HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-19, Page 6E THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARIO IPI..PIENT it zi M1, y{, zG q• If R1DMY, JULY 21 ADVANCE SHOWING: FROM: f;OO A.M. OVER 4 PCS. OF EQUIPMENT —NO. BUY BACKS -NO ,RESERVE BIDS TRACTORS 81 Massey withPower .lift and cult; VAC Case with cult; CaseLA; John Deere MT with cult; 30 Cockshutt; Case SC with cult; 30; 'Massey with power lift; " Case 600with three point hitch, power steering; breakaway couplers; Ms -Chal- mers mers B. With "loader; cults and bean puller. ; Massey ''22 hyd, 2 how cult; Minn. Mo, Tractor Z; John Deere H ilviith. cult; Oliver .55 Diesel;.W-SPT -� hitch am' LPTO 'ED40 Allis diesel . with, 3 pt. hitch LPTO; Massey. Ferg. 35 diesel; 3. pt. • hitch LPTO;' John Deere Alt; power trol. PTO; Massey Harris, 22 Tractor. COMBINES ' John. Deere 55 with cutter . head, pickup.. and reel;. 27 Massey withcutter bead,; pickup and reel; 132 Cockshutt with cutter .head, pickup and • 'reel Allis 60 All crop with straw spreader, cutter head : pickup;. and reel.. EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS IHIPR, picker one- row; Gehl Harvester with pickup PTO. drive McKee Harvester . with '.pipes; • Fox CB50,° blower with wagon, unloader; INNES ' Windrower .500 AR. 4, row bean; 4 —'3 pt, hitch. and wheel trail discs; 4 3 pt. hitch and wheel. type field cultivators; Mower 3 pt. hitch; IH 21U mower . semi-mtd;..Farm Wend loader for row crop . tractor Massey 13 run ,drill; John Deere FB 15' run drill Ili - 2 row trail: planter; John Deere 246 — 3 pt.: hitch planter; John Deere 290 planter. S ' Several ` 3 pt, hitch and wheel type 'from 3 to 5 bottom plows, • AUCTIONEER ALVIN "WALPER • PHONE (519) 2374592, DAsHWOOD;.ONT.<, Term ' Financing Available SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley Grea lust great I - think ;probably the most difficult re1atio"'nship• to main= tarn, • at any reasonable• level, is that between teen=age children: and their ''parents.'' 'Marriage is tough enough, .as, .you all know. : But. at least, the ...partners, in.' most 'cases,' are prepared to bend a little,' to . give • an inch, or • even two if necessary,, .' to 'compromise;. when there's no other way out; . Married • people . do communi- FREE FILM BLACK AND WHITE OR COLOUR with each roll brought in for processing at popular prices. All popular sizes. We specialize in *PICTURE FRAMING *PORTRAITS *WEDDINGS *BABIES MAXWELL PHOTO STUDIO Ph. 357-1851 WINGHAM 'rate, even' though the form ranges;. from grunts ,and sighs•' to . language. that would sear the ,earlobes of a saint. ; They're usually from the same genera- tion and; at worst, car spend hours running ; down , the government, . . the boss, the : neighbors, or each other's fam- ilies. L 'know couples, including us, :who .cave been amicably bick-- ` tering for anything from two ,:to six decades: 'It becomes almost. a '. game, .in which sou know. • every • ploy or. :gambit : of, the • opponent. (A. ploy is when she : ots dead .t 'has y o rights.; A gam- bit is when you just might get away with the story.) But with, teen=agers, you're fighting a losing: battle. First • of ail, thereris thelanguage barrier.. Theoretically, ` you're - tloth' • speaking the same . tongue, but when it comes;; to interpretation;' ' there's no. re • ration whatever.. You' say; "Now, I want -you .:• home at midnight right on the' dot." This, to the teen, gyrat- i ing in •that weird,.trance-like stattI don't 11., dancing, means "e11't have to leave until • midnight:" • A scene •en- And. at scenes, you ha'en't a look -in. You're all set,.to raise' hell. ...Hackles are properly . erect. ; And' five minutes after the' kid gets ' in, 'you're on the defensive, trying...to prove that you're:' not "an old grump," or completely , irrational, or "the strictest parent in town,"' or an out-and-out fiar • who said t'wel,Ve o'clock was the dead- line fo"r leaving the dance, not. •, for being home. } .. Teen-agers are like women. I You can't: discuss anything with them, " in a 'logical way. You are completely baffled by a series of irrelevances, none sequitur's and such.• things as, "You don't. trust , , rhe. ' That's what's 'wrong with you, You don't trust, me!''' And 'they're. right. . It's s"ad to so a family { breaking up. I suppose • it's in- evitable and, right. But it's. sad..' Ours :is. We 'hada swim the ,other day, the four of ; us.. As • we were, leaving the' beach; I said to the old girl, "Do , you •. realize that's probably •the last time .,we'll `'"all -•have a • swim together?":' She 'agreed:'• Kids 'don't .want to go swim-. ruing with their parents; 'They want : to lurch: around 'with • their own. age ' group: , They ` used to practically destroy•me,` • when' they Were little; Making me play " with them'whene we went ' swimming. Duck' dives,' underwater endurance tests, 'races. And' now it's • transistor