HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-08-23, Page 14or
AGE :,. tkRTE E N_.
A very modern. 7 room house on
double lot with all modern, facil-
Kis, situated on .ClydeSt.
* * .
7 room new house on ` Stauffer St.
electrically heated, all modern
"facilities,, stream at back, on large
lot. .. _
ASKING PRICE -$13,9901
10 .room house north of * Lucknow;
bathroom,:,,; furnace, kitchen cup.
boards. .`{
* * *
8 room:, n
• e,w.home, bathroom, fur
nace, heated garage,, near ,Amber-
ley '.on Highway . •
fir .* * .,
Country home in good condition.
* * *.:
We are in need .of new list -
'rigs :: for . our clientsfor
fall and . spring . possession.
C. van EY!.
' BO* 1.93, LUCKNOW
PHONE . 528-3618
Bridal Shower.
A bridal shower was held in the
Kairshea hall on Wednesday even-
ing for Gloria, Bushell. 'Mrs.' Austin
Martin was 'chairman, for a short
prograrrrafter' which Miss Bertha'
Van Dani••assisted the bride
elect to unwrap her gifts:: Gloria
thanked . her :friends
Fred Bissett Is
Kairshea Speaker
Mrs.• Robert Gilchrist ,..2nd. Vice -h
;President, presided for the August
meeting of Kairshea Women's
Institute .held in.the Kairshea Hall,.
Mrs. Wm. MacIntyre was hostess:, ,
The. Scripture was read by Mts.
Allan Maclntyre. 4-H leaders will.
attend Training School in Lucknow•
August 21st ,and 22nd . Iyrs . `L
MacDougall. Mrs; A. Hughes and
Janice Wall volunteered to,be
hostesses ,at the Log Cabin, at the •
County Museum on August .21st.
A letter{was read . from tucknow..
Agricultural Society requesting;six •.
ladies to help for .'hours and a.
donation of six pies for the booth
.at the Lucknow Fall Fair. Kairshea•
Institute agreed to help.. "
Mrs. Farish Moffat reported,_on
Home Economics •and Health; and
showed an 'interesting cook -book '
from P. E.I. 'Mrs. Clarence Ritchie,
in reporting. on. Citizenship and
Education' commented:on the last
Grade `thirteen. departmental '
exarninatioris,'Mrs-. Allan Maar).-
acIntyre explained ;the Fall Fair,.exhib-'
it: and severai:�ffered articles for
this, display.
A motion was passed that the
property committee 'inquire cost of
needed repairs.tp the Kairshea`'Hall
The 'little Mac.Intyre girls sang;
"Jesus wants me. for :a sunbeam".,.
Mrs.; Allan Maclntyr'e conducted.
two interesting: contests.
Mrs C. Ritchie,: introduced Mr.
Fred- Bissett of Goderich who
showed several sets of slides,. of
Expo. The. West Indies and some
of.local• interest. He was thanked
and presented with'.a gift by Mrs
Allister Hughes. ,
After'the singing of the'Queen
And. the In stitute,Qrace:, . lunch was
served by.the' hostess and: directors;:
Mrs: A . Macintyre and Mrs. •
Hughes"to-close a very, interesting
Mr. and Mrs.Irwin McClenaghan
Mary ,Lou, Nancy And Richard of
St, Thomas visited on the week
end with hid parents Mr. and Mrs.
L'en. NlcClenaghan`'and Mr. and
from `flats to new tires,, , we're prepared
to fully serve: your every. tire. need .. or
any other auto
need at reasonable ;prices.
Try us..
Dungannon L.O.L.
Hold First Picnic
The Dur}gannon L, O. L. 324 held
their first, picnic„ at the end of the
12th., Sunday, August 13th.
Swimming opened the afternoon's
activities, followed by a five
inning ball igame , with the Past
Master 4lvin Alton's team winning
over the present Master's Frank.
Alton score 16 to 11.
Games'and races followed with.
results: Preschool -. Gordon Alton;
Siris 8 and under, Valerie , '
Errington; boys 8 and under, 'Brian
Henderson; girls 9 to twelve, Leone
Cranston; boys9 to 12,' Dale Irvin
,boys l3 to,15.., William Irvin;, girls'.
13 to.15, Ann :Errington; unmarried'.
men's race, Allan Webster;
married ladies.race, Elaine Erring
ton; married 'men's race, Frank
Alton; ladies kick .slipper ,;Elaine
Errington;- young ,girls ,kick" slipper; •
Loreen'• Er.ririgtori; ..men's kick.
slipper, Glen Webster; .boys 9 to 15
David. Finnigan; girl's 3 legged
race, 12 and over Leone Cranston
"and•Susan Irvin; boys 3 legged race
12 years Bill Alton. and. Dale Irvin; °
boys 12 and over, G, len Weibster
•and Greg'Blake;,wheel barrow race.
'12 years Bill Alton and pale .Irvin;.
