HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-06-28, Page 14f'OURTEE iu�cKNO�'" :SENTINEL 511**11.1114.111. LUCKNOW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28th, • 1K1 LOCHALSH NEWS Mrs: • Oliver McCharles was;. hostess to: the •.Ri le-• .Horticultural Society P y y. on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Bert Mason of Kincardine gavea talk on her recent trip to Expo :and. the 35 members, present enjoyed the evening. Mrs. McGharlts conduct- ed a Rose Bingo and displayed the roses brought by members.., Mrs. David Elphick, President gave each one present a dahlia bulb FREE FILM BLACK A�,D WHITE OR COLOUR with each roll brought in for processing at popular prices. All popular sizes. We specialize in PICTURE FRAMING 'PORTRAITS *WEDDINGS *BABIES MAXW[LL PHOTO STUDIO Ph. 357-1851 WINGHAM already, started.. /` '• Delegates to the convention -.in Guelph .were to be Mrs. • Fran Elphick and ;Mrs ,Verna.Finlayson.. Mrs; Amelia McLeod .and. Mrs. ,McCharles were: to go to Lo'ndsboro to give 'a' demonstration, on Flower... arranging. Mrs. • Norval,Stewart is to.head the committee to. enter a float .on July 1st .at Ripley. Horticultural Pinswere given Out and a social time a ed. Mrs. Alvin Rbbb was among those who attended .Expo duringthe past .week as was, Fi�enc MacLennan, Allan, and Billy' Finlayson.: A recent .visitor in Londsboro with Mr. 'and Mrs.; .George Carter :Was Mrs. .D. R• MacKenzie,. Visiting his' grandparents Mr. and Mrs-, Frank .MacLennan i3 JIM Ainsley of Toronto. , , The Elphick Families; were Sunday guests. at the Family picnic. in Pinkerton. Many from the -area attended the shower at North Ashfield Public. School on Monday evening., The regular' meeting of the Loch- alsh:Cemetery. board'was held.: on `. Friday evening. ' FIELD DAY Field day was ,held at North. Ash.- •field Tablic tchool on Friday; after noon. Ball games with Kingsbridge and Pine Riverhave been most en- joyable for .the' pupils of.. North Ash. field, Mrs. Frank MacLennan was a recent -visitor in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs ;Don Ainsley. Mr. and Mrs', Ian Morton of Stratford spent the week end with :Mi. and Mrs. 'Emile MacLennan. Sam,Gibson hada .successful auction sale on Saturday afternoon. Mr and ' Mrs . Allan McCharles and Susan of Montreal, spent the week end with Mi ;arid Mrs; Oliver McCharles. • AMBERLEY Mt. and Mrs. Eldon Bradley and John left on Sunday for a few days '� at Expo. Mr and tvirs . Eldon Henderson of Lucknow'. were Sunday guests 'of Mr. and Mr§.,Murdock' McDonald and, Grant. • • Finafl1ePJai.Fo! Ripley Weekend • The Ripley and Huron Township Centennial Committee has made final plans for 'the' July.1st week- end celebration. to beheld in Ripley, June 30, Julylst and .2nd. The crowning of the Centennial, Queen wfl' take place at.the.• Dance in the High: School Auditor- ium on Friday evening; There have been several entries in'this. contest. Each girl .will receive a corsage and 'gift and will be'expected: to- . ride. in the mammoth parade on'' Saturday, JulyIst. Volley Ball, Track and field sports, .softball will be featured ;•; from' 10 a.:n.: until dark on July` '1st,. as well as sqUare dancing, highland, dancing, Scotch Music, Step dancing, demonstrations of soap making, ; butter:making,. Quilting, rug hooking, spinning, b. weaving and numerous other pro jects. An antique furnished home will be on display in the hall. • 'A :dance will be field . Saturday . .:night with 'everyone in costume for the gala affair. They will enjoy themselves dancing .to Carruthers orchestra.' Sunday, July 2nd at':ll'a.m. the churches of the township and Vill- age .are Balding a Joint service in the•.High School and no doubt • many families will come to'visit • and .lingerawhile. .' .' Memorial Service' Heid at Cemetery ;'. DUNG:ANNON NEWS The cemetery comrnittee is pieas- .ed to