HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-06-07, Page 5'WEDNESDAY, JUNI Ytk. 1967. 4,04.9....orogoodrom..«.0.44esokorakow Optoenetrist., • NOW 1t4 RIPLEY • EVERY WEDNESDAY' Office Hours 10:00 a.m. to 900 • p.m. Phone Roy- lkfacKende, • ' Ripley 395-5154fOr appointment • 47r1°,1, • THilt •LUCKNOW. LUCKNOW: ONTARIO 4.04••••044440.40.14444`00.04'4,0100, W. R. Hatniltop OPTOMETRIST AEXT TO 'LYCEUM THEATRE 4 .4 • , PleHMA ,• .P11014E 3574341 4;;;:ippeit, 44.4 00, 400 41. OAPAVP.,P4014 ° H STON EIS . „. . • FUNERAL HOME Modern and Convenient Liickio*, Phofle. 528404 ' .Day or Night • keying All Faiths , According .to Their Wishes • • Moderate ; •Established 1094 4W1VM.,;441.44.0.,04:4•1444,04MAIV. INSURANCE FIRE, .WIND;' CASUALTY. AUTOMOBILE and LIFE'. To Protect. Your. Jack, 'bsure With Jack. Today. . .J. A. MCDONAGH . Lucknow, Phone,. 5284422' • . vesr,•..anivi44.14~9400s. R. W. ANDREW, Barrister ...,and Solicitor, 1.ISTOWEL, ONTARIO. • - IN -LUCKNOW Every Wednesday, and: Saturday Afternoon . Office hi 'the. Joynt Block. TelepliOne: • Lucknow 528-3116 • . . • 4844.4•44444.0•444oc••404444,04 Caviller &Company CHARTEREDACCOUNTANTS • Resident l'arther, J. E. 'Kennedy, C.A.. • Phone 881-3471 — Walkerton - .4.44.,..4444•44444444•4444444.V444 IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTs. for prompt service, and quality • products. „ . • ' Contact: 4RANT. CHISHOLM Phone'. C011ect Dungannon 529-7524 . , 'Always Lora To IMperjal. • . For The Best" • • • . G. A. Williams, , Optometrist Patri4 Street WINCHAM: Phone 357-1282 * ,..CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT , • , • • .111- ti South Street, Goderich ' Telephone 524-7562 • Dungannon 4-14 beef Club • Dungannon 4-q Beef Club held the second .monthly .meeting t. Thornton Eedy's farm. All fourteen members were in attendance. • . The dlub judged a .group: of four 'Hereford steers. and gave reasons' 'fterwards' After the meeting there was. a. lunch served. . " Rolr‘x.iclATN4. HEATING .WIRING •• • • Eno H.afing EqUiprnant and • Heine fleet' Service ,Dealer Lucknow Phone 5.20-3on. HEII-1 EITTJDF?nd MILL J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. N. A. SHEPHERD, M.A.; L.t..15. ALAN R. MILL, B.A., .L.LB. , WINGHAM • . •IN LUCKNOW. • EVERY WEDNESDAY Located in Breckles Block -2.- IN RIPLEY EVERY FRIDAY In Ross Marty!' Building Phone Wingham Office 357-3630 — Ras. 357-2330 Ingham emorials GUARANTEED GRANITES . tEMETE-RY •I,ETTERING. ••REASOISTABLE. PRICES . Buy Direct and Save' :Bus. Ph. 357-1910 . '." Res. Ph: • 357.1015 Hadden's Studia, , PORTRAITS r Weddings and Children • GODERICH, ONTARIO 118 St. David Street • Dial: 524:8787 . MacKenzie ,Memorial chapel ' FUNERAL SERVICE • :Services conducted according `t� your wishes at 'your Home, your Church, or at our /lein- ' orial Chapel at no additional charge. .Lucicnow, Phone S28-3432 Day or Night • NOTICES ATTENTION MUSICIANS The Lucknow District _gh School Band will play at Ethel on Jtme lith and Ripley July lst. Due to holiday time it 'is difficult to get a .full band. Any former band Member, who could assist, please get in touch with Elwin' Hall, e,specially for' the Ripley en- gagement, July 1st. ' - • •' • • ' ..,PIEMORIAK:: —in memory of Mrs. James' Little, • who passed, away two years ago, June 9th, 1965. We do not need a special day,' `To bring you to our mind; - The days we do not think of you, Are very . hard . to