HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-06-14, Page 11WEDNESDAY, JUNE •14th, 1967 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, :ONTARIO ,1 9 w W. Mrs.G..K.uSer. ive Handkerchiefs to Grandmothers ... Mrs. Eldon Ritchie held. the June. 8th meeting of the•Zion• U. C.,W, . ., at .het home with 26 members., 5 visitors and 5 children present. The President, Mrs. Frank Ritchie opened the meeting with Psalm 719 tead in unison. All repeated the Lord's Prayer. Devotional was taken by Mrs. Wm` G, Hunter • with the scripture by Mrs. Harvey Ritchie. • • Bible study was, conducted by • Mrs.. Jim Hunter. A 'reading "' My • .Grandmot'her"',written: by a'teen= ager, was giden by Mrs. Wm. G. Hunter and a solo was rendered by. ,Mrs'. Eunice Dunsmuir •"The Keys Y to the kingdom - of God" . The:chap ter from t'he,study book "The Prot estants in: Early Canada,, was: giyen by Mrs. Marshall Gibson g• Cookin•recipes were lrought.in• forthe Cook book. Mrs: Earl Swan reported on the shut-ins Visitors • for June are • Mrs . Kaiser and Mrs .., Frank.Ritchie.• The•date for the • ,bazaar is December 2nd, All:':ex • penses Of the 4=H.girl's.club is to be• paid• and a • donation of $5:..00 to be given. the two:`leaders for time : • spent., The ,president sold 20' tote • bags which came 'from the Ontario Hospital in Goderich. Mrs.. Wm G, Hunter asked to have the quilt patches that were liquid embroid ered at her demonstration brought to the July meeting to be used' for a crib quilt, Mrs. Frances'Wi kine• gave a donation of money. for kind- ness; to the society. As this Was the Grandmother's meeting ;• all g randntother's receiv-. ' ed a white; embroidered handkerch ief from the non) grandmothers. They were thanked by Mrs.. Wesley. Urge Grad ual Pension Decrease • Prayers in unison opened th:e June: meeting of St. Marys Catholic •° Women's League., A mostinfor.ma- tive•re� o : ° g� p rt on. the• Diocesan Cofivention held ,in •Windsor in May was given by 'Mrs, Carl Rieg ling and Mrs: Leonard Chisholm, '.delegates. The Theme " For,God • • and Canada":was` discussed. A. panel at •theconvention report • ed'the Consume'r's Association of Canada' found that a third of the cosi of man:y.types of food • • • •packageswas for fancy colors.and ,packaging. The C'. A. C. ` oal is better trade Jaws safer cars, : g • , ,. better labelling offoods, fabrics arid clothing:, Persons or organizations may send to the• Canadian Institute for the' Blind for cards,to fill out regard- • ing willing ;of eyes to eye banks. yp These "eyes" go on living., ,serving •other human beings;.•possibl • on. aft er : one's Y. g''' death.. • A' Resolution was 'passed ',, to be forwarded, to:the Dominion Govern ment .requesting them to gradually lower the allowance to the surviv 'in '• ,artner. of a.cou�-le of old p. � • p age pensioners over a period of a few. menthe; thus cushioning. the " g Ampact of a sudden reduced in- terne, • • • The hostess, Mrs. 'P. MacDonald thanked the ladiesand then served lunch, bridging the,tTeetin to a close; •g Ritchie.. A number of members donned Centennial gowns, some of Which Were authentic. .. A' decorated Cake lighted 'with 10 candles, 'one for each 10 years of Centennial were blown out by'Mrs. . Kaiser and served, 'Mrs. Kaiser's birthday wasa high light of the meeting. ,Being .a . �. Grandmother and having a birthday June 3rd, Mrs. Kaiser was. presented with a Friendship quilt.' •''. The',green and white quilt had the names Of former' and present. mem- bers embroidered: in thread on each block' with'Zion Church erribroid ered in the centre. Mrs.• Frank' Ritchie read the address Dear Mrs . Kaiser,, . A*few.. years ago we had a party for Me. Kaiser on.his ,birthday•. We thought.that it would ! be• fitting in .Centennial'year.to remember.' you .on yours This .is'. not; only.for your:•. birthday , but also •a ,token of • affection and appreciation from 'Alt of us her at Zion to you for sl �• ' nd assistance' Yon, The friend i a ti 'have 'given to us 'in our • these past years.: Now , we ask: you accept't tis.gift, and may you have many, many .more happy birthdays. in. the -years. to, conie• Signed on .behalf of all. Zion. U. C. W.' members (past and. present), Mrs.. Charles Wilkins'presented. the•gift. There were :different. pictures taken of.,the.birthday. party4nd Centennial -dresses.'' • The July meeting.'will be. the Cliildreii s. ;rneeting• at the: home of Mrs•. Charles Anderson.