HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-26, Page 5. WEDNESDAY, JULY 26th, '1067 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, dIUCKNOW , QNTAR10. PAGE FIVE iryNw. Kr. J. MacKENZIE, • Optometrist . NOW IN: RIFLE* EVERY WEDNESDAYµ`, Office 'Hours 10;00 a.m,, to 9;00 • p.m. Phone Roy • MacKenzie, Ripley 395-5154 for appointment W. R. Hamilton OPTOMETRIST NEXTTO LYCEUM:°THEATRE: WINGHAM...\ .' PHONE. 357-1361 • JO H STONE'S • N, FUNERAL.HOME Modern and Convenient `' Lucknow, Phone 52E-3013 Day ox Night Serving . All ' Faith: y . According . to ., Their Wishes Moderate Prices Established '1894 INSURANCE FIRE, . WINO, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE and 'LIFE • 'To 'Protect., Your :Jack, 'Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone . 528-3423 W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO -IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office ; in the Joynt •.Block Telephone:: Lucknow 528-3116 Gavll�r &Company CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner, . J. E. Kennedy,''C.A Phone 881-3471 _ Walkerton • IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS for prompt service, and quality products; • Contact: GRANT CHISHOLM Phone Celled ,Dungannon 529-7,524 "Always Look To, Imperial The For T e Best". A. Williams; O.D. Optometrist 9 Patrick Street W. • WINGHAM • Phone 357-1282 1. 'A..M..HARPER; • CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 65 557' South Street, Goderich • Telephone 524.7562' FOR COMPLETE TIRE SALES' A SERVICES "hone .5291600 KINTAIL ' GENERAL STORE. Vulcanizing Retreading; Guaranteed • 'Farm, Tru . k . & Pass, Tires. uality 'Tires At Lowest Lowest Prices, ROY A.' HAVENS PLUMelNG -- H..EATINO WIRING Esso` 'leafing qE 'ui merit. P and Home: Heat .Service Dealer Lucknow - Phone 528-3012 CRAWFORD SHEPHERD 'and .MILL ' CRAWFORD, 4.C. • N. A.. SHEPHERD, ALAN , R MILL,,'B:7t., • L.L.B.' ' • WINGHAM • IN 'LUCKNOW EVERY WEDNESDAY Located in Breckles Block IN RIPLEY EVERY FRIDAY In. Ross.. Martyn .Building • • Phone Wtngham Office' : 357.3630 • •Res. 357.3330 Winghcm. Memori�is 'GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING: ;REASONABLE'. PRICES • •Buy 'Direct. and Save Buss Ph, 357-1910 • Res.. Ph;357=1015• Hadden's Studio PORTRAITS „Weddings; and Children' ' GObER1:CH, . ONTARIO i8 St. David Street ' Dial 524-8787 • 'MacKenzie Memri�I''ChapeI: FUNERAL :SERVICE Services conducted according to your wishes at your Home, your Church, or at our Mem, orial Chapel at ne .additional _. charge. • • • • Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 : Day or` Night R W. BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH The Square (Phone JAckson ,1-7661) TED COLLYER Registered Master , Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR • Specializing In Electric. Heating; Electric 'Wiring ' and Repairs, and .• . All Electrical Appliances Lticknow — Phone . 528-51.82 I AUCTION SALE ANTIQUE AUCTION Antique auction sale to be held August :12 in the village of Nileat the school. grounds;' Churns, crock- ery, •-lamps;: chandeliers and other antique articles to be sold. Sale'' begins at 12:30 sharp: Emile Mac- Lennan, auctioneer. ' Terms Cash,. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of household furniture, appliances, antiques and: real estate will be held for the es- tate of the ; late Oliver Barkwell, .. Havelock Street, in' the village. of Lucknow on Saturday, August 5, at 1:30. Full line of household fur- niture, electric appliances, ant- iques, garden tools and 1964. Ford Fairlane, 8 cylinder, ' standard drive: carwith only 10,000 'miles. Also the 6 room ; frame house,, situ- ated on the corner ' of Havelock' di Rose Streets in village of Lucknow. The -house has a modern bathroom, ew''•oil furnace,.. hardwood floors,' sun porch and is in a'' good state of repair. Terms on Chattels Cash, Real, Estate 10%"cash. day of sale, balance • in '60 days. ' • • Allan'. MacIntyre, ' Auctioneer ' AUCTION SALE AUCTION'. SALE of dairy cattle, •farm ' machinery, hay and some household effects . will'. be held for • KEITH• PRESSEY Lot 13 Concession 8,. Colborne Township,., 2 mile west of. Auburn, or 4.miles east of Nile on . MONDAY, AUGUST 7 :': at .1:30 .' . Livestock: 4 Holstein cows, •'6 yr. old;' 1,.Ayr- shire cow, 6 :yr.. old; .2 -Jersey heif- ers; 3 Jersey cows, 6 yr ; old; all cows are fresh; •12. Jersey heifers of ' 'registered'. stock; .5 -Holstein heifer calves Machinery:' A -C WD tractor, wide front With cultivator; IHC Super ' C with load- er; A C roto baler; M.H. 4'• bar.' side rake; M.H. 7 ft. power. mo; er; M.H. manure . spreader; . M.H. wagon and rack; 3 . section : spring tooth harrows 32:'plate.. disc; cult- ivator; land roller; ,2'furrow Case plough; drag 'harrows;' 'Coekshutt 7' ft: binder; •New Idea hay loader; grain ' drill; trailer; buzz • saw; water tank; : cutter; ..grainauger; used ". roofing,,; shingles';; fence posts; electric fencer; .cattle ..clip- pers; lumber; milk cans and sortie household effects. Numerous small articles. ' Hay.: Quantity of square' baled hay. TERMS CASA.— FARM ,SOLD KEITH .=PRESSE:,• Proprietor,..; ALLAN. MaCINTYRE,•Auct:oneer Phone 'Lucknow 528-3519, O'LIVET• Mrs; Ben ..Grey of• Binscarth ,', Man- itoba' and 'Mr. and Mrs: Stevenson of Goderich visited recently with ' Mrs. W.R.,Hamilton. Mrs. Hoffman of Toronto spent. two'weeks holidays'wilh Mr. and .Mrs„ Gary Hoffman, Paula and Larrys Susan Trout of Kincardine visited fora few days with.her cousin Wendy Ha,inilton. • Mrs-: Earl Stacy ,spent the week- end at her home dere;. • FOR SALE 5 BEDROOM white frame home on Havelock St., corner' of Ludgard. Extra lot adjoining surrounded by mature trees. This is a • beautiful; place 'and can , be purchased ' for $2900• -down with good terms on balance. Stan Kay. PHQNE. 528.3531 LUCKNOW 'Representing H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR Toronto, Ontario Notice- To Creditors NOTICE• TO 'CREDITORS In ,the Estate ,Of WILLIAM ON' FITZPATRICWILSK , Late 'of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Huron, ;Gentleman All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to for- ward . full particulars • of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 22nd .day "of• August, 1967, after which date- the 'assets will be distributed: ' DONNELLY & MURPHY •• • 18 The Square • Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for ; the Estate. • NOTICE TO •.CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate.of : MARY';ANNETTA. BUSHELL late of the: Village of Lucknow, in County of Bruce,deceased. Notice •is hereby giventhat all persons having any claims .cr demands a= gainst the Estate of 'Mary' Annetta. Bushell;' aforesaid, Who :died' on or. about the, 29th 'day of March.1967, are 'required 'tofile proof of, their claims, duly •.verified. with' the Un- dersigned, on or before the , alth day of August 1967. And notice iso further given that • after the 'said date the executor will proceed to distribute . the assets of 'the. said Estate among those entitled there- to and will not be liable for ' the said assets or any part thereof td anyone of whose .claims they shall not . then ' have received ;notice. Dated' at 'Ripley' July 10th,. ' 1967: CRAWFORD,. SHEPHERD & MILL Barristers, etc. „ . •,RIPLEY, ONTARIO. RD C,F THANKS Cliff Crawford .expresses ..thanks to relatives and friends who, rem !embered him with •cards and gifts while: in hospital.: Also the 'Luck - now Legion, Village of Lucknow -and the' construction .crews in' the village . . , . ' . ' Mrs. James " MacDonald • wishes to express her.: th nks to ' all who. remembered her with .cards, gifts and visits while , she was in. hos- pital. Thanks also to Doctors Cor- rin and McKim and 'nursing staff., I. would. sincerely like to thank. all • who remembered me• with :let- tere., cards, `gifts, flowers• and tris - its while. a ' patient. in -'London 'Hos- pital. Lillian', Mitchell • Mr.