HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-26, Page 10N:.
.!',ten ...; ill\,T�14.•M•.:.... — A AM 4111• r f#•inia —•., .1111111MIP ,
Six EXTRA feet Of Storage in the HEW. COOP,
Viscount 23 cu, ft. CHEST FREEZER
MODEL 111123-1 - Yes : you -get six more.. cubic feet of space
in the: same floor area as .your: old 17 ft, freezer. New advances
in insulation make it possible. "Foamed -in-place" polyurethane
cuts wall thickness in half gives you 23 cu ft. • of storage
where you 'Used to get only '17. Space for:. almost200: lbs. more
frozen food
But that's only one advantage - check -these features::
• 793 lb,. capacity.•
100 lb, fast freeze" compartment
Flex -seal" lid that locks
Magnetic lid gasket seals tightlyhtl
'Two dividers, twolift-out baskets
Power signal light; - tellsyouall is well
Acrylic enamel, finish inside.and out
fnCharge 0
Hurorwiew Pai
Several members of the.Women's
Institute: were at kluronview on
Wednesday when theyhad' charge
of the July' birthday party far eight-
een residents there.
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Eedy,rMr.'
.and Mrs..lrvine"Eedy. •Patricia
and Martha •and Mr. and Mrs. Ross..
Eedy.and'Rosemary attended. the
Yundt reunion in Milverton on
Mr, ,and Mrs. ' Anderson' Mugford
and Mr, and Mrs Wm.. Mugford
of Goderich enjoyed a few days •
last week on a trip to Manitoulin.
Mr; and. Mrs. 'Ken Thomas,
Lynda •and .Wendy.of. Willowdale
spent a.few days last week with,
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos..
Mr 'a d�Mrs. Jack Eedy:,• Mich-
ael and ,Laurel of Strathroy were •
weekend visitors with ,Mr. and
Mrs. Heber Eedy.
• Mr. and, Mrs. Mason McAllister,
Len Laronee and Kenneth McAllis-
ter of Sudbury were guests'of Mr.
And .Mrs. Doug Baynard ;of Zion on
Sandra Errington.- Jim -Stothers ,
Ross'' Young and Fred Phillips were
among a bus, load from Goderich,
who attended a' Music• festival at •
the. Royal` Connaught hotel .in•.Harn-
' ilton on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. 'iron Badger and
;daughter Beatrice of Calgary spent
a few days last week with Mr. and.
Mrs. Cecil Blake. • :
Homer and Lindy Durnin of Toron
to and Orville Durnin ofGoderich •
On Saturday, the Gaunt family
picnic was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aitchison'
Mr, and' Mrs.? Lorne Woods are
visiting with Mr `and: Mrs:'. Roy
Hawley 'at Oshawa.. They plan on.
%isfting 'Expo' and other places in . •
Eastern Ontario.
' The ',August 'meeting of the W.I.
will be held on August -3 .at
• Motto, Mrs'. Barbour; Topic, Mrs...
Charles McDonald; Lunch and pro-.
gram, Mrs. . Harold Cooper , Mrs.
Gordon Lyons and Mrs. Gordon •
' Crawford. McNeil of Ridgetown
visited •with his mother: Mrs,.' Laura
McNeil.: On' Sunday they attended .
the' Martinicnic at Inverhuron
P ..
called On. friends in the community
on Sunday. •
We are pleased • to see Donna
Pentland home•again since making
-favourable recovery from •an acct- •
dentwhich hospitalized her in
Victoria, hosp
ital, London for two
Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. fames
Wilson, •concession 6, Vet Wawa
nosh recently were Mr. and Mrs.
Win., Lawrence of Kenora and at
the week end Mr . and Mrs, Keith
Humphrey and three children of --
Dryden. The ladies are'sisters of .:
Mrs. Wilson. ,
We' are sorry ,that Bryan Stewart
is a patient in Wirigharh
hospital, where he is suffering'
from pneumonia. •
Mrs. Jack Caesar, Steven and
Jan spent last week visiting friends
fn Toronto
After 15 Wieeks
Little . Kevin Bdyle, who"wore
straightening casts on his legs for
fifteen weeks, •had the casts re-
moved' a, weekago and now:
although only having to wear a
brace .at night. he has foundthat
he has to learn, to walk again for
.the: second time • It ishoped he
will he around again;as good as
•ever, in a' couple of weeks.
