HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-19, Page 8,teI, - ,T,.•• -.r M FROM .14 .FT,,DIAlyiETER TO 55 FT::MOS -Concrete silo for high moisture Om, hay' Or 'ensilage.' mad with satisfaclion. 1/2 INCH STEEL .RE-IN,FORCED. -Contact IMMediately TO0 Lite rnol t2 Canribria Rd. 524-9437 Collect Crop Report MoSt Crops are now growing Satis-. faciorily in Huron County 4' although there is a great variation in the Progress of corn. white beans and cereals in different areas. Oats and Earley heads are filling well. Some lodging has occurred. AlmOst daily showers continue to hold up the storing of quality hay: Practically all alfalfa is now in= full bloom and grass species have become more mature than desk - 'able. Where control .of leaf hoppers on. white beans is necessary,. several suitable chemicals. are listed in "1967 Field Crop Recommendations Publication 296, available at Ont ario Department of Agriculture and. Food Offices;. Where applied, most recommen- ded chemical w„eed killers have done a: very effective job .this year. n Fie Rained Out a BY JOHN BLACK The Huron County Junior Partners met -in: the Agricultural Board Rooms on June 28, 1967 with pres- ident Murray Hoover in: charge. Shirley Jacques reported that: twelve Junior Farmer sweaters were .on°order. Any of, the local members in Huron County'may still order one from Miss Jacques or their own president. . The County Field' day was mostly rained out so, itwas an unsuccessful event, as far as the .track and 'field eventswere concerned. The Sea forth club won the .trophy for the highest number of points for the day. • . The exchange visii to Welland County'.will be from July 14th to 16th. There is only a.,srnafl fee of • $2'.00 for: any. Huron Junior wanting to go. Anyone. who .is 'interested' WEDNESDAY, JULY 19th '1967 DRIVE-IN THEATRE Silf1SET THEATRE CARLOW 'DOUBLE EpATUR.E SHOWS THURS„ FRI.. SAT. JULY 20-21-22 and Second, Feature • Sunset, Drive-in Theat,re ,• Hat . The Largest. Screen In Huron County • 'Please contact Donald McKercher. john Murphy the new summer assistant gave a. fairly good finan- cial report, . •The book collection tharwas started ,by the Cciunty became • 'bogged down because,of the prob-. 'lern of ditposingiof the books. It is reported that 10.more Cent- ury Farm Signs have been rebeived and as yet only three are sold, So_ if any other. farm owners qualify for these signs, notify those in charge immediately as there will - be no niore:ordered. The -Safe driving,course that the Children Under 12 In Cars tree MAIN FEATURE STARTS . Inignicaum• AT DUSK ONO 110100SBIJUSTIE MEI MIE Mill • AP mom 4ousms • !It.* .IP_ • JULY 24-25-26 and Second Feature Norman Wisdom COLIMA LANGSIDE A McQuillin reunion' was held on 'Saturday in Lueknow at the Arena: Relativ,_es visiting with ,Mr and Mrs.. Dick: McQuillin were ;Mr . and Mrs. DougNacLeoci Barhaia and Lynda McQuillin, R9y, Grace 'and of •Torontor 1Vir ., and Mrs. Wilfred Gagnon 'Oakville; Gloria. Culbert , Terry •and Dangle, St. Cath- erines; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Barrett' and ,farnily Jamestown . N. Y.; • Ruth Anne and Donnie McQuillin, Sarnia 'and Wm. Griffin. Ludknow. Other visitors at the McQuillin' home OQ the week-endwere Don Nickel,. 'Terry Gordon,. Debbie McCallum of Toronto and Bill Taylor of Halifax 4 N.S. visited last. Week with their grand - 'parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Me- Keh Young of ThaMesville spent the week -end with their parents., Mr. and 'Mrs . 'Clifford YoUng. 1966 M EL 66 Pontiac Gran arisienne 4 door hardtop, 327 engine • Juniors.are having is t9.be run on a County basis toward the• end of:, . October.at cost of $10.00. . The County Juniors are also hold-, ing a banquet and dance on Saturd- ay. NoVember 4, 1967 in the Sea - forth Legion Hall for their Centenn• iarproiect. Hot turkey .is on the, SOuth Wales, .Australia bc IfuronlCounry. from August 12- tp.. ,20. bapprarid 7'.:IIPte%rtamineinegtinvgittilli 4e1c1 Ju1S(. i'lliiiiber Of 1960 Chivrolets .Pontiaci and For in 6 and .8, iyiinders. 1965 MOD 65 Pontiac Custom S or 965 Chevrolet Impala 'T 'FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED .COMFORT .Entertoinment Is Our Business TFIURS. FRI. SAT. ULY 20-21-22 In the Virgin Islands where the bad guys are girls! CAMIRT-FOX PEWS Flint adventiire.... 965 Ford XL 2 door hardtop and Pontiacs in hardtops and sedans, V-8 automatic OTHER MODELS 1962 Chevrolet . Biscqyne nnmber. of cars, different Makes an froin 1859 1963. models russe s Cities Service Dealer Pitant .DOMOnst.(004..•On :Floi:70.V•ArOngeMpot LOCI -1A LSI+ NEWS Mrs: David' Elphick and, Mrs. Ewan. MacLean were in BrOssels on 1•Mond-ay-evening--,---where-they dem .onstrated Floral arrangements for, the Brussels Hortichltural SocietY. Guests of ivtri and Mrs. 'Oliver . MC*Charles on Sunda,y were Mr. -And Mrs: Jacklashley of 'Toronto. Mrs. Donald Martyr' •is enjoying a trip to Eastern Ontario and Expo this week:with Mr. and Mrs, Allah MacLean and family, ' IN.Irs. Wm. Smith and hahe of , Toronto have been, Visiting her 'kitchen and gragc On his, hous;e: Visiting Mrs: Donald R. Mac - I of Detroit. . Mrit. David Elphick and Donna were in London on Saturday. Viiititigher sister Mrs, Daisy .1 MeCharles4s' Mrs. Harry Whitney of Tampa, Flerida, • • ES COBURN SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY JULY 22 CARTOON , 01)GERS&IIATINIERSTEIN'S 'DEBORAH KERRAUBRYNNER •