HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-05, Page 11WEDNESDAY 'JULY Stiff 1967
:entn.iit Yepr;.15'..
leetng Theme
A general meeting of •the Luck.
• now - United Church Women was
• 'held: in the fellowship 'room oi;.the°
church, Tuesday, June 27th a.t '8
p. ..with .a small attendance. •
The president,. Mrs: Harvey .
Houston, opened the meeting with
.. prayer,.
The devotions, •c.ommemorating
Centennial year,, were conducted
by the Community :Friendship and'
Visiting coinmitt.ee .with'•Mrs.
Wilfred Drennan as .convener ..
Following the singing of the hymn
' "Lord .of tile, Lands" , • Miss Hazel • •.
•Webster.read,the scripture and' art
article entitled "The Hope.of,
:Canada". Mrs Eunice Dunsmuir
.very. capably sang the "Centennial
Hymn". after ; which: Mrs. /Howard
Robinson led in prayer. ',The .Cen•
• tennial poem written by Mrs
Rempel of Halifax.;; mother of
five,;:was read by'Miss Flora
Andrew : Mrs. Harvey Webster-
' favoured with an instrumental: of
:_a Medley•of Songs •from some.of
•. the countries,from :which our Can-
adian citizens canoe: Two poems,
• "Our Pioneers" and "'Friends are '
'.Made.Today' were read by Mrs A
Wilson, followed bY a' hymn., A
:solo entitled :"Is:He'Satisfied"•by
• Mrs, punsmuir, was much
appreciated by all. A .friendship '•
reading, "Wall? Softly Here.' stat.
ing that the people.in our Hornes '•
• for tile .Aged ;are suffering from
malnutrition'of the ego.
:was given by. Mrs. ;Robinson The :
offering was received Ken.
Cameron and Mrs;. Eldon Henderson
. and dedicated b • Mrs; Drennan.
After thankin. all who. took art •
g•. p,
Mrs. Drennan expressed•:her hope
that the members .would continue to
rur, ' ase
Dedicate . Flag • s • In
At . the'Annual church meeting of
St. Peter's Anglican'chur'eh,
Lucknow, Rev. Jay•expressed his
wish to have a Diocesian flag and
a Canadian flag put in: the church
and a sunporch 'erected over'the
entrance to the Rectory in this,
Centennial year..
' At the last'. meeting of the W , A;
the ladies voted $SO :toward, the . .
sunporch. A motion was made to ..
••purchase flags for the church and
since:'then the flags have been pur-
chased -and.. dedicated.'
Jan Simpson��
Western, Trip'
Jan :Simpson; daughter„of•Mr.
and Mrs. Robert.Simpson is on;a
trip to:the West Coast with a •
Christian Youth Education Group
They went to Calgary ,and from
Dr nnheller they go by car to :, •
Vancouver and Victoria, British
Columbia •
visit the patients of Pinecrest : •
Manor `during the
Following the' hymn "Blest .be`the
.Mrs. 'Houston presided•for .
:the .business; portionof the meeting.:
Minutes were read and the Treas.-
;urers;report;given;, followed by the:
reading of -correspondence 'Various
committee reports were. given with..
the Supply and Social, Assistance
• Committee ;reporting•`'that fifteen.:
cartons of gOpd used cletFiin''were:”
'Sent to the 'Toronto Depot;,; The
'Meeting closed with 'a hymn -and
4, issued . 4 to ,5 'year term.
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First Mass For
Ripley Native
Reverend Father Donald MacLen-
nan, son of Mr. and Mrs.' Donald.
MacLennan of Ripley, recently
celebrated -his first mass before a
largely attended, congregation at.
St ,Anthony of Padua Church in
Kincardine.. • • .
An only son, 'penal(' received his
early education at the Ripley. Pub .
lic and High Schools before going•
to complete his secondary educat-'
ion at Sacred. Heart 'School in Wal-
kerton, He completed his study of
philosophy.' at Resurrection College
in Kitchener in' 1963'and then went
to St. Joseph's Seminary in Edmon-
ton for-theology,.
summer appointments' include
workat Camp Brefauf•and last
year at Church of .Our Lady in
Father John Jordan, pastor of Our
Lady of Lourdes in:Hamilton, form
erly'•pastor at St Anthony, preach-
ed the hornily.•
A dinner for relatives and friends
was held later Sunday at the, Bruce
Inn, Kincardii e. Sunday 'evening',
the church ;hall was•the sceneof a
reception for Father MacLennan
and was sponsored' by the ladies •of •
Kincardine and Riversdale parishes'.,
asses At Toronto
This community, extend, s 'their
sympathy to 'Mr. and Mrs. Garnet
Farrier and family and other
members of the -Farrier family: as
well as other relatives in the',pass-:
ing of Mrs.' , W. R.. Farrier :in Toron-
to . She passed away during Friday'
night and was. found. Saturday • "
'morning when' she did not -get up
at the usual; time She had been,
planning. toreturn for a time;to
her home in th'e village.
Garnet Farrier.'spent a few days
the first of 'the week in Toronto.
