HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-08-16, Page 1•
$4.00 A Year 'In
Advance — $1,40 Extra To U.S.A. .
M Orangeville youth lost his life
in a tractor accident on the Loch-
alsh Kintail sideroad in Ashfield
Township on Saturday night about
. •
Crushed under the overturned
tractor was Erian Raun, 15; of R. R.
5, brangeville. He was riding on
the tractor drivenby James Ma -
Donald, also 15, of Orangeville
The MacDonald youth caught his
foot beneath the tractor when it
tipped but was able to free him-
self, He was not hospitalized. ,
'Jim MacDonald is the son of.
Willis MacDonald ,of. Orangeville
and formerly of Ashfield. Jim was
working for his uncle Allan Mae -
Donald of Ashfield. The 'dead
youth, Brian Raun, was -visiting
for the weekend with Mr: and Mrs
Gordon MacDonald of the Kintail
area. Mrs. Gordon MacDonald is a
sister of Brian,
The young man was declared'
dead at the scene by Lucknow
coroner Dr. Jack McKim.
The funeral will be held in:Oran-
geville at the Turner Funeral '
Home today (Wednesday) at 2 p.m
Surviving are the youth's Mother,
Mrs Irene Raun; 'his sister Mrs.
Gordon MicDonald.of,..Kintail; a
brother Harold; at home,. •
lave. Hair -Raising Ride Through Detroit
lots.whoe_Returning':To Michigan H�rn�
The Sentinel has .received an
count from Mrs.. George Linley
•.an experience she, her husband,
d some friendshad when • '
turning from Ontario to the
etroit area during the recent,
ots, Mrs. Linley says what has
appened to Detroit is al•most
. • "
Follow ing. is what Mrs. Linley
rote. • •
Mr, `and Mrs., George A. Linley
Grace Cameron) who have just
cently moved from Detroit up to
roy, Michigan decided Sunday,
ly 23 was a' nice day to spend an
fternoon at Point Peelee, Ontario
n Lake Erie, so picked up some
lends in Pazel Park along the
ay. During the late afternoon
ey heard by their transistor radio
hat trouble was brewing back in
etroit and a riot afoot and that
he tunnel and bridge were/already
closed to all but American resi-
ents returning returning to their homes.
They.:got back actoss alriglat'late
in the evening and then the big
question Of ,which way to.proceed
and decided' since there would be
more protection on Woodward •
Ave. it would be the "Safest"
route since any 'other Way could
e'en be more dangerous and there
wasn't much choice. Some traffic
was moving but had slowed to a
trickle and the air was full of
smoke from blocks of business •
places and homes looted and set on
fire and burning furiously over on
12th street. There was a.Pawn shop.
smashed in, glass' all over and hurn.
ing unabated •7!.,sonie authorities •
Were driving up ahead with rifles
rominently. sticking out the car.
window. They were telling people
to get 'off the sireetiand
home! Knots of people were
s;here and there and .many store
fionts were Smashed in and looting.
on the rampage. including
Cunningham's Drug store, .Deinerys•
:and a Dress shop at the Blvd. Up
ahead in the Clairrtionni area it ,
Was highly dangerous on account
of sniping. and almost .anything
could happen. 11 was a'very tense:.
ride and shortly after. anOther car
in back wasn't so lucky, and some
ammunition had found its way,' A
single shot rang out and a Mrs.
'Sharon George ,' 23 (just married
five months). slumped , mortally
wounded. She died at 1:•30 p.m. ,
at Highland Park .General Hospital.
The same:bullet struck her. husband
and eithet the satne bullet,. •
lor fragments also injured a brother,
Paul 17, .They too, had been out
of town and retiring home and
decided Woodward Ave. was the
"safest" • Lut nowhere in the downL
• town' area was safe Sunday 'nigh!.
41mi.mish.i+PI.:41•" ••••••
• Good Fishing
Wayne Emery ,'1O, son of Mr. and.
Mrs,: ROnald Emery of Quebec',
caught a 21 1b.and43" long 'north-
ern pike at Paradise Lakes Ltd .east
Of Lucknow Monday.
• The Emery were spending
a week at the cottage of Bill,
Graharn.prior toleaving•for
Germany with the Canadian Forces,
Young Wayne caught the fish froxr
a boat on the lake'.
Kempyns sell.
Clam Lake Property
'Mr..and Mrs. Kernpyn
hav,e sold their Clam Lake Property -
in •Kinloss Township to Arthur Radke.
Of. Kitchener,'The .transaction will
become effective on. the first. of
April next 'year, , • '
--For--the-past-eleven yearS-,-the,
'Kempfris.have'operated the Tour-
ist business knOwn a!' Fisherman's
Cove at Clam Lake.The.Clair) Lake
resort. Was'Origin4lly operated by
Art Breckles, now of Lucknow.
Included in the transaction is 147
acres of land Which, borders the..
lake, tourist Cabitis'and:a new
home jaiiiit by 'Mr.: and •Mrs.,
pyn when the-Origitial home was
/destroyed byfire; . .
