HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-19, Page 2PAGE TW THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO The • LUCKNOW .SENTINEL: LUCKNOW , ONTARIO. • "The Sepoy Town" — On. the' Huron Bruce Boundary Authorized .:as *second ' class mail, ':i'ost Office Department, Ottawa •Established. 1873 -Published Each Wednesday" Afternoon, ' Member of the C W.N.A. and O.W.N.A. Subscription: Rate,' $4.00 a year in advance to the U.S.A., $5.0.0 Donald C. Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, JULY 19th,. 1967' Two'girls from'.Lucknoware' among 2,000 Girl Guides from 12 different .countries,at a camp sit- uated on Morrison and Nairn Lsl- ands in. the St. Lawrence River, near Cornwall. • Linda Boyle, 16-year-old'daugh.-• terof. Mr: , and Mrs. James Boyle: and''Lynda Walden,. 15'=year-old , daughter of Mr, and Mrs; Glen: • ' Walden left 'Friday morning ;from • CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 village council for'their approval prior to. Son enceinent :.The • park project however, came to a halt when council failed to' app - .rove it. Council suggested; alter- native sites fora :park, 'Victoria:, Park on. Havelock Street and ;The • Caledonian Park• at the:Fair Grour nds. •_air The C• d nian ar at the. •Fair ale o P k Grounds was d: as a site b. e y,.. • r`. ,• the'Certte anal'committee earlie , • • •Itwas'.generall �Y.ag reed.. as $. unsuitable: the'coirmmittee. 'Vic , by .. toria Park vas also discussed; but . it had been..a "reed to proceed with, $ the original decision ..The' comm - . ittee's decision on the WillouY hb g Street park did; not meet. with Council's favour; • Members of the -Centennial comm ittee , meeting on Monday decided that with thein main pro- ject rejected', there: was no purpose in continuing:to function, The committee can be given credit for the flag, decorating of Iticknow. Main Street which they carried' out a few. weeks ago. They also plan to continue with . their home decor- at.ing awards which had been'. earlier announced..' The. committee wish to express their thanks to the purchasers of membership: tickets :and flags sold by.rhe. Girl'Guides. This gave %them a fund, to work on' and enabled,therri.to carry out. what 'has been doneto•'date CENTENN IAL CALENDAR VIVA ir 1867 1967 FOR LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT.: •Lucknow and District Lions Club Centennial Carnival 'hi the Arena this Thursday, July 20. *• *. , * If you wish your Centennial Event'. included in this ' column, phone Mrs. Jim Arnold, 528.2702, no of each week. later than Saturday ,*. * * This is a public service' column contributed' by The Lucknow Sentinel. iuntries Owen Sound by bus to attend, this Heritage Camp; ,the major centenn: nal project of the Girl Guide Association of Canada; The two girls, are members of the Lucknow Ranger Company. . With the camp .emphasis on Can- ada's heritage, the guides' wili•live' in.sub-camps ; representing six areas of Canada; namely; Pacific, Upper Canada, Lower Canada, Far North, Prairies and -Atlantic. Guides in each section will learn handicrafts associated with that area.:. The :sub camps are further broken down .into patrols consisting of . eight campers and •one leadef;:: Linda Boyle was chosen to be a' ptrol;leader•: In addition, to some 1400 drangers Canadian .guides , g cattiki from all provinces and :terr itories who will, be attending, there will be 104.g vides and. several leaders from countries that. have contributed to Canadas culture. These_.include Britain, France, • The Netherlands, .Germany, Ice- land, ,Denmark, 'the United States, Finland, Japan, Sweden .! and possibly Israel; The camp is being held July 15 - 27. WEDNESDAY, JULY 19th, 1947 Reids :Corners Girl Is Dai Princess Miss 'Mary Elizabeth Walden;. 19, of R: R, 1, ;Ripley, was crowned, ' 1967 Bruce 'County. Dairy Princess at Victoria Park', Kincardine, Saturday night, She succeeds 1966 dairy princess.; 1vlrs, Marilyn Gregg R, R,1, Paisley • The ceremony marked the con- elusion of Kincardine's annual Town and' .Country Day, co sports '' ored by the, Society and the, Cham- ber of Commerce. ' . Miss Walden, dau,ghter.'of Mr. and Mrs. Murray ;Walden., was one of nine contestants who appeared in an open convertible parade dur ing the 'afternoon. ' The day's activities concluded :with an evening barbecue and the official crowning. ' Appotnt4Dea!