,Visitors lastweek:with•Mr. and
Mrs. VictorGawley were Mr. and
Mrs. John Smith and family, °Mrs.
Fred Crieg of 'Pine River, Mr. and
Mts. Peter • 'Leeson and 'Mr. • and:
Mrs. gill Taylor of. Elmira.
Beth Wood, spent Friday morning
with, Mrs. Don McCosh.
Bruce Colwell, who .Was among ,
the boys: taking .the `Saugeen Boy
Scouts Centennial Tour, reports' on
having an enjoyable trip and seeing
the Queen twice at Ottawa' and at
Expo and the Queen. Mother. at
P. The The boys were away for
three weeks.'
Mrs Orval• Needham. of Vancouver
B.C. is spending her' holidays with
her son and daughter-in-law Mr:.
and . Mrs.. Harvey Needham and
family. ' -
Delbert, Kenneth and Perrin Dore:.
of Teeswater spent. Thursday with •
Mr. •and -Mrs. Claude Dore Sr -of
,Miss Nancy ;Elliott. of Niagara '
Falls spent the :weekend• at her
home and left from there for Isle
Royal where "she will work as camp
councilor for ten days .Her brother.
Steve accompanied -her and will
also :spend the ten days at.the Isle•
as a student
Mrs. .A Blue of Paisley spent a
week with her daughter and family_,.
Mr: and Mrs. Norval Stamey.
Other visitors with the Stanleys
recently' were:• Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Pederson'of London and Alan Tray-
er also of London.
Mrs . William Wood and Mrs. Don
Dore and Frankie ,spent Thursday
with Mrs. Gordon. McDonald arid
girls .
Visiting with Mr. and Mrs.,Victor
Gaw1ey for a few days is Mr. and.
Mrs. • Robert Spowart, and family of
Mr, and. Mrs .Secil Sutton anfl
boys visited on, Sunday afternoon
.with Mr and Mrs. Lyman', Sutton of
Kinlough •
' Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs
Earl Elliott and family were. Bob'
Berrill, and. Miss Jennie Stanley .of
Detroit and Miss Iris Kfaft of Ann.
Arbor, Michi;,'an . '
Carl Dore of Teeswater •sP ent.:
Thursdayand 'part of Friday in Kin=
sardine hospital where he under
went a tonsilectomy.. Folks extend
wishes for a speedy, recovery.
Mr: and Mrs. Currie, Colwell. and
faintly Were guests on Sunday of •
-Mr..-andlvirs,.. Don.•.McCosh
Mrs. William Wood,: Dave and
Beth 'and Mrs. Don Dore and family
Werevisitors on Thursday evening
with Mr . • and Mrs. Harvey Thomp-
son, and familyand on Friday with
Mr. and; Mrs. Claude lore Sr.,of
by Bill Smiley
' Buf.lalowed Bill
I` think I can say, without
fear of contradiction, that I am
the stupidest English teacher
in Canada if not the whole of
North • America. I may add. that
I am the most dunder-beaded,
Columnist between •Vancouver
and Marysville, Newfoundland..
Why? Aside` from the things.
that naturally spring to mind,:
it's this crazy column contest,
that's why.' English, teachers
spend;. their winters; muttering
and cursing into . the , small
hours as they read and mark'
What are jocosely ,called essays.
At'the end of June the Intel'.
ligent ones ' begin their holt.
• days, ar -run off with some-
body's mistress, or get roaring
drunk. The stupid one starts a •
guest -column ' contest' and
spends his whole summer'. mut •
tering and 'cursing into the
sniali hours, ,reading columns: '
that :'make him extremely inse
cure- about hi's future as a col-:
' •
Well, I guess you: know what
all' this is leading up to. That's
right, chaps, I stillhaven't
pickedthe winner ,of that fan-'
tastie prize: of 50 'fish: Like • a
jerk; l didn't put a deadline .on.
entries; and the damn.:things
• are still coming in
• But that's not the `.problem.
They're allso rotten :GOOD.:'.
Readers • o f Sugar and Spice, . or •
at least a couple' of hundred • of
them. are among the most
literate,.. articulate and,'witty in
the `.land. ; • .
