HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-12, Page 2M1� • PAGE TWO• MRS,- -W.' 46.1.1174,4reATIV4S THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO The LUCKNOW SENVItig. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO , y Town" On.tha ''Huron•Bruce Boundary Author] d OS! second class. mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Established 1873 -Published Each . Wednesday Afternoon' Subscription Member of the C.W.N.A, and, O W.N.A.. ption. Rate, $4,00 a year in advance —• to the:.U.S.A., $5.00' Donald: CI. Thompson, Publisher VIIEDNESDAY, JULY `12th, 1967'i Loss. Church service at South Kinloss_ Presbyterian church is .at •9:30 a.m. with Sunday School .at 10:30 a . rr for the:month of July. 1vlr.. and; Mrs'. Frank Dosdall,• Gwen and'a girl friend of Saskatch- ewan visited last weekwith cousins Mr, ,arfd Mrs; Lloyd MacDougall, on; their way to' Expo, Arlene and Suzanne Corrin were week-end'guests' at the. home of Mr;;' and Mrs. Currie Colwell. Mr,. and,. Mrs. Fred Reynolds:and: family of Oakville visited last week with Mrs. D. L.' MacKinnon and .Mr . and Mrs,. Fraser Mac Kinn.- , on and family; ' `Janie Graham spent last' week at camp'at. Guelph'. and Martha Graham is at the same camp for this week. Mr:: and Mrs. Frank MacKenzie ., are spending a, few days at `Expo. •A Summer, Sp•ecial ..., %s" DRILL KIT . Famous Black &: Decker quality. A complete kit' : for the hobbyist or handyman.,.Included in the kit: '/I"'power drill with variable speed, set of 3 twist drills. 3- wire wheel brush, 3 grinding wheel;•chuck ,key holder, 5 rubber' backing,: pad, ,set of.sanding' discs. ''V2"' wheel arbour, • • custom moulded carrying Case • Fullyvariable speed from 0 to 2250'r p m by varying trigger pressure. '. REGULAR VALUE KIT.: 4.. ... $39.95 CO-OP SALE PRICE KIT .f27.99`' Code 15,4(7-745 .MAIL .BOX Time to change that 'rusty, leaky mail' boxHere's.." • . a mail box made of, heavy gauge steel with baked On prime and finish :coat_ Red indicator Itag tells when mail: has been placedin box. Spring type hinged lid ,remains' in either open,ei closed position . • REGULAR VALUE EACH... ..',.$10.95 COOP SAM.E PRICE EACH 19 9 code X581 03,0 NEW! • CO-OP STOCK 'FLY POWDER NOW • COOP Stock Fly Powder contains-pyrethhns:4t.'gives long lasting control of flies and.other insects on.' livestock and .can be • Used `directly from the lb. shakei top package. •Kills horn flies, house' flies: stable'flies and mosquitoes... REGULAR VALUE 2 LBS:.': , . CO.OPP'SALE PRICE '2 LBS.. , Code'220.6 n 6 t _DELUXE ALUMINUM'LAWN CHAIR lar tar Reguljar Value $7:49 each , ... , COOP Sale.Price each DEL XE.ALUMINUM AWNr CHAISE '"" RegularValue $12.49 each. •' ` CQ.OP Sale Price each DELUXE ELUXE FREEZER CO OP -Sale Price each$224.99 Regular Value $259.95 each • FRE ,ER'BAGS , Regular.Value $ .99•pack. RED BARN.PAINT • Regu Value $ '5:9'5 1.gal" $1.75 $1.60.. .$5.29, $9.39 .Regu Value $27.95 5 GRAIN AERATOR Regular Value $81.95 each CO=OP; Safe Prclt pack.' COOP' Sale Price'1 gala. CO -QP Sale Price 5 gal. CO-OP. Sale Price each *:69 $4.99•. $23:99 $69.89: 'war" Allikea• 4, Wayne Lowry Resigns Huron HUkON COUNCIL MINUTES • Huron Township Council held the July meeting with all; members. present. ' Several. delegations were waiting. from the different parts of the lakefront, each 'with° their special problems. The most serious; was from Boiler Beach, objecting tobuilding an extension to fhe road to the southend and Council became: fed up with trying to please the public and decided to pull out of it entirely; ,The tender. of Saugeen Spraying Co. of Durham wasaccepted to re -surface Concession "A" from Concession 10.to the Kincardine Boundary. This is a :seal treatment. to 'prevent further. checking, Council passed a By-law subject to the Department of. Transport,; to control the speed limit on Concess- ion "A" between Concession 4 and Kincardirie Boundary at. 35 miles per hour. ' . Wayne Lowry, Road 'Superinten- dent, handed-. in his resignation to become ^effective Julyii5but will stay on until August 1st :to start a new. man.. -' Council' accepted:;his resignation. with regret as he was doing a, good; 'job as road fsuperintendent'but the ,township .cannot compete with industry in wages. The Clerk was instructed to adver tise for applications' for a Road. Sup. erintendent' and a second grader operator with applications to be in by July 20th, ` Road accounts of $10,14.8.42. and, Townnhip ,accounts of $16,794.58 were ordered paid .