HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-06-28, Page 2• 3 4 Meir: - • a 1 • PAGE. TWO • THE, LUCKNOW:SENT#NEL,, LUCKNOW, :ONTARIO The LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ' 'The SepoyTown" • 0p: the, ,'Huron -Bruce Boundary • Authorized as. second .class; mail, Post ,Office Department, Ottawa Established 1873—Published Each Wednesday Afternoon, Member of the C.W.N.A. end O,W.N.A. • Subscription Rate, $4;00' a year in advance to the U.S A*,.5.00. Donald C. Thonmpson, Publisher WEDN.ESDA a JUNE!' lith, 1947 CENTENNIAL iENO.AR' 1867 1961 FOR LUCKNOW .K' A � OW ND. DISTRICT S Residents of ;the ` Community are urged to decorate their homes and places of business for the last week in June. * If you wish your .Centennial Event included. in , .this column% phone° Mrs. . Jim Arnold, 528-2702, no later than. Saturday' •of each .Week. This: is 'a` public service .column contributed by The Lucknow Sentinel. Shower Held to Honor June Bride ASI-IFIELD NEWS •A .shower was held ;in North Ash- field school On Monday'night in ' honour of 'Sharon: West.. Nancy MacLennan has a summer job in Southampton. Jim' .Oke of Oshawa is spending endin g ' ,the'holidays with. his grandfather., Ear ` Howes and -Jim Aislie• of.:Toron i } ;•J to with his grandfather, Frank ;Mac Lerman. ' Mr.' •and :Mrs.. H:Sawchuck and' sort of Toronto visited, 'with • Alex Farrish' last week end. Miss Mabel 'MacDonald .of Wind- sor spent the week end with relat- ives. h'ere.` • 'Church services'and.Sunday • School• m Ashfield Presbyterian- - Church will be cancelled on July Y .2nd 'because of Centennial Service • in .RipleY. at 11:a..m:.TT a Guest: preacher there will be the Rev: Alex°:MacCom.bie .. JULY lst WEEK -END There YWi116e• Fug ti#:All Friday dight; June 3Qth DanceRipley 1QueeWool Auditorium Centennial Will Be Crowned • Saturday, July JSt.: 1 P.M. —Y PARADE with prizes for Floats, Decorated Cars, Antique Cars, Decorated • Bicycles and .Tricycles.: ALL AFTERNOON Ball Gani zs . and entertain- ment in ntertain-ment.in Park.. EVENING. , Dance with good, prizes for costumes. - ; II 4 . COME 11 Sunday; JuIy'-2nd Joint Church Service In The High School at 11.00 a.M. PLAN TO ATTEND BRING YOUR FAMILY ip Box Derby Fe,c.I 1NEDNESDAY JUNE lath, 190 d Da Y Mary Eliza,beth Henderson Receive; Round Cord At Local AssociationrMeeting Mary .Elizabeth Henderson, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Hend- erson of L uckn as 's d L ow , pre was ente with her All 'Round Cord. and First Class Badge by:, her Girl Guide Captain, ,Mrs. 'J. C. McKim ;at a meeting of the Local Association of the.Girl Guides. Mrs': McKim said it was a. pleasure for her to present ,the:All Round Cord to Mary as she was:.verY deserving ..of it. The meeting was held in the basement.. of the Town Hall last Wednesday evening with members. 'of .the Local' Association Girl : 'Guides who were guests of Mary Elizabeth ' Henderson,' and mothers of Brownies, Girl Guides and 'Rang-. ENGAGEMENT .The engagement is: announced of, Joan Agnes Donaldson, daughter of Mrs. James Donaldson and the late Mr Donaldson of R.R. '7 , 'Lucknow to,Mr', Ronald W"ilson.Nickles., son of Mr and.. Mrs. 'Ernest. Nickles of London The wedding will take .place on Saturday, July 29th, at. St. Lukes in the Garden, Beck's MemorialSanitoriuni,: London at 3 p:.m., ' Pass Music Exams Maria Dalton, daughter -of Mr. ' and Mrs. Dennis Dalton of Kings bridge, has successfully passed her Grade• 8'piano examination. Flora Simpson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Simpson of Kin - tail, 'passed. in-tail,'passed her Grade 3 pianowith honours. `Both girls are.puplis of Mrs.' Dun- can Simpson. . Neighbours Honour Mrs. Noel'. Mdson A social evening was held"by• neighbours at. the home of Mrs. Don Thompson of town on Friday evening in honour of Mrs. .Noel Mason. Mrs. Mason and her hus band', who is principal at'the High School, and their two'daughters will leave Wednesday for Arthur where Mr. Mason commences duties as Principal there, An address was. read by Mrs. Mel Greer and' Mrs., Mason was' presented with a set of.T. V. trays. Mrs.'. Mason thanked everyone present. .. • ' • Lunch was served arid a neighbourly get -to-' their was held ers Jin attendance. Theygroup was welcomed by District Commission er: Mrs: Jack MacDonald..Mary Elizabeth Henderson treated 'every,- one present with ice-cream, .. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs:. Jack McKim in the absence of Mrs. -Ken Chester, secretary -treasurer.. :A bank balan- ce was'shown of $80:1$,. As Mrs . Ch?ester;had asked to be relieved of herduti"es, Mrs.'Roy Havens was r elected Secretary,_ treasurer . The mother . and daughter banquet hadbeen ,held 'in the United. Church basement" recently and it was mov- ed that; the Association buy a cream, sugar and matchingtray to< be given to; the Church for•the use of'the facilities there for their ban- quet. Mrs. George :Newbold and: Mrs. Jack Treleaven were appoint- ed to .attend to this matter.. As thereare now -38 Girl Guides in .the, one company in Lucknow ,' it was suggested ,that -the `girls be divided into two companies if lead. ers could be secured. Mrs. McKim said she would continue her work.:. With the`Guides if it was with, a smaller company. Mrs. Stanley Jayeof town, and Mrs.. Earl Elliott A' Soap Box Derby featured the Lucknow Public .School track' and field day on.Thursdayofjaseweek. Shown with their winning vehicles in. the three 'classes are, left' to right:,. David Newbold, Junior Boys. winner withone of his starters Ricky Passmore; Lorraine ‘Boyle Girls winner with starter Joanne: Thompson; -Jim 'Farrish, Senior.. Boys winner with starter Brian. Stan- ley. Y:. .. L7verthirtY. entries were received in' the three classes': . of Huron Township offered :to assist • in the Guide Company. , ' A leaders' training .camp, which is to be held at'.Doe Lake, was discussed It was moved that $20 be given ., each girl, Linda. Boyle and Lynda Walden, who are attending Herit age Camp near Cornwall this year to assist in •the cost af'their tra'ns- portation. Mrs. Don Thompson was. appoint- ed to order cards: to be printed Which could:be•sent out to notify mothers and members of Local Association meetings. Following the business portion of the meeting, a :discussion was held' about camp which the Girl Guides • are going: to attend .in August; The Camp is near Clifford .:.. Menus, activities, etc'., were discussed. �o yo with confidence see: us! *10 *ta ,,,.v... „_ You can enjoy.a free -wheeling vacation, if .yob let us precision..check your car from bumper. -to -bumper now! Our expert mechan- : ics will put it in .optimum shape promptly! ENGINE' TUNE-UP' CHASSIS. LUBRICATION YOUR. acD4nald