How would you like • to be
asked to judge a beauty 'con
test: in which every entrant
• was a knockout : and also • the
daughter ' of : one of your, best
friends? .That's how I ,feel.
A person with' some .•method
in his ,madness would probably
sort :the entries ' into. groups:
Excellent, Very : Good; Pretty
Good, A,' •Definite Potentials,
Lousy, Stinks, and so on. Then
he would put an elastic band
around each group
He would then put aside all
except the Excellent. He ' would
peruse them: for. ,,the eighth
time: narrowing down to : two.
-And he would, make a •decision.
And 'everybody would be un-
happy ' ever ;afterwards, except
the winner. .
I •'don't operate that way, i
am racked, harrowed, tortured,
'One day I think I' have the
'winner. 'Myr :wile agrees, The
kids don't like it, or I suddenly •
remember_ a better one:that 1,
read, last week, and•spend two
hours searching for it, only to
find that it should. have 'been_
in the Stinks' file. ..
• Another day I have every
thing narrowed down to the
TOP TEN.. ' .I place 'them' care-
fully on the floor beside my
desk. And • my wife', tidying up
while I'm • not: around, puts
them • back in with the others,
• shuffles; . them, ' and I have to
read, the whole ruddy lot again,
in' the process discovering sev-
eral which were much better
than the. TOP TEN.•.
My .ears 'are already burning
becauseI' can hear the shouts
of indignation from . right'
•across. the •nation, when the
winner" 'is announced: It •will
definitely be, for all other'en-.
trants, the. ' worst column
they've ever read:
Ah, the .hell with it. Here l
•am,:an old fighter pilot who
dived '• into the blazing •flak, at
Caen, 'scared. stiff --because 199,
people are , going to think I'm a
clod for not picking their col-
Next; week,' the winning col
umn 'will appear in this space, .'
even ; if 1. have .to write it .my-
self and .donate the prize to the -
•Stupid'. English Teachers Assa-
ciation'. -
Now; .here's 'what to: do. It
you':' want. ;Your manuscript
back;.. and 'have not already, in.
dicated, `so, please write to me '•,
at 303' Hugel Ave,, Midland,.
Ontario, and :,it shall be sent.
Then, take. it tothe editor of
', your local newspaper,. Just say,
"This _column ' won Honorable''
Mention in :the Smiley-to•Expo.'
. Contest:"He'll .print it; If he,
doesn't he's a • Cad,. and you can
Stell- him so, from ine: '
•T;here is ,1 some absolutely
:first-rate, stuff in the heap, ,ant
almost every case, it should
be 'printed.' -
oupl*.Honored On 34th"Anniversary
A family gathering. was. ;held, Satin
day evening'to observe the:30th.
wedding'anniversary of Mr and
Mrs.: Lloyd Ashton of •.Lucknow,. -
Th'e actual'anniv re Bary was: in Jan- -
uary, but because of sickness in the
family at that tine the gathering•
was postponed. ,
'Following a dinner at the 'May-
fair Restaurant , .cards and. a social
time were enjoyed at the home Of
Mr—and-.Mrsr., Don- Thompson ,
Ivlc. and Mrs Ashton have one
daughter Mrs. 'Don (Beverley)
Thompson of Lucknow, 'one son.:.
Fraser 'of Ottawa , two.. grandchild
ren Susan and Nancy. Thompson.
Mrs. 'Ashton: is the 'former Janet
Ruttan.' daughter of.:the .late Mr.'
and Mrs-..Anson:Ruttan Of the Goal
area. Lloyd: is the'son of Mrs. H,E,
Ashton, 'presently of Pinecrest
Manor.; and the late 'Mr. Ashton.
They were formerly of the Gorrie,
Mrs .Ashton has .two sisters Miss
Nellie Ruttan of Toronto•and Mrs,
Robert '{Margarot) Finlay of. Luck•`
now. and one 'brother Lloyd R'ittan
:ofLWrO eeter. •
Present: for the evening, besides:
the honouredg u.ests, were Mr. as
Mrs.. Fraser Ashton ,y Mr. ,and Mrs,
om Son, Susan and Nancy,
Don 'Thompson, p
.Miss 'Nellie. Ruttan, Mi. and Mrs
Robert Finlay, Sandra and :Paul,
Ivlr. ; and Mrs. Lloyd. Ruttafl.
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