- Council adjourned 'until next reg- ulax meeting on August lst. EARL TOUT: CLERK. ' Huron an EIectrocut WorkIn Stratford; • A construction company workman steadying a three -ton • load Of steel at/the end. of a crane:.. was electrocuted last Thursday when the cable ororane. boom • touched a4 800 -.volt high ten - sign wire. `, , • Harvey`Ritchie, 27, Son of Mr. and, Mrs. Emil Ritchie of R. R,1, Kincardine, died within after crane operator Robert.Fetter of Stratford saw a flash of light as the crane touched "the wire,.•28' feet above ground. • the accident' occurred in the. Gaffney. Construction Company Limited workyard 'in 'Ellice Town- ship at the northerly outskirts` of Stratford. 1 Coroner, Dr. 'G. C. , Jarrott of Stratford, has set an inquest for July 31. Police said: Mr. Ritchie was Stan. ding in wet grass as he steadied the three -ton "squarish" piece of ;steel. It was not determined if the end of the boors or the cable carry- ing the load actually touched the Wire. .• . Mr. Fetter was sittingorr a padd- `ed seat and was not injured. 'The . electrical current 'appeared' to "shoot down" the cable to the steel load. Mr. Ritchie is'survived by his parents;, a brother, Leonard, Otta- wa; sisters, Mrs;' W,ilfred'(Jessfe)• Helm, Kincardine, Mrs. John (Mildred) 'Clark, Montreal, Mrs,.• Raymond (Georgia) Mitchell, Huron Township, Mrs. Orville (Marion) Fitzgerald, Kincardine.'' Funeral service was held at 2 p. rr . from the McLennan Funeral Home, Kincardine. Burial was in Kincardine Cemetery'. �yy mai anGeneral Margaret Chester, Deborah Ann and Douglas Corrin of Lucknow left last Saturday by train: for Montreal. They•will stay with Mary .Macln tyre and. visit Expo, returning home" on Wedriesday.of thjis,week.,. Mrs. Emily Donaldson, Teeswat- er, Mrs. Gerald Bailey, : Walkerton, Mrs. Peter Carter and Aileen, Holyrood;; attended a shower last saturday evening for Miss,Evonne Ryder, Delhi, bride -elect, at ;the ' • home of Mrs. Elizabeth' Gower. and. Barbara, Scott Street, Wingham .. 'Mrs., Helen .•DeCou'of Daytona Beach, Florida is visiting in. Luck - now with her sisters, Mrs, : Albert Campbell and Mrs. Isabelle Mac- Donald who is presently a patient' in Wingham Hospital,. Mrs. Philip MacMillan' returned;: to her home at Lucknow after 'al- most three weeks in Wingham Dist- rict Hospital, where she underwent surgery TODAY'S, SMILE "'Grandma what kind of husband' would you adxise . me to get? "My 'advice is to leave the hus- bands. alone and •get. ,yourself a single man:" '' ' FIRST MEETING IN. 18'. YEARS Broth�rVjsts ere from Holland Mr. and Mrs. Geert Guikema, of Huron' Township were visitors over; the weekend in. Mount Brydges•with Mr.: and' Mrs . H . Guikema and •• attended the Guikema - Vanderelst wedding in London. ' Also visiting there, were Mr; and Mrs. B. ''Guikema from Holland.• Mr, Guikema is a brother: of Geert and they had riot seen each other for X18' years ; Mr: ,and, Mrs.. B. Guikenra are presently visiting with his:brother Geert and Mrs. Guikema :et • their. Huton,farm WEDNESDAY JULY 12th ANT CENTENNIAL •• . CALFN DAR 'STAY AYE 1E67 1967' r FOR; LUCKNOW: AND DISTRICT If you have.money; from the sale of membership cards for the'.Cent ennial Committee,, please turn it over to : Bob Finlay. Please keep sellingthe cards you have left. *.7k' * ..;. If you: wish your Centennial Event included . in this' column,, , phone Mrs. Jim rliArnold; ' 528.2702; no, later than Saturday,: of each week.. This is • a public. service column contributed by, The Lucknow Sentinel. 'ENGAGEMENT `REDMOND'' -.:FALCON Mrs, -'Violet .Falcon of 10 Lee Lom!dApartment..Hamilton, ann ounces the:engagement of her 'daughter' Mary Etta to Mr. Redmond,' son .of Mt. and ;Mrs. Theodore Redmond ;of. Auburn: The wedding will take"place in Blessed: Sacrament Church; ' Hamilton; :on Saturday, August 5th., at noon. Passes Music Exam Pupils of Mrs. Donalda`Scott who• have successfully passed their,' Grade VIII piano: Royal Conserv= •atory of'Mimic , are Heather Mac- Kenzie,. daughter of•Mr.; and Mrs. Frank MacKenzie of 'Kinloss and Patsy MacCharles, daughter of Mr,. and .Mrs. Sandy. MacCharles of R R. 6, Lucknow Models SEVERAL TO .CHOOSE FROM 1967 METEOR, 4 door; 1967 FAIRLANE 4•door, 6:cylinder 1966 CJIEVROLET,•�4 door •automatic, 6,cylinder. ,1965 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2 .door. hardtop 1965 CHEVROLET, 4 door, 6' cylinder,; automatic 1965 PONTIAC, 2 door Vt3 1965.OLDSMOBILE,'4 door,' automatic transmission • 1965 CHEVROLET' 6. Cylinder, automatic' y'.• 1963,•FORD,: 6 .cylinder 1963'CHEVROLET, 4 door. ..1958. PONTIAC hardtop, TRAILER 1964.'PYRAMID• 'trailer, with Cabana -TRUCK 1965. MERCURY, ifs ton `,SEVERAL 'OLDER MODELS SEE THESE AND OTHERS BLYTH PHONE 523-49