HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-12, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JULY 12 0.1. air •K. J MacKENZIE O.D. Optometrist NOW IN RIPLEY EVERY. WEDNESDAY Office Hours 10:00 a:m. to .9;00 p.m, Phone Roy •MacKenzie,, Ripley 395-5154 for appointment V1..; R. Hamilton OPTOMETRIST SIEXT ..TO LYCEUM //THEATRE WINGHAM • PHONE, 357=.1341 . . . J`OH`NSTONE'S� FUNERAL. HOME` • • Modern 'and. 'ConvenMint Lucknow,Phon . 52e-3013 • •• .,.Day or Night. • Serving AB: Faiths". Accerding,'to Their WikM= .: Moderate . Prices • Established•11,44• ; :1101611•0040444444A4.0.04111.14.0101140,01,000. INSURANCE -FIRE, • WIND,, 'CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE' and.' LIFE. • • To ,Protect • .Your 'Jack, Insure With Jack Today.. A. McDONM : GH 'know 'Phone 528-3423 • Luc R W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor. . LISTOWEL; ONTARIO • 1N CKNOW' • . Every. ••Wednesday` 'and•.: .Saturday Afternoon ' :, •Office in • . the Joint ' :Block •,' Telephone. • Lucknow'.• 528-3116 C�willer &Company CHARTERED .ACCOUNTANTS... Resident Partner, J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Phone '881-3471 •-- • Walkerton': IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS for prompt. service, and quality products, IMPERIAL SO Piooucis Contact:. GRANT CHISHOLM Phone Collect • : Dungannon 529-7524 "Always Look To Imperial ' ' For The Best"' THE4LUCKNOW SENTINE4,, .LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE • Williarris; .O.D. optometrist 9 'Patrick Street: !W: WINGHAM Phone 3571282 A. 1,;HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 65 - 57 South Street, Goderich • ' Telephone 524.7562 KINK DON'T' SINK! BE`. WATER WISE! ROY A. HAVENS. PLUMBING. ,— PL x.. • HEATING WIRING Esso Heating, Equipment 'and p. H:ome Heat Service Dealer Lucknow — Phone 528-3012 CRAWFORD .SHEPHERD .and :MILL J. H. -CRAWFORD, Q.C. N. A. SHEPHERD; MA, L.L.B.', ALAN R. MILL, B.A.,L.L.B. WINGHAM IN ,LUCKNOW' EVERY WEDNESDAY Located ,in Breckles Block IN- RIPLEY EVERY FRIDAY Fn Ross Martyr Building Phone Wingham Office . 357-3630 Res. 357-2330.: Vingharn'. Memorials GUARANTEED 'GRAN ITES'• CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES' Buy Direct _ and Save .' Bus, . Ph.'' 357-1910 Res. PK. 357-1015 iadden's Studio • PORTRAITS Weddings 'and Children :GODER:ICH,' ONTARIO :118 St: David Street Dial 524-8787 MacKenzie': Memorial Chap .el FUNERAL SERVICE Services' conducted according • to Your 'Wishes .at your Horne, your Church, or at our Mem- orial Chapel at no ' additional charge.• o Credit�rs .. ........ . NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate Of EMMALINE 'FRANCES CRANSTON ALL PERSONS having claims against the: estate of . the above mentioned, late of the. Township of ' West ' Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on the 4th day of June, '1967, ,are requir- ed to file '.proof of same withthe. undersigned on or before the 15th day .of July, 1967. After that date the.• administrator will proceed to distribute • the Estate , having .re- gard only to the .claims of which he DATthen° have . had notice. DATED .... D at Wingham, u. this twenty-sixth day of June, 1967. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD AND MILL ", " Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator NOTICE TO CREDITORS • In the matter of the Estate of MARY ANNETTA BUSHELL late of the' Village , of Lucluiow, in County of .Bruce, 'deceased. Notice is ,hereby given that all, persons. having any claims or demands a- gainst the Estate of Mary Annetta, Bushell, aforesaid, who died on or about the 29th da► of March '1967, are required to file proof : of their claims, duly..: verified with the un- dersigned, onor before ' the 11th day 'of • August 1967.: And notice is further. given that after the. said date the executor will proceed ,to distribute-- the assets of : the ;. said Estate among those 'entitled there- to and will mot beliable for the said assets or, any part thereof to anyone of whose claims 'they shall not :'then have received notice. Dated. ' at Ripley' `July. ;10th, '1967. .CRAWFORD SHEPHERD A . MILL Barristers, etc. RI'PLEY, ' ONTARIO. PeeWe Bali The Lucknow' Pee Wee ball team. lost and,won last week. On.July,4, in a game played .:in Lucknow they; ••lost out to Winglam'with a score of .16 • to 20 . ' On'July 6 they won. over Brussels 14 to .9 in a game <' •. played; at Brussels.. WHITECHURCH "Stewart Scott of Langside,visited Sunday 'with and Mrs; Wallace Conn : and • Muriel .. Mrs: Donald Gray,,Bonnie-and Donnie of London spent the week, :• end with her parents, Mr . andMrs . Torii Magoffin Mrs. Maitland .Johnston, Michael, Betty and Shirley of Clinton visited this week with. Mr.; and.lvlrs.. Clark: Johnston Rev. and• Mrs. Graydon Cox who recently moved to Paisley from Diesden., were Friday visitors with l tes Mr. andMrs. Albert Coult• es. and Mrs•..Gordon Jamieson' of Goderich, Mrs. 