HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-12, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JULY 12th, 1967 Demonstration On LANGSIDE Pixie Doll Making , , 4.1.1prifimpil;„.a.m mr77.7r, . 'THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL . LUCKP6oW ONTARIO • PAGE SEVEN • KINLOUGH NEWS , • The Holyrood Wornen'S,institute met on Thursday evening at the • home Of Mrs. Orville Elliott at Lucknow. Mrs. Harold lialdenb)i. • presided and the Meeting .opened with the ode,'and the Mary Stewart CQllectMrs.: Prank Maul/den read the 'minutes and correspondence and also gave the treesurerS•r4ort.• Visitors were welCOmedlandplariS Were made for he. annual visit •to. the Log Cahill at Southampton. They will cater to a•Wedding'On • August 12th. Roll,Call A record ing I Would like to own. Mrs. .LorneEadie reported. on Citizen- ship and Education and Mrs. Jim Smith on Historical Research.' •, Each person counted the number Of • • articles i•n her ptuse. •• • . Mrs. p.,A, -.Murray gave the study of New Brunswick Mrs: Oliver • '..McCharles gave a demOnStration . on making Pixie d011S,and 1VIrS.• ' Ed Thompson presented her with a gift in,appreciation.:MrS. Frank •sMaulden conducted a contest On • Flowers:and the' province, that each represents Karen Elliott favouredt with a pieno solo: Mrs. Raypard:.- Ackert was in charge Of a; • "The laentr Conintittee" :with Mrs Jack Ackert; MS'.'Morgan Johns- . tOn, Mrs.:Lorne Eadie,. Mrs. John Frook, MrS,.. Gerald Muir*, Mrs., .FOR S DRIVING PLEASURE Church service was conducted by• Mr, lArinston Martin, agraduate of Toronto. Bible College, He will be in charge of services at.Langside and Whitechurch for the next few weeks. ' Miss Margaret Moffat of Toronto •spent the week -end with Miss • Emma Richardson and Graham Moffat, Donald 'Young Of Toronto spent the week -end With his parents, Mr. and Mrs: Clifford -Young. , • • Jim Qrr of London was a week - •end visitor •with his inother, Mrs. Wm. Orr ancl,Bob.• 'Wayne and Beverly Bell, Doug and Brian Wall were 'guestis at Lloyd 'Hanna's birthday party on -Sunder. •'‘,Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Wall, Jan- ice .and Brian visited With relatives at Woodstock on Thursday. Mackie, Mrs. P.A. Murray, Mrs. Delbert Hedley, Mrs. Dan McInn- es' and Mrs. Jim Smith :taking part and' each wearing a Centennial head -,dress. • • , • • A song contest was conducted by Miss Edna Boyle. The meeting , • -closed by singing God Save the • Queen and the Institute Grace.. • Mrs, Jinn SrnitIrgeve the courtesy remarks. Hostesses, Mrs. • ' Orville. Elliott, Mrs.• Harold Hald- •enby. Directors, Mrs. Raynard • Ackert, Mrs. Harold Haldenby. ASHFIELD Mrs. Hugh MacKenzie left by plane from Melton on Sunday to visit her daughter Mrs. Don Carter in Edmonton. : Mr. and Mrs. Stdve Elliott, Billy and Barbara of Oshawa were week- end visitors. with Sandy MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Dune- McKay and - farnily of Saulte St. Marie visited with John McKay recently, • • Ray MacKenzie of Toronto wag. :home for:the week end. . „ • . cULRO•SS.CORNERS. • Sunday visitors with Mr. and MP • Tom Stewart and boys were Mr.. and Mrs-. Walter Smith of Mild- may, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stew- art of Kincardine, Alex Stewart and girls of Kincardine. •, • - Garry and Paddy Hedley of:Holy; rood spent a few days last week with Bobby Haldenby. • • Mr. .and Mrs. Lamptork McTagg- art, Mr. and Mrs. Allan MeTagg- • art Sandra •and David McTaggart all of Cornwall, Mrs. I41 Camp- - bell of Toronto and Donnie Camp-. 'bell of Kincardine visited on Tues- day .night with Mr,. and Mrs: • James Haldenby and girls. