HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-06-07, Page 11iflsem, ,IUI�IE :1t!4 1 --• ^nwiw•fKar". 11-,':.►11.1i,.�f. wt''.u,:TW,�,� g,'#41.g rAmi . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW . ONTARIO_ PAGE ELEVEN H wkes Is Guest Speaker WHITECHURCH NEWS On Tuesday last"Calvin-Brick' U, C. W. held a special meeting • when •they entertained ' Whitechurc.' Westfield, St.• Helens and'Donny brook U•. C. W. , . Belgrave Presby- terian W.M.S. and Belgrave Ang- lican. The call to' Worship: and Weico e. was given by Mrs. .Alex Robertson. Mrs. Norman Coultes had charge of the worship service. Mrs. Alex Robertson read the._ , Scripture. . PraYer was; given. by- .`"., y-", Mrs. Lloyd, Whytock. A reading • Anthem for. Centennial of Canadia Confederation' Was given by Mrs. Gordon McBurney:. Janet Sleight holm and; Helen 'Gibbons sang . - The Centennial Hymn. The offering•was'received and dedicated; by Mrs. Alex Robertson. Mrs; Donald Dow introduced the. guest speaker Mrs. E. R. Hawkes o Bluevale,.who ,was stationed at'the Mission held in Kentucky. Mount ains for a year and vividly told of • her life there.. Mrs. Kenneth .• Mason thanked Mrs. Hawkes and presented her with .a gift. Mrs. Glen Coultes , Mrs. Bill • Coultes, Mrs. ,Stan Hopper and • . ' Mrs: Jack Higgins gave a musicale; number.. Calvin=Brick' U. C. W. received an invitation to, attend. a' special meeting :of' Belgrave' W. M. S, in the church June 14 at • 8 p:m. They . are also invited to attend . a centennial tea at St. Helens Church Thursday June. 22nd at, 2;•30. All contributions to the.=bale are to'be:given tolMrs..:Lawerence Taylor or :Mrs; Roy Pattison by the middle of June..:Requests for. jams and jellies for the t:manse are to be in'by July lit. Mrs.. Ale* Robertson pronounced•the Benediction.' Lunch was served by; the appoint- • ed Cominittee. • a • Young People Join Ripley and Qliwet- Churches Sunday. A't the Coinmuriion..Service held Andrew's- United Church, :Ripley,.Sunday, June 4th at 11:30 • a ..m . , the .following young people' were. confirmed: Norman Bair, •son of Rev. and Mrs. °G. N. Bali; Har- veylBrooks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Brooks;: Susan Lolling daugh- ter. of Mr.., and Mrs. Allan .Colling; Sandra Collins,' daughter of ,Mr and • Mrs ; .Burton Collins; Donald • Forster and. Barbara • Forster, son and daughter of Mr and Mrs. Walter Forster;'Judy Hodge,: daugh ter ,of Mr. , and Mrs•. Howard •Hodge, :Jackie Johnston, daughter': ofMi.. and Mrs, Morgan Johnston; Karen . ,Lackey..daughter•'bf 'Mr., and, Mrs. .Douglas. Lackey; Susan McLay,, daughter' of Mr:., and Mrs. Donald McLay,'.Donald Pollard and . Dianne Pollard ..'son and.``daughter of Mr. and Mrs Elmer' Pollard; ' Keith and, Cathy Van der Hoek, son and. daughter.of Mr..and Mrs Baas Van der• Hoek, • • • Miss Janie •Pollock was unable to •be received because of injuries. suffered -in a:car accident the pre- vious day.. The following young people were • Confirmed ata Communion: Ser vice held in Olivet United Church on tie afternoon. of Sunday, June • 4, .196.7: David Black,. son of Mr. :and.: Mrs.. Walter Black; Sharon Grilling: daughter of Mr.: and Mrs. Melvin Coiling; Joanne Hamilton•,., daughter `of Mr,.: and Mrs, • Raynbnd Hamilton; Patricia Mac . Charles,' daughter of Mr. and:Mrs..., A.B., (sandy) MacCharles`Sandra MacCharles i;. daughter of 1vlts . John D.. MacCharles and the,:late Mr: McCharles SEEING OUR .. , ION" FOUNTA1N' UT YOU COULIT,IVIISS SEEING uS. WE SPECIALIZE IN NSIBLE Ready -To -Wear For The Family or SENSIBLE People At SENSIBLE Prices , When you stop you will be convinced' of our FRIENDLY SHOPPING CENTRE' For. the Quality and Valu* You Wont SHOP. AT READY T.O•WEAR STORE! Phone 392.6851. for evening appointments , R You are eligible for a prize TEESWATER,: ONT. OPEN FRI: RITES when yen sign our Centennial Rook. • Firmer Minister` Guest Speaker • •, WHITECHURCH NEWS Anniversary Services were held Sunday in the United Church which was beautifully decorated with bouquets of spring flowers., Music was given by -Mrs. Garnet. Farrier,,,Organist and Mrs. Dan. Tiffin, pianist. The.opelning exercisesof the morning Service was conducted by the pastor Itev G_. Mitchell.: The choir.anthem was Serve the king of Kings, . Mrs . `Claude Coffin of Galt was guest soloist and sang "From Sink - Ing Sands. He Lifted Me". Rev ; G. Mitchell introduced the guest speaker Rev. 