Diane Coultes .returned home
on Thursday: from Port Elgin 'after
, a few days visit :with her sister, ,
.Mrs. Wilbert.Schwichter erg and..-.
Mr. and Mrs Sandy Murray,
'.Kathleen; Phyllis,'• Alex, and; Patri-
eta 'o€ Sharon spent the holiday
..week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Tiffin
.Mr and: Mrs, roe Tiffin, Joan,
Shirley,and;Joey, 'Mr. 'and Mrs:
Orville: Tiffin'on Sunday"•attended.:'
,the baseball, tournament in Ow'e'n
Sound. .'
1Mr.:and Mrs, Jim 'McIntyre, •:.
:Alan,; Lydda 'and Heather of R dger"
town. after. spending a week•at,
Expe' returned home by Teeswater:,..
to pick. up Marybeth who had:
•spent the week with her i
grandparents: All visited 'from'
Thursday to Sundaywith Mr and
,Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and• Mr:
and Mrs .. C.arl McC•lenaghan
This community extends congrat
ulations to •all the -High School
students of the loea1ity.Who passed.
their exa_ ms sand to the teachers
because of the'very small number
who did not makethe goal: The
public school, are also •tendered
s,i tlar congratulations. ' '
'Congratulations to Jim Morrison'
and Brian Greenaway, on passing
their e}Cams at •the course from
April to June:: Jim'passedhis
Basic Exains in Motor, vehicle ..
repair and Brian •passed in auto
Mr.: and Mrs. Don Ross, Douglas,
Robert and David were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and: Mrs.Jim
Gaunt and, family of Iter and in
the afternoon all. toured Story
Book Gardens at London,•
Passed Away At : .
Huronview, Clinton
Robert John Lockhart McNall of
.Huronview; Clinton, passed away
on Wednesday, June 28th from
pneumonia .. He was 68 years of
age. . •
Mr McNall was born at 'Londes,-
'bora 'oh February 9th _ 1899, a son.
of Matthew and; Mary 'McNall: He
went west as a young man. where,,
he fartkied...Mr. McNall never ''
married •.•
He is survived 'by five brothers
W illi:arn of Huronview, Clinton ,
Russel' of Provost :Alberta , Gordon
of ,Wingham., Earl of Viking ' Alb=,
erta , Tom of Prl ivost Alberta; , and
one sister Mrs. Margaret Nickel of
Provost: He•,was, predeceased by a
brother Leonard of Blyth and a: sis-
ter Matilda ,of Dungannon.. .
'Funeral service was' held on, Satur-
day ; • July .1st', from the Johnstone •
and Son Funeral: ,Home , Lucknow
Rev. Rod MacLeod was, minister:•
Pallbearersjwere'Lloyd. Ray. '
Cecil, Garnet and Donald McNall,
Harry. Swan.
Interment was at Greenhill'Cem-
.etery .
Dr B F Green of Stillwell :Okla
oma, visited with his •parents. Rev..•
and Mrs. • B' F. Green.* On Monday
Dr r
.G:een,'his parents and Gordon
Green left by, plane for Ottawa,
Expo and other points in Quebec
Harry,Campell.of Dawson; Yuk
on,. 'visited : this past week with Mr.
and Mrs Ross Garnmie and .other''
relatives'. On his •return•he was'acc-
:ompanied. by hit son Brock who will;
'spend the summer Months'. in the
Mr , and MrsKen Grewar, , kNa ncy
and Bradley :of Montreal and Mr.
and Mrs : Dan Rose and, family' of •
Guelph are v' itig .n with •th'eir par,:
ents,,' •IvMr./a
•David Fr
Black '4
rs''Harvey Webb.
, Gordon and Kevin
•pland, .Ontario. are
their grandparents, Mr..
and Mrs. Gordon: MacPherson
The Women's Institute picnic will
be held on July 6 (to -day) at the ,
tall at 2:30.: Picnic lunch.'A short
business meeting will be held first;:
'Mr: and 'Mrs. Roy Gardner
Tracy of London were week -end'~•
visitors with her 'parents, Mr and
Mrs., Curran. •
Marie Mewhinney .is• employed at
Port Elgin, for thesummer months
Since You last reviewed your life in.;
surance portfolio; your older children
may nolonBer be dependent. you
. may have begun t.to think, of your..
..own retirement. It, you; want.to
• know whether your life insurance.is.
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it'to:do, just ask your SunLife :man.
There's no/chargea
o till ` '
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R.R. 2 : Lucknow
Phone Wingham 357-1987
Gift Presented
The Matt Family
On' Sunday.at-Chalmers Presbyt-
erian Cliurcli: service; .as it'was
• Mr • Watt's farewell,. Walter Ell-
iott clerk of the session,' called. •
Mr.: and M.rs'. Watt and::fainily to::
the; front:, read them an address
andTom Morrison, Board of:Nfan
ager's chairman,' on behalf of.the
congregation, presented .them with
a gift of rp,oney.:ivir..Watt thank-
ed the congregation for their gift.;
l' io,e,'r,.l`°ii"