HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-06-28, Page 54' WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28th, 16T • go,04P4P,~4.0.41~,Irlp.esore:"... fi. MaCKENZIEI.O.D.' °Ptometost NOW. IN RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY \\ Office. Hours 10:00 a.m.'to 9:00 • p.m. Phone Roy MacKenzie, Ripley 395-5154 for appointment • THE 41,CKNOWSENTINEI".. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE 44#44444.-~.....4••••••••••••.b...p4P.ww • • OPTOMETRIST'. • . • NEM TO LYCEUM THEATRE .WINGHAM PHONE 157-1361 ...• .40••••••••••••••••~~00.,.........444.001 • JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME Modern and Convenient • Lucknow, Phone . 528-3013 Day or Night Serving All Faiths According' to Their Wishes, Moderate Prices .' • . • Established 1894 INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY. AUTOMOBILE and LIFE. To Protect Your Jack,' Insure With. Jack Today. J. A. MeDONAGH 'Lucknow, •Pheine .s28-3423. • • R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor' LISTOWEL' ONTARIO • IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday. Afternoon Office in /the . Joynt Telephone: Lucknow 528-3116 • -,•••••••'44.44,44•••••••,••••?•••40Nokoodrow..4,4!.. Gaviller & Company CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner, J. E. Kennedy, C,A. • Phone 881-3471 — Walkerton • IMPERIAL 'OIL • PRODUCTS for prompt service, andquality product. Contact: GRANT CHISHOLM Phone Collect Dungannon 529-7524 4Always Look To, ImperiM • For The Best" , Williams -A 0.P. Optometrist •• , •9 Patrick Street. W. WINGHAM' Phone 35142132 • • . A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ' . • 57 Solith 'Street, Goderieh „ . • •4!"41"" 4* -:"1'41"..44"4"-• MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly deigned froni quality material, rely On • • , SKELTON, MEVIOR1ALS. PatO'Hagan, Prop. Established Over SixtyYears V/AL.KERTON PHONE .881-0234 ROY A. HAVENS PLUMBING — HEATING WIRING . Esse Heating Equipment • and. Home Heat Service Dealer Lucknow --- Phone 528-3012 ' CRAWFORD, , SHEPHERD and MILL J. H. CRAWFORD, O.C. N. •A. SHEPHERD, M.A., 14.B. ALAN R. MILL, B.A., L.L.B. • • WINGHAM• LUCKNOW 'EVEitY WEDNESDAY, • .Located in' Breckles Black • IN RIPLEY. • 'EVERY FRIPAY •. In Ross Yfartyn Building • Phone %gingham Office' 357-3630. -- Res. 351-2330 ) - • • Telephone •524..7562 • Ingham Memorials GUARANTEED GRANITES • CEMETERY. LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save. Bus. Ph. 3574910 Res. Ph. 3574015 . • , Wit•ezi.esm4P...i.,~44•41,..~,44f*s , . • , Hadden's Studio PORTRAITS ' Weddings and Children GoDEpicit, ONTARIO 118 St .David Street "--' Dial 524-8787 • , • • . , . , . • MacKenzie Memorial Chapel ' FUNERAL SERVICE • Services conducted 'according • to 'your kishes at ,your Bottle, your Church, •or at our Mein-. trial Chapel' at no additional , , 'charge. • Luckriow, 'Phone •528-3432 • Day or Nught, W. BELL. OPTOMETRIST GODERICH The Smiare • . . • (phone .JACItion-:4-7661). • TED COLLYER Registered 11;laster Electrician • • ELECTRICAL torrit4tc1oit, • Specializing In • . Electric Heating, Elettric Wiring and Repairs " • and All Electrical Appliances Lucknow -Phone 528-5182 day of June, 1967. , . Donald M. Simpson,' Clerk .ONTARIO• NOTICES , CLOSING. NOTICE July 1st —July 8th Finlay Decorators will be closed while attending the Convention of the International Association of Lions Clubs in, Chicago. NOTICE • RE WELDING SHOP, • Neil IVIacDonald has opened a Welding „Shop at Kintail and is now in a position to serve you. • . NOTICE BUS TRIP TO EXPO • Sponsored by Briice County. Mutu. • Fire