HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-06-14, Page 10'PAGE ;TEN i. ,i•mr •eaXt • • 'THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO' �DAR CHESTS' FOR THE YOUNG .LADY ON YOUR LIST •e•••••s•e••e•••.••e,••J•• LUGGAGE (LADIES 8 EN)' AC S ure dairy ratio Lush p high in protein, y � green astute are hr _ but low in carbohydrates and energy, so: despite the fact your cattle were fed well all `winter, they. could ;lose weight if fedonly pasture.. Maintain your herd production throughout the early growingseason. with SHUR-GAIN Pastn'e Dairy Ration. It provides energy lacking iii lush green pastures because SHUR-GAIN ,PastureDairy .Ration- is high. in..car.bthdrates. airy feeds erso:n Iax yds.- Limited • r. Hear History At' Centennial Meeting The Kess centennial meeting of, South • , M, S. ,was held on, Wed- nesday afternoon June 7 at the home of Mrs. Leonard Maclnnes and drewa large crowd of members, and friends with Centenn- ialdresses. much i•n vogue., Mrs, Gilbert Hamilton presided .and welcomed' theguests and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall. read minutes and correspondence. Bible study' was from.the 37th chapter' of the Book of Job with roll ,call answered` by a verse: with "Majesty".. The . Centennial program,in April Glad Tidings was followed by Prayer. .circle s,. conducted by Mrs. Donald: .C.• Maclntyre, .Mrs. Sandy Nichol-' son and Mrs. Bruce Hamilton. • Mrs. Douglas. Graham had done.• much research to prepare ,a •flip- chart depicting the history of • • South ,Kinloss and the. Mission Band This was:accompanied by many photos and .articles concerning the. work carried on.by the various ' . • departments. Different members - were called upon. to comment on the pages from the past and to give reiriiniscences'of other, days... Some were •humorous and :all.. inter esting. The directors 'of the meet-. ing Mrs`; lra Diclue and Mrs Annie Maclntyre assisted t1 a host ess in serving a hearty. oldtime ' lunch with scorn, and sugar cookies Prayer .by, the,•Presidentclosed a. meetingthat will add to the his - ',tory tory of South Kinloss former Residents Wed 25 Years: A familydinner was held in Luc an United.Church,on:Saturday, June l0'for Mr: and Mrs'. Orville 'Jones of Lucan who Celebrated, their 25th, Wedding Anniversary that. day . Mrs Ions is the former .Donna Smith, . daughter of the late: Mr,; and Mrs. 'Milton: Smith„; • arid Orville is . the son of `Mrs •James (Matilda) Jones, .Wingham•:and -the late Mr Jones.They .were 'married at Bluevale;in 1942 by Rev, • Campbell TaPvener.. ' Following their marriage Mr: and M rs . - Jones -lived in. Lucknow .for a • short time where Orville was: em- ployed artTreleaven Milling Company. :After living in Brantford for three years, they returned to ' Lucknow where Orville worked` as a "miller until the' closing of the: ,Treleaven Flour Mill. Mrs. Jdnes was employed at the Baker' Nursing., Home. (now; Pinecrest Manor) for approximately five years while in Lucknow. in December 1957 Donna and Orville purchased the Queensway Nursing. Home in Hensall. Which - they operated.until.September 1964; at, which time.they retired to Lucan . 0 •They have one son Ken of Cland=• eboye and one daughterLouise at home; who is employed at Empire • Life, 'London; and two grandchil dren,.Bobby and .Barbie Jones. • Donna has one sister. Mrs. Norm- an• (:Retta) Hoover, Brussels and one brother Ross Smith, Wingharn, Orville.has five sisters Mrs.' Gladwyn (Nina) Campbell, Wing- ham, Mrs.' Wilmer (Pearl) Har- court; Wingham, Mrs. Roy (Mircired) Cullen, Clinton, Mrs. Benson(Florence) Shackleton:,. Dungannon, Mrs. Donald (Maty) McFarlan',- Holyrood andbne bro- ther Arehie .Jones, Kitchener. Slakes U..C',W. The June meeting of Blakes U.C.W., was held Thursday even- ing at the home of Mrs. Mark Berger. Mrs, Jack Curran had charge of the program and "the theme ,was'The ' Church, the Body' of 'Christ” Passages • of ;scripture were read by Mrs. Jack Curran, Mrs. Hugh. Menary and Mrs. Juba. Mr.. Kaiser gave:. a very interesting summary of the. Bible study,"The. Church and The World". Mrs..: Cliff,Kilpatrick, Herald for Canada gave a reading and Mrs. ,Mark Berger. the 4th Chapter of the.study book. The'roll call was answered with one of the ten commandments 12 members present. • The secretary and treasurer's reports were, given and an invitation was .received from •St. Helens to attend their Centennial :Tea. June 22nd at 2; 30. The. July meeting is to be held. at'Mrs . Warren. Zinn's.' and this will be the • Grandmother's meeting •.Hymn 168 was read inunison and the meeting closed with prayer.. Lunch was served. by:Mrs. Mark Berger. and Mrs.' Jack Curran.' Plan Centennial Punic In August -. Mrs. Jas, tittle presided for the' ` June 7th