HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-12, Page 141' UN LOADEI IN. 12WIDTH CAN 8E USED ELVIN.G HEATHING ETC.; ETC.' W. is ' SPRAY LIME FINISHING ' LIME MASONS.. LIME = PERLI. L R . HARDWALL ,:setrimAiwwwwwwimmi;wwww.., LAWRENCE' .DEME PORTLAND AND: MASONRY, IN STOCK'., n PHONE S2$-3111 iR o. // rson WHITECHURCH:: CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY •To celebrate• her 10th: birthday, Andrea .King on' Thursday had Cathy'Sniith Cathy Wright; Adele Gath,.,Debbie St. Mary:; Karen Ritchie, Nancy Michael, •Jarninia` Michael; and. Doris Naylor play games and contests with her during ` the afternoon. All presented their. hostess with a gift.. A lunch with birthday cake' ad•orned with candles :• corripleted.'the memorable party,. 'Whitechurch`Pee'Wee ball team •on Tuesday night played; Blyth team on Whitechurch diamond with a • score 7 6in favor 'of :Whitechurct On Thursday. evening they played with Belgrave:with a score 18 •-10 in favour of Belgrave.. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Watt,' Rob- ert, 'Donald and Norman were Sunday .evening guests of Mr, and • Mrs. Andrew Gaunt. • Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy visited Expo from Wednesday to. Sunday - Mr, and Mrs. Charles Tiffin, Mr. and, Mrs; Fred Tiffin were in Lon-, ' don o'n'.Tuesday at St Josephs Hos- peal where Charles received treatment. • We' are pleased to report:Russel Ritchie was.able to'return home on Thursday from .Wingham :and Dist :BY REV. tHUNCAN McTAVISH Underneath the hill and >•off to the-east.of'ciur house was the .old swimming hole, it : -too has::long: since filled up.with:-the erosion of the.'topsoil from`tirne to time.: But as a boy:there:•was part Of the hole that was supposed to :be around • thirty feet deep. .It 'Was a favorite place an summertime for the boys 'Of the neighbourhood to gather., From the Twenty -Fourth of May, which 'was a' holiday in those days, untilthe frostynights_of Fall chill- ed, the waters ; hill-ed'.,the'w:aters; each noonday saw • a bunch ofboys; disporting them=•' selves in its depths. Contrary to all rules laid down• as :to staying. •ont of water to avoid undue shock oto the system, the hurried from the. dinner table, ran down over the'• hill and sheltered from the gaze of others peeled off our .clothes .and clad incur "birthday.suits" plunged headlong' into the hole Looking back, I am amazed that we lived at all after violating all the rules of health. But I can't re-. call a single incident when any of us.suffered a cramp in those waters. riot Hospital. Mt. Ha• rry Fowler visited recently one thing r am certain, It • 'with Charles Marlon and . Mrs D, c helped' develop •a bunch of good MacDonald; ; swimmers which in turn made for. 'good bodies, I have yet -to find any Mr, and Mrs. Victor Emerson and exercise'which in my judgment Misr Garfield MacDonald of Luck tones up the muscles of the body • now were. at Purple.. Grove on Thurs - and.distributes mote:evenly those day evening. Victor visited with q•mdverrientsnecessary for ood g body Donald Mccosh while the ladies 1. building. There was no diving; attended the Curator. meeting in r board - high or low o :in those days. Purple Grove Community Hall • . i Just the bank from which to, hurl waMr, Norman McLeod' who "is t on oself. Put to plunge head first where' told g. o Iwaters and swim. clear ' in a. Cook on Bruce CountyY its told the ladies what information across under the surface, was one he. needed: • 16f the feats tb which every lad set CICN'OW SENTINEL . .LUCKNOW ONTA Brother Panes I� landon KINLOUGH•NEWS: We, extend sympathy to Mrs. Weir;Eckenswiller in the passing Of her brother, the late :Leslie•Mor-• - land.. The funeral was held ,frons. the Needham Memorial Chapel, • London