HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-06-28, Page 3WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28th, 1%7 • \ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THREE IllaW I E Instant Milk, SUNSPUN, SAVE 14c, 3 cairfo. Cake. Mixes 61),NaANI HINES :DELUXE, SAVE Supreme Biscuits. FCY:, CELLO Freshie FRUIT • $1.29 2-87c 11c, PKGS. 3-89c 2$J ' • sx-CANOED,.,SiVE 49Ci. 114 LB.• . eston Shortcake FROST 'W SERVE, REG. re York Beans WITH PORK, SAVE 17c, 14 OZ. Sunspun Butter Bread RED & WHITE Orange Juice • LIBBY'S a oz. 35 This store will be open . all dor Thursday, June 29th .:h0141at.: • • •., Rose Pickies 3-$1 SWEET MIXED, SWEET RELISH, • • SAVE 17C,• 16 OZ. ••' • Rice l(rispies KELLOGG'S, SAVE 15c, 13 OZ. Orange Flavour Ci SALADA RISE 'N' SHINE, SAVE "c2 -79c Irani Tissue SAVE 17c,OFF PACK :Crest Too de REG. 41.19 FMY. • • • reit REG. 99c, SPEC. 89 1 30Z.' AERSOL Head 11/ Shoulder REG. r.29, LGE. TUBE • • 4, / • entenniai Chickins 33c Ib. ',"SFECIALLY , SELECTED" CHOICE. , •PLUMP' CANADA GRADE "A", EVISCERATED (FOR. FRYING OR ROASTING 1% , 3 •LB. AVG.) • • Cottage Roll 69c lb. "BURNS" FAMOUS FOR FLAVOUR SWEET PICKLED (CRYOVAC HALVES) Focifures.. , . Chicken Legs Or atiott55c Ib. ;.. . . .4 • . . "CHOICE PLUMP YOUNG. -TENDER" IDEAL . pok. THE• 134RBECUE• • •• • • ' • „•• , . • .Cooked 'Mani ,59c "BURNS"''FRESH • SL ICED,,TASTV' •,! 6 OZ.:PKG.,. Hall's Red and White Store PHONE528-3001 FREE DELIVERY" fiy111.1C. I...**1114 'PO *.1 LOCAL arid GENERAL NEWS • • 1, . • M. and Mrs. Ken MacDonald I. Sharon Baker of Parkhill spent of Guelph last weekend drOve ilist'week,enc/ with Sharon Wagner Ken's sister Peggy •MacDonald of of Luclinow,; Lucknow to Divine Lake Lodge In I ‘. 6 MuskOlia where she Will be ernploy 1. Mrs,..FrankjohnstOn of liOekneVe ed for the summer, Ken and • was admitted to London 1-19SPital Marilyn went onto. Ottawa and on Tuesday of this week. where EXPO and will return here tO, she Was to undergo surgery. Mts.. ' spend the remainder of their vac- Johnston has been hospitalized in .4.. ation at Boiler ,Beaeh. • • ,Wingham ' for. the past five Yeeki',. • Mr. and Mrs,Jack Collinson of Kintail spent a• week visiting With • relatives irr Sault:Ste Marie: • 4,, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ritchie of • Burlington, 'Bill's sister' Donna of Lucknow. and Bonnie's sister Brett-, da Hanlan of Sault Ste. Marie left last Friday for a 'camping trip to EXPO The two girls will return•Wednesday of this week by :train and. Bill and Bonnie will.,con• tinue their' trip to' the :east coast, ^' Little Laurie Ritchie, who will be two in July, wil spend thetwo weeks with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs.. Alf Ritchie in Lucknow while•herrnorn and dad have, the east coast holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Art •LeGrand (Ar - donna Johnston) and two children • of•Toronto, accornpanied by Ar.- -donna's parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Noble Johnston of Lucknow , visit• - ed recently'•in Montreal and ,EXPO Noble and Jessie stayed with Mr'. and Mrs, Mac Bell while in Mon- . • tyeal. Mrs James MacDonald of Luck - now is apatient in Wine -halm Dist- • rict Hospital.' She has been hospit- alized for three weeks recovering from a,kidney infection and isnow progressing favourably. • „ • Mr Lillia$ Aubrey, who under- went heart surgery in Windsor Met- . ropolitanfloSpital in May, ,:was:ahl, to, attend the recent wedding of her, granddaughter J..illas Hendersokand- isnow at the home of her daughter and son-in-law Me and Mrs. Lloyd Henderson ,.'hOundarY 'west.' • Visiting with Mrs. Aubrey for a few days ' •, 'last week were her sisters Mrs. Don ald Fraser and Miss Margaret Rix Of Boston • • , • . • • • " •. Those out-of-town guests attend- ing the wedding of Lillas Henderson and"Gary LeVasseur inVincisOr'on • June 3rd Were: IvIr..and Mrs.. Char.