&. John W. Henderson Lumber 'Ltd.: of Lucknow were recently appoint-. ed local licenced dealer for Hallmark Porette a new seamless flooring which pours on; wall to wall. The line also includes coating material for walls, swimming pools, ` bats , : patios and sun porch- es. Bill Half Has Splint Applied For Hip Disorder' Bill Hall, .eleven: yearold son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Hall of Town, ',entered War Memorial 'Hospital in London last Sunday.He .is suffering g frorn ;a bone 'disorder :of the hip.; M the hospital a splint, will be applied and Bill will return home this week -end: ' He willbe requirede r . otowe n the splint for a lengthy period of time. Ba.nds, Porok otqlltt p,lltst, A11#Iglle Shi*Patt. Of Centennial Week -End FAIR NOTES - Lucknow °Agricultural Society,. met 6n. Thursday evening and Madeplans for another big •Fair on September 15 and 16 With support from Village and rural . . . communities; the Fair in1967 will be a Centennial Home;•Corning • week -end. ' . Charles Webster, convenor of `parade committee, promises ,a ' bigger and better parade than ever before. Three bands will be in • attendance, ,the• Lucknow District l-1igh,School Band; • a Kiltie Band and the St'"Marys Band, about, 79 strong. All organizations are urged to enter a car tor float' in theparade and will be eligible for th'e increased prize money. • A change this year' is that all booths will be 'run by the Agricult- ural Society .and co-operation in this effort.is asked, ' • The midway will be .bigger than • A CONTRIBUTED previously. Miss Dominion of Canada will be present and will help.Judge the Centennial,Queen Who in' turn 'will`• be eligible to enter Miss Dominion, of, Canada contest neat year. Demonstrations in various crafts and arts, old and .new, are to be featured. • A new Sign which will lee perman. ent'will,advertise the'Lucknow" Pall Fair and will.be erected on the 'Agricultural. grounds. The banner will be up soon. Bum- per stickers for cars and calendars ;advertising Fairs 'in, the' area are ready •;An antique show will be a feature of this years fair with Bob. Gilchrist; Harold' Austin. and Pharis Mathers. in charge. Plan now to help the Fair Board Make September 15 and •16 the Cen tennial. Celebration in Lucknow the big time it should be', FOR MILKER SEo/ICE. Pi40NE , KEN MARTIN:; Kix ca'dine • 390,1408- • wiirkeloSOilre. fist .irliY=-:Y IS PA:SSII CUSTOMS FREE: COFFEE CLUB. If' you appreciate our hospitality, donations will be accepted. Find your chair in the : dining room.. G CABIN RESTAURAN WCKNOW- LOCAL and GENERAL NEWS Tom'Rainatarusingh of George- town and his brother-in-law and twodaughters of 'Trinidad were visitors at the home of Fred Webb, Lucknow recently. Mrs. E. W. Rice of . St . Helens was organist at St ., Peters Church,, 8 Lucknow last Sunday,` • ,Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carter. :of Lucknow are both patients in Clin- ton Hospital. on Generalos Mr, and'Mrs.Ken Laidlaw of London 'visited with 0 her mother' Mrs' George Hunter of Town last week- end. . ' •� .Visitors with and and Mr . W.L. were: Mr;. and and mother of Cyril :Johnston and Ruth, 'Mr. Marr and. Mrs.. of Dorchester. ed: to his job in Windsor' after -spen- ding part of his Holidays with his mother, Mrs. Arlin.' Jessie A Mrs. Jes i 1lin MacKenzie: recently Mrs. Gordon Brawn Kitchener', Mrs: • and daughters Paula and Mrs. George" Squire 'Wallace Russel: Arlin return - Wayne Pritchard, syn' of Mr and Mrs. • Elmo Pritchard was, ad •mittedm •to Winghaand Distict Hospital on Monday. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank King of Don • Mills 'spent last week -.end in. Luck now and visited with Mrs.. King's'' mother, ,Mrs James MacDonald' at Wingham District 'Hospital. Mr:: and Mrs; rWallace; Twamle Y of London called in town'this week On the way home from their holi- day oli-day" In the Muskoka area, Seeks .Data About Palton family Callers ;at The. Sentinel last week were Mr, and Mrs.: G. Port-. eous of Regina, Saskatchewan., The couple were, seeking inform- ation about a Patton family which: lived in this area: many years ago;' The family went west about the • turn of the century. George Patton, who is 94,. is Mrs.^Porteous'• father 'and he resides at R. R,1''.Selkirk. Manitoba Any information about the Patton family; where they lived, etc, could be sent, to The Sentinel 4 and'we would be pleased'to pass this, informati0n on.• : 0 ' ; FIRM •A1' niversary mattress Button;; -tree surface • ' ' • woven stripe cover • Duro-Flanseo• kips top fine' Hundreds of sled: coils. • LUCKNOW — .PHONE 52843432