on Friday, with the burial in Kincardine 'cemetery: • . Congratulations to all those '•who; have been successful in their•exam• inations.' ,1Vir, and Mrs:;. Clare sparling and • Douglas: of Walkerton visited on Wednesday with. Mr. and Mrs. George Haldenby: • Mrs. Everett Stanley, Mrs. Rae • Elliott, . Mks; Dan Tollefson arid • Bradley, and• Mrs.' Ezra Stanley.visit, ed on.Monday with 'Mrs . Ogle Russell at. Kingarf and with Mrs :` George Haney at •the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Emerson ,•. Ripley, ' Sharon Stanley has gone to Honey. Harbour for the summer and 'Arthur Stanley has gone on. a trip to Ed inonton . He plans to spend a few: ' days in.Caigary where .he will attend the Stampede., Mr. and Mrs Dont Gillespie, Ronnie and Cathy.•were recent'visit= Ors ' with relatives at Sarnia; Visitors at •the hon'ie of 'Mrs. Will, iam 'Fox Were Mrs. S'. Slade Kincardine, Mrs. J. Reid'Pine River , Mrs. ;IL :Ackert and Mrs/.. M. Hodgins Holyrood:•' ' • • We are pleasedAO to report that Mrs. Elden Eckenswiller w'as able to re- .. turn home from the . Kincardine land District Hospital.. • Ivir., and •Mrs; ,Howard Bennett and son' Howard spent Saturday; with Mr: and Mrs.., Arthur Haldenby, ' who.returned to Toronto with them: for some holidays, Mrs."Frank Johnston of Lucknow and formerly of.here "underwent • Surgery in London last .week and. is snaking .a favourable recovery • Allan Sparling of Walkerton `spent •a,, day with his: grandparents, Mr:` • ., :and Mrs... George Haldenby-:W • Mr: and Mrs. Langford :and' son• Jarrie :of Woodstock: spent the •week end with'. Mr-. and Mrs Bert •N : icholson• Walter Safety says, "Think, don't'sink! Be water wise!' Learn and • practise water safety'every day.' `. OLIVET Walter Dexter was soloist in Ol- ivet. United Church on .Sunday, Evelyn . and Ruth White and Cathie Van der Hock.left on Fri day for. Haliburton where they -will.. be employed at. a surniraei resort • '. for the summer: Visitors this• past week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dexter, were: 'Mr.. and Mrs. Wilfred. Dietrich of. Tees - water, Mr. and Mrs. Les. Beirnet, .of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs,. Victor Stewart of Paris and Mr . ` and, Mrs Frank BarkWell of Torontd. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stacy and family of Toronto:spent.the •week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ham- ilton and family. •. • Sherry and Cathie Nelson of Lucke' nor are holidaying .with ,their grandparents this week. ' •Joa.nne Hamilton is employed for the summer with Mrs. Frank Scott •of Kintail, his mind: and heart. • Wehad never heard of the many and varied strokes that snake tip this'professional sport; bi.btir day.' ' 1 only recall: three different,strokes- the belly' stroke; the back 'stroke. and the side stroke., No 'medals Were awarded for 'special, achieve- ments., But•when the sun was beat-' E ing down shaking the noonday an infern+o. I knew of no better place tri be than in. the swimming hole, W . epiy •• I: Y.». nl •• %. Yr aVile 0lfEIlMl3lM►Y, JULY 12th. 1111 SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley S.i1�ys-toEx-co.it Sone were written on ardi•• ' , nary ruled Paper, while the, breakfast diaites rotted in the • sink.: Others were immaculate• ly typed,-aUbmjtted flat in mak uscript form, wtih return env . • lope • enclosed. Some 'writers want a pen name used, others .want their names in big, bold . type. Don't tell'. me there area' any -creative writers in Canada. ahTheem...countryMort than is craw100lingentriwiest: " for the Smiley. -to -Expo guest column have . arrived; • and. they're still: using in, ' • My; : wife thought all• along it was rather • an ' ill-conceived project;. or ,is she', put it, "a dumb ideal", and I'M beginning • to agree • with her. One of the :chief hitches. is that t forgot to 'organize some judges. So: rm. it, So, 'first Of all, I Wiest read them all,some twice, some. 