The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-12, Page 3• M.^ 49M”MR.. • DNESDAYr JULY 12th, 1%7 'THE tUCKNOW SeNTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARIO PAGE THREE Allen's Crystals 79c ORANGE FLAVOUR„. SPEC. 89c OFFER PACK OF 8 MAPLE LEAF„ 3c OFF,' PLAIN OrAnge 'Juice OLD SOUTH FLORIDA p I Bemis wiih P.tk 4-95 AYLMER BOSTON BROM, Salad Dressing 1 35 MONARCH, 4c OFF, 16 OZ. Macaroni or Spaghetti 41 LANCIA, SAVE 6c I. Rose Margarine 79c Score Hairdre COL., SAVE 16c REG. 89c, 3 OZ. TUBE Turkeys •. FRESH CANADA GRADE "A" .,EV1$CERATED TENDER PLUMP -IDEA FOR BARBECUES O (BROILER SIZE) Ib. 39c i Cottage Rolls lb. 59c "MAPLE LEAF" MILD CURED "SWEET PICKLED" (CRYOVAC. HALVES) Skinless VVeiners ' Ib. 55c "MAPLE LEAF" MILD SEASONED 1 ' Ib. 59c Rindless Bacon Ib. 85c 2 Ib. 99c "MAPLE LEAF" WELL STREAKEDtrA, ' I's Red and White Store PHONE 528.3001 — FREE DELIVERY , &,4tuoTsmiLl . • . Mrs. Ed Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Webster have returned to Big Valley Alberta after a visit with relatives in the Lucknow area: They also attended Expo last week. Mrs'. Clara Webster of Lucknow returned home with them for ,a visit in the West. They are making the trip by car and plan on attending the Cal-, gary Stampedethis week -end. ,• . • , lvIr.. and Mrs. Clifford•Wagner of Toronto ,are:spending this week with his parents, .Mr: and Mrs: Gerald. Wagner of Luc know •. . Mrs. Gordon Ritchie, Lucknow •visited on the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ritchie of Huron; •Township. Mr. and Mrs". Fraser Ashton of •• :Ottawa are visiting..with his parents' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, of.. town.. • " • : Janet Carruthers and Sharon Mowbray, daughters of Mr. and'' Mrs. Virden Mowbray of town, are working for .the summer months: with Child Evangelism Fellowship of Ontario. They travel to different Communities where they teach in summer Bible...Schools.. Janet is in. the Ottawa Valley area and Shaton . in the Central Ontario area. •,' ' Joe Conley returned to his home in 1., cknow last Saturday after al- vre Mos t e weeks in Wingham Dist:, • rim, aspital.. * • Mr. and Mrs Gary Ritchie • ,. Troy and t odd of Guelph visited., Over the Week.end'with Mr. and . •Mrs. Harold Ritchie and Bob.. • • , . . . • Mrs Eldon ECkenswiller returned to heehome in Kinloss on Tuesday of last week, after being hospital-, • ized in Kincardine for eight Weeks.. 1 Mr.land Mrs.. Jack McDonagh , and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Crawford of.LucknoW.viSited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Ross Whicher of • Wiatton ..Mr . and -Mrs . Whieher',s sonMaxWilsOn had just returned . bOmefrOM \Owen Sound Hospital where he had a fractured leg set; Max had fallen from his- bicycle. Visitort at the Stothers home in- clude Mrs:. WE.. Whale and son Brock, of'Saskatoon.. Mr, and Mrs. Steve StOthers, Scott,: Joanne and Steve Jr. of Winnipeg. Manitoba arrived. the• past week and, are occupying the family cottage at Kintail. Beach.' Ewart Jamieson returned to his -. home in Lucknow • last Saturday ,-. from Wingham and District • pital. • . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blue df Detroit/ visited in Lucknow last week and visited with W. W. ' Hill,oh his 91st birthday, `** •• • 0 • , •• • • Mrs. Arabell Bushell of Stratford has been on a month's Vabation... She att ended' the "conVention for Pioneer". held at St ;-Margnerite Quebec, of which she is pre4dent • of the Stratford Club. Along With mrs. William Black; the former '• • Mary,McLean of Lucknow, she Spent a week at Expo., returning for shortVisit B1acko •Espanola. Mrs. Bushell went on to StdbUty for, a visit with Mrs. Will.- iam Martin, formerly of Lucknow. On Monday of last week , Mrs. • Bushell attended, the funeral held. in' Detroit of a. cousin, the forrner,•, Pavetne.Robinson of Auburn.• She Will visit with:her brother Mr. and ' ,-•••• Mrs, Kurt ameron ofTown before returning to Stratford,' where she is eMployed by the Pell Telephone. Patricia Gaynor of Tavistock is visiting with her grandthother. Mriv Albert Little of LuelmoWa. PIEW$ •Mr, and Mrs. George MacGregor Tom and Joey of Dundas; Mr. and Mrs Rae MyersLinda' Janet and Gordon of• OttaWa, spent the weekend here, and attended the MacKeniie family reunion. oeTT T.T • • Mrs..Ed Thom of LuoknOW is a patient. in Wingham District Hos- pital. She waS'admitted on Satur- 1 I • • 4 . . . • • • • • • • • • • • Visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred ,Farrish of Town weli • Mr."and Mrs. Frank bosdall, • .Gwendolyrie and girl friend, of WhiteWood Saskatchewan. Mrs.. Doidall niece Of Mr. Farrisb. They were enroute to Expo. Other • visitors at the.Farrish home were nieces' and a nephew, Mrs. Gordon\ . Smith of Milverton • Mrs. 'Annie • Boland of Renfrew, Mr. •and Mrs. • Dave MacLeod of Mitchell. • .. • • •Frank Johnston ofLucknow was rushed to Victoria Hospital,, London by ambulance last Saturday night where he underwent an appendect= drnY. Mrs. Johnston is also a: pat-, • lent there, having,undergone'surk ery,tWo weeks ago. • • . • Sam Weis and Silvia of Stratford visited with W.W. Mr. -and Mrs. Cameron MacDonald of Luckhow last week on the occasion Of Mr. 91st birthday. LUCKNOW. UNITED CHURCH' Rev. R. L. Stirling, B.A., B.D. Mihister Rev. E J Roulston • • (Exeter,' -'Ontario) Supply • • JULY 16th (No _Sunday School In July) 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship SERMON "What Religion Fridaym,nEl°F" " July14thVaca n Bible School leaders and help- ers will meet :at the High School at8p. Vacation Bible School — starts on July 17th --28th (9-1145 a.m.) '(Morning Sessions Only) • For children from 3-14 yrs. .MY. DECISION . "Letme not be one •Who.eciades Or just gets by with things — letme ga throughthem victor- . • . • • . *1,41,01,9414,1444...40.44,4Nrinings••••44.0..r....4•••••• •.Lucknow • i:PresbyierIall .Church. Rev, Roderick MacLeod Minister ..SUNDAY, JULY 16th • . • '•10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11 00 a.m. Morning Worship • , r*:04.0.#~~.04.0••••••.""ov'~4,.." • 4 ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Rev. Stanley E. Jay, B.A.., B.D. • Reetor •• TRINITY.8 JULY 16th., , • ..bhurch School 1015 Lin. O Morning Praier 11:15 a.m. Rev. C, F. Johnston of Wingham . • Guest "$peaker • • • • . . • , • . . . •