HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-06-28, Page 12e. PAGE TWELVE. SfudentsToke Bus :MO TQ Kitchen.er THE LUCKNOW,SENTINEL,; LUCKNOW; ONTARIO KLNLQSS NEWS ' Senior Kinloss stud`e.nts..enjoyed a bus trip to Kitchener on Monday, • They,expected 'to. see the Wallen. stein tile yards, the Confederation Train,'.Waterloo Lutheran University and other prints of.in- terest. • • benvet. Dickie and David Reid of Toronto spent a few days last week Vlrs; .George,Lockhart: returned „ home .from ,Wingham., and .District ..Hospitalon Saturday .:. •4Mr...and Mrs: Alex (Cubby) M'ae.- - Murchy of Oshawa visited recently with Mar,, and Mrs. Allan Graham • and family; SCOUT .'RIP' Friday•,, June 30th, Saugeen Dist- riot Scouts , Venturers and leaders ".:'set out on their Centennial Tour which will take them. as far as, the Maritimes and. Newfoundland Those from a distance who were` . guests at the MacDougall - West. wedding .and ,visiting in this area included;•Mr, 'and. Mrs. Harvey. MacDougall of Guelphs, Mr. and. •Mrs. Clair MacDougall' of Petrolia; .Rod MacDougall ,0. Toronto Mr and Mrs. Jack,Needharn,:.,Suzanne • and' Janie of :Coruna.;,"' Mrs . Ray •Taylor,: Walkerton Mr. and Mrs J. J'.' Houston. Guelph land. Wallace Houston, London,, spent :Sunday and the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Houston and' Kenn- _ .eih; Rev. & Mrs.alis; Receive Chairs As Farewell Gift Lucknow Resident Passes Ai. V/lnghan • MRS, BERT FINNIGAN Mrs. Bert Finnigan of Lucknow passedaway in Wingham and Dist- rict Hospital on Saturday, June 17th :She was• 75 years of age. Mrs. Finnigan was the::former Laura Fitzgerald, She was born in Ashfield Township on Jure 4th 189.2 and was'a daughter rof Robert Fi gerald: and Jane Eagan. ,Forty years ago she married Bert Finnigan of Ashfield,. She is survived by her husband and two sisters.,, Mrs. James (Annie) Culbert of Lucknow and Mrs Audry' • (Frances) Teeft of Dunville.,She • was predeceased by one brother William Funeral service was held at Mac Kenzie Memorial :Chapel, Luck now on Tuesday, June 20tti.. Rev. Glen Wright!'of Dungannon'United Church was the minister. Inter- ment was, at Greehhill cemetery: Pallbearers were .Gordon Ander-, son, ,Cecil Blake, Herb Finnigan.' • Lorne Farrish Wm. Caesar, Everett Finnigan. ST. HELENS. NEWS On Sunday morning; Rev ; A. E. . Willis. preached his farewell ser vice in St.' Helens United Church 'At the conclusion, Ross Errington 'addressed Mr: and Mrs,: Willis and 2 occasional chairs were .presented •.byDon Cameron and Allan.Miller ,on behalf 'of•the congregation.. This week,' the Wi"lhis`family:Will'move to Angus where Mr , 'Willis will retire 'from ministry. At the :cone .clusion a noon luncheon•was served to the congregation. '• Mr. and Mrs .' E`. W, Ri Mr.ce attend-. ed the Bryan - Webb .reunion at Ton enhanh. on Sunday. .• Born" to' Mr, and Mrs, Ross Dur- n n 'at Winghairi Hospital on June 22nd, a daughter, a 'sister for • Steven • SUCCEESSFUL GARDEN PARTY. • The $t Helen's W.1. realized, over. $200 profit following 'their, :'very Successful garden party. in the hall last Tuesday.evering. Mrs., W.I. Miller, and Isobel :were •-'recent visitors with Mr, 'and Mrs Gordon McIntyre :at Richmond Hill.: They 'were accornpanied'hbme by Miss, W. D. R. utherford.who. had' been: visiting at Kirkland Lake.' Mrs. Joseph Gaunt spent a few. days. at Grand ,Bend with herrdaugh--- • , ter,. Mrs. John Scott at her 'cottager Little Sheila .Rose of Guelph is. ' 1 a visiting with her grandparents., Mr.!, 'and 'Mrs Harvey Webb. While .her parents:, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rose are holidaying. in Montreal. ...Mrs./Donald ,McDonald' of White- church is visiting With her son and family, Mr, 'and: Mrs.. Angus ivlc- Donald • Mr. arid Mrs Tom Todd, were.. • ,gueSts of Mr. and Mrs., Neely Tod of Stratford at their slimmer cott- age .on Sunday. IN ACCIDENT Gordon. Lyons• has been a patient in Wingham and District Hospital .. following an accide!td, at latts""= ville Fair,, 99th. Anniversary .LANGSIDE NEWS'. ' Langside. Presbyterian Church ob. served its.99th Anniversary with. morning and evening services con- ducted by Rev,. James,Weir of Kin cardine who. gaveinspiring messag- es at both services. The choir sang an anthem at 'each service. Philip - Steer , hilipSteer, Peter de Boer,, Gordon Wall and Bob Bregrnan•sang as a'quart- ette.: at each service, Mrs. . • • Wm, :Scott.wasorganist. Many former members: and visit- ors attended'and.at the evening ser vice .we;"were Pleased to have many of `the new families of our comm- unity Join in ouranniversary ser- vice, • Sympathy of the; community goes ,to Mr., "and Mrs. Wrn. 