HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-06-14, Page 6• O
'AGE. SIjCw,-;
2 "--�- 65; CHRYSLERS, 4.door with radio, power`
equipped ,
6'5 PLYMOUTH, 4 door, 6•.standard,' no radio
65 ' DODGE S... tatiofiwagon, 8 . automatic
°6S PONTIAC `Pal isienne hardtop
63 'FORA -4 door, S . standard
62 DODGE, 4 door, 6 automatic? radio
62 CHEVROLET, six automatic
Your Dodge Plymouth Chrysler • Valiant: Dealer
can maks your crag
investment pay off in
bigher: VieIds hi.gher profit
If you Want better corn and more.
of it from4every acre•you plant
supplemental igwd! nitrogen 'dan
-make money for you. And the•
most effective and economical:
way to supply the nitrogen needs
of a bigger yield • crop ' iS with
CO-OP'Aqua Ammonia. This low
cost r'igoi'd nitrogen' fertilizer: is
• injected 3" tb 4" :below' the
surface of the soil and gets, into
action fast. With• this method of
application't'he corn .ets.•maxi-
mum benefit from. the nitrogen
because thesoil retainsall the
nitrogen applied and there is no
loss during application.
From expert recommendation to
trained -operator application; the
Co-operative 'Liquid ;Nitrogen
Service 'gives, you the best of
• supplen)ental nitrogen"fertili-`
ration without your costly invest-
ment:fn time, labour, and equip- '
meat. Call yourlocal Co-operative.
now.artd plan to improve your
profits this season.
from Limo research
Pertiliz .. • , .
r• Programme and,Services
for the Ontario farmer.
Phone 528-2125
Reggae eceTrade Mail,:'
Der.nifl1..ratio.n. pn
Liquid �r�broidery
The Holyrood 'W; I. met in the .
hall on Thursday' afternoon with the
1st. Vice ,president Mrs. P.A.'Murr-
ay in the chair. Tte ,ode :and Mary
Stewart Collectopened the meet.
ing and. Mrs:. , Raynard Ackert• read
the •minites•and gave'the treasurers,
report. Correspondence was read
and it was ;.announced that Miss'
Katherine, Cowbrough will be the
new Home Economist for this dist
rErt. Five dollars: was received for
entering a, doll in the contest last.
year.. Pictures of the Scouts' were
conipleted, ready for framing.
Cups and pitchers are to be purch-
ased for the' hall'. Mrs;.Lorne• Eadie
reported on citizenship and read 'an
article on•Mrs. Smallwood Cultur-
al Activities by. Mrs. Raynard.'
Ackert - Home 'Ec6nomics .. Mrs.
Howard, Harris, Agric &Can.;.Ind
Mrs. 'P:.'A; Murray: and 'Federated
News -'Mrs, ;Ed Thompson.' Each:new
baby,. is to receive $1.Op'as before;
and the value of the Sunshine • . •
Sister gifts are alio $1.00; Mrs:
Raynard Ackert led •in;cornmtinity'
singing. Roll call.-My,favourite
dessert,: Mrs. Jim''Smith 'and Mrs,
Lyman.,Sutton reported on the
Bruce ;South District Annual held•
at Lucknow'on May,26th: "The Visit'
to the Museum at Southaripton'
will be on July 18th'Tle topic. -,
Mind.your, manners, was :given: by
Mrs,. 'Howard Harris and tI e•Motto,:
Everythings•alright with the world
:When Moms in tine kitchen" was •
prepared by • Mrs . • Charlie .Murray
and read hy;'her Mother' Mrs.;
Lyman Sutton:' '•
Mrs Elsie Cottrill of Tiverton
hada display and gave. a demon.
stration on liquid embroidery
which'.was very 'interesting. Guests
were .present from Ripley and Kin-
cardine,: Mrs.• Cottrill was •
presented with a giftinappreciat
ion: Mrs.,. Orville Elliott will be
the July hostess
At .the close of the meeting, •
delicious: refreshments were served
bythe .hostesses•Mrs .P.,A,• Murray
and Mrs.Howard Harris' who were'
-also directors for the meeting,
KinIos Juniors
View Caravan
• The Confederation Caravan was
viewed by quite a number'from this
community 'on Saturday at •Wing-
ham The Junior grades: of 'Kinloss
Central School:were taken to Kin-
cardine on Friday:'to seethe Cara
van.. `
*..and Mrs. Bob Johnston of
Kincardine visited, on Sunday•with
Mr and Mrs. Jim Young and fam-
Mrs.,,Broome of Huronview, ,
Clinton is .visiting with her daugh
ter;: Mrs. Clifford,Young, Mr,
Young and family,
Ori .Saturday evening, June' 17th
the .Langside W. M.S. "group is
haying a social evening. in the
Church at 8;30 p'., m: when Mrs.
Jim Richardson o.LSan Salvador'...
• will show pictures'.and'tell of her .
work •there. All who are interested
are'cordi1lly invited •,to attend.'
.Barbara McQuill n, Don Nichol
and .Terry Gordon of Toronto spent
the week -end with Mr. aihd Mrs.
