HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-19, Page 117 A Year. In Advance , $1 • OO : Extra, .To U LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY' JULY 1.9th, 1967 • Singe 'Copy .10ca. .' 1i Pages nib Tura Down Proposal • M IT1.EE PROTECT Lucknow. Centennial Committee has disbanded The decision was made Monday evening, at•a. meet:- lag eet=lag in Lucknow Town•Hall, The 'move comes as a disappoilt m ent to many residents of the' community who were keenly- inter ested in centennial observance•in. Lucknow. and -district. To others, the disbanding has little meaning •., because of their indifferent attitude towards a.centennial''organization. 'right .from the -beginning. Fortunately the'former group out- numbered by far the latter group. ' Inmid February, .Lucknow ,took' --its first step. toward. establishing at_:. centennial. committee in thevill-• age,. A public ;meeting was called by village council and attendance was very:, small A committee was 'forrned at that time'whtch never did; actively function. ; Ilate Aprtl,'and. early' t May', the ;• Lucknow: Business Men's. Association disturbed •at the,'lack'of centennial,. :'activity in the village,•• called in Reeve and Council for discussions.: 'that time Reeve on the matter.. At iiati. • .Joynt advised the gatherings that • council had made applications for grants on centennial projects but P had been rejected by government, on groundsprojects the that: thes . .were not' suit able for centennial' grants; Illuminated street signs, a new meeting room for council at . . thetown hall, were two of the pro ,jects which were turned down by • the ,deartment in charge of :cent ..P. g. ennial grants: • • After a series of meetings,• prom- oted by the• Lucknow Business Men s: Association, a centennial 'committee was. again established.' Boil Finlay, agreed to chair the committee and Donna Ritchie was appointed'secretary. ; '' ' Representatives were named from all'district organizations. The committee agreed that a main•project would' be decided on , and that• the group'w,ould work to E wards this goal as.well as attemp- ting other. smaller projects: After several Meetings,: and a ;lot of discussion among the committee members, .it•was the unanimous•,. decision,by the ..centennial comm ittee that .a community park; with Picnic and playground facilities, would beestablished on• Willoughby Street on theproperty of Bob Mae=•. Kenzie •and` just east of MacDonalds. Garage Chairman Bob'. Finlay in the d meantime had been •.in touch with the department'of municipal aff- airs In Toronto regarding grants on the project and hadlearned that a -pa'rk project would' be suitable and. would be approved. Despite the fact that the deadline for grants: had passed, it .was agreed to re- open the file. Grants were • available from the: federal and provincial governni'ents of .$1.per capita. each. The centennial., grants would .cover. up:to 50'f0 of the cost of •the projectup, to a maximum of about $2050. The village, of Luck - now were to match the centennial grants dollar for dollar and this had been assured by Reeve in the early m eetings•with the business men and .the centennial' committee This left: approximat= ely $4100: available;to 'commence :the` project. • Total estimated cost for ;land , ; excavation, :fencing. seeding and topsoil was set at $44000 with an with,an additional '$1006 estimated_ for playground equipment and 'picnic. tables.. Incidentals would bring .the,' total cost of the .park to about $6000:. With $4100assured this left about x•:$2000 to be raised by• the:• Centennial committee who .had. commenced the sale of member- ship tickets ,at $leach" as a money .P •making project.. The•Pro osal• was presented to P . • CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 • tratford Graduate BETTY DE BRUYN graduated from, Stratford Teacher's College and, will commence teaching in Sept ember at St. Joseph's' School, Kingsbridge. Betty is;the eldest of a family of twelve children of Mr. and Mrs. Herman De Bruyn of R,.R.5, Lucknow'. ;tgrniva� Slated Thursday Nite The mid summer .carnival, an annual event of•Lucknow and Dist- rict Lions' Club, will be held in the Lucknow: arena. on Thursday nig ht;; Of . this week. Thecarnival is -slated to get' underway 'at. nine: o'clock,with • bingo and, games,. Old Time fiddlers from around the' area will perform and there will be : free dancing all evening, both modern and old time. • • As of Monday. nine :girls had indicated their intentions of `enter, in •the beauty -contest .which .will. be held at' 10:30 P 0 . m $50... in • • P rizes,will, be awarded for this contest with°the winner to • represent Lucknow' in the,district 'beauty, contest to .be held in•Septl' ember at the Lucknow Fall Fain. A prize draw is being sponsored ' by ,the Lions' with the winner to , • receive a 5,day: trip to Expo for 'two' people all:expenses. paid with .$50'in spending money. tra. y Thre.e *** ****#***** Che ws Off s. Holly; Katherine, E', -month-old: daughter.o1Mr. and Mrs.. Lorne ,: MacDonald of the l2th concession' of Ashfield Township;, w,as the..: victim of astray cat which'chew- • ed off three: of. the: youngster's fingers in a freak .accident::at the vlacDomald farm recently; " Mrs. MacDonald had placed the' youngster on a blanket on the lawn and in the short time she was in the house a stray cat:, which had beep about the::place for a week or so, attacked the. sleeping Child. • The baby, did not cry out 'and Mrs. MacDonald'found:the cat chewing at, the child's right hand. The little fing,er.was completely. chewed, off , The' thumb and rmdd. le finger were not touched: The other two fingers are off, .at the first ,knuckle•. The child did not cry out and. was still sleeping when Mrs. Mac- Donald rescued. it from the' cat. Holly Katherine was, taken. to Kin cardine :Hospital and •then: onto rhe Sick Children's'Hospital in London where she rentained'for, about nine days. She is progressing quite well, none: the worse for the terrifying experience;. Pa Contra�ctor.15%*o,f Accou•nt "• A board of arbitration has settled. a dispute.;betw•een rhe .Township School Area 'of Kinloss, and Lucknow and Smid Construction• Co'. dating .back tothe construction of the, Kinloss Central School. at • Holyrood: several: years ago ,Work at that time was -not' cont- pleted to the satisfaction. of the school' board and a portion of the contract price was held 'back, pending correction. o-f'rhis' work. , Whgn the contractor failed to do' this,, the board proceeded to have the work done by another firm .and still held bach the payment from 'Smid.. ' . . The Smid firm pressed for payment and: the matter :was hand- ed .over to., an independent three Iman board of 'arbitration which . '• ruled•that'. the school board would only be` required to pay the Smid'; firm 150k, of, what they were re- questing. Judge -R,,S. ,Hetherington, chair- • r ���' man board ofd man of the th, ee �returned his.�. e•`• $200 fe: 'arbitration. paid him: by the lawyers concern- ' ed and asked that the 'sum :beut, P ... towards sonieeducaticinal aid •which would benefit the upils • R,P in some manner which mightnot, otherwise he available to'them. • Another `Glimpse Of Tie :Past During' Centennial Year. • • • • 'Other ,news briefs 'from within' rhe school area are that'the frame work on the doors at Kinloss C'en- 'tral Public School•will be repaired in July: The doors have 'given . problems since construction of the .school with children finding •difficulty: in opening and.'closing them „Pail -441'u will be done a'ft'er repairs are Made-.:. • Nothing furtherh� s.developed in regard to teacher replacement: The board are, short.of theit•umber' of teachers required': for the -190 Fall teem, Mrs. William Scott. of. Langside was re-engaged as music instructor pewith 'her'salarsrooy: increased't"o $175 r:.clasm 4'a 8