HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-08-23, Page 11WEDNESDAY AUGUST 123rd, .11167
Whitechurch UCW
Whitechurch U.C. W.. held their
August meeting, on, Wednesday at,
the home of ,Mrs. Michael .Ross,
Bauevale.. Mrs, . Garnet Farrier gave
a piano solo "Home Sweet. Home".
Mr's. Elwood Groskotth•"ga. ve a
reading House of Memories and
demonstrated with a picture of a
_ House, with windows which; as,
they were opened, represented .a
memory.The merriories were Sun-
day School,, School, the old wood!
trove, the coal; oil lamp, radio,
friends, wedding and: family. The..
Roll. Call :was answered by each
.member: showing an antique and;
telling''what they knew about it.
Mrs. Fred Tiffin read the, script-'
ure.:•Mrs. Elwood Groskorth read a
poem Home"., read' stories on
"childhood memories and home life,
tribute .to President Kennedy ,
stories and poems. Mrs. Dan Tiffin
'sang "Bless this House. A skit'
"Shadows of the Past' • was given by.=
Mrs. Elwood .Groskorth representing:
19'67 and MS. 'Fred ;Tiffin Mrs
Dan Tiffin and Mrs. •Millari Moore
were ladies of long ago. 'Mrs. ,"
Ben .McClenaghan gave .a poem
Grandmother's religion.
Mrs., Garnet Farrier; 1st Vice
President presided for'the business
;in the'absende,ofthe. President,
Mrs. Ezra Scholtz. The minutes
`were read by•the secretary;, Mrs.
Carl Weber and Mrs Albert Coul:
tes, treasurer,.,gave her report.
Plans were made to cater for a
wedding ;September ",'2. The Offering
was received. Get Well cards were
signed by.all and sentto the folks'
hospitalized': Courtesy remarks
were given by Mrs. Garnet Farrier,
after. which she closed the meet`-
ing with prayer:.
Chalmers W/VIS
The August meeting ofChalmers
Presbyterian W. M.'S..was held on ,
Wednesday afternoon fat the home
of Mrs,' Wallace corn. Words of
welcome, the call to Worship, ..a ,,•
poem "The quietness. of Prayer" and
prayer .:was given by Mrs. ,Victor •
°Emerson.All 'sang the, hymn-
'C'ome ye thankful, people"; with.
Mrs. Johnston Conn' pianist.: ,
The Scripture Reading was .given
• by `Mrs. Wallace Conn. ,Mrs..'Dave
MacDonaldgave the meditation
"The straight'gate and ,narrow''way"
We have all'been caught up iir the
winds of change froth, pioneer day's'
with many .changes in the'right"
direction, lessening tori. There
are things as old as.the ;hills - the
laws of nature; the storrn',• the sun;
the rain, death., spring,and old
guide posts. At all times' we should
remember that all things whatso-
ever ye would that men should
do to your. do ye' even 40 to 'them`
for straight is the'gate and narrow
is the way which leadeth unto Life.
,-The minutes and correspondence
were read' by the Secretary, Mrs.
' Russel Ross; The roll call:was answ-
ered by 15 ladies giving a' .Bible
reference•with ,the word "' Harvest" .
The offering was received andthe
prayer giveny Mrs. Robert Ross;
A. 'The
�� poemQuiet People was
gtven by Mrs . Russel Rpss.
'Mrs. Victor. Emerson gave the'
' :topic "The Seven Dispensations"
prepared by Mrs. George Fisher..
God has from timeto time chang-
ed flis methods of dealingwith
Luckflow WMSHoId.
Cefltennia..• :Meting
• St. Helens t
• Hold Picnic
The afternoon auxiliary of the;
Lucknow,W. M S, met on,August
2nd in the Church at 200 ,
o'clock There was'a .goodly att
endance, not withstanding 'the .
inclement weather. . This was the •
Society's Centennial' meeting s�
many of the ladies were out in .by
gone costumes. The. ladies of Dun=
gannon and also South Kinloss •
Churches responded to' .
their invitations.
Mrs J.:. §truth conducted the •
.meeting -with .Miss M. Malcolm •
at the piano The meeting opened
with prayer , after 'which . Psalm. 86
was Y sung.' Bible Stud was given
Mrs. J . Smith and Mrs'. J. ,Ernier=
Son ave the .Meditation; Pra
. erg Y
followed by, Mrs, Wm. .'Porteous
Y .
A hymn ":was sung, 'followed' by the
offering. The minutes read: h'
Miss N. Malcolm' were; approved.
