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EonnPeniknd•Suers Serio�u� ln�uries� ;
Horse She Was Riding allides With Car
Donna: Pentland,, l"7=year-old
daughter'of Mr. and. Mrs, Franke
.Pentland of Dungainon , is in
improved condition in Victoria
• Hospital in London after being
knocked, unconscious and suffering.
a 'fractured leg when the horse on
which she was riding. was in colt-
ision, with a car, The accident
happened .last Friday evening.
Donna was riding one of Lloyd
Hodge's horses When she became
• involved in a collision with a car
'drivenRon Black''of Goderich.
' . A group of young people were,
gathering at the. Pentland farm
prior to proceeding to a 'ball game
Ron •Black was turning into the •
gate of the farm, locatedon cQun-
ty road NO. :27 just south of Dun-:
gannon, 'when the; accident" happ
ened .' The horse darted into the
path of the car,• ..
Donna was. thrown over the',car
and ontothe roadway and rendered
unconscious. Her leg was,;broken
• when pinned between •the'.horse and
the car.. It was necessary to des-
troy the horse.''
She was removed to Win ham
nducton Serrrice
�or Rev. John r Hid
The induction, service for Rev •
John'. Hill was held at Pine River:
United Church. on Friday evening-'
of last'week. Bethel and •Millarton
.congregations ations joined.Pine River •
for the occasion.
Ministers' conducting the cere-
mony :of induction were Rev., Geor.-
ge. Ba.11 of Ripley United Church,
who is secretary of PresYtY
b `er and'
Rev. Martin. Rule of Bervie, chair-'
man of Presbytery.
After the opening hymn,,
Pastor Lester :Ferguson gave the
;scripture reading.
Rev. George. Ball gave a fine
sermon which was' followed with' a
solo by. Shirley Reid., ,accompanied
by Mary; Elizabeth Walden.a' .'•
Rev. John Hill was. escorted to
the front of the church by Elmer .•
Courtney from .Bethel and • Donald
.Courtney from Pine River, Rev.
Martin Rule read the charge to the
'Pastor. Rev .,George Bali read the
charge, to the people.
Afterthe closing hymn and pra y
er, Rev.. John. and Mrs. Hill were •
introduced to the congtegaiions at
a social time in the Sunday School
Room where••lunch was served . Rev.
Martin Rule was chairman for the'
evening. and called on Rev • Ball of
(tile y., Rev. Neil McCombie of•
Knox" Presbyterian Church, i ipley,
•arid Rev.. 1401.• ..
Rev. and Mrs.,H f1 have a family
of four, a daughter and three sons,
Lynne. Charles, Murray and John-
athan'. >•
Hospital .in an unconscious' Condit
ion and later oh to Victoria Hospit-
al. in London. Shehad regained
short periods of consciousness the
first of the .week and her improved. -
condition was. encouraging.:
Dgnna 4,s a student at Wingham.
District High School.
,r �, . fir•
Ear Crash Injures
Three Yoyng Peop1
Three young people, all, residents
of the Division Line between East
and West Wawanosh Townships;
were seriously injured in a single
car accident on the Division line,
about 1 1/2 miles' north of Auburn
on'Tuesday night of last week.
Bill Snowden, ,17 : Linda. Snowden'.
15, son and daughter of 'Mrand
Mrs Ernest Snowden and Jean
Hardy 16, daughter;':of Mr. and
Mr's William Hardy were en route
to a young.,peoples' weiner roast at
the East Wawanosh TownshipParis
when the. accident, occurred
Bill, the driver of the car, was
proceeding north on the Division
Line and'when meetinga car,: he
lost control of the vehicle i loose
gravel, striking: a tree The carwas
a complete wreck
All three young people were re-
moved; to Goderich• Hospital. Bill
was released on Thursday, H s
injuries' were cuts and bruises. •Lin
Snow/den is in Goderich Hospital
with a broken. knee cap,• broken
nose.; cuts to both knees and on her.
arm. It is •expected. she will soon.
. be'home'after a, cgst:is: applied
to.: the: fractured knee cap. Jean
Hard suffered a broken:.le .and'
a broken ankle on the other. leg. •
She was removed from Goderich.' to
Joseph's Hospital in London. on •
Sunday where her fractures will
be set. •
Original plans had,called for the
weiner roast at Goderich and the'
young people from Auburn, West
'field and' Donnybrook 'United
Churches had : gathered •at Auburn.