- • • ies Land; Sevenoalti... England; - :Sqd/L-and Wt. Alex MacVitar, Germany; Mrs: Zetta Henderson, Mr, and Mrs, OriandRithards,.Mr. and Mrs,.'0ob Irwin. Mr, and Mrs. • Grant Fairish, Mr . and, Mrs. • Murray Henderson, Mr.' and Mri..* llosi:HendersOn and Fred•Ward, all. of Lucknow; • Mr. and Mrs, Mae Graham,4Toronto; Mi b j • • Mr •.• and Mrs. Frank.Cow rd Of Bristol, England; MrS.. 'Ernie Mill- Kin of Milton. and daughter Mrs. Lionel Glassford and Judith Anne of Rexdale were visitors during last, week with Mr, and Mrs. J. W.•Jore of Locknow . • • • Mr. and Mrs. 'Allan Stuart and Mr and Mrs. Wheeler Sterling of Eganr. vine .visited with Mit. John Carr-, urhers of Picknow and other relativ- es for a few days last week. " • • Mr,. and Mrs. Charlie Anderson•• and girls of Lucknow and Ron 'Gardner of London visited on Sun- day in Preston with Mr'. and Mrs, Ken Gardner.. • Cyril Campbell of Lucknow •is a 4 • . patient in Wingham and District Hospital. • •Mrs." R.H. Thornpson, Helen• , ThoMpson, Mr., and Mr. FLIi. - ThOrripsOn,, David and Janet spent last Sunday in.Torotito, -where they' visited with Lorna Campbell;' who had undergone surgery last week At • St. Michael's Hospital,' • . • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, Ryan'of. •Richmond,, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. W Gannon and two daughters of Detroit were visitors on Monday of this week with Mr. and 'Mrs. Will- iam Hogan cif Lucknow. Mrs. ' Ryan and Mrs. Hogan are sisters. I• LUCKNOW UNITED. CHURCH! 'Rev. R. srMii. tling; B.A., B.O.: . • • JULY2nd.. •• I .• • • • N0•Sundny 'S'cliool • „ Y, 1100 a.m. 'Morning Worship • LAY SPEAKER , • 1,4r iichiLlocardipyd I , LISTEN TO THIS 1 "You will be great only' as you greatly give' yonrself." , i . _ ..,ituaii.....7.o7i:.....6.6.........q.b.. -....4.,:.... ,44...,,„,,,..,,,,......i...:8.••••••.0.0.~..; ,, , I : • ' Graham, Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs., Lucknow, George Wraith and family, God ' ich; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Macnab, : Presbyterian Church. GraVenhurSti Austin Macnab, Winnipeg; Mrs: Don Fraser and Miss Margaret Rix, Boston; Mr. 'and Mrs.' bong Trench; Listowel .'• 4. . Mr. and Mrs. Bob Steele .c,of Det- roit forinerly of Atnberley;, are, holidaying .fOr the at POinti Clark. • • Mt and'Mrs. li:lamilton were with their aunt • ' Bruce•Davidsbn of week -end visitors' Mrs. Austell Robert- son of Lucknow. • Those Irom a distance who attend; ed the funeral of the late Mrs. Bert • Finnigan were; Mr. and Mrs. Frank "Finnigan oflondon, Mrs. Audry Teeft of Dutiville; Mr. and Mrs.' Gerald"Culbert Dtinville', Mr. ., and N/Irg. Gerald Neil of LondOn, Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon Wills of.Brant ford; Mrs. Don Mokriight of Galt, Mrs., kohert Elgie of Seaforth. Mr', and Mrs, Harold Finnigan 'of Rev. Roderick Mael,eod Minister SUNDAY JULY 2nd 1000 a.m. Sunday.Scheol 11!00 a‘rri,..1119inind Worship. ST: PETER'S ANGLICAN .CHURCH ,Rev. StanleY E/Jay, Rector • Trinity 6 ' • JULY 2nd Church School 10:15 a.m. -• Morning .Prayer,,, 11:15 .Mr. Fred McQUillin, Speaker • '• ' • • . • !,. k., •i „.• • .4„.„ • 4 li• •