'Duncan. McTav' ish of London who in his opening, remarks spoke of his association in; the work of the church here 50 years ago arid related them to.his sermon Holy Ground" The men's trio, ,Harvey McDowell, Lloyd Walden and Garnet Farrier sang "My Prayer". L. The Benediction' was pronounced by Rev,. Mitchell: Rev. McTavish' at••the• door met many of those whom he 'served at Bethel, White - Church and Tiffin appointments ' 0; 50 years ago,. The church. was again filled/to capacity.for the evening services' at '8 p:m. The Hartnony, Men sang;:, tw.o numnbers during the service : and; after the Benediction sang :. another numlier. • ' Rev, McTavish in his sermon "Does Life begin at Forty?" went on prove by; various°illustrations in life that life begins in youth put due to failures, may • begin. after forty, We need . youth in the church and state, for Enthusiasm` and we'need the olderfolks to give of'their experience and know ledge:. The main idea was to get folks interested in the church and hold them there.: Lunch was served to the Harmony Choir..and other guests. Announcements - Lucknow • U.C. W. ;invited Whitechurch L1.C.'W.:on June 6 at 8 p.'m, to "Ye bide •Tyree Centennial Meet,- /rig' eet=ing' to recall Pioneer times and folks,. The U. C. W ;•meets Wednesday • June 7th at 2 pr.m; at the home of Mrs. A. Coultes and to come in : old. time costume . i Community Greet. The Gilby .Family PURPLE GROVE, NEWS'.• • Folks in this community:wish to','. welcome Mr. and' Mrs ."Jim Gilby' and family, who moved from Kit chener on Saturday and are living in, Bob. Thompson's house on the • 12th Mr. Gilby plans to work for Gordon Stewart, . • Due to illness Nancy Elliott who: is training in Niagara • Falls•, is spendingsome time with/her moth- er. Nancy is to return to the Falls on Tuesday. It is hoped that she, isr. ' fully recovered by then. ' The Kinlough W.M.S. were guests of the Teeswater W. M.•$, in that town on Thursday. Guest P � . 1 Speaker the event was Mrs. George.,Sutheriand of Riplly`` Mr. and ,Mrs. Don McCosh acc- ompanied Mr. ,and Mrs.Ardill Mason, in the Mason's •new cat ora a ' sight "seeing tour on Sunday: On. their journey they stopped off in. ow:anstown`where.they visited Mr . and Mrs. :Pont Thuell.. Visitors with :Mr. and •Mrs.' Don Dore and family on Sunday were. het aunt and uncle, Mr; and Mrs. Reg Wood of Victoria Harbour. Miss Margaret Robertson:of Luck - now' spent a few days two weeks Creator.. of thepo alar: Back Supporter® Mattress Fantasy . . the value of the year :by famous ,Spring' Air!' Try.. it and you'll agree! . Corte now! Buy now! Don't miss your 'Cance to save at this special price! Mattress or box spring now... Extra ltlng, queen.and king t propertionete .savings ago with Mr.; and Mrs. Dori Robert- son and while there Margaret;. Mrs. Don Robertson, Mrs . Goldie Huston of, Ripley; Mrs Ken Robertson. and Mrs. Ralph. Hunter' of Armow ;visit ed in Hanover with M.S. John. Tay ler„and girls. • ° Cathy Dore,'spent. Saturday after:- noon with Mrs. • Don ;McCosh. Mr. and. Mrs. Ezra Stanley of i i Kinlough were visitors. on Sunday.` evening with Mr ;.and Mrs;,. Earl Elliott and family; • Mrs . Don McCosh attended the, Grey South District Annual Meet- ing of the' W.I. i gn Hanover on Tuesday ' '•. Vicky Dore was an overnight guest with Mr. and vIrs:-Claude Dore Sr. of Berbie os 'Saturday .ar. , ►: .�► .i...n.► .. AE 1 WDiTI0N TO ronvi Wednesday,June 1 ':,AAT 1:00 P.M. PUBLIC. CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND BOARD OF 'MANAGEMENT •Chairman, . ;, •I :QAn�aiild M IA. ,D.: Smith, ckenzie, Warden Voir ,"..`t'RlP f Il.0+rr 1 967 1