HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-07-05, Page 1fr
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$4.00 A Year In Advance -- $1.00 Extra To USA.
Mind Brother Is-Or:11y %fitness
....WEPNEADATe• .1967
Single Copy 10c I. Pages
The Ripley - litiOn.Tew nship
area Was dealt another stunning
blow on Wednesday of last week as.,,
twoyOufig peoplexloit their life by
drowning at Errirnerton Beach on
• the shores of Lake,Hurcn. Emma.—
ton Beach 4 a cottage area located
between Bruce and'Lurgan Beach
about the. foot of the 6th conce.ss-.
ion of Huron Township.'
The body of young Ronald Cliffe,
84rear-old son of Mr. and,Mrs.
Beverly Cliffe of London, was
found on Sunday afternoon in about
four feet of water and about 300
feet from where -the youngster was
last known to have been playing.
• As this, was written' Tuesday
volunteerfwere continuing their
search for Jane Pollock, 14 -year -7'
. old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clap:
epee Pollock of Ripley Jane was
reported missing at the same tiMe.
as the Cliffe'boy and is'also believ-
ed to have drowned. ,
Only witnest to the tragedy which
unfOlded on Wedneiday.afternOon
oflast week was.Jane's brother
Barry Pollock. •Barry has been blind
„since birth. ' Barry reported hearing
"•-calls'for help .frorn the Cliffe, boy.
and said that his Sister had gone
into the water to rescue•him.
Young.Ronald had been playing in
Drowns in attempt to save
Ronald =fel 8
a toy plastic boat and.while deta
aresketchy, it is believed that the
youngster got into•difficulty and-,
Jane went to his aid. Jane was
reported to be a strong swiminer.
The toy beat *was found a couple
of days later by occupants of a'
Detroit ,Yacht Club Boat. Its locat-
ion was about five miles off shore ,
and about eleven miles north of
the drowning scene..
• Details ofhat had happened
Suffers Fractur
Bill Howald ; .17 -year-old son. of.
Mr. and Mrs. WordenHowald of.
Lucknow, is a disappointed young
. man not to mention the pain he
suffered. in an'aceident at the Luck
now Wood Products on Wednesday
afternoon of last week.
Billsuffered a.broken jaw and
lacerations to the ,face. in an' accid-
ent. while operating a turning lathe
at the Lucknow factory: Several,
stitches:yire needed.to close the.
• lacerations and surgery was done
at St. Joseph's Hospital in 'LOndon
where a pin was placed in the
fractured lower jaw His jaws are
wked shut and it will' be necessary
• , • . . • . . • •
ow.InAcc ent
tereCeive nourishment rfrom
liquids through a straw dfor the •I ".
next five w wis' admitted,
to London Hospital :en Thursday • of
last. week and the operation was...
perfornied Friday. He Wasable to..:
;erten to his home OnStinday.
•.The disappointment came from
the fact that Bill has been saving .
his money and had planned to
accompany the. Saugeen Boy Scouts
On their. trip to Eastern Canada and
'EXPO. The injury naturally cancel-
led these plans. Bill is a student •
and'had secured summer einplOY-
inent at she Lucknow Wood •
'Products. . • •'
Postpone Ripley
Events in Resped
Ripley and 'Huron Township'',
Centennial Committee, met in.'
special session on Thursday night
of,last week. when it was unani-
mously decided to postpone their
July 1st celebrations until the
Weekend of August '4 and 5
The decision was Made in respect
to the Pollock and Cliffe families
who .had 19st a, daughter and son in
the doubleArowning at Emrnerton
beach on Wednesday of last week.
Celebrations had been scheduled ,
for Friday, Saturday: and Sunday in.,
• Rf_pley. The community church
and decoration service did go
ahead, as scheduled Sunday but the
Friday and Saturday events have
been're-schedttled for August,.
began to unfold.when Brenda Stew -
of London.. a guest ofihe
'second row Cliffe cottage, went tel..
look for Ronald becau.sethey,Were
ready to -return to London It is '
:believed that an hour or more had
passed this time
She went to. the' Politick cottage -
next. door: Mrs. Gordon Emm.erton
'Cliffe's'sisteri: went teith,e
beach to look for The children.
