The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-08-23, Page 9-WEDNESDAY,-AUGUST23rd, 1967 THE.'LUCKNOW'`SENti:NEL °'.LUCKNOW : ONTARIO = " f CASTERS: By Danby / IGNIS' ,. FEATURING * Stainless Steel°Inner Liner * ,«Thin -Wall" Insulation * ..Xilosteel" Laminated Plastic top in rich walnut wood grain (reduces ; possibility of rust, corrosion, , chips, scratches and stains). provides : -a counter -high addition to the kitchen "workspace" • * * Removable plastic coated wire baskets_'.: * Casters provide ; easy, mobility * Exterior. signal -lights to warn of power failure * Thermostatic control * ..Hermetic Compressor System * "Fast -Freeze" switch for super -fast freezing * 0° Freezing * Muted sound mechanism• nee The Latest es t> Freezers'; On Display fottietzdto-pte emd Sse. HOME FURNISHINGS MOFFAT APPL >ANCES THEATRE GODERICH ON THE "SQUARE .FIRST. RUN FILMS 'IN.'AIR. CONDITIONED. COMFORT Entertainment Is Our : Business THURS.. FRI.. SAT.. it August 24=25-26 1• (Adult Entertainment) Show Times: 7.30 and 9.15'. SATURDAY(: MATINEE/ = August .26 At 2.30; p.m. -- Children 35c lle weld Conquer Anyllo VASA Sword. . SEAL :..Any Woman With laid! FLYNN(son of Errol "fill" •4111E SON OF MOIL.s wED August 28=29-30 IIEIGONYMD INE EC costarring" DIANE CILENTO • CINEMhsCOPE . Color 'by'DeLuxe Show Times 7.00 and 9,20 P. Coming Next. Dollars More, For.:A � dew . • Bereav�d...mily. Extended Sympathy PURPLE GROVE' NEWS Deepest sympathy is, extended: to the family and relatives' of the late Joe Forster, who lostrhis life' sudd- enly as the result of an accident. last Friday afternoon, near Fort Nelson,. B. C.' where he was em- ployed by the' BSC. Telecommun- ications., roe was in his 21st year and. had been employed for this., cornpanyfor the. past several {• months. Folks will be happy to hear Don' McCosh returned to his home on.:. Thursday after; spending three . weeks in Kincardine hospital,, • Visitors last week with Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Hill were Mr. •and'Mrs. Jack Emerson and Cecil Hill. David, C., ampbell of London spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. George. Emerson, Boband Ronnie. Don Dorespent last night with , Mr. and Mrs'. William Wood and family. of Port. Severn., Jimmie's'. 'Cathy and Vicki made the return tripwith their dad. Miss 'Beth Wood also returned to the _ Grove fora couple'of weeks. Recent 'visitors with Mr', and Mrs.. Norval Stanley. and Fred were Mrs. Helen Swan, Milton Stanley, Lyle Smith and M'rs' Wilfred Trayer.all of London , .Mrs. A . Blue of ,Paisley and Miss Dianna. Doupe of Bradford Mrs;.: William . McInnes. and Linda visited' on Thursday afternoon1with Mrs:•. Don Dore and Frankie and were dinner guests that evening with Mr. and Mrs Don 'McCosh. • Mr, and:. Mrs. Walter Forster,. -Mr . and .`Mrs '. Gordon Patterson,' Mr. and Mrs,: Jack Farrell ,and Mrs. Hert Farrell were among those from here who attended the family gathering` held by Mr. and Mrs Frank Col• w ell of . Kinloss to welcome' Frank's. brother and family, ,Mr, and Mrs.. Elmo .Colwell of North , Battleford .on Wedne§day evening..' ' Kerry Boyle spent last week at camp Miramtichi at Port Elgin Walter . Collins: and Cecil Hill Visited on Wednesdayevening. with Mr and Mrs George; Emerson- and, boys Visitors,' lastweek with Frankie, Dore were Mary Helen and Judy McDonald, Lisa Collins and Sandra and Brian. Reid. Frankie spent 'Thur- sday afternoon with Marilyn Rhody: Dianne'Dore returned to Teeswat-. er on Friday after spending some. time with Mrs Don McCosh. Mr. and' Mrs. Burton -Collins, San dra, and• Margie attendedthe wedding of Sheila Patterson and. Keith Hubbard•.in i.ondon,on Saturn' say H: LaHnLsH Mrs. Ewan MacLean: was judge at the Lucknow Horticultural Society Flower show or' 'Friday. Mrs.. Oliver McCharles. arid Mrs•.' David Elphick:were 'judgs at the Flower show in .Hanover ori Saturday Rod Finlayson,; John McCharles and. Finlay IylaeLennan visited at their homes during the week -end: • Mrs: Leeson spent a few days .with .her daughter Mrs ;Jack/Elphick,. Visiting Mr'. and