meeting of the afternoon auxiliary of the Presbyterian: • • W. M. S'. She opened with. prayer: A hymn was sung after which Miss' Nellie' Malcolm gave the Bible Study, which was taken from the'. Book of Genesis 27 1-29 The` min- utes were then read'and approved.; An invitation from .Kinloughh • W.M.S. to a..Centennial Tea on June:21st was accepted. Business was, then conducted, and it was agreed.that`•the next meeting by on August 2nd in the, form of a • Centennial Picnic , .:and invitations be. extended'to South Kinloss and also Dungannon, t The Roll Call was answered the ladies repeating a :verse'frorn the Book of ZeRhaniah ., Prayer Circle'was taken by Mrs, P. Stew art and Mrs.. H. Nixon. Offering was received, followed by.the sing, ing of a hymn. . • Mrs. M. Henderson,gave t'he'-. Topic in the absence,of Mrs. W. Porteous, which dealt with an Ethnic Group,• and •was very inter- esting. A hymn was sung and Mrs, J. Smith closed the meeting with prayer; LangsideW M S The Ladies of the Langside Worn- en's-Missionary om-en'sMissionary Society held their June meeting at the .home of Mrs. Geo. Conlan. The meet ing. was; opened with the Call to Worship by the President and repeating the M. S". . Purpose in unison. The •Scripture Lesson was taken by Mrs. Peter De Boer; " The Meditation ."The need' for Bread" .was taken by. Mrs. Gordon Wall, followed with prayer by Miss Emma Richardson. The Roll Call .. was answered by. 11 adults 'and• 2 children Plans concerninga social held: in the Langside church oil June 17 were discussed. Mrs. Rich- • ardson is to show pictures and tell • of the ,work in San Salvador: Mrs,. George Young gave the offertory . Prayer. Readings were given by Mrs.. Orr, • Mrs,' MacGillivray, Mrs. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14th, 1447 GradUction And Jnitjatic.n. 4rvice 11" Ash#lefid church The Explorers, of :Ashfield Presby terian Church held •their Gradua tial, and :Initiation service under • the leadership of Mrs, Henry Mac.; Kenzie and Mrs, Warren`Wylds, The ladies of the .congregation attended: •the service, The meeting opened by, singing "Jesus Bids Us'Shine";,''Mrs, Henry. MacKenzie welcomed the., gather- ing and told thein that it ,has been, ten years'since „the :Explorers have been organized"in. this• Church, The Scripture reading was read by Steven Wyldsr He chose Psalm 119, verses 19 to 29 'followed by. • prayer by Greg' Harnilton,':k Dennis Drennan played a select- ion, on the. accordian•, A./film was shown, A solo "God Sees They Little Sparrow Fall" was sung by,Brenda McLennan. A. few. picture slides of this community and of.the Church where; the Syn.odical•was held in -Stratford •were'shown hy Mrs, P. R. Mackenzie. Nirs Warren Wyld's conducted the Initiation and Graduation ser= vice,• assisted by Mrs;:.Henry Mac- Kenzie and Mrs. Dick West, The members of theist, year :who. received the • Red stars andpins are: Barbar`•a Parrish, Flora Simpson, Lorraine MacDonald., Paul Simpson, Russell MacDonald, Bobby Mac Kenzie,',Alex McLennan, :'David Drennan. The members of the 2nd year .who, received the Blue stars• are Jackie • Collinson; Roddy McLennan, 'John Fairish, , Billy Simpson, David Farr- ish, Bradley MacKenzie, ;Ian 'Fin Jayson, 'Ian MacKenzie, Glen`Robb. Alex MacDonald. The; members`.of the 3rd year who received ,the gold stars and .graduat ed .are Marion Macpona;ld'., Diana IviacKenzie•, Brenda MacLennan; Dennis Drennan, _Steven :Wylds, John Simpson, Gregr;Hamilton,., Bob , Simpson. The meeting closed by singing • "Follow Me, The Master Said and' Prayer.. Lunch' was served., and a social time,spent ' 138:HaveEnrOIie ForBibleSchocl' (Contributed' By The Ministerial' Association) A:,meeting,for teachers and help- •• . Ors of the, Vacation Bible School is scheduled for this' Thursday, June 15, in' the Hall of the .Anglicari• 'Church, 8:00' p.m. The, enrollment;' of'pupils as of Monday, June 12, stands.at 138, a fire figure to be- gin with. ; Doubtless, more will be added. For some people there is the problem of transportation, but per- haps they Can work this out togeth- er with friends,Or neighbours, •who have children going, We are_ desperately in need of teachers and helpers, and ask that y... der.Call•, and you seriously consi•this if at all possible, come and help • us, This is not a simple task, it means hard .work, but it is a deligh7 tful and, most .rewarding one: See ' you 'Thursday evening in the hall of :the Anglican Church. Wes Young and Mrs.. Welsh. , • The Presbyterial Report,was given by Mrs;, Conlan., The, meeting was. closed by repeating the Lord's .Prayer in unison. Mrs. Conlan then served a dainty lunch. The Presiy, dent thanked Mrs, Wall and Ivirs, Welsh for' preparing the program 'and Mrs Conlan for having, the meeting. 1