'thrice. This Is. going, to 'absorb about 100 hours, and ttie whole idea in the• first place . was that : I'd ' :get a holiday. Something . wrong there; some- where - Secondly, ail Hesse w1e • au't wia, along, with their, blame : ;and friends, are going to bite me for life. It's easy: end is make.. enemies without deliber- ately : alienating about 2,000 people. •- . ' . And :thirdly,.. it's costing me $25: • to 'acquire ' 100 hours :' of work, and' 2,000 hostile tar Lives.. Sort, of silly, isn't �ttt however; :I: dunnit and I'm glad. The Toronto ' Telegram. News Service.has kicked in en- : other. $25' and a lot of .people have had a lot of . fun taking a whack at writing a column:: . ` And I • shouldn't complain about` its being work. It's fun.. Especially delightful is/ the fantastic 'variety of both wri- ters and subject matter. The. ',gaiters are of all sexes . and :. all ages from 16 to ,"76. ' And ..they wax eloquent on . everything from ' pheasants to : families, fromtaxes to toenails. • Thanks, too,, for the many warm and.: friendly personal messages enclosed. • It's • kind ,and thoughtful, even :.thoughit won't 'Win ' a prize. What the columns ' have .proved . to me, once again, , is that . there's' . a: great deal of good humor, good • spirit, and good intelligence; ' in• our country. The .entries . vary in many other ways.. Some .are quietly humorous.• Others: are .sardonic or ironic. Sortie dead seri- ous, some angry; some passion- ate. ,(Not that way, Mum). They came from office work- ers, farm.' .wives, students ; and grandmothers: Some people submitted as many .as . three' columns. Some ore ungraminat ,Ick• and. hiiariows. Others, [fie impeccable, • but ars; doll. Bemire 'religious, others • ribald. • One 'gentleman. writes ami* ingly of wo two pbeantai, . ' named Job* *MI • Lasater, cause he *IA *kik they'd he around, lint ,fin War of aqd• • Deer ventir bili Itislan el-. teak - ere is no was way:.A 'farmer, student Of .sine; (RIi there, lidarY Cpm)' 'tells. what.. a..charaete, r her grandpa is. One .try . Consists • of his first letter beam from a lad serving in. Viet Nam And 'they tome• from all over thecountry, which makes this thing a real centennial kick.:' Put them : all ' together : and you'd have a.book. It would be' • raggedy .and` uneven, •but inter-' esting, and;„ would present a pretty, good idea of: what.•Can ada \ and Canadians are • really like. • • Trouble is, so many of the:. columns are so good that I'm. in a quandary, right' up to my navel: I started to make' two piles: the good ones and the,' rejects. The pile ;of rejects Is two Inches high, the other one two feet. Perhaps the sensible thing to do Would • be to write a :guest. column myself, under.a pseu ; donym, submit it to me, and declare it the winner. It wouldn't be • cricket, but it would save a lot . of agonizing . ' over .that final decision. Not to: :mention 50'bucks� ..: chips. 1'11 find Don't worry, chip a solution. Perhaps what' I do with my exam papers Take an Harmful toy the top .of the ;stairs and hurl them. The one that lands on the highest step gets top ` mark. Bear with .me while I. peruse. Hope to announce the-' • winner next week: PARK'H SHOP While Lucknouii "Ntai�i Street is •being reconstructed cREST HARDWARE WELCOMES YOU TO.PARK BEHIND THEIR 'BUILDING COME :UP' THROUGH THEIR STORE ONTO MAIN STREET TO DO YOUR SHOPPING. •" Don't forget the Lucknow' and District Lions Club Carnival on 'Thursday, .July 20 -Ger YOUR DRAW TICKETS FOR EXPO. A ASHTON'S* IN LUCKNOW • .rest LUCKNOW PHONE $28008