HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-12, Page 15" WEDNESDAY JULY 12th 111%7 -4.11•17F•r . . ' . . • , . . . . . ' ' • •: THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO•• • PAGE FIFTEEN Royalty Crowned At Spring Formai Dance .Dotig"Alton of Belfast and Peggy MacDonald of Lucknow were voted King 'and Queen of Lucknow District High School with the announce- ment made at the recent Spring , • formal dance. They are, shown'..seat- . •Standing, left tO right, are Jamie Ross and Ian MacKenzie, tied for /runner-up for King;' Joan,MacKen- ' tie and Marybelle Hunter, tied for runner-up for 'Queen:, Attefld Camp .• . . Nancy Cortina •daughter,of Dr. ' and Mrs: M. H,. Corrin, of LucknOW., 'and Ray. Hogan, son of Mr. and Mrs: John Howard Of Ashfield were chosen from Lucknow District High School to attend leadership . • training camp at Lake Couchiching near 'Orillia . Nancy is now attend- ing the,carrip,for two weeks and 'Ray will g� to camp the first two weeks in August. students were chosen from Grade XI for high academic and athletic:standing. The two student's were chosen by. Physical EdUcation instructor Don Dennis and approved by the teach- ing staff. • •.• KINLOSS TO NSHIP COUNCIL MINUTES .Kinloss CpWlcfl met in' regnlar ald, truck and sprayer epajrs session PP July 3 at '7 p m Reeve 351.50; L. and W. Mfg; 144: grad4 Wrn.. 'Evans 411,1.411 council were Or repairs $25.80; pedlar People .. present. It was moved that we. Ltd, culverts, $253,90;- OntariP open our regular meeting to deal Culverts and Metal Products., With any bitsiness that might arige„ culverts $51,52; .WeSteel: Roscoe That we adopt : the minutes of re- Ltd.:. signs $49.77; W.I. Shantz gnlar rneeting,of June 5 and special Congtruction Ltd, cat and scraper MTetatitng.wpe1ndtioe: .11105i accep.T.:t:he terIci`ei s$p9r1a8ya;)i.0!reWpaingh trsa3m..6•8A;u,TtOonlW,reckes Morrisona on the Whitechurch sidewalk • gasoline $6 40•• Albert Porter That we pay Mrs 9. wall and 'backhoe,$108,00;•Richard•McQui- Janice 30..00 each for acting as • 11ana pit run gravel $65.66; " • se.6rkaly for the rabieEzra Stanley, pit run. gravel . . That we, pass' By -Law .No $30.4 .09; Raynard.Ackert4; . 1967to authorize the corporation er, $5 00, Allied Herbert, fence to enter into a contract with the bonus .S288.00; :Herb Clayton,• • • fence bonus, $90..00; Frank -Schur • h 1 he $3 57 Ru 'el Stanley, fence bonus $300.00; Jack BUttOna ,fence'bonus $255 :00; -Department of NatiOhal ReVernie,: Einpioyers %share, $17.1.81;.'• Receiver General, Employers share, Unemployment Insurance .$10.40; H..E. P. C. re; Kiulough Street Lighting. . Thatwe request :t4e C. N.,R. for an estimate to widen,the crossings. •at .Whitechurchand 2nd. Concession. • ". That we adjourn to Meet op • AuguSt or at the call of the reeve mac er, e ep ne ; ss .:.GENERAL ACCOUNTS: Lucknow, A.J. BrOWn,.payrnent on Township Sentinel.; applications drain insp- . Garage $5 ,645,70,. • , ,• ector, :$1.50; Willis Supply, . relief FRASER,.McKINNON CLERK ' • 2, fox bounties, $8,..o9j .Robert •Carbatt , 2 .fox bonin lei , $8. 00; Lawrenck McLeod, inspecting •liveStOck, $8 .5:0;,..darruthers .