HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-26, Page 100 A. Year vanes 1.00 Extra To LUCKNOW, .'ONTARIO iv. Land Stirlun.g. .t Conference Inlit East Africa:... 'Rev. Laird Stirling, ,minister of Lucknow United Church, is spending part of his vacation period at the World Institute,. of Christian Education in Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa; • Rev. Stirling 'was nominated by race Presbytery .and, selected by • amilton Conference to ttend this .4th World Council: 'of hristian.Educatipn; About 350. de];. gates from 80' to 90 nations are at heconference, Rev Stirling;'s trip to Nairobi was' rather round. about and tiresome ne according to a note received rom him'. He. flew from:Halkfax o Montreal to Dublin, 'Ireland to radon England where he spent a ay. Then on to Rome, Italy where e had another. da.y, Front -Rome he. flew to Tethran,. ran on a diversion because ;no ritish or American Airlines are 'eared to fly over Congonese erritory because of Strife there. rom Iran he .flew to Nairobi then;.'.:: o. Johannesbturg, South Africa and' ecause of the '"November like' ernperatures at Johannesburg, hie. ok'the• first flight back to Nairobi. It is winter in'Kenya but a deligh•. fol 65 to 79 degrees.: Altogether ev Stirling flew 14,960 miles in - 1/2 days With:about 11.,'000 •of hem in 17•'hours. He sends , reetings to alliin Lucknow and eports that he is quite enthusiastic bout the conference.; Mrs Stirling and family are ending the time ' in Halifax with : et' parents WEDNESDAY, JUJL,y 26th, 1967' Single .Copy.100. 20 .Pages • ELIGIBLE TO BE ' LUCKNOW'S ENTRY IN DISTRICT BEAUTY : CONTEST. AT•; FALL FIR 17 -YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER OF Wt. AND .e SID ' WHITBY .` OF LUCKNOW ions Summer Cu�nival featured old: ime Fiddlers, $sooty Contest, E*po.Trip Lucknow; and 'District. Lions Club aged a very successful summer arnival in the arena On Thursday ight of last week. A large roved attended the event. : The evening featured the music fold time fiddlers; a beauty con st,•games of chance, bingo, ancing and a prize OraW. • 'The bingo and 'games.. were: well atronized as was the 'booth and.. e• Lions should show .a good profit. hich will assistin paying off the •' rena floor'*proj:ect which the .club ndertook' at the time 'artificial ice as 'installed in the Lucknow arena 'Acting as master of ceremonies rthe'evening were Donald • acKinnon,..Lions president and ameron MacDonald carnival'; • airman, Charles Webster•was in, arse of arrangements for the duty. contest. On hand`to provide the crowd' ith sone old time fiddling was alter*Collins, MurrayM. ollinsGeorge,and acDonald , Frank Scott •, Glen yd, Elliott Carruthers, Gordon yd on the drums, Don Robertson the guitar Ross I4enderson. on: sax and Mrs. • Ross Cumming. on `the piano. The group played for...daft- cing•.which followed Rod and:..Frank MacKenzie of a: Kinloss piped'the beauty contest •' entrants to the stage where they were judged by: Mi 'and firs. DeWitt Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne 'MacDonald of "gingham : ' There werethirteen entrants.in•the.. competition. They were Marie Brooks,, Pat O'Connor, Barbara ... Whitby, Maria Dalton, Pat Eedy, Carol Culbert , Bonnie Culbert, ' •Doreen ;Culbert:,' Valerie Hodges Donna MacKenzie, 'Carol ,Vlacln- tyre , Carolyn Adams Janet Liz- more . Barbara Whitby, 17 -year-old • daughter of Mr.: and Mrs Sid Whitby of Lucknow., •placed;first in the beauty' contest "and she was crowned by Janice Brooks. last year's beauty Queen. Barbara ,. an employee of Henry's Fruit Market in Lucknow • 'will represent Luck- now at the district beauty contest,„ to be held at the Lucknow. Fall °. Fair. She received $25, for winning Carol Culbert, 18;' of Dungannon placed second it'; the contest and n ured In Crash her sister, Bonnie Culbert , 17, plan James Cummins, 74 of Winghani. d formerly of•West: Wawanosh ffered fractured ribs, a chest. Jury and face.:cuts in a two -car ash Monday at concession 9 est Wawanosh T'bwnshi .,, and t'ood, the Airg s'ustine Sid • .. Mr, Cummns was driver 'of'one r. Rutli Alton Of R, lL1, Lucknow iv , et' o w j,.. ,.. the second :car,. was unin:- red. • ed third. Both:are daughters of • Eldon Culbert of Dungannon and the: late Mrs ,Culbert . The two sisters last' year attended Goderich District Collegiate. Secondplace was worth $15 and third $10'.. Mrs. - Ross Cumming made the Prize draw for an all-expenspaid five-day trip to EXPO and '$50 in spending money.This was won by g Mrs. Gerald Coiling of Huron Township. :om:mends.yc,.u.th F • , or HisF.