HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-26, Page 2• Z..k.E TWO THE LUCKNOW :SENTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARIO The • :INCKPIONV .SENTINEL, • • ‘1,/cKNOW, ONTARIO Sepoy ;Town!, On, the HurOn-BrUce Boundary • • . . . Authorized as second' class mail, Post, Office Department, Ottawa Established 11373—Published Each Wednesday Afternoon ' - Member of 'the C.W.N.A. and 0.W.N.A, • " Subscription Rate, $4.00 -a year in advance — to the $5.00 / Donald C, Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, JULY 26th, 14.67. • 'MacKE1•141E - 13OUTWELL.: ) q• . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Charles uay, Auiplist'• 12.... L96.7 at 2. p 1?otawell. of t;724 La.chine Court •,• , Calgary. announce the forthcorking•marriage:of their only daut..1htei, Heather Ann, to Mr. • Alexander.Wesley MacKenzie, son. of Mr. and Mrs..l'hcintaS;i2. Mac,' •• Kenzie, of Lucknow '..Pntario,, The Wedding.will take Place on Saturr: in grace Presbyterian Church, Calgary. Miss Boutw ell is a grad P uate of: the Educationpr�gramme IJniverhity; of Calgary. Mr. Macr Kenzieis A graduate of the •Univ- , ersity of Western !Ontario. Faculty of Engineering ,Science. • Did You Know McQuillin Boys? Did you recoi.piZe the yoUngiters, on.the:,ba0 i*ge. of last. Week''s . Sentinel? ' The picture•Was taken about ,6.5 years ago the 1.0t.e.hoy. in the. •. dress is,1Jerb McQUillin Of the: 2nd Of ,KinlOss, mail courier On: R. R.. II LucknoW.'•••flle aldetchild is the late Roy .MdOuillin of Toronto ' Roy, a.TOronto.policernan; was shot and 'killed in the line of .duty',' in 1930 at. the age, of 33. Ile and '• another had chased.: and caught two:men -in' car when he was shot on • the 'spot by one of tile Men. He died before ••.• . fierband -Roy are sons of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard ('Rachel Alton). • : . • \‘; • .•,•• • • Ripley Area Lal Wins Expo Trip Local and General •Mrs. W.G. Murdock and Karel) ot TorOnto; Mr. and Mrs J Tim Hogan (former Gayle4:16rdoch)' and two children Kelly and,. - • Michael from 'Clarkson. visited Mr and Mrs. ,Catneron MacDonald and W. W. I fill •on:Sunday.. Gordon SteWard oftoridon was a' feceut visitor with his mother Mts. ('hark.. Steward of ToWd, . • '• • Mrs..Mary Cooke; who ha.s been • living with her daughter and son: - in -law, Mr. .and Mrs; 'Torn ; • MacKenzie of Kinlois., left for ..- .North Bay -to attend the wedding of her only granddaughter Lee Anne Cooke to PaurRiChmond. •Coo,ke,will spend:the summer • ' months in North 1:ayi with her 'son Wes COoke and" • Mrs. \'erna MacDonald, Mrs. . V' Hugh Cinuing and Gloria of Lon- .don spent a few days last week • • with their mother and GlOria's; grandmother, Mrs. Charles:Stew, • • Mrs,„ Gerald Coiling of Iluroil• Township was the winner of the• • • , • • LueknOw Lions-Cltib prize draw at • the summer carnival last Thursday( Mrs;-Colling won`the first and,only prizefive days at' EXPO foi two people,: all expenses paid plui. $50 spending money as well, The Winners will leave Lucknow A ugnit 27 by bus; Five nights in Montreal at a hOtel, hotel tips, daily passports to EXlid plus the 4.fr5p' spending money•will all he looked after by the LucknOW Lions.' • LETTER TO THE EDITOR - Found Lucknow A Good Place To. Live And Work • .R. 3. • Arthur', •Ontarid. `u July 29 1967. Area. Se •Fina,... Carolyn and I would like to thank I -Ythe people of Lucknow and district • • - , • • :for the royal treatment shown to us •• Two. Schools. . • . •an d our girls during' the past year..'. . . 1 We are thrilled over our •experien- • . , • . 