• and Mrs.. George' Saunders• would like to thank, their. neigh- bours, .and many ' friends. -for the lovely gifts, cards and good wishes extended. to them on toe, occasion of , their fiftieth :wedding anniver- sary. Special thanks to the Wom- en's Institute for the . lovely dinner they served. .' . Linda .Snowden wishes to express thanks for cards, -treats and visits, while she was in • Goderich . Hos- pital.. • • • • Mrs. Ray Dalton wishes ,to ex- preps• her.''•thanks ' to friends and neighbours, • for gifts '. and cards ,while she was in hospital. Special thanks to Doctors • Corrin and Mc - ,Kim since' her return : from London, • Mac Conley wishes to express sincere'thanks to all who remem-, bered him in various' ways .while he was hospitalized, Thanks also to Doctors Corrin and McKim and nursing staff. • Elmira . and, Gordon Finnigan wish 'to express their 'sincere • ap- preciation .to .all 'of their friends - ..and neighbours for .the kindness shown to them at the time of the sickness and death' of .their . dear • sister Mary Elizabeth Alton,, • •to extend my sincere' I wish thanks and appreciation •to all who were. , so kind and helpful at the time of the, sudden passing of .my dear wife "Elizabeth" and for • the many beautiful floral tributes. A special thanks to Dr. Corrin .and nurses of 'the Wingliam and. Dis trict . Hospital. To . all neighbours and friends' who helped with lunch, chores, and- haying, a' grateful, thank you. „ Russel Alton REAL ,ESTATE FOR SALE GENERAL STORE AND GAS: PUMPS situated at Inverburon. catering to the tourist industry. 400 cottages, provincial park and private camp site in this area giving you an excellent revenue, 3 bedroom ' living quar- ters only. 5 years old, winter-' 'ized:, with electric heat, large bright store and . warehouse. You can . makea good living working ,5 months of the year here. Paved road with school bys; service, GENERAL STORE AND POST OFFICE situated on provincial highway in Bruce county in good, farming area. 3 ' apart- ments • in: this large brick build- ing. Priced low for quick sale. We have'a good selection . of cottages priced from '$3300: and up. Cottage lots ;from $800 up. For,'' above and` other properties Contact: • IVAN' STRUTHERS PHONE KINCARDINE 3964772 •_Wilfr•_ ed Mclntee. (0.,".;Liifli ted WALKERTON Member of 'the Grey, and Bruce Multiple' .Listings'" Service List-M,L.S..- Over 60• Salesmen' Working For. You,.. CULROSS CORNERS Mr. 'and .'Mr,,' William Hepburn. Mr: and \lrs.' Richard Middleton, all of •Toronto and Alex Stewart,. ar d'girl• s of Kincardine visited:•with Mr':. and Mrs Tocri Stewart and •. boys.. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Friendorf•and Brenda ITalden:by all of Kitchener spent the weekend with Mr. :'and Mrs •N E• .1 aldenby. • • The capacity, the efficiency 'to: lead today' 'big, combines.. • It takes bg capacity, brute strength • to feed, today''s . BIG combines.' Innes fills the bill: Built Rugged to work acre after .acre, ' season after season. Built Big to pick 'up tWowindrows at once, to .use. the fUll, 'capacity, of your combine.. Built With the efficiency. ,needed to• get all the crop you raise.. Long RubberSet Fingers are Indi- vidually eterrotor . repla. • cWeainble.drow , Large Downsdiam- : I , . RotorRods .. Heavier con- struction dual 1.slingers ,. �" sealedand self -aligning ball bear- ' " , Ings all' are standard, all com- bine to give yoU the . most pick-up for your, ' money you'll find any. where. Five big models from seven to fourteen feet fit most popular.'. combines'. BIG SAVINGS ON STANDARD MODEL • Similar• in design but smaller and with all •steel spring fingers. 4 • model �i p to 84" . with savings up, to 45%. See Your Dealer or Write for Literature: Distributed. by ' • H. L. TURNER (Ontario) Ltd. BLENHEIM, ONTARIO II U N ES 0'87 OVA 521.22