Association, leave Friday, October 6, return Monday, October 9, Total cost $47.00, for further niformation contact any member of your local Fire Depart- • ment. • • . . NOTICE • • Lorraine's Beauty Shop, Luck - now will be Closed' Saturday's,' dur- ing July and. August: NOTICE .RE • HOG %SHIPPING • Hogs. WILL .be shipped on Mon- day, July 3rd, 'as usual, ' • - NOTICE ' NOTICE. BY LAW Ner: is, 1967. • TOWNSHIP OF. ASHF1ELD • A: By -Law to raise $200,000 00 to. aid hi the construction of tile, stone or timber drains. . .The Council of the Township •of Ashfield, pursuant to The Tile Drainage Act, enacts. as follows: 1, The Reeve may from time to. time, 'subject to the .provisions of • this by-law borrow on the credit of the corporation Of, the Municipality such sum not'exceeding the whole' $209,000,00 as play be. determined by the Council,' and may in ,man- ner hereinafter provided, issue de- bentures of the Corporation in suCh sums as the. Council may deem Proper for the. amount so borrow- ed, with coupons attached as* prO- vided•in 'section 4 of the Act• .' 2. Subject to section 10 of The Tile Drainage Act, when the Coun- cil 'is of opinion that, the applicat ion of any person -to borrow money for the purpose of constructing • tile, stone or, timber drain should be granted. in. whole or in part, the 'Council' may, by resolution, direct the. Reeve ,to issue 'debent- ures as •aforesaid and to borrow • a sum not exceeding the amount applied for, andmay lend the same to the 'applicant on the' completion of.the drainage works. •, 3,, A special annual rate shall be imposed, levied and collected over and above' all other rates upon the land in respect of which money is • borrowed, sufficient for the .pay-' • ment of the principal and interest as provided by the Act. • Passed this 1.2th day of June 1967,.' • Donald H. MacKenzie, Reeve Donald M. Simpson, Clerk-Treas. NOTICE . Corporation of the Township of • '• - • • .Take notice that the above is a true 'copy. of a By -Law passed by'the Council of' the. Township of •Ashfield on the 12th day • • of, June 1967, and all persons are re- quired' to take notice that anyone Who. desires to apply. ,to have the by:law or. any 'part thereof quashed must serve, notice of his applicat- ion upon the Head or Clerk of this Municipality within 20 days after the date Of the last publication of this notice, arid must make his ap- plication to the Supierne Court of Ontario within, one month after the said date. • ThiS notice was first published on the 14th day of June 1967, and. the last publication will be on the/28th CARD We would sincerely hke Ao thank our many friends for the wonder- ful evening and gift Which, was gjventis at Holyreed Hall on Sat-, urday evening. • •• J. J. and Sandra Houston Bert Finnigan and 'sisters of the late Laura Fitzgerald , Finnigan, express their thanks to relatives, friends •and . neighbours for sym- pathy and kindness in their recent sad bereavement. 'Also' for beau- tiful floral tributes, donations to.. the Heart Fund, Cancer Fund and the Gideon Bible..Special thanks, to .Rev. Glen, Wright, Dungannon 'United 'Church Women, the acting pallbearers, flower •bearers, those who, loaned' cars. All '•was deeply I appreciated. .We wish to thank all •who were so kind & thoughtful when our sister Mrs. Russel Ritchie passed away. •We also thank you for your beau- tiful sympathy cards with their consoling messages and for floral' • tributes Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson • • BUYERS • WAITING •'Purchaser requires' water • front Property in Bruce county, suitable • for. camping'site.' Write giving full particulars to • • W. BRECKLES , RR. 2. Holyrood,,, Ontario or Telephone 395-2424 • . • . • Property required suitable for ski area. 