HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-06-28, Page 1E!
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.10 A Year In Advance. • ;1.10:Extra U.S.A.
Single Copy 10c 32 Pages
usiniss Men's Association Feature
"Lucknow Days" Shopping Promotion
AbOut sixty• businesses Which serve
• the village of Lucknow have joined
forces to present a business' direct-
oryfor Lucknow and it is .included•
as a. Vecial section in this week's •
paper. The'16 page supplement', .
printed •on yellow paper to 'disting-
uish it from, the regular issue 'of the
Sentinel', is a •projece of the- Luck.:
now Business Men's Association and
considerable 'planning has' gone 'into
its production by membersof the
' group who worked on
As well as 'being a directory of
most business 'places, in •Lucknow,
' many merchants havexo-operated
A • •
in offering mid, suminer specials
, _to the buying public. All told it *.
will make. Luc know an °excellent' ,,
placeto shOp for. those Who are
• looking for bargains. For those
-.people who are. in need df setvices;
this paper shOuld•emphasize that
Lucknow.has.evetYthing•tO offer in
this line. ' , ' • '
• • .
TMs week , 'the SentinerS 2400
ctilation is being supplemented wit
Indian .• •.
Now On Sale
Last week,: The Sentinel cOmplet-
ed thedprinting of "The Centennial,
Book of Canadian Indians". The;.
printing of the thirty page bookiet
is acentennial,project of the stud:-
ents Of Huron 'County School Area
No. 2. • • • ' •
-Thebooklet contains historical
information on the Indian tribds
'Canada, and isa' valuable reference
f�r itUdents and those interested in
Canadian histoty ,• •
Editor of the boolilet is Barbara
Wilkins; infornriation was in charge
•of Kathy Hayes, Steven Forten;
Hugh Eskritt. Kenny'Wylds, .Bob
Cranston; treasurer, Shirley
advertising Murray HaCkett, Keith.
Reid, Jimmy Simpson, Graharm
Hamilton; :categories,. Allan •Drenn-
• an; art work, Carol Finlayson. •
Mary Louise:Simpson; proof readers
' Michael Hogan, Robert MacDonald
',The project was in charge of prin
cipal Angus MacLennan, ,
The Sentinel printed the' story,
portion of the book: The students •
.ran the illintrations,on the duplic-
ator at the schooland it was insett-
ed Into the book at.it was bound. ••
• • CopieS of the booklet are avail-
able' frornsenior students for 750.
The boOk may also be purchasedat
The Lucknow•Sentinel.
The proceeds from the sale of the
• bboklet will go as. a centennial
Project of, the students towards help
• ing Canadian Indians.'
sample copies so" that everyone in
the trading.area 'receives a copy of
the Sentinel: that will include the
business paper. Those subscribers
at a. distance will not receive the
shopping section of the paper.
Lucknow .Pipe Band will provide
music this Friday night on Luck-
noves,Main Street , and every. Fri
day night in July and August'...Meet'
your friends in Lucknow. The band
•is sponsored by. the Trierchants -listed
on the front of the yellow supple--
Adrift On Lalce
Huron For Three
Days Before Rescue
•A 21 -year ,.old.Durtgatinon area
Man, adrift in Lake Huron for three
days, was picked. up about 30 Miles,
narth•Of Sarnia by a•pasting
freighter 'Ttiesday:night of•last week
Kenneth McNee, of the 2nd of
West Wawanosh, was wet arid cold
but. otherwise. in good. condition, , •
Mr. McNee, abtilldOzir operator,
left Port'Albert about 8:30 p.m
Saturday. Air',search and rescue ' •
aircraft searched a 20 -mile stretch'
of Lake Huron shoreline fOt the man
Mckee'S 45.11,..p.,Motot ran
out of gas., 'He was:picked up about
6:25. p.m ...Tuesday , by ,the
freighter Affleck• and later taken
off the freighter by a 11.1,.S, Coast
Guard patrol boat from Po tt Huron.:
He wisfound near Port Sanilac,
Mich. , lighthouse and a coast
guard spokesman said he drifted.
about 35 miles. He was found 14. :
miles offshore.. •• • •
His parents .• and •Mrt Grah•
am McNee of Dungannon picked •
him up at.P.ort Huron and,rove.
him hOrne. "..• : . • • • :
Economist Leaving
Miss Joan Anderson, home',
.economist in Bruce County for the
past 'year, leaves'the•post in. Aug-
ust'and will:be replaced by Mist '
• Cathtine CowbroUgh of Guelph,
Honor..Parentt Qn
53rd Anniversary
'4r.'• andMrs. George Swag'',
of Lucknow quietlyobserved their •
53rd 'wedding anniversary. on
•Saturday; June, 24th. A family '
• dinner was 'held at the home of
their daughter. Mrs. Gordon (Etta).
Struthers and Mr. Struthers of West
Wawanosh. ' , •
• •
Merchants Feature
Lucknow Pipe Band
Jostmoreied Around":'
• , • .
.• . . " •
. . ,
. ,
Announce Hours
Lucknow Business Men's' '
Association has announced in this
issue store hours which' will be
observed this weekend: .• • •
Stores will close as usual for the
regular half holiday on Thursday.
June 29th. Stores will•close all day
• Saturday oluly Lst arid will be open
all day Monday. July 3rd.
Unusual Event
On Expo Visit
The Sentinel's Olivet correspon-
dent . Mrs. Oscar White, writes of
artnitusualexperience which:
must certainly be "one in 'ten
Ripley .District:High ,School 'stud."
ents recently enjoyed a bus ttip to'
EXPO which Was arranged,by the
school. • .
,While riding the "mini rail" , Janet
Hamilton of the Olivet community
"He's pushing me around" would
seem to,be the comment of Mrs,
Allan MacDougall as'she'is•pictur-
ed just a few minutes after her
wedding on Saturday.
Mrs. MacDougall is the former
Sharon West and the couple' were
married in Ashfield Presbyterian
Church Saturday afternoon.
Friends had ".big plans" for the.
newlyweds. A wheelbarrow was on „
hand.arid Allan Was "requested" to
wheel Sharon through Lucknow , •
Main Street. .
• Dave:MacDonald of Lochalsh.
uncle of the bride, made the wheeLV
ing easier as Allan kept step with
the musk of Dave's bagpipes. •
noticed the "Red wing" , a lake. . •
freighter, sail by. The mipf rail
arid the boat were so close that
Janet could gee her mother Mrs,
Jean Hainilton, relaxing on the
deck of the • boat. Each recognized
each' other, •. •
Mr's. Hamilton is a cook on the
la,ke•freighter. ••
s" in This Issue
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Play Every Fri a
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