radios, •squabbling and cheeky;: remarks for which there is ' no :... real answer-, excepta., swat on the ear. And 'you can't do that, ;or: "they'll :run off and start snicking pot. Enjoy ;them'when. they're lit '.tie. You can blow on their bel'7'. lies, kiss their. little soft bums, ' :rockthem when• •thek'•re sick. and tell 'bedtime stories . • till ; you're, blue in the face. There's communication then. - But dOn't hen.But.don't expect.. too much . when they get . past 13. For the •next six' years, it will. be .sun and showers, 'cold fronts Mov- ing in,. a lot of f :'low pressure areas, with the occasional high, and . such suggestions as I've,. heard` recently:` . "Dad's just,. not.with •it.,.He's out to lunch,", Ws nothing 'new, of course., When I recall how utterly self- `ish'I was as a youth, how little I 'cared ' about ',my parents' hopes and fears I• understand. It's been going on since Cain clobbered Abel and broke , up '- that- niceiittle-�familrgrou - It's' a time oflife life when thea; whole earth revolves around ME, and parents ',are merely •another, awkward, sometimes • Obnoxious. ircumstance that 's preventing: 'ME ' frombeing'. what I. want 'to be and; becom- ing whatever I will be. • Oh,. well, 'there's an excellent invention called grandchildren:. I can hardly wait 'to get at spoiling. mine rotten so that their 'parents will be totally unable to cope with them. N.B.: Winner of guest col umn announced "'next week for .sure. Isn't it exciting? .� nor•, . 0614. " stigAiir a. lit i WEDNESDAY, 'JULY 19th, 1967 LucknowMc.rIsOIdesl.At Picnjc DUNGANNON.NEWS' The ninth annual reunion picnic of the descendants, of John and Mary Jane Finnigan was held at Dungann- on. Agricultural park Sunday aftern- oon, July 9. ' ' • John Finnigan took up land in. 1845 on the Fourth Concession of West Wawanosh. He married Mary. ,Pane McMath and raised a large family. The total descendants now number over 200;: of which '71' were in attendance from Peterborough, London, Toronto, 'Willowdale. Wiarton,. Walkerton,• Goderich_•; Dungannon Kitchener.,' Gala, Sea- forth Auburn, Lucknow,: Wingham Malton and: Burlington. • • Entertainment:, races and prizes were supervised by Mr. and Mrs. • Bob Finnigan Willowd.ile and Mr and Mrs ..Chester Finnigan of • Dungannon. Lunch. arrangements were made by Mrs:Olive Culbert and Mrs. 'Erma Anderson • of, Godes''- ich. A table of old time pictures was enjoyed, prepared by Mrs. Rob ert Elgie ,. Sea:forth , Miss Myrtle, •. Finnigan, Goderich and .Harold: Finnigan; London. ' OLDEST MEMBER • 'Robert' Finnigan of Lucknow was the oldest member present . The youngest present, was. Michael John, infant son of Mr. ‘.and:Mrs, Keith Finnigan, London, Family travell= ing farthest was.Mr. and Mrs; Harold Finnigan, Peterborough; The president, Everett Finnigan,, Walkerton, conducted the business session ;The 1968 picnic is to'be: held the2nd Sunday in, July at Springbank Park, London.. Officers. for 1967 to serve' again for next year. ' Plans are to go .ahead `with the writing and printing of the family history, now being, assembled by Lloyd Finnigan, London and Miss Hilda Finnigan, Toronto. 51, ASummer Special... DRLL.L KIT . Famous Black & Decker,quality., A complete kit .for thehobbyist or handyman. Included in the Wpower drill with variable speed; set of 3 twist3" wire wheel: brush, 3" grinding Wheel; chuck key 5" rubber ,backing pad, set of sanding discs., 1/2" wheel arbour, custom moulded carrying case. •• Fuhy`varrablespeed from 0 to 2250r.p.m. by varying,trigger pressure.. REGULAR VALUE "KIT., $39.95' CO-OP SALE 'RICE :KIT • $2i.99 Code 3547.745: MAIL BOX Time to thange that rusty, leaky' mail box..,Here's' a mail box •made:of heavy. gauge'steel with baked on prime and finish coat. Jted,lndicator.flag tells when mail.has been: placed in box., Spring type ' • hinged • lid. remains in either' open or closed. • position. . RGl1L:AR VALUE. EACH; .510.95 COOP SALE PRICE :EACH..: $ ' •9.49 Code 581-030 NEW! CO-OP STOCK `FLY '. POWDER TRY .IT NOW • CO-OP Stock Fly Powder'contains•pyrethrins. •It gives long lasting control of fliesand other insects on. livestock and can. be used directly from the 2 Ib, shaker top package.,Kiits horn flies, house flies. stable flies and mosquitoes. • • REGULAR VALUE 2 LBS.. •CO-OP SALE PRICE.2 LBS. Code 0220.616 $1.75• $1.60 DELUXE ALUMINUM Regular Value •$7.49 -:each DELUXE ALUMINUM Regular Value $12.49` each LAWN CHAIR CO.OP Sale Price each • $5.29', ;LAWN , CHAISE r Co-OP•Sale Price: each,. 23' DELUXE FREEZER 09.39 Regular Value $259.95 each CO=OP Sale Price each*224.99 FREEZER TAGS Regular Value $ .99 pack. .RE1i BARN PAINT Regular' Value ,$, 5.95 '1 gal. Regular Value $27.955 gal. GRAIN AERATOR Regular Value 581.95 each COOP Sate Price.pack. CO.OP Sale Price i gat. $4.99 CO.OP Sale Price.5'gal. #23.99 $:69. • CO-OP Sale Price each it *69.89 ICKNOW, Ontario Phone 5284125'