•Mrs. Charles .Wilkins took up the coil=. ection •and 'Mrs. Kaiser made the. dedication, .Lunch was served by the hostess .and :Mrs Alan Barger, Mrs. D A.: Hackett and "Mrs Douglas •Raynard.' • Kin-lou...9 h A.0 W.. •KINLOUGH:•NEWS- . The meeting of the Anglican Church Wornen was held 'on Thurs- day afternoon at the home of Mrs.: George Graham -I. -with the president, Mrs. Ra . Schneller in charge.' The opening hymn.was Freathe on me` breath of God" >MissEdna Boyle '. read the scripture and prayer followed.. Mrs, Howard Thompson , PAGE ELEVEN Perforin At Ye..Old Tyme Meeting :Participating in a skit, at Ye Olde • Tyme Centennial Meeting 'Sponsor: - ed by: Lucknow United Church' Wo men on Tuesday night of last:week: are number .of U.C.W.'-members.. The skit, which depicted a' ladies aid meeting of:years•. goneby, featured left to . right, front row,. I right. Mrs.Harold Tre leaven • Mrs.Rots Cumming J.W. ' • Mrs." AlexMacNav; Mrs. Gen J•oynt, Mrs. •Ken Cameron:,vlrs ''Walden and• M s. HarveyHouston W'iliiam'Wharr , Mrs: Harve : 'who' is � reside t of:the United: • Webster, Mrs Clarence Belt`, - Mrs. 'Church Worner Raynard Ackert, Mrs Campbell Hiorripson . Second row' ; left to :170 Attend Ye;01d Tyme Centennipl Meeting in Lucknow United Church the Lucknow•United Church Women -entertained. former mem- tiers and ladies from ne' hbourin tg • � churches at the Lucknow United. Church• .Tuesday, evening June 6th for.Ye Olde Tyree. Centennial. Y Mg Meeting with 170. ip attendance. ,'A prelude of music with Mrs: Ross Cunmin 'at the oran: and•Mrs .�g . g. Gordon:'Tvlont orrery at the piano g preceded the meeting, • Ther resi.dent'Mrs:•Harve��' Hour: . P ,. Y .. . ston:; chaired the meetin which ., g,, was opened, with an.old :favourite hymn•, "What°a Friend•.We Have In • Jesus" . Mrs. Earl Wightm:an read the 23rd Psalm. and.led inprayer:.. er. .Y Mrs Houston welcomed .ever on.e Y present and commented on the. `.• number of. ladies:'attired :in Cent ennial costume.. Mrs. ,Raynard... lutes from the Ackert read the rri n first. W. A meeting which was held` in the church. in January 1934, with 'Rev; ,Mr.:Tucker installing;the officers,. 1vlrs; Robert. Finlay read ' , notes from former members,, ,ex ,Ipressing their regrets inbeing unable to'attend'the Centennial meeting Those :heard. from were... Mrs .A.,G,(Laila•B.)-Smith, Box . • Grove; Mrs. Orville Jones, Lucani Misses. Bertha -and. Mabelle Allin, ' Toronto;. Mrs.. J, C. Arirrstrong , gave, a most inspiring meditation and ended it with'a suitableppem. The roll call was answered with the Word ':rejoice A ,special missionarythankoffering was "received. Mrs. $lidford .Wall read the minutes. An invitation to attend the' Anglican Church Wom ,. en's tea and bake- sale at ,Et. .Matt- hew's church, .Kingarf, on. June Pith WAS read and also an invitation to the bake sale and Centennial; tea to be held on June 21st at the Kin- lough' Presbyterian Church by the Women's Missionary Society. Miss May, Boyle $ave p. a full :re ori. of the Deanery meeting which v s held in 'St; Pauls Church at South-,, amptoii on Tuesday. ;Five ladies from here attended; Mrs. Roy Schneller gave the.Cou'rtesy re. marks. The following readings were giv- en. Mrs Russell Hewitt, "'1 had no time; Mrs. George Graha;. A rn'ornin.gPrayer:'; Mrs. Arthur. •, Hald enby , And .So shoilld A choir consisting of Mrs .Cl'iff Crr,'awford, Miss •Margaret. *Rae „ Mrs '. John Pritchard, Mrs, 'Robert. Cam'p,- bell, •Mrs . Rayria rd. .Ackeit ;..Miss ' ' .Helen Thonpson, •Mrs. Jim Mac Tavish,: Mrs Gordon Montgomery, Mrs..John Hall` and Mrs . Harvey Houston, . favoured with two old hymns, "Beulah Land" and C `re ':The . Wi•ldwood" with .' Chu h In Miss Rae singing:the. solo: Miss Ada; Webster -gave a' histor= ical account, taken from the old financial statements of`the church, 'of -•the. Ladies "Aid organization which W'as first mentioned in 190,2:• when Mrs, J. S. Patterson;was pres- ident. OnJanuary 17•, 1934, Women's Association'or