Sale of the property was
completed by Ivan Struthers, local
agent for Wilfred Mcintee. Real
At Guide Camp
.. The Girl Guides of the lst Luck-,
now"Comp any , along with eight
girls' from the Teeswater Company
are camping, this week at 'Camp
•WYoka near Clifford.. The girls -are
Under the leadership of .Guide'.
Captain Mrs... J.C. McKim, Mrs..
Jas. Boyle and Mrs. ,MacDon-
ald of Lucknow and Jr. leaders Lin-
da Boyle of Lucknow and 'Jill Mc-- •
Pherson of Teeswater:
It Was with a feeling of relief when
fhe.Linkeys and their friends reach-
ed Hazel Park 'and Troy, Michigan
in safety after such a 'hair-raising,
33; 3
eSti* ''111344.
• >4),•„:4;
. •
I First and
VV,ith The Fuzz
• .Pirst and ForernoSt with the Fuzz
at the Ripley -Huron Centennial
Celebrations were three ,Huron
,Township ITIen.lwhe,were Bb doubt
"itching" to get to the nearest
pair of clippers after the contest
, „.
was over. Shown, left to.right,
are CecilrStitteitl AO placed first
'with his mutton chop' beard;" Hugh
Nlason who had the best full beard;
shigle Copy loe,
Janice Wylds; 16 -year-old daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Wylds
Ripley, was crowned Miss Ripley.'
Huron Centennial Queen at the Cen
tepial Celebrations held in. Ripley
on CiyiC. Holiday ,Weekend. Janice
won the crown in 'competition with
nine.other girli•from Ripl.ey. and
Huron Township : .She iinow.elig 7."
ible to be Ripley and: Huron's entry
in the diStriet,beiqty.eontest to he
held at 'the LuclthoW Agricultural
iSociet‘; s Centennial Fall 'Fair:.
Passes . At Cottage
• Steele.C. Mackenzie:of Kitchen-
er, and alnative of Lucknow . died
on Sunday at his summer cottage
near GraVenhurst. He was 67 years
of age
Service was today (Wednesday)
frOM Knox Presbyterian Church .in
Waterloo with burial.in.Memory
Farm Sales
'beat:agent for
John Bosveld.Reat.Estate'y has
announced the sale ,of Several
district properties.. '
Peter Salchle of Parma' Heights ;
Ohio 'has, sold': hisfarm on • Highway
86 'at Pararndunt to George Mul-
bolland of Stratford with imrpedt-
i.ate piesSi.01'1. T1;14 i the;former
Mcinnes'farm at Paramount.
Lloyd Henderson.orpararnOunt •
has. sold his Highway 86 farm
,the. former Stein places, to Albert.
KOrten of St. Catharines., Possess -
i011 \4/a!obtained-twO weeks ago.
Keith Pressy has sold' his property,
on the 8th.oncession of Colborne
TOwnshiP!and the 1st concession •
a West Wawanosh to. Antonio •
. VinOrio Of totOtito with Augutt
20 possession.:. ' • •
:Fractures Elbo*,
Terry Gunter 10 year old,daugh,
terofMr. nd Mrs, Clinton Guff-
ter'of Zion, met with an unfort.'„
unat'e accident on Sunday. •
Terry fell out of an apple tree,
10010.0*.1.14V:114085th Birthday
Mrs Robert H. Thompson of • •
Lucknow last Friday AugUst llth,
observed her 85th birthday.,She 'is •
the'fOrtnet•Isabelle Campbell and
hasresided in•Lneknovi.n.lost of her
• • • •
life'. . . • • , /•
Mrs.' Thonipson's,birthday':Was ::•
. , •
marked by a 'family dinner on
Thursday at Danny's•Reitaurant.:
Winghant. Not all, of'Mrs.. Thomp-',
son's, family:were able to he
. •
present.bur.thoSeattending,were a.
Miss Helen i'hompson, Mr. and •
ii..p..71i'ud":4ThOmplon and • ,
Janet. Mr...atid Mrs. Don Thomp-
son, Susan and.NancY all of'. .
tuclirto,w‘. Mr' Wm liewatarid
Ardonna of Elmira and sister N'fis
Lorna Campbell of Toronto._ ,
Children,. grandchildren and great ,
grandchildren were represented at
the dinner
Everyone gathered at
Mrs. Thornpson's home-fo11owinz
the dinner to view 'a niovie of her
great. granddaughter , Jodi. I fewat
Of Vancouver:
Mrs., Thompson. has two sons' •
Harold Bite of Lucknow icind rob.,
of -Windsor, two daughters 1',elen
Thompteu of tuc'know and Mis.
WM, -(Frances) ‘HeWat of Elmfta:, •
one sister Miss Lorna Campbell df
Toronto .42 grandchildren artd.7 •••,
great grand,Children. Her.husband.
two sons Willard and Campbell and
two daughteis.,Donaida.and Norma
(Ntrs•, Price.Naylor) are deteaied. •
SarnSnabelen"Whd was sporting fracturing her right elboW, She Mrs'. Thompson enjoys.very good
:. , •••,
the het moustache. .• was taken- to London for treat mem health;
' • :