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ward Neeb.and Mr _ • and Mrs. Everett. Wnytock and 'family visited on Wednesday night with Mr and Nits James Heiden- -"by and girls. / • • CHECK FULLY RECONDITIONED, SAFETY CHECKED USED CAR BUYS 1966 PONTIAC ,ST,RATO CHIEF ONLY. $1,995 '2 door, "28,3" V8, automatic, whitewalls, Heavy duty- suspension,. Beautiful. Sandlewood Tad- with Black Krinkle top. Former 0.P.P. •Cruiser. .lie.. 98489K You .can't go wrong at 'Mg' price. 1961 BUICK LeSABRE • , JUST $1,095 Custom four door. hardtop. Power steering, power brakes, radio, whitewalls,super turbine automat- • ic etc. Smart Shiny black- With red trim. A ''ttop • car., lic. 60329K. .7 • . ' 1965 G.M.C..1/2 TON PICKUP . ' $1,595 Long Fleetside box, west coast'Mirrors, deluxe 'heater and heavy springs. Fresh paint job, rear - step bumper, lic. C82166. •• 1964 .COMET CALIENTE $1A75 2 door hardtop, "289" V8, 4 speed floor shift, •bucket seats, new whitewalls and radio., A real smart perfor.mer. lic. 828556. • '• •• 1963 PONTIAC PARISIEPINE , ONLY 51AS0 four door hardtop; smart Danube Blue with mat- • Ching ,upholstery. Has V8 motor, automatic,. pow er steering; power brakes, radio' Lind whitewalls., A real Pod looker. lie: A40453. - • , . • 1964 METEOR STATIONWAGON ONLY $1,750 Big 352- V8 with standard shift, custom radio, and whitewallt This is an away above average • , wagon.' lic, 68652X.. 1965 BUICK LeSABRE , - JUST $2,595 2 door hardtop, power steering, power brakes, super turbine automatie; radio and rear' siiealter.• 24,000 actual miles. Dark blue With White Kihikle, top. A real cream puff. lie. E87511. 1964 PONTIAC•STRATO CHIEF ONLY $1,525 4' door. 6 cylinder, stick, shift. Has custom radio,' tinted glass and chrome discs. A real economy car. lic. E84240.' ' • . .• • . • . • 162 DODGE 440 „ ONLY $1,295 4 door hardtop. V8,, automatic, power steering, whitewalls,' Strato-Bench front seat etc. We sold it new. Excellent condition. lic. 99-723. 1965 FALCON DELUXE ONLY $1,495 2 door. Big 6 with standard shift,. custom radio and whitewalls. Ebony black With red. trim, 27,000:Miles. lic. E85050. ' •• . . • ' . • • , • ' •• 1965 FONTIAC STRATO CHIEF , JUST. $1,695, Sedan., Economical .6 cylinder motor with, stan- dard drive. AU new whitewalls. Clean as a pin. lic. E96330. 1963 MERCURY COMET' ONLY $1,250 Custom four door •sedan. Beautiful .metallic tan. Automatic, radio and whitewalls are the features of this fine coinpact car. See it today. lic. E89351.' All These Cars Carry Our "Goodwill" Used Car 'Warranty. TERMS AVAILABLE — 10% OR YOUR OLD CAR DOWN.. TOP TRADE-iNAtiOWANCES:-.„-- OVER 50 MORE USED .CARS TO ,CHOOSE PROM., . • 10.11011661111.i.W111111111111111611.1101111111110111111111MMOMBHUME00001.11 • ,, '' OPEN EVENINGS Cbt 37 HAMILTON ST., GODERICH •• „ PHONE .524-83.91 •; Mo• ret,ed-At• Astfield Church • • PHOTO BY NEPHEW . 'MacDOUGALL-- WEST:. • Ashfield Presbyterian ChUrch,• decorated with pink gladioli and White mums, was the setting for' the the wedding of SharonLouise West and Allan MacDougall, on Seturday , • June .24th. 'Rev McCornbie df. Ripley perfornied the double ring Ceremony• .' The bride is the daughter of Mr._, and Mrs. Richard West of Ashfield: The groom is the son of Mrand sheath with lace 'bodice, white Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall of KinloSsaccessories and pink orchid corsage • Given in marriage by her father, :The groom's mother wore a soft the bride chose a gown of white •• • pink coat dress ensemble of nylon . • • delustered satin', fashioned on situ- I chiffon, with pink and 'White , • • accessories and corsage of pink • • . and,white