It was then decided to•have itat.
the East Wawanosh Park• and the
g• uP
ro•,were•en route there -when.
the accident occurred.
Accident Injures
Two Ripley
A car -truck collision -on the.
8th.concession of Huron Tdwriship
at .the intersection of sideroad '30 ,'
west of. Ripley, about noon on
Tuesday, caused serious injury to,
two Ripley residents.
• • ' The car was driven by Orah
'Crawford;,. accompanied by' his
wife. They werein collision with.
a truck owned by the Teeswater,
C'rea,mery and operated by James
Flett of •Teeswater.
Mrs. Crawford is•a patient" in
Kincardine Hospital'with a possible
fractured' right ankle,lacerations
to the face and forehead..Mr,�
Crawford' was first removed to
'Kincardine and later onto
Londbn's.Victoria -Hospital.', His •
injuries include a, possible fractured
neck •as well as face lacerations.°
•Mr.. Flett was uninjured
The accident was `investigated
by Constable Jim Poland of the
Ontario Provincial Police at Kin-
Presented for High Grade` 8• S.tandin.g-
Academic award winnersatthe
graduation,banquet of the Township.
School Area of Kinloss and. Luck-,
now. are pictured 'following the . '
banquet ..Left to right. • seated,
are .Mary Elizabeth Henderson,.
general proficiency' winner for -girls
at Lucknow;.'Margaret :Doelrnan,,
general 'proficiency winner for
girls iniKinloss and v.aledictorian;,
Shirley • Bushels, winner of: the .high
'mark for English in Kinloss,':
standing', left to right, .are Janie
Cleland', boys general proficiency
jI.winner in Lucknow;, BrianKeith.
boys general proficiency w.inner
1. in Kinloss..
Is NinetyOne
Mr.. and Mrs: Cameron. MacDon-;.
ald of Lucknow held a family
dinner On Thursday, July 6th •to
honour W.W. Hill on theoccasion
of his ninety-first birthday. Mrs.
MacDonald was the former Kath-
leen Hill, Other neighbours and:,
friends called to extend Congratul-
ations and best wishes
Mr. Hill was in the grocery
business in Mitchell prior to com-.
ing to.LucknoW in July 1904; He
continued here in -the grocery
business until September'• 1949 when
he sold to Archie Smith,
' The search" for; the body of.Jane.
Pollock, 14year=old.daughter of '
Mr and Mrs.. Clarence. Poliock•of
Ripley, continues ;along the Lake
Huron -shoreline, by friends . '
Jane was drowned on'Wednesda
y .
June 28 at Ernm'erton Beach at the '
foot of the 6th concession of Huron
.'when she wentto the aid
of 8 -year-old Ronald. Cliffe of
London• who hadot'into difficult.
g Y
while playing in a small plastic
toy boat..
Ronald's body was found quite
dPaddIe Near:P�,tEigifl
near the scene of the drowning a'
few days later but as of writing
time Tuesday, no trace had been
found of Jane's body The plastic
boat was found about five miles
off shore and about 'eleven miles
north of the drowning scene about
two days later .
A four foot:p'addle, identified''by
Clarence Pollock as having belong
ed to him was found July 4th •ar
Duck'' Pond Point , on the lake'
shore ';and at the foot of the 4th
concession of Saugeen•Township•.
near Port Elgin.
et e.
Kinloss: and Lucknow• Athletes `Awards
Athleticaward winners in Lucke
no:w and` -Kinloss were presented at
the school area banquet last Wed-
nesday in the Luck'tow Legion .
Hall, Pictured,•sea. ted; left to
right are Margaret Van der Klippe
Kinloss junior girls winner;. Brenda.
Morrison Kinloss senior girls
winder; Joanne Thompson, Luck -
now junior. girls winner; The Luck -
now senior girls winner,' Kathy
Jay, was not able to be present..to
receive her award; standing, left;
'Vat itiarmiiiii011100414.;
to right", ran Stanley,I:Lucknow
senxor s winner;'Bob. Loree andd
Andy Whitby, tied for the
Lucknow junior boys award,.
William Dickie, Kinloss. junior'
bo s award; l4jurray ,tiloffatT t<fr -,
loss .senior boys w,inner',