'Brooks_ and' airis. Mrs. Brooks' mother passed way recently. Ken ;Young. of Thamesville spent •the week -end with hisParents,, Mrd .and Mrs. Clifford Young arid ,:fam ily. Rev. arid Mrs,. James Weir. and Malcolm of Kincardine•were dinnerguests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wall and family...' t La e Churc.. . Mr. and Mrs, Bert Moffat, Tees - Water visited at the same home in the evening. • WEED SPRAYERS BUSY ' ,Planes arehumming over this" : community with.the air strip: at Borden Litt's Aero -Green Ponds being used by planes doing custom.'. weed spraying for many of the • farmers in. this•area. Congratulations to the students 'of Lucknow District High $chool.wbo were successful' in passing their fin- al exams. Mr. and' Mrs.'Farish Moffat were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and .Mrs. ` Chas. Tiffin: GUESTS AT LONDON WEDDING • Mr, and Md. Gordon Wall and David were guests at the Arthur Fortney wedding ats:Byron United Church, London.' on Saturday... Mr. and Mrs.. 'Lloyd . Moffat:. of Lucknow ,visited on Sunday with • M'r. and Mrs. Eugene Conley and . family Mr. and.Mrs. Jirn McPherson of Culross visited o>,i:Sunday With the .,. latter''s; father Mr, Peter • Moffat • and Jim. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28th, 1961 r��tertans Hive. t /.nnlversar y AMBERLEY NEWS Congratulations are extended to • •Mr. and Mrs, John Emmertonof the second concession of Huron Towne ship of the occasion of thein 50th Wedding Anniversary 'Which they cele‘rated on Saturday, June; 24. Their actual. date is June 27. Guests .o, n Sunday with Mr.' and, Mrs.• John Emni.erton w ere Mr ..and Mrs. Sam, Sliver and .Mrs. Dwight vis: Daof Michigan, Percy Oliver of Hamilton, Mr. 'and `M-rs; Ed Courtney of Toronto and Mr.• and Mrs. Gerrard Courtney and family of Kincardine Township. • MRS. COURTNEY HON RED Mrs . Art Courtney was recently •_ presented by StLukes Anglican Guild with a gift 'in recognition of her work in Sunday School and in the Guild. Mrs. John Scott .read a: address and Mrs;, William Wilkin' presented her witif a Bible on be- half sof the Guild, ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott. and M. and Mrs. Bill Scott are spent' ing a few days at Expo. ' You can be sure of the car more `people are buying And more people •buy new Chevrolets than any other. new car There' are'reasons for this A'lotofgood reasons. Five exciting Chevrolet 'series for a start Caprice,; Impala Super Sport, Impala, Bel Air, Biscayne. 17 beautiful4models to choose from: convertibles, hardtops, sedans, station wagons A big -choice.. One to suit you..Chevrolet gives you a great range of performance team's: economical Sixes, smaCl: V8s, big V8s, all' -out V8s transmissions, 3 -Speed manual, 4-on-the-floor,•Powerglide automatic and Turbo .Hydra -Matic C that lets you do both'., shift thro-ugh gears manually or go fully automatic Chevrolet rides smoother. Corners easier. Runs quieter. With all these good reasons • for owning a Chevrolet going for you, no wonder it's'your best buy. If you,need another one,., consider this. There's never been a better time to buy,. Your Chevrolet dealer's deals are.rght, r Tradein,values high Immediate deli•very,Orr most models: Test drive a new Chevrolet today. .You won't need another. reason to go Chevrolet. • p ' Chevrolet:: the mors eople �uy it ear AUTHORIZED/7 CHEVROLET DEALER WINGHAM. 115 JOSEPHINE STREET McCLURE MOTORS . �IM� E�. WINGHAM, ONTARIO' PHONE 357-3760 Be Sure'" to. see"Bonanza on the CBC -TV network each Sunday, Check your' local listing for channel' and time, Caprice. Custom: Sedan GM Biscayne 4 -Door Sedan CHEVROLET 2a67e •