The Rollall was answered b •
cv each
memberrepeating a• verse taken
from the Book of ;Ha g g ai. `A' very .gg
pleasing instrumental was: given by
Miss Margaret Malcolm: The ;Hist
ory of the L,ucknow W M. S; which
'was organized .in 1883 w.as given, " .
byMrs.' M , . Henderson arid Was very
interesting This *as: followed :with
prayer by: Mts.. -N. :Johnston.
The Guest Speaker,' Miss Dorothy.
Douglas gave an account sof the
Pre -Assembly ' meeting which: wass
held on the campus :at Queen's
University in Kingston. The Theme
of the Congress•Meeting was'"Man
in God's World" This was very
The sin in of a hymclosed�,the
g g n•
meeting and a 'very tasty dinner
was partaken; .,also:a social,half _
hour spent with the ladies before
'dispersing to their 'several homes...'
Men Which divides human history
into chapters or periods and each
'Of these is called a Dispensation.
The first is •the Dispensation of
'innocency from the creation of
man to his fall and: expulsion, from
the Garden of Eden. The second.
Dispensation of Conscience, and
Sacrifice' is .froth. man's fall and'
Expulsion from the garden to the.•
Great. Flood; The third is.the
Dispensation of Human `Government,
from the Flood to the Confusiori of :
Tongues at Babel. The "fourth is ,
the Dispensation of Promises from.
the Call of Abram to the giving :Of
the. Law at Sinai The fifth Dispen
sation. of, Law (rani the giving of
the. Law at Sinai to the death of
Christ•at Calvary,: The sixth is of
Grace Abounding - from the.;
Crucifixion of Christ to His Second
:Advent.. The seventh is of the
Kingdom ,= from the second Advent
Of Christ •to the judgment of the •
Great White Throne. ` w,
g a ed in a few moments
of'silent."prayer for the sick folks. .
`..A mission letter was read by Mrs.
Albert McQuillan;
The closing' prayer Was given by.
Mrs. Emerson,
The Ladies Aid meeting was held
with Mrs: Emerson presiding Mts. •
Dave MacDonald, treasurer,
reported a balance of $99.56. It;
was decided to- pay Mrs. 4MacDon
ald• for 'mowing the. manse lawn
and a committee was appointed'' to •
see about covering for the east
windows of the manse: The hostess: ,
served lunch
,The August, meeting of St. Hel,
en's United church Women was
held at the home of Mrs, Harvey
Carrick and took the form of 'a
,picnic. '
The meeting was presided over
by the President , Mrs. T. J. •Todd.
The opening prayer was given by
'a' visitor. Sandy Irwin and: the
scripture was read by Mrs.; Elwood
Barbour', followed bya hymn.
Readings were given by Mrs. Ross
Err i gton entitled "God knows' ..
Mr .'John Cameron "God isnIan's,
' 'and Mrs. Gordon Iv-tacPher-• •
son "The best' part of a vacation"
. This summer Beverley, Gail,
Janet MacPherson .Debbie Erring-
ton and :Bonnie Humphrey attended
camp, at-Goderich . The_y_sang.-._. _
camp songs and Beverley MacPher-
son told a story.'*Games and
contests were ,.• enjoyed. Picnic
lunch was served,to 10 "adults and.
15 children '.
South Kinloss WAIS
Fraser: MacKinnon was host-
ess to South. Kinloss W. .S. on.
Wednesday evening, `ltggust `9 with
Mrs. Harold Austin and Mrs. "John
Mowbray as Directors of the. meet-
• Mrs Gilbert Hamilton resided'
1 P:
and opened the service with pray-
and Scripture reading. Mrs.
Llo d,� MacDoug all read: minutes'
and correspondence.. The Bible
study was from Micah 4 -,aproph-
etical tileme
etical-theme with the 'roll call'.
answered with a verse with
"Remnant" Mrs. Jim Burt had
charge of the prayer circle. Mrs..
,John:-MowbraY had the study on •
the: Presbyterian. Church 'and Mrs.
Currie Colwell• showed colored,
slideof The Centennial .meeting'
held bythe' ocietYy .
Hostess.and ors served lunch
t erve.
and •a social time was. enjoyed.:
The. Messengers held their meet-
ing Sunday ‘in, the Sunday. School
room during Church service.