,boys. 12 and over, -David Finnigan „
and Jerry Irisin; girls wheel barrow
race; 12, years , Valerie Errington'
and Susan .Irvin; boys soft ball •
throw , ,12 years. Bill Alton;'boys 12
and over; 'David.. Finnigan; girls.
soft' ball, throw ,,12 years Leone
Cranston; .'married men's soft ball
throw Frank Alton, peanut.:scrarn
•ble 12 years, Dale Irvin, :young.
•men l2:and over ,, Alvin Alton;
guessing peanuts in jar, Glen Web
stet;• driving nails in a block of •
wood , men, Harold Webster,
wome'a, Madeline.Alton dropping,
clothespins in bottle , rBill Alton;
prize for largest family, Russel. •
Irvin, with 8 :Members of L. 0.:144
324 are proud to; announce they
won.'first prize' for the banner at
the ,1,t1i.,of: July walk' at Bayfield
this year. '
•Mrs,.' Carl McClenaghan and.an
return trip Ronnie who 'had been
holidaying at the farm for.,two
weeks accompanied them. .
ACCIDENTS. A ° three car
•accident was, investigated by
Provincial Constable John'Gault :on.
Monday; July ,"28 . The `accident •
occured on #21 Highway at the.2nd'
concession, Huron' Township . The •
vehicles involved were .driven by.. '`
Lloyd Clemett , of Toronio, ' Stuart
Shaanks.Goderich and, Gayle Lowry;
of R, R,1, ,Kincardine: The• total
damage to the three' cars amounted
to. $2500 ,0.0. Noone was seriously
injured in the mishap.
'On Tuesday,' August 1, •Provincial.
Constable Jim Poland intiestigated
a ,twd car/accident in the Mill ' ' •
Yard , at• Ripley : The vehieles
involved -were driven by' Samuel.
Emerson of Ripley and Annie Scott
also of Ripley. The damage to the
cars was light and no one wasin-
Two cars and a .truck wer involyfed in anaccident at Holyr'0
od , on
I Friday.; Augtist 4.. The driers in -
!'volved were Jack Fair•`of R R,# 4,
Kincardine, Barry Ha denb of R. R.
#t2, l lolyrood , and .Ernest olhoun •
of. .12. R,# 3; Wyoming. 'Lot cars
were heavily damaged, while the
truck was damaged to'the extent of
.$25,00. The drivers all es aped -`
with minors its and'scratches
• Provincial Constable -JIM Poland.
investigated the accident.,
The total accidents to dd to last
year`. were 76. `This years total
,.E:DNESDAY, AUGUST 23rd, 1967
en you live in .Ontario
you've i
OntarioOntarion Progressive Conserva-
five: poUcies mean ;more schools;
more hospitals, more highways,
more.: opporfiuntes for ' relaxa-
tion.` Wages are. 18°fo ,,higher
.per ;capita than the national
average and ourgndard
liui�rg is second � lughes� in
whale v�orl
With the :Ontario Progressive
Conser. vatrve Party you ve got a
good deal .going for yo0H.
Ontario Progressive
Conservative Association
2 Carlton' .Street
' Toronto 2
I want to keep things going in • Ontario ` Please register
me as a member of the Asiation.
stands at 111.
• ACCIDENTS: Provincial Constabit
John Gault:investigated'.a single •
car accident in Tiverton on Satur-
day ,- August 12th The vehicle • . •
involved was driven by Dwight Mac.
;Lend of RR.1 Tiverton, who was'.
not injured ,, The damage to the
vehicle amounted to $200.00..
• On Sunday, August 13th, a cat:-
truck accident' was investigated' •
by Provincial .Constable Ed; Ivic=
Phall, on ##5 Bruce County Road,
"just North of Lucknow. The
vehicles involved were driven by
Ernest Ackert of Lucknow, ,and -
John' Lyons of Elmira Ontario. No
.one was injured in the mishap,
Which catised. a total of ,$500•.00
tothetwo vehicles. •'
A two car accident.was investig
ated by Provincial Constable Edi
McPhail on. Monday; August 14
on the North Shore Road in Kin-
cardine Township. 'Gail:Rayner of
Galt Ontario and Linda Wright of,
Kincardine were the drivers`9f the
vehicles` involved. The damage •
was light and no one was injured
in the accident.
On Monday, August 14, a two
ogle' ow — —
car accident wasvestigated by •
Provincial''Constable Jim' Poland,•'
on the,Town Line between North.
Druce 'and. Paisley. The .vehicles
.involved Were driven by Ralph
Rode of Port Elgin and Eugene Mac-
Leod, of R; RA .2 Kincardine', The
total damage -to the vehicles
amounted to' $1600.00. No one was
injured.; .
The total accidents to date last
year were 88. . This years total
stands at 120 '
ARGES: 4 charges lad
undeCHr•the i1ighway Trafficwere Acti, 3
charges 'were laid under the Liquor
Control Act:
�rithe Civic Holiday week-
During h r y
end , fivepeople were killed in /
motor vehicle accidents in Western
Ontario..With this in Mind, the'
Ontario Provincial Polide, will be
'on•constant patrol during the app=
roaching'Labour Day, week -end,
and we ask that you; the motoring
public be especially careful On the
highway throughout this busy. •