She found 'Barry sitting,.tinder a
boat 'suspended, on a, hoist near the
'lakeshore. He was Certain'soine-
, .
thingwas WrOng,.,,but did net, knew
It wo his first yisitto the cett
dage this year, his father said -,1:and.
he had not found his bearings.
Mrs."Ernmerton called police
after,a:brief search failed to.
locate the children. .
Kincardine Ontario Provincial
• Police; organized a search for the, •
missing pair which continued all : •
week. Boaters, aircraft two. :-
sctiba diVersa helicopter were.
all.used :.Ripley Fire. Department, . •
of Which Mr. Ptillock'is -a Member
assisted in the search.
Huron. Township •and Ripley farmy,'
ers and friends in groups of 20,
forteed'a human chain, wading
• into Lake Huron in an effort to,
: •
locate the missing. pair. '
• Dragging was Carried .out from:.
private boats under the supervision
of the Kincardine detachment of
the Ontario PrOVinciii Police. •
• •
Sane Pollock went to the aid of Ronald Cliffe who was playing
plastic boat similar to this. Both young people drowned.
The boat is displayed by ilferville Pollock of Huron, uncle '
-• • of the young girl; as hq assisted in the search.
• • .
' .
• rder issued For
In Ripley
An Order has been issued by the
Board. of Transport Commissioners
for Canada to the Canadian Nation-
al Railways authorizing the installa-
tion of flashing light signals and
bell on the C. N. R. crossings on
County Road 6 and County Road '7.
in the Village of Ripley. • '
All parties, concerned had agreed .
to' the Installation and the issuing ,- •
of this order means that the way is
clearned for the C. N. R. to do the
The installation cost will be shar-
ed 80% by the Board. 6 174% by
Ripley, 6 1/4% by Count}, of:Bruce.
and 6 1/2% by the C.N, R. Railway. •-• . d
The maintenance cots will be •
shared 50% by the COsi.R. 35% by •
the County , and 15% by .the Village
The installation should take place •
this fall; • • .
„ . .... . .. .
• H... 4Ciulie.On...,.::.130y. Scout lour Now: _Re. 0114 Afterf:Many....MonthsiPlanning.,.,
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, • •
• On Friday morning of last week.,
one hundred and fifty Boy Scouts •
gathered at the Exhibition Parkin'
Walkerton and boarded. five buses
for a three-week trip through to •
the Maritime There There Will be fifty
leaders along to look after the •
needs and wants of the boys': •:
'The scouts are representatives of
Saugeen District, which takes in.
Durham. Hanover, Chesley, Pais-
ley, Tiverton, Kincardine; Wing-
nain Lucknow, Teeswater,, Kin- •
loss, Cargill and Walkerton.
'•Their cavalcade consists dof the
five buses, one. large truck, one
!Mall pick -un truck and two station
wagons, the. latter vehicles carry
ing baggageanci equipinetn.
.,•Scoutp attending from Lucknow.
are: Andy Andersen, Donald, Ellibit,
Jamie Elliott , Douglai -Stevenson, '•
'Ronald Mantoi Dale Hunter Neill
Taylor; 'Terry Taylor Donald. Mac,
Donald, James MacDonald, JArnei
Button, Keilaeth Johngone, John
Johnstone, Eric Taylor ,..Greg Hin-
ter, Allan. Andrew , • Robbie Beak,
Sa mes Henderson, Jarries Nionigoni-
ery, Bill ChishOlrn , • Bill:Boalc , Rod
dcOonaghI.5eter 'Chishorm
Kin1ossSout1, mop was repteSdilt.:,
. .
• ,
• ' :