'Huron County School Area No. T.ding,:in• Lucknow , our happiest Wound up`'their sale of rural sardols year thus far, and the very, friendly, in the area.on Saturday morning of 'hospitable,. sincere, and charitable' last, week . rtintoul of White- peoPle are responsible, (along wfth church autioned the 'Port Albert' ithe enthusiastic staff and students and' schools and contents. iworked with), for leaving with us • N0,4, 'lion AlberCsoldtO. !pleasant metriOties, and the desire. JW, Rollins of Port Albert for, ;.kto,return often for visits. $2, 020. The total .gross, including!! .We.shilllreep following the activ;. property, Was $2871,25,' ' ities of yoiir town in thesentineto Eelfast School, S. s„; Np. IS,. sold he paper With the rnagnetit 'PerSOn. to Alex HaCkett8r. of Lucknow for $1,020. The efast sale; includ- •• ' Sitwerely. •• • ing property, grossed$1299.75. • . Mason e * ENGAGEMENT HOLAK , BUSHELL •Mr. •and MrS.. BenBushell of: 11:12. 9, Lucknow" are proud to ann ounce the engagement of their daughter Gloria Gladys to JOhn Robert Holcak, son of Mr. and Mrs. John F101ealt of.R.R. 7, Luck now. The wedding will take,place at the brides home on Saturday, August 26th ol • • • o. . . Organize "GUAM' For Young People • CONTR191.1.TED , • Another summer has started •as always', in our village. Many of the teenage inhabitants: espec, tally, fled late in June for.,suMmer, jobs and will:return in September; to start another' school year. But what about the younger group who can't get away:to summer job'S and have discovered that there is •atS(4,- utely nothing in Lucknow for, them to do.• A concerned group Made' inquiries, telephone calls'and held'Ineetingi to find a iolittion. The otitcorne is Guara, a club for every interested teenand preteen in the,area between the.ages of eleven and, fourteen, • • • • Guara, meaning growing up as. responsible adnits, Will'be held every Wednesday night 111 the Town Hall Basement from gli30 r 10 p.m': :for:the month of August.. • , ItecordS.., Games and a,small ,planned program will be presented during the evening,at a cost of.2 250 per person. Refreshments Will. be extra. • •• Police Chief Wrn.• Nelsonis spon- sOring the grOtip and: DOI= J., Ritchie is helping 'organize • terestezi'and Willifik parents will )1/eddii _ix vita t FOR TlIE PiscItimigorpyc, . . WEDNESDAY, JULY '26th 1961 You may select your wedding invitations, announcements and accessories with plete confidence as to quality and contctness of form... rEed4inkannosinoensesstsof... • TRADITIONAL BEAUTY' O CLASSIC DISTINCTION • • • SOCIAL CORRECTNESS .„ , NNOUNCEMENTS ,INFORMALS ACCESSORIES WCKNOW SENTINEL • ' PenOnakil.A•wick4n6 niPk01, gh°0 cabboxes sIso &ridable. chaperone. 'Discipline will.:•be kept. by b7.sfollowing1 simple eight rules. • • A president, .Joarine Thotripson;, Vice President; Linda Stanley and. Secretary -Treasurer Lorraine B?yle. • along with a decorating.,progrin refreshment and. entertainment . . committee will hold office until . • . • the end' Of August:, • . •If‘Guara has been a success;fur- ther Arrangetnents: wili be made for its.,contintiatiOn'in the fallIt is. hoped the adults and older teens will reepeciihiS•venture and help make it a,wOrth.w.hile ejg*iienc0 . for members olcuara. Bowling Winners Results of Ladies Lawn Bowling On July 19th are as follows: 1st Mrs. Armstrong. Wiison ,• 2nd, . ence 13e11, 3rd Miss Lieia Finlayson 14411T101111, BIRTHSj .W.EST - in Witigharn and District Hospital, on Saturday, Ally' 15; .1967, to Mr. and Mrs. fames A. _ West 11,„ R. 3 , Goderich, a. son. , • • HAMILTON'S MAYFAIR, RESTAURANT ‘: • Phone 52.9-3932•1* • in Hamilton• .. • r REGULAR_ Gilbert Campbell:operator of the Dick - now BOWling Alley, is the proud winner a new bicycle in a contest presently being • staged by British, Petroleum agents and dealers. * • I Gil. won his bike at W. A. "Bud" Ham- ilton's dealership in Lucknow. Shown in the picture, on the right, is Mr. Campbell. On 1004-4.4 *lab AM +Ili Vile the left ,is Rost Shill, an employee at Hamilton's, who gave' out ,the., Winning tiekeltO Mr. Campbell. . 3300 Raleigh . three -speed bikes, 5690 safety helmits and 2000 headlamps; fpr a total value of $276,009,, will be given 'out during the contest period; Advertisenlent • I Of A