report' a very impressive Memorial se i' was held on June 25 with a goo attendance and a collection ;of $124.00 The : ' appearance of the cemetery:is very,' commendable. ' ' ., We are glad to report that` Mrs.. John. Spivak returned to her home ori They Week end after undergoing Al • Sal'Vice+ a 41*x{wr y yusurp m. • Cnetoni Butchering Curing and Smoking; Cutting and Wrapping Sausage Making •: Fast Freezing•, N O • HOGrS A D CATTLE ,,N: MONDAYS ' • CATTLE 'ONLY .ON WEDNESDAY$ R With Two Big;- Coolers; We ' Aro Able To Hang, Tour ' Beef From 1 To :3 Wilks Whatever Your . Requiremetde Are For Horne. Freezers We Sell;:. limes Home Killed ,Beef, •Pork. "'And Lamb,':In Any Quantity At Lowest, Marketing Prices `AiLL MEATS ARE :GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION .• ma; RIPLEY 100..-01.106.' ', CHAS HOOLSMA —PROP. rot surgery a week previous in Wi,ngham and district. hospital. 'Miss Fiera Durnin and her father, kr. : Durnin spent the week end With her friend'; Miss Nora Creyke and Mrs. Creyke at Schom berg:. Mr .,.and Mrs. Wilbur Brown' attended the annual Reed picnic at Seaforth'Lions:Park on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: 'Cecil Blake `attend- ed the Centennial Celebration and termination of U, S, S', 'No. 4, Elora and Grey 'on Saturday. ' Mrs ,. Blake had .been..a ,former teacher at .the school: Mr. and Mrs.•Heber. �Eedyvisited on;Sunday with. Mr.and Mrs.. Jack Eedy and family of StrathrOy. The Women''s.Institute will meet on June 29 `at.: 8:$0 at' thehome.:Of Mts. George Errington.; 'Miss Clare McGowan, director'of the Huron County children's aid, Will be the guest speaker HOSPITAL GRADUATE Congratulations to .Mrs. Hugh McWhinney. on being one of the graduatingclass of nurses' aides and attendants. at Ontario Hospital, Goderich.onJune °21.' ' Martha Eedy entertained some of her girl friends at a '.barbecue for her ,13th birthday . on : Friday evening Weare sorry that Johnny Stanbury is a patient in Win ham' Hospital where he, is sufferingfrom an .in- fection in his;face. We hope he will be better soon. Hold Family Picnic At Riverside Park..; WHITECHURCH NEWS, , On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ger shom Johnston., Wingharn and their family Mr., and Mrs:.; Jack. Johnston David. and Donna Jean formerly of London, :now.,of St. Marys; Mr; and Mrs., Ted 'Robinson., Bil•1;,'Judy and' lathes. of Donnybrook; 'Mt. and • • Mrs: Jim Johnston, Paul, ;:Ruth,Ann' and, Carol An not Listowel; Mt. ana•Mrs . Charles Wood.•and: family of ;Egmondville; Mr; 'and/Mrs.' Ro§s McMichael and family 'of S•eaforth;, Mr. and; Mrs. "Kenneth Johnston and family of Clinton; Mr. ,and M. Stewart Stnith and 'Dianna of rKitchener; Doug Smith of Toronto,. ,Dwight' Smith of Kitchener, all gathered at Riverside Park to enjoy the family picnuc' which•'was look, • ed.after by Mr. and Mrs Clarence Ritchie, Barbara, Brenda, Stephen Donald. and, Mary Ann. of 2nd concession,- Kinloss; Next year; Mr, and Mrs. Jim Johnston and family of Listowel Will supervise. ' the family picnic: .Games and contests were• enjoyed by the youn• ger .folks . `Lunch Was served in the .pavilion due°to the cool�weather, Aroundb0 were present for•th e happy occasion. CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE 'COMPANY LIMITED, "Store more food...store it more conveniently and never defrost again. That's '.a promise the new Westinghouse refrigerator will keep for years to come" Compactkwo-door Refrigerator' RJH 32. 13.1 cu ft. Very accom • rnodating. Lets you adjust the interior the way you want it: '10= position adjustable shelves plus 10 -position. 13 Ib. ;Meat Keeper; magnetic door gaskets;. 124 1b. .separate Frost Free freezer,.fulj', width porcelain Crisper;All•pur- pose Egg Container; 60W h.. 301/4" w.,• 25" d.;. White; right door ' opening. ----------------------------- •LIJCKNOW -i• PH60. 518.3008