�nesty. "Honesty of,this type deserves... mention" ,.says John Lavis of the Lavis Construction ,Co., who:pres-'. ently have the Contract 'for 'the Work on:Lucknow's Main Street,. 'Mr. Lavis 'made a phone call froth the phone booth in front of Murdie's Hardware about • 4:30; last. Thursday afternoon. It was a•credit card call and Mr Lavis had, set his wallet out beside the phone tO, read off his card ';number. ',After 'he. completed the call he' forgot to pick up his wallet and later returned to his summer, cottage at Bayfield, • 'About' two hours later, Sam' Pal- mer son, of Mr. and Mrs. Art • Woodcock; Highway '8'6 west„; -- entered the phone booth -t0, place a 'call and discovered the wallet. • A -call: was put through to, \-1,r. Lavis andhe had news of his wall- et by about 7 P.m. By this time he had missed it and was just • about t� contact 'police chief Erll' Nelson.wheti the good newscarte to him.. There was $250 cash in the:wall et.: Sarri was 'rewarded by Mr. Lave is for his honesty,', To Take Masters. Degree In Manitoba Mr. and Mrs,:: Fraser .Ashton of Ottawa will leave the first' of Aug- ust to, go to Winnipeg' where Fraser: will attend the Univ rsity of. Man itoba. Frasergradua s from/the'' Univ- ersity of, Guelph in May 196,5 with a Bachelor of Science" in Agriculture Degree in microbiology Since then he has been employed by the Department of:National Health -and Welfare in Ottawa At the University of Manitoba, • Fraser will take a course in micro- biology to receive. his ;Master. of. Science Degree with the course ta king ;approxirnately two years. ;, Ulrs . Ashton will work as a ' : dietitionin the Children's. Hospital. in Winnipeg„ Fraser is:,the son of, , Mt. ;and:Mrs•. Lloyd Ashton of town and is a graduate of Lucknow :District High School: 1r. and 'Mrs'. Ashton have been visiting with his parents and other relatives thePast and holidaying -. in` .at Amberle: � Beach , y REVISE LIST The mailing list of The Sentinel. was corrected, last weekend meats received upto FatherPasses Thursday; credited, ',At Listowely 1 ., • 'Post office .regulations•, As well ,as Sentinel expectations`„require . that all subscriptions. be payable in advance..' . if your label reads July/ 67, your' subscription is now due.' If it reads prior to• that., you are in arrears and prompt attention would 'be, Hall of i,ucktiowis a daughter.. appreciated. 1. W .. Angus Nekton of Listowel passed away Tuesday morning , July 25th. He had been in his usual 'health until suffering a severe stroke the, m previous day ,frowhich h"e failed to rally. Mr. t.tckson , was 85 years of age; ,Mrs Elwin' LIEAY TIME This will be the last, issue of The Sentinel until August,leth. The office Will close this Friday -and will re -open again on ,\londay , August 14th. There will be no paper published on August • 2nd and 9th,. Correspondents and any contra • butors of news are asked to submit,: it as it happens,; News will be edited throughout the holidays. News may bemailed or deposited in the letter slot to our door. We hope you miss: the paper . while we're sone. See you 'in Iwo weeks. Elected District- _ Dep. Grand Master •Robert MacKenzie of Lucknovx was last week elected' as District" Deputy Grand Master of ,North • .iluron District Masonic Lodges at,. '.. the_meet.iug of Grand Lodge:at • Cedarbrae I;igh`School in Toronto..' LobJ who operates,:a: ,funeral and furniture business in Lucknow was, Master ;o f Old Light Lodge. A. F. and .A. M. No: 184,in Lucknow in:,; .• 1963. Ile has had an active.associ- 'ation with. the Lucktiow f odge for Many years'Twelve: lodges m the f district will be under his tare:for' rhe next year; A number of officers and. past officers of the Lucknow• Lodge went to Toronto last Wednesday•to support Bob in the bid for office: He was elected Wednesday and it= stalled Thursday, •Among the officials in the installation, service was ;Harry Marryn , past .grand )alas= • 1 tet:of a`native of Ripley. •• :Other members of the Lucknow Lodge Who, field this District• Deputy position are Dr. .1. E. Little in,1960, and Thomas J. Salkeld in 1949. District Deputies from the Lucknot ;Lodge,' who have since passed on. are J S., Tennant in iS9ti , D. Patterson in 1909., W.A. Wilson in 1920 and?'G. To Aitchi- son* who died While in office in 1931' Donald' Aitchison of ,Harriston , a son of thelate Ernie Aitchison of Lucknow , was elected, District' Deputy Grand Master of Bruce Dis L trier at Grand Lod Ye last week: Norval a.. ichards. of 'Guelph , and formerly: of this area; was elected to' the board of ;enetral pur i poses: of Grand •Lodge. 7