HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-06-14, Page 16PAGE..SIXTEEN,' , .TIIELIJCICNOW.SENTINEL LUCKNOW. ONTARIO . yiEDNES.DAY, JUNE 14th; 1967' SPOIL KIWI L 40, • uttimulnilimilfamor ay we suggest for "DAD" stiokr.sLEOE SPORT SHIRTS. By Forsyth, Bluestone, Claremont Priced From • $2.98 to $7.95 ALL- LONG SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS $1.00 OF WHITE SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS FORSYTH $4.00 TO NO IRON AT $7.00 OTHER MAKES AT $1.98 TO $3.98, TROUSERS If you wish Koratron treated, Press free, *ash able, no ironing, or regular, we have them From 5.95 to $22.50 TIES By. Forsyth and Bluestone READY TIE OR REGULAR $1.50 $2.50 • • SOCKS Monarch Toughies with a 5 year guarantee LIONS AND OTHERS $1.00,. $1.50,- $2.00 ANOTHER MANUFACTURER'S LINE A SPECIAL AT • 3 Pr. For1• 00 • • SPORTSWEAR cot T $...4.Y • . , • Sur! 'and Swi,in In•'' the. now bomii-rook . • isunks by SURF KING. ' Elasticised fabric — Mode fa, In* neat.. Snggestodretail.prIce $6". The CAIIATTA that is different Sur! King striper It rich, in cord cotton and tarry- • cloth lined lacked with complononlary-rdasticiced • trunks lor your valanning and playing plaasurn. Sun and Water tested. • • SHORTS . , Suggested, Retail price $12.95 " , BeiMuda. or, Jamaica styles. Swim Trunks Trunks $5.00 and up 2.98...to...$11•95 Other' niekes $1.98 and;" • • •• „ermayfiresS0, Koratron treated if you. wash,. • . • HANKERCHIEFS 25c — 35c — 5 c • HATS • Tamer straws by, Stetson, Mallory and. other well known makers , • $2.98, $3.95, $4.95 INITIAL, PURE LINEN, BY FORSYTH AT 65c . • • CUFF LINK SETS 5 2.50 Centennial patterns and others. • . • 1 .0- to • . •BELTS.. .AU shades and assorted ..styles • HT [Lucknow)Ltd. Ladies', and Men's.Wear • . AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS Free Pick -Up and Delivery Monday Thursda • THAT,Mrt. Clarence Hedley of• the Kingarf area recently. made a •Centenniaiqiiilt which,is a cent- • ennial project all in its own. The • ,sttractive quilt, done by liquid*. • • :erribroidery is prominent in ,red • white and blue and displaysthe centennial crest; maple leaves ..and is *bordered. by, the provincial • coats of arms from all provinces. • 4• THAT an advertisement iatt week's paper,. re the engagement of the Lucknoir Dist rict High• . School Band .at Ethel ,carried the wrong date. Check this week''S ad for the Comecticin. • THAT: Portraits ,from the Past, •• sponsored by• the Lucknow Agri - Cultural Society and held' in the • High Schoolon Monday night, • was. an' exceptionally fine show drew a disappointingly small attendance. A More detailed re- port on this,Ctitennial event will appear next • THAT Edward Brown, son of and Mrs,Cyril Brown of Lucknow hat:successfully completed his • 2nd year at Waterloo Lutheran • University. He received an A, • average which placed him on the Dean's.Honour Ro11, • 1 •1 THAT, a passing motorist from New Hamburg noticed a fire which • ' had started on the north side of . the Wesont Lumber Co, known to former residents as the Lucknow' • SaWmill, and his alertness on ' Saturday night about pm. saved thebuilding from •- destruction. Firemen found the north wall of the building on•fiie with the flames'having worked • their. way into the tawdust around the building. 'The mill, has not operated for a number of weeks and, much of the -equipment has •been removed from the building.' Firemen gitickly had the blaze under Control, . • 41111E7; iv*" • " YOUR ."LOWEST PRICES" FOODLAND CROWN, 100 COUNT GOOD VALUE Tea Bags Pockage 79c CANADA FANCY, LARGE 19 OZ SAVE 19c Cream Style Corn 4 Tins 79c .4., . • • • _. . • , , .. 7BROWN BEAR ..., . ......, . . .sAvs lo - ... . „. . . No. 1 White Honey, .. .LB. ....•.• ...• •.. . .„ . • • • .. ... :. 2.cmi.To4 . 63c: ... ... . .. . • NABOB. NEVER PRICED SO LOW! SAVE 40c Fceshly Ground Coffee Pound 59c JELLO BRAND, REG 4 FOR TO SAVE 11c lnstant 10.0s.T:.' Packages 59c TENDERFLAKE SAVE 9e Pure Lard Sale 2 Pounds 49c DELs MONTE TALL 48 OZ. SAVE 9c Tomato Juice Sale 2 Tins 69c •••••••••••• e toe **etre ••• ewe • • • ea ea e• et* • WE SELL FOR LESS • 'VALUES EFFETiVi.. PHONE 528-34204 JUNE 15, 15,7.17 . , . todpone-Wevorp-ipne44Pin.eoiti-iroys.noe-~, SEE . . By The Sentinel • • • THAT. W. B. Anderson of LucknoW has,sold his'AmberleyBeach' • cottage' tO ,Lorne Walters 'of kit• - chefier, Wif was one .of the ;- • • ' • qpiotteer'e dottagers at Amberley Beach,' He built his cottage there • 29 years ago.. At that time there. • were -only two ,per cottages,at • • •the beach belonging to the • Htletton, family at6ortie,...4ttite .',in contrast to the present thriving beach area where lake frontageis.rion-exittatit and 'Cond row properties ate being built. , THAT She Bruce ASsegfrietit Cam• -, issionet will be in Luc know and,. Ripley within the.next two weeks • appraising.propertiet,With the use of the new depattinent manual, THAT MarlenC W.all datightet of , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wall, of•Ltielt,., now , is to be Commended for hr honesty. Marlene found a wallet' in ret urning home froin s�hooh The wallet., containing$50. Wag left at The Sentinel where Lois Falconer recovered it and reward-' ed 'Marlene for her honesty; . . • • THAT many district school Child- , ren were taken by bus .to view the • centennial caravan as it appeared , in area centres last week. THAT yke deJong,..daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. Jelle de Jong of. Kinloss, recently graduated from • Goderich Btisiness College and is employed'at CKNX Wingharn 'as a stenographer. THAT the Girl Guides and -Rangers in Lucknow have taken over,the flag selling campaign in LucknqW • for the centennial committee. , • THAT the Hackett's:garden party; ,On. Tuesday 'night of last week served 24.1 meals plus about 30 other•wotkers.". The Hackett out- ing has becorne a 'regular one for many in the.area,• • • THAT Lucknow District High . School' Band are presently, seek- • ing help from former band mem- bers for upcoming engagemnts4 .• An 'advertisement in this issue gives the 'details and if you could be ofhelp:,• you will•be more • than welcome. vr • THAT last week's high school column was the last for the yenr; It is timely that a word of praise ' be extended to Janet Carruthers • ..who has very capably handled, this chore 'since •last The • Sentinel has In many years.past. carried'school , column , but landgets the. nod for,the best • One.ever.• We know that her efts. ort s have been appreciated by .„ the many favourable cornment$ we have. reeeivedv. .1399 Maci DistY Forni Frida tile ;1 'Alton Th King Wend :.Maso otnic Vote Ptrni case and:T 11) Na • offic SO Jtwhis 50 Litekn Mason made veek his `tor and d( of tha and 19 Alent o 1934.