W.A. was,. organized'to replace the, Ladies' Aid Society, with :Mrs,. Tucker as p iident. In January 1� res.. 59 When. •, Mrs; Wilmer Howey •was president; the W A. marked the 25th :Ariniv, 'Walkerton; Mrs..Llora Reid:, Orillia The offeringwas received by, Mrs, Y Harvie Webster, Mrs. Clarence 'Bell, Mrs. Hiram. Collins and Mrs. Ken Murdie and dedicated 'by Mrs., Y Harve Houston; followed by ;the. :. hyrnn "1. Need Thee Every Hour" . Mrs::. Howard Thompson , . ''Too busy Mrs. Roy Schneller, ,"The summer parable they love Our church" • • : Miss Edna Boyle.conducted a Bible' Contest's The '.meeting was . closed with a•;hyri'm and prayer. Refreshments/were'•served•by the hostess assisted byBrenda and : Heather Hewitt. During the lunch hour Mts.'Jack Hewitt'told .a number of things • about their recent trip to Ex'po•and' showedictures 'of manyof the Places of interest. • Those from here who 'attended the Deanery meeting at Southam- pton outham-pton on Tuesday were:, Mrs. 'Roy Schneller, Mrs., Russell Hewitt;" Mts. 'Arthur Haidenby, Mrs.' How and Thompson and 'Miss May Boyle. i✓i tdo .ersary of the organization' with a silver dollar dinner. The present': : U. C..W. of our church, cOmbin- ing the W.A. and 1N. M. S, , was organized under the 'leadership of. Mrs. KenCameron in 1962 • Ale history of the Worrien's .. Missionary Society, given by Mrs.. W.B. Anderson, went back to 1903' when the W M. 'S4 of the old , , Methodist church was organized, in: Lucknow with. Mrs. Samuel Rath well .as P • resident. • • . In' the •year 1936, the W, M S, . • was;divided: into .Afternoon and EveningAuxiliaries, Mrs'. Alex Andrew.;gave a historical sketch, of the Evening Auxiliary.:`reporting the first meeting being held Febru-. • ary 12, •1933 with •M:iss ;isahel • Murdie:.as leader. Thank.Offerirg riieetings were held jointly with : the afternoon W; M, S., In 1952, the Evening Auxiliary first..eriterained the Evening Auxiliary of the 'Pres..; ,byterian Church, which, since. then, has:become•an'annuai event. • with each •church alternating.'•as• host., two charter members of the ' Evening .Auxiliary•who. were:in. attendance at the Centennial meet. 1 ring. ;'were; Mrs:: Campbell.'Thornp:- son and Mrs, J C. °Mc;Nal . Mrs. Don Dennis and Mrs. J.C. McKim favoured' withra duet entit-•.. led "God ,4V1;11,Take, Care OfYotr" whichiras followed by the =Hymn:' "Pass Me Nat 011' Gentie Saviour". A humerous skit "The Menu Cominitt'ee" was very capably presented by Mrs: Harvey Webster Mrs: Clarence Bell. Mrs. Baynard Ackert Mrs Campbell Thompson. Mrs Glen Walden,. 'Mrs.Wm . • Wharry, Mrs Ken Cameron, Mrs. J. W. Joynt., Mrs,. Alex' MacNay ..and` Mrs,: Ross. Cumming. They ; represented, members of the.Ladies pAid who were,to cater for ateacb- er.'s convention'and were meeting to plan' the "menu. ' Following the skit; ,Mrs. :Houston thanked' ' • everyone for attending and all committeemembers who worked tomake the meeting a success. ''The hymn;' "The Da;y Thou. Gave,st" was, sung and 'Rev. Laird' Stirling closed, the..meeting with .• • ".; prayer. .• A social hour was; °spent in the Fellowship Room of.the church, which was 'fittingly decorated with an old t me .tea table. Pictures.of Y former choirs.. etc: and some .antiques'Were also on die ;lay. An., . P Y ,old fashioned lunch of tea biscuits muffins, cookies,, tarts and tea., • was. enjoyed 'by Father Panes Suddenly In Sask. Mrs, Allan Cranston. of St. Hel- ens received word.Sunday in:form-' ing her of the death of her father Joseph ,Kapfhamer of `Arcola t Sask-. atchewan. ,r'. •Mr. 'Kapfhanier had .suffered .a stroke the week previous. Because 'Of his illness Mr. and Mrs. Cran sloe had gone to•.Arcola. They were just there a day and, a half When they received word of the death of Allan's grandmother, Mrs, George Cranston:of'St Relens.. Kapfhamer had made a fairly good recovery foll6wirig his, stroke, .so•Mr,. and Mrs, Cranston returned horne,.. arriving here 'on ,Wednesday. ' • " Mr, Kayfhamer,passed away sudd enlyearlSundaY is' survived by his wife, two sons Joteph'and Laurence of Arcola, .Saskatchewan, .two daughters, Mrs; Jack (Edna) Chapman of Reston:, Manitoba and Mrs. Allan (Margar- et)'Cranston,of St•. Helens:. y • 01.