Dick :Mccuiltin and , Ronnie .
Mr. and Mrs; Earl Koyle of••Lon.'
don have moved into their home.
(the former T•om Ross' property) on
Friday. They are the parents of
Bloss Koyle whin lives on the form
er Wm. Evani•farm. ': •
Gary Koyle is in a Toronto Hospit'
al for treatmentand therapy. 'We •
. ;Wish him a '•compfete recovery from
• .the injuries he received last Sept-
': !ember in ari°accide•nt.
woirlOor, 4.44
M.Y. Notre, Dame
de L'Esperance at Moosonee '
The Trail to °
Arctic Tidewaters
'.On an Arctic Tidewater Advert
titre Vacation, to Moosonee'
and Moose Factory Island, you'll:
rub shoulders with .Indians,
Eskimos, traders and prospectors
from a thousand miles around
Hudson Bay. At. Ontaaio's:last
frontier, you'll.;taste the flavour •
of a pioneer past and *en'sethe,
prospect Of a natign's great future. •
On' your way from .North•. Bay.
to. Cochrane departure point for.
the fabled Polar Bear Express.
you. can swint,'fish and, boat in
Ontario's most beaptiful tree
fringed lakes, visit world-famous,
gold mines and gigantic
.'wood—pulpmills scratch.hope
fully among Cobalt's abandoned.
silver workings: Comfortable:
accommodation, and well -serviced
campsites are always near,
along smnooth, easily-travelleti
An Arctic Tidewater Adventure:
Vacation: will thrill . your
family to their very.bones. Would:7
you like to:have' more informs-
tion? Just mail the "On, today.
Province Cif 'Ontario? .;.,
'Department of Tourism &Information,' I
• .Parliament Buildings, Roomo. 771 t.,
Toronto 2..:' !•
I .
Please send me details' about an
Arctic Tidewater Adventure Vacation.
:Name• .
` Address'
City •
Department of Tourism
25th Anniversary
Mr ...and Mrs, Ezra Stanley, Sh
`on and Doug attended a•surpr.ise`"
twenty-fifth wedding :anniversary:
dinner for .Mr , and Mrs. Ellison •
Hodgins at the- United Church, 1 .
Kinloss •on Saturday evening. •
• Mr. and Mrs. George• Percy'of
Listowel Visited on Sunday with -
relatives :here
Mr'. and Mrs,,. William Lloyd.
and Carol Boyle ofLondon,spent
Saturday evening with Edna and
May Boyle
M. and'Mrs. Karl Boyle attend-
ed the. silver Wedding Anniversary ,
Of Mr. and Mrs. Chester E Merton
'(nee Irene Johnston)•at Kit6hener
on Saturday evening.'
Ivir .. and . Mrs. Russell Hewitt'''`spent
a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Blair Allen at Listowel.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edmeads and
son David of Toronto visited, on
Monday with Mrs.William Cox.
Wayne Rhiody is spending this
week attending Expo at Montreal..
•Visitors• With Mr. and Mrs, •Chris'
Shelton were, Mr., and; Mrs. James
Cook of Toronto;:
1WEoNESDAY, JUNE 14th, 190 •
horn �►t lucknQw
D'ied' at Kitchener..
' Alfred Stanley Johnston of Sunny-
side Nursing Horne, Kitchener, pass-
ed away at 'Kitchener -Waterloo
Hospital. on Monday, June 5th,
Mr. Johnston wasborn at Luck-
now on February 3rd, 1884,'.a son.
of William H. Johnston and Mary
J. •Burns. ".He was 83 years'of age.
His wife,' the=former Lillian Prior,
passed away an 1962,, • '
1r, Johnston is survived by one
sister Mrs •Morgan (Laverne) Les
lie of Meaford . He wars predeceas-
ed by a brother and' two sisters ,
Franklin D. Johnston., -Mrs. H..'
(Sadie) Armstrong , Mrs., G. A;
(Gertrude) Paul of Meaford. ,
•'Funeral service was' conducted at
the ,Johnstone. Funeral Home, Luck
now on Tuesday, June•6th, Inter- -
Inent was at Greenhill Cemetery,
Rev',, R. L. Stirling of.Lucknow.
ited Church was in charge Of ser.-
When you : turn 21.
you. rare n0. longer.
covered by your;
parents' Hospital
Insurance. You must
take"' out indlvduol:
membership =within.30
days. Get, your ap-,
plication'form. at a'
bank, :a '.hospital, or
the Commission.
To keep 'insured'.foJ ..
•tow''the. .instructions
on. the Hospital In
surance '"Certificate'
'of Payment Form
1;04'',: that your
., present ..employer Is:
required to give you„
on'Ieaving. .
The:''fdm ly" Hospital`.
Insurance premium
must now -be paid to:
oyer husband and
wife Nr-tify your'
"group"without de-
lay or, if 'ou both'pay
premiums direct, no-
tify the Commission.
Ontario Hospital ;.
• Services Comissiort,
Toronto 7, Ontario".