roses. • ." The bride chose as her travelling costume a pink A-line dress of Jude linen, pink and white accesi- -dries and pink orchicl'corsage. • FollowIng a wedding trip to British Columbia, Mr. and Mrs.' MacDougall will reside at R; R. 6. Lucknow. Mrs. MacDougall is a nurse at the Wingham District Hospital and Mr. MacDougall is a • Soloist was Barbara MacKenzie . • . . . • • •of 3, GoderiCh, who sang. • • • "0 Perfect'Love ' and "0 Promise Me", Organist was Mrs. _Duncan' Simpson of .Kintail. • A reception followed at Reid's • Corners Hall which was decorated k . . with 'Pink and white peonies and • orange blossoms. The bride's • mother chose an aqua 'marine crepe pie lmes..with a deep border of Baroque lace on the three-quarter sleeves and hemline, The Chapel train was appliqued with lace mot- ifs. -Her veil of white tulle illusion fell from a circlet of satin and lac She carried a cascade of pink rose- buds, stephanotis and ivy. Mrs. Elmer (Marianne). Smeltzer of R. R. 1. Ripley, sister of the ,bride .. was matron ofbonour. She wore a dress of dawn pink champ - • eau with :en'empire bodice outlined.rneribetof the Marlow High in lace •ernbroidery, :with matchin circlet headdress.[She'cerried a, bouquet of white rnuins..and baby • pink...carnations, • • . , School Teaching Staff:,.-. • ' . , •, . Prior to her Marriage, Mrs. Mae-.. s. Dougall. was honoured at .a miscell.-. aneons shoWerat illeharne in - . • ', ' Bridesmaids were Grace MacDou- London of Susan Caslick, when , '• gall of, Kitchener, sister of the •' foriner,clessmetes.gethered: :Mrs:. . groom and Susan Caslick of London MacDougall, mother of the groom They wore gowns similar to the ' ' • matrOn.of honour., •• 'Williain :Andrew of R. R.1, Luck - now was grodmsMan. Ushers:were Jams West of R.R.3, Goderich, brother, of the•bride and Larry Boyd of London..• held a relative shower. A cornm- • uniiy *shower was held. at North Ashfield Public Schodl. Mrs. John •• :Strong Jr'. „ Mrs:. Mary Lee and Mrs., George Gibson, all of Wing• harn, entertained at a shower at • ,• the home of Mrs. Strong. • broifle.r v. ISITS KINGSBRI6GE. NEWS Mr. and Mrs.'1-1." Van Osch from lialland•are.visiting his,brother, • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van °sell.- • ..Mr. and Mrs.I jathes Martin and • Tim attended the wedding Of Mrs. Martin's sister in Brantford on Sat- urciay. •- " The Community was saddened on • the weekend by the,stidden passing of William Fitzpatrick.• . .1s/tte...,and Mrs, OrMond Heffernan spent the Weekend in Guelph with Miss Blanche Beladeau.. • Visitors with Mr.. and Mts. Gil. bert Frayne were Mr, and Mrs. •• Frank McCarthy end -girls, Anne,' ; .and Mary Of London, and Mrs,'• William Maylan, Tom arid Claire ofSturgeon Falls. ' Mr.: and Mrs. kaymOrid Austin and: fanfily, , visited With Mrs. Clifford Austin. , Mr. and Mrst Mike Garvey and • • sons are starting a three week vacation.at •the homestead. :• Young Billy Dakton of Royal C)ak • Michigan. is sp:ending-a-few with Mr. and Mr.•Mark Dalton and family.. Mr: and Mrs. John . •• _ Dietrich and family of Clarkson also visitect,with the Dalton's. • The Knights of Columbus District Picnic was held at the Hurimia •• • • ;Camp on Sunday. A. large crowd attended from Goderich, Stratford ' and Seaforth. • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh*Kraerner and family of Kitchener visited a few 'days with Mr. and Mrs. 'Eugene Prayne. • Visitors,With Mr. arid .Mrs. Carl Reigling, were Mr ..and Mrs. John Evanson and family of Chatham. „ . Miss Patricia Ann Martin of ham, ilton is spending twoweeks :vacation with her mother, Mrs. Blaise Martin. s• • • • • • vi •