• • • account , $29.60; Gerald Bailey, ing Home, Inst. Care, 3 74.. -75; -- Willis Supply, relief account $21.77; Lloyd Grahami,l/fox ' ;bounty $4:,0Q; ,Wesley. Young, 1 fdx bOunty $4.00;: Wm. Evans,•• telephone, mileage $7:50; Allan litiody; 31�x bounties, $12.00;• Bill Percy, 1...fok bounty $4.00; Ontario Hydro,. Whitechurch Street. 1Lightt $28 13; ;Ontatio Hydro . Kmlough • Street ,Lights, $15 :00. 'HIGHWAY ACCOLINTS;--Frank • Schumacher, 289 hrs. it 1.75 Minus dedUctions $447.59; Claude Dore; 235 '1/2 .hrs..at 1.75 minnsv deductions $382, 45; GeraldiValaci; ty; • 164 hrs. at 1.35 minus deductiOni,' 3 $215 43; Wally Breekies; and BIR THIS CU• - MMINS r'Dr. and.Mrs. J. . • • Cummins.. of Galt Wish to announce the birth:Of a son, Michael James, ), June 30. NICHOLSON - on Monday,' July 10th, in Wingham District Hospital to,Mr:. and Mrs. Ken NiChOlson - (Joyce Mbwbray) a son. ied At Mildmay Formerly Resided In Helens Area . . repairs, $22.65; Ray Stanley, •' • loading' and hauling pit run, • $4,274.75; Florence Mansfield, gas $23.13; Webster and McKinnon, sprayer repairs $4.61; J. E.. McDon: • • , • • . from 5 p.ni..• to .11 p,m. • :..*• MAIN...STREET PARADE at 2.00 O'clock. •: Led,:by_the_canaclian Chanipien. Qwen: Sound Twirlattes._ • • BRUCE.DAIRY Pitl.NCESS. CO.,!APFT1,1TIO'hl . . .3.304 7 p.m. KINCARDINE SCOTTISH PIPE BAO.D.t. 8. to 9 p.m. CROWNING OF DAIRY PRINCESS . . EVENING• ,0'1‘ttERTAINMENT *pie TH:E . AT VICTORIA PARK • fr Sponsored jointly by The KinCardineAgricultiiral Society. . . • and'District Chamber of ConiiHinerce: • •. • cuii.*PIEKI1.4.111111MIPorierani • TAYLOR - LOSCU A pretty June wedding was sol. ; •'''. emniied in St. Paul's Evangelical United Brethren: Church, .Mildmay. on Saturday; June 17 at when Miss Marlene Losch, young- er daughterbf Mr. ..and Emerson, Losch of ,R. 11.3, Mildrnay. • became the bride of• Mr. Neal A :Taylor, Son -Of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dick of 12„12.2,. Eden GroVe., .1164. K. Wettlanfer performed the ceremony. • •• GiVeri'ln marriage by her, brOth- er DOnald, the bride.was attired in a : floor -lengthgown :of white • peau de sole with lice trim. ,Her veilfe1l. from a crown headpiece and her . rfl.,,oWers werered 7d7white fioe• • ,.• .Mrs. Gerald. Losch Of Carrick Township, sister-in-law of the bride., was matron -of -honor and/ the bridesniaids were Misses:Janet. Arnold Of Mildmay and Linda • Taylor of Eden Grove. the groornts'sister. They were dressed. aike in street -length frocks of pink organza and short veils and they carried bouquets' of pink and White aste.' • tate4114,;Geraldifie7LOSCh;"nied-;r" es of the bride, were flower girls and were Attired in pink organza ,, • With matching 'bows. for their head-' piece and their' flowers were bou- . .quets of white and pink astert,.. • ,RobertTayiOr of Kitchener, the grOorn's brother,. was best man and Messrs: Gerald Losch, the bride's, brother and Barry Taylor, the tooth's brother:were the usherS. Mrs. Norman' Klein was organist and during the signing of the regis- ter Mrs. George. Eickrneier "sang "AVedding Prayer".. • Dinner Was:served to 60 guests at the BlueDiamond Restaurant in ' Deernerton. A reception followed in the Neustadt Coninninity centre. Guests were present from Toronto', Kitchener; Goderich., Wingharn, - Lueknowa HarristOn, Eden Grove WalkertOr4. • ..• . *•• . • "' • •