The president Milton. Purdon gave
the call to Worship;'The hymn
"Gentle Jesus" was. sung. Cathy
Soloman read the Scripture•.' Prayer
was given by Earl Thompson.' . •
Ronnie Soloman, received the offer-
ing which was dedicated: by Brenda
Soloman. • •
The .minutes were read by secre-
ar Cath Soloman. Theroll.cali
was answered: by 11. Mrs. Clifford
Laidlaw gave the story from the
Study. Book The meeting closed
by all ,repeating the' Mizpah Gene
Langside W: M S'
The.'ladies of the Langside Wom-
en's'•Missionary Society met:on
Thursday, August 10 atthe church,.
• The call to worship,, given by the
--Pr'esidenta, Mrs. Charlie Tiffin,,
•followed by everyone repeating the
W.M.S. purpose.
The Scripture Reading.was. read
by Mrs; Georg a Young. The coedit -
g .
' ation: "Neighboring' was given:by
Mrs. :Lloyd' Moffat followed with
Prayer by Miss` Emma :Richardson
The roll call was answered with a.
verse of Scripture.containing the
word "Harvest
Mrs.LloYd °Moffat 'offered heri•
home for the, September meeting:,
also Offered to prepare the Progg
A •
reading "The Emrnanuas Road"..
wass iven bY Y :Mrs. Orr. Hymn 541.
Stand: Up, Stand Up for Jesus".was
sung and was followed .with a'read-
ing on the origin of this .Hymn by .,
Mrs. Charlie Tiffin, closing with
the benediction
Mrs. George Young and Mrs...
Ch 'r i ' Bch
a 1 e Tiffin hen served l.un h to
.the ladies and•a social time was
)unganno i
The Wotnen 's Missionary Society"
of Erskine Presbyterian Church,
Dunganon held their meeting at the
home ,of :Mrs. 'Albert Taylor, with
Mrs.Will•Stewart presiding and'
/Mrs. FrankJones at the piano; The
meeting was -opened by the reading
of Psalms:. and repeating the purpose
.hirs. • Jatnes Wilson had, the devot-
ional reading. the 53rd. Psalm, . Her
topic was "Atheism in our Tirne' . .
aiid was followed by prayer..
Roll call was answered by a fruit
of the bible, Mrs. Jones read from
the Study Book,. ,'The Church 'grows
in Canada" :
Miss Iva Carr gave the Glad Tit];
ings'review . Get well cards, were
signed by members for Miss Jessie
Oliver and :Mrs.; :Mason NtcAllister
who -have both been ill and have
been faithful, members.
The meeting was closed with the
Lord's,Prayer: Lunch was served by.
the hostess•and her daughter Dor-
S•t..Jo•seph.'s Council
fourteen ladies of St. Joseph's
Council, :Kingsbridge .w were ,present
at themonthly meeting held at. St .
Joseph's School.
Mrs. Carl; Reigling, president,
thanked,; the ladies •for their help
at the very successful garden party..
A 'ba;ke 'sale will *be .held after
each Mass this Sunda August
Corporal Conn -Minion will •,be, ,
held the first 'Friday evening of
each month:
A•box will be left at the back of.:
the chnrcb to collect cards•and old
nylons for the Ontario Ilospit al
•WhiterP roject;s.were discussed.
Two quilts are to be completed ..
for a draw at the Christmas
..party ...lt was decided to:try and
organize :study groups: in the nea r
'1he. meeting"was adjourned by
Mrs;.. Jack, Tigeri . •
During the�:social hour the "Myst.-,
ery: Box"'was won by Mrs :, Joe
.Drivers. age 16 to 24. were. involved '• in 74;500
accidents on Ont 'rio roads last, year -an in'
:crease .Of 12 percent_ over 1965: Fatal acci
dents ,claimed: 660 lives in this ,group—an
'. increase of 10',percent since 1965.
Yet statisticsshow that drivers who graduate
from approved high. school driver training
courses' have, fewer accidents far fewer
traffic violations.'
Thisear, about 275 "Ontario hi ... h : school•s will have driver instruction.
y g,
courses approved by the Ontario Department of Education.and the Ontario;;
Department Transport. Th'ese.courses are tinder the'corttrol ofthe focal
school board and prini p al and ocolotinteriere with regular schoolclasses
If there, is a driver -train-
ing program.
river-train ing'program• in your
school this fall, weicorne
it. If pot, learn how your .r'
School 'can get started 1
on• this lifesaving pro'-
gram by completingand ADoass,. ". ...
mailing thiS coupon. Please send .me information about high'
• school driver -training courses;.
- F
To: Director of Safety Education, Highway Safety Brandh,
OntarioDepartment,of Transport,;Queen's Park, r
• Toronto 2, Ontario:"
Fro :