 441 Club .Was held' on Monday, .September 11, at Mrs. EvanKeith's homp. at 7;15.. •• The president began the Meeting With ythe nine members present, repeating the.44i pledge'. • The minutes of the last meeting. .were read and adopted and the roll. call:"shOw.:14 piece of fabric and tell why you think it is.wOOl" was . answered by all' Members. r. • It was decided to call the club ' the "Kairshea WoOl.Wotkers" Notes were givei? by the leaders • . on the different kinds of weaves and suggeStions were given for choosing patterns ...Each girl took her own measurements for.the pattern she. will have.' They also 'figured out the correct style, colour ancrfabric for each girl. I the textineeting will be at Mrs. Ritchie's on Monday, Septernber , • • , , . • , ChooslAb.Name WHITECHLIRCH 1,E WS The Whitechurch 4-H Club held their third meeting at the home of Irene De Boer with 41 .12 met -fibers present President Irene De Boer opened the meeting, with the 4.7•H pledge repeated in unison. The • roll call was.,answered by narning a. wool and its weave, The minut- es Were read' by Doris Fisher. The name chosen for the Club is White- church Woolees Discussion cent- red on straightening and. . •• shrinking of material and the grain ,of wool material,. •• • . bernonstrations-were r How to, • • shrink*wool and press it, off and on grainsi'ot material,. how.to 'place pattern pieces on material and how to Cut • Group work was checking and Alt, ming patterns.. . Home work was to shrink 'mater- ial and lay piecesof pattern on , with pins to material ready for Cutting!. The next meeting will be. Monday, :September 25 in the Whitechurch Community Hall at , Margaret Doelman Heads Kairshea 4-14 • The, .first meeting•of the Kairshea No. 2 Club for the 4-13 fall course "Working with Wool" was held September 6th at the home of Mrs. Roulston under the leadership .of Mrs ROulston•and Mrs. Doelman. Eight members were present.: Election of officers' was held with.these.results, President, Margaret Doelman.,..Vice 'President, Nancy Burt, Secretary, Anne Graham,..Presi Reporter, • •• Sandra Thomson: For° next meeting 41 members must bring a fully equipped sewing'. box. The covers were discussed and. blue was decided on.• The meetings. will be held on Wednesday at +00 ' p .n.); . " I • . . . IS, what you,SHOULD count on when choosing a milking machine. Many Millions of Milkings by Surge Machines in many barns, in many places, pretty well back up the safety, convenience, performance and value of_the Surge. No 'matter ''how you're milking now ,r,, IT COULD • PaY You to find out what Surge Milking can do for . ••• • . , you . . . m your barn. , on your cows.' be • glad to show you! • 2 AUTHORIZED. SALEi. and ' • . 1 SERVICE FOR.MiLKER SERVICE PHONE. KIEti MART Kincardine 396-2408 • Lost Si*ep: The third meeting of the Silver Lake Lost Sheepwas held on Sept." ember 14at 7:30 inifthe bonne of Gertrude Van Beers, The meeting • was opened. with the 4-H Pledge,. followed by the roll call,.."One • •wool material and its weave' . '• Marilyn Colwell read, the minutes': Of the -last meeting. The next ..rneeting will be held September,21, at 7:30..at i4e. home of .Shirley . • StanleY. • Notes were discussedand leader Margaret Hedley denionstrated.the shtinking. And pressing of: • Woollen inaterials: Each of 'the girls took part in.atteinpting this task. . A .delightful lunch %.4/ as served by ,Mrs.' Van .Beers and Gertrude. Marys Little Lambs Chosen 4-H Name* The second meeting of the Luck'- now # 2, 4-H hornemaking club was held in the'L.D.H„'S. on Thurs. day, September 14. The meeting opened with the 4-H.pledge. The roll call was then taken The min utes of the last meeting were read by Jane lvIoncrief; The name chosen for the club is Mary's Little The types of w,eaves Were discuss- ed.. and each other's measure- ments taken.. • • Samples _were teAtecl and notes copied.. The membeks were given . wool samples and prices: • .. ' • ' The east side cif Yonge .'treet, Toronto, south of Queen,Stret'in the simmer of 1897, . , . . . StreeiCar. at: the door a' arid .siatiway, tOo. .infact, you're Close , to dll.trarisportation...... rail, bus, airline, liniousipe. Change your pace enjoy Toronto more, at sensible Prices.. .:'.'stay at the Lord SiMCOe Hotel, where the' only: old fashioned convenienoe the service. • • totonto;: .y at. ..he.. 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