'Leslie Towle .of Adriane•. Michigan; ,Mr. and•Mrs Orville Tiffin were dinner guests. with Mr. and.'Mrs. Tom McInnes Lucknow, . Phone 52813432 i of Gorrie on Tuesday evening. Day or, Night ' R W. JELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH The Square (Phone. JAckson 4-7661) TED COLLYER Registered Master Electrician' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing, In Electric . Heating, Electric Wiring 'and Repairs and All ,Electrical Appliances rLucknow Phone 528-5182 We. Pay 50c Cwt; FOR FRESH DEAD AND DISABLED "ANIMALS OVER 500 LBS. , Licence, No. 103-C=67 .Graf Stck • Reniov�I Phone Walkerton 181.3459 , Collect lossants THANKS Russell B Ritchie; wishes to ex- press sincere thanks to all, who remembered him in various ways while he was hospitalized. Thanks also to Dr. Leahy and nursing staff. Mr. W. W. Hill' wishes to thank his relatives and friends for help- ing to make his 91st birthday such a happy occasion., Wewould, like to thank our rel- atives and -friends .of Lucknow and District for the wonderful time and the kindness . shown us .on our visit here. Your hospitality has been wonderful which.. has • made our trip most • delightful. , Sincerely Annie, June and Lloyd'' Webster Ewart Jamieson wishes to thank, all who remembered him with cards and flowers, while'' he was hospitalized. Thanks also to Doc- tors and nursing staff. THANK YOU Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Anderson, Charlene and Joan would like ' to thank friends' and' neighbours of the Zion community for gifts pre- seated, to :thein. Their thoughtful: ness is indeed, :appreciated; THANK YOU Mr, : and Mrs. Ken 'Gardner, Preston, would like to . thank friends for the dance reception at the time of their wedding, also for many lovelygifts received. The family of the late Mrs. W. R. Farrier extend appreciation' to the many, friends 'and. neighbours who expressed their sympathyat the time of her sudden :passing. We offer • special thanks for the floral ' tributes, the.. Bibles; placed in her ' name and donations to the Heart . and Cancer Societies. Mrs. Philip MacMillan wishes to thank all who remembered her with flowers, :gifts, cards and .'vis- its while ' she was . a . patient in Wingham • District Hospital Mrs. • Eldon Eckenswiller :: ex- presses xpresses thanks to ,.all who "remem- bered her with flowers, cards' and: visits while she was : a patient in . Kincardine Hospital. ' Special thanks: ; to Dr. J. B. ' • Tindall and nursing staff. Joe . Conley . expresses thanks. to his friends for :remembering him with treats, . flowers and visits whilehe was in Wingham . Hospital Thanks also, to Doctors Corrin and McKim . and Rev. Stirling. ••••••••i•a•e•eooa••:••• *s: SALE ' LANGSIDE. FARM Full price only ' '$12,000, a tremendous 'Crop ' of hay• and^ grain is included. Attractive 1V storey': home has a new modern kitchen attached to main house, dining room and living room plus a bedroomon main level. Second floor has 3 bedrooms. Full cement' basement has fur- nace .but is not installed. A real good, barn ', measures approxi 50 x 50 on 'a stone foundation, cement floors, , 19 tie-ups ., and., steel roof. • Implement shed also; with steel roof. Choice land, 80 acres level' and ,workable with no drainage. problem; balance is bush. The full price :is only; $12;000; including crops and can be . purchased with a low down payment: Don. Holst eal, Estctc: It REALTORS Rural Ontario Specialists. + Keith Fitzsimmons Manager Phone Wingham 33.7.3840 Res. 357.1117. •••e•4oe•••••444••••••, POR SPIE $1500 DOWN buys 7 room frame house,' furnace, one acre of land* on paved road. Full price only $3000;, 4 ROOM frame house, new oil furnace, small barn, other ,buildings on. 51/2 acres at edge of .Lucknow 56000. GOOD .100 ACRE beef farm in Kinloss; now in. grass, 7 room stone house, 4 -pc. bath; furnace, large , barn, site, gar- age, stocked trout pond. $17,000 with .terms. Stan Kay PHONE 528-3531 LUCKNOW. Representing H'.. KEITH LTD. „. REALTOR. Toronto, Ontario REAL: ESTATE FOR SALE LUCKNOW •.HOUSE, .corner of Albert 'and. Wheeler in excel- lent condition. Full basseinent, new oil • furnace.. Spacious. liv ing room, modern kitchen, bath - and 1 bedroom,. on ,.first floor, 3 bedrooms up Owner is mov ing':and will sacrifice for $6500. LUCKNOW HOUSE, ` Victoria SL 2 storey 3 bedroonis, bath, furnace, ; , , modern' . cupboards, laundry,. tubs : and '.double .gat - age. This house ' is . immaculate: throughout. Full 4 price only $7,000:. 1,350 ' ACRES IN ASHFIELD township. 950 ' acres ` 'in the same.' area in the cash cop district.200. acre. beef and og set .0 200 acre dale farm If. P y. you. are interested - in inspecting ;any of these properties do not'. hesitate .to, call us. There is no obligation. ' For above ' and other properties: Contact: IVAN S.TRUTHERS PHONE KINCARDINE 396.2772. Wilfred. M�intee & Co., Limited • WALKERTON Member of .the Grey and .Bruce Multiple Listings Sertt.ice List ILS. Over 60 Salesmen Working For: YOU • ,;13p.t4c VETT 9 � .PAR-r1E5 EppINO'S HAMILTON'S» MAYFAIR RESTAURANT Phone 529.3932