Mrs... Oliver 'McCharles during the past week were Mr. and' Mrs. Neil McGill ivray,. Alvin.. McGillivray and Charlotte' Steell of 'San Jose, Cali- fornia, ,Mrs. Sadie Blue returned to her home in Detroit on Sunday 'after spending.' a few weeks at her •cottage. at Amberley. . Mr, and: Mrs. Warren Wylds and. family spent Sunday in St..Marys'. with Mrs. Alfred Stone. Donna Wylds returned home with thein after a holiday with her gtandmoth er. i ,s t•o..wr.: r wt+ ii mit PAGE NINE Adv�cat.d Children •Be Transported To • Central Schools By Horse -Drawn Vans "New trends. in. Edt cation" was the topic or an address given by, Keith Waldie , I, P. S. of Bruce South Schools. when he spoke to the members .of Purple, Grove • Women's Institute at their ,August. meeting. lie mentioned that what appears new , has often been talked about for years. To prove his point hey read an article from a 19x07 • weekly telling of an_address .give'n by W.D. Chisholm at. a Farmers' Institute meeting held in Ripley,: where he talked of the advantages • of Central Schools At .this ,time they, were advocating wringing the children by horse-drawn vans from an aria of 5 miles. ;Children 'to'- day learn a lot from Television and travel'. 'It's the world and way of ;living that brings changes : * One new trend is to put elementary and secondary education on an equal footing and under ,one Board, Soon all elementary' teachers will need a B, A. This is 'why Teachers Colleges are being built adjacent S g . to•Unversities. There will be • more 'education by television. Ed- ucationis trying to equip the child to•live in ourmodern age.: Great stress has been placed' on science but` science hasn't all the answers •on'how people>can live together. The,home and school must provide these' answers.;; Mr. W.aldie was introduced by Mrs. Francis' Boyle and thanked by Mrs. George Emerson. The President welcomed: guests from • Kairshea and Silver "Lake Institutes:. Mrs. Jack Farrell and Mrs. Elliott will act Al leaders; for the: next 4-1-I Homernaking Club. For. her report on Agriculture, Mrs., Don Dore read 'a newspaper clipping of 1886 on. Silos... The September 'meeting• fwxll be held, in the Comrrun ity Centre again with. Mrs: George Emerson as hostess.. Mfs., bon, McCosh was, ,Convener for the, program. Mrs. Cecil Sutton led in singing. Contests were conducted: by Mrs. McCosh, assisted •by Betty' Colwell and 'Dianne Dore Betty -Colwell read'a humorous poem on "How Paddy :Stole 'the Rope". Heather and Kerry 'Boyle "sang a duet, accoMpanied iy their mother: Two guests. Mrs: Jas MCEwan and'Mrs Ray Stanley con ducted a humorous, skit; followed by a humorous reading by. Mrs. McCosh . -Everyone then spent a pleasant time visiting together..Mrs Currie Colwell and Mrs.. Ted Collyer fudged the candy .contest:. Mrs : Hpward Thompson made.ihe ' best •candy. The. hostess Mrs.' Don Dore was assisted by Mrs'. Cecil Sutton and Mrs.. Earl Elliott, ' UNET DRIVE-IN THEATRE HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 . PHONE 524.9981 •SUNSET ORIVE•IN `. ,TNEATQE ALL DOUBLE .FEATURE: SHOWS THURS.. ;SRL;: 'SAT° - August 24-25-26 DEAN , ALAIN.:.n.... MARTIN DEL0N ..n. :CRO; JOEY .• `AOSEMARY KI .BISHOP # FORSYTN: THE:t VER CdA UNIVERSAL PICTURE • TECHNICOLORe and' Seoond Feature: Sunset.. Drive-in:. Theatre. Has The, Largest Screen. In. Hueon Cou'nty,. Children.under 12 In Cars free MAIN:FEATIJRE'STARTS AT DUSK SURFIN SNOW BALL! U TECHNICOLOR® , .. A PATTON•WEIDRIB` PRODUCTION A UNIVERSAL ;RELEASE MONDAY. TUESDAY • 'AUgust-. 28-29 MtI1 ach:sink 60.W RI AKE .EODMAROSis ouch. DAVID: NIVEN PETER SELLERS ROBERT.WAGNER CAPUCINEM_-- __ 'TIDE PINK PANTHER; •cLAUthDIA CARDINALE .TECHNICOLOR•TECHNIRAIAr.UNITED ARTISTS Both. Features Are , Adult Entertainment MONDAY • t%ru: THURSDAY. 1cI [d ;T�?IIi "Fi?i pM riisr maws »«I UNITED AMPS • WED. to 'SAT.:. ROCK NUDSON . GEORGE PENARO BUY STOCKWEU. • NIGEL GREEN TCBRUK& TEc11N1c Aug. "30, 31, Sept: 1,, /,,UNIVERSAL• ELEASE. x and. 'Second Feature:! At4t0Oirkitit4 it richdkelor. • ltchMicop•' ROBERT JOCELYN DAN FULL ER•LANIE•DURYEA