'Farm with rolling hills Would suit this Purpose. WRITE W. BRECKLES 2., Holyrood, Ontario or , Telephone 395-2124 • 50 acres. or more pasture land' required in ICinloss area. ,CALL 395-2424. „. . . . Buyers for summer proper-', ties arid • cottages- and vacant •C,ALL38.54424 • • • REG. .A...-TOWELL . • ESTATE (Zion Community Present Andersons • On behalf of the Zion comniun- • ity, ivIr. a'nd Mrs.,fiarvey Ritchie and Elva and Mr. and Mrs.. Doug Raynard called at the home of Mr. andMrs. Charlie Anderson . • . and ,farnily in Lucknow last Fri - 'day evening: ..The following address was read. • . . • Dear Anne, Charlie , 'Charlene and •• Joan, We are here to-night.to represenC jrour Zfon friends and neighbours. We are sorry you have left' our cOmmunity where each of you haVe helped in so many ways with ihe church and as neighbours. . . ' • • FOR 'SALE .• 40'ACRESon 85 RighwaY; strong spring, buSh and creek, no buildings, $5,500. 150 ACRES. level crop land, 5 bedrbom hoUse; barn,. 50 x 80, near paved road, ' $20,900: Another. 100 109, acres 'could be ptirchased• if n'eecled. • • 199 ACRE hog .farm, large brick house and barn; 'two'new hog. barns, each 112 ft. long, equipped for farrowing and growing, to market, also a, second &nail house'. on property. This is a money maker, reason- ably priced at $48,000.' Stan .:Kay PHONE,528.3531 'LUCKNOW Representing H KEITH LTD. REALTOR , Toronto, Ontario, ' . , • . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LUCKNOW HOUSE, corner of • Albert and Wheeler :'n. .excel-. lent' condition. • Full basement, new. oil ' furnaee. Spacious liv- ing rooin, modern kitchen, bath and 1 bedroom on first 3 bedrooms up. Owner is mov- ing „and will sacrifice for $6500. LUCKNOW • .HOUSE, Victoria •St. 13/4storey 3 bedrooMs, bath,. furnace, modern .,cupboards, laundry tubs and double . gar- age. This, house is irnrnaculate .throughout.. Full price, only 1,350 ACRES IN ASHFIELD township:. 950 'acres' in . the, same area in' •the cash crop. distriet. 200 acre beef and hog • set up.' 200, acre 'dairy' farm: If you are interested in inspecting • any, of these properties do, no,t ,hesitate to -call us.: There is no - obligation. ' • . For above 'and other properties •• Contact:. 'IVAN STRUTHERS PHONE' KINCARDINE 396-2772 lArilfoct Mchitee': co., Limited WALKERTON Member. of the ,Grey and Bruce Multiple. Listings Service List M.L.S. —ver 60 Salesmen Working 'For You . . girls,, Charlene and Joan, were each'presented with set of 4. , coffee spoon's.: . ' Each replied thanking theni for their; thoughtfulness; Anne we will not forget all your assistancewith the. Sunday SchOol, O. C. If. and 47/4:Clubs. • ThOugh hot' far from us all we Would:like you to accept this gift , as a remembrance and with it goes' Best , Withes"., for you in yam home •in tOwn, and we hope this gift for you girls will always bring back mernorietof yotir day's at Zion, • • Harvey and Betty, . • Detig.and Maty Lou. Anne and Charlie were' presented with a Pole lamp and set of ashtrays With the Centennial emblem. The ''''#••••••tow,•44.04:444.0.,,e0,..,dp•••44444 • • ,•• • Mal 7E11 jeer IL -vs dra 4" awl ACTIVITIES 4714:-. Et. 1 • ,The Second' meeting of the Leuck. now 4:-H'itef Club.w'as held at' the tatntef Tom Tedd 'On JUne 19itia. The membersopened the. rneeting;wityrthe 4-H pledge,. .. One class of Angus -heifers were judge& and reasOns•w ere, given , Ther e was a short oniz on the diffr• erent part§ of a bee'fanirnal•o, A. • lovely lunch, was served by ' Todd, • • . •. ' , • / ••