find. They say time heals all sorrow And helps .one .to fOrget; But: time so far has only proved How much we miss you yet. Lovingly remembered by hus- band and farnilk. ' McLENN\,— In memory of our dear brother Angus McLean, who quietly: passed -away one year ago leaving one broken link in five, after many years of constant con- tact with each other. Although. many: miles apart, God brought us closein thought and prayer. He I is now at rest, within the• sound of the lake we loved in, our child-, hood days, by the sides of his grandparenta, father and mother, the third generation of pioneers of Ashfield since 1843. ' Much loved by his sisters Jessie, Sadie, Christie. and his brother Ross OPTOMETRIST — OOPERIcA Th. Squaro (Phone JAcksOn 4-7460 . , • • TED COLLYER • Registered Master Electrician , ELECTRICALCONTRACTOR. Specializing In Electric Haatingo.. Electric Wiring • and Repairs • and. • AH EliiCtrical Appliances , LiieknOW — Phone 528,5182 CARD. OF THANKS 'Mrs.• R,obert Irvin 'wishes to ex- press sincere thank;to all, who re- membered her in so many. ways, While she was in Voderich Hos- pital and since coming home. I would like to :epress sincere thanks to all who remembered me with flowers, cards and visitS while I was in Wingham and District Hospital. •• Ilene Greer I thank all who* sent -me cards and gifts and .visited me while was hi *Wingham Hospital. v/hile I was in Winghan1 Hespital. Special thanks to the nursing staff and Drs. Corrin and McKim. " Mrs. Wm. Petrie We wi.sh to express Our;thanks to the congregation of St. Peter's Anglican Church -Lucknow, for the lovely gifts presented to us. Their thoughtfulness is appreciated so Jim, Edna and Mae ICetchabaw THANK YOU To all who helped finish the seeding and again to all who help •d. at the,tirne of the A spec- ial • thanks to all who helped save the pigs and finding a. home for I also want to thank all who called or sent cards and the. "Gop- hers" (my bowling team). for their gift while I was a .patient in the hospital All these kind deeds were indeed ,appreciated. A , Sincerely, ' . Charlie Anderson and family • .• Special Price NEW HONDAS,: FOR $230.00 AND UP • • . USED HONDAS From $125.00 up ' *,• * * HELMETS Lovi as $10.00 While they last at Cunningham Motors. Rambler, ,Honda Sahli, SitrVite • WALKERTOK„i ONTARlO• • NOTICE ANYONE 'REQUIRING • SAND, • GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, CEMENT GRAVEL OR FILL * * * Contact JOE MacINTYRE KINTAIL PHONE 529-7475 k • a WANTED NVe Pay 50c ..CWL FOR FRESH DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS OVER 500 LBS. Licence No. 103-C-67 PAG' MU *inikidriddritr********** Yoaas VIM IF" ' HAMILTON'S • MAYFAIR RESTAURANT , . •. . . ' Phone 5294932 '1.4twwit4144*****44:444,:vs' • riedTuesday• Funeral Service was cOnduCted at • the JohristOne Funeral Horne, • •Lucknow on TueSday, June. 6th for Alfred Sfanley Johnston of Kitchen- er. Interment was at Greenhill Graf Stock. cemetery. Removal Phone Walkerton 881,3459 Collect REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP FARMS 400 ACRES level well drained fertile land, 3, bedroom modern home packed with modern con- veniences. Painted barn, silo and large implement shed. Seld- om you get the opportunity to purchase a top, farm like this. Good terms. 200 ACRES level tiled cash crop land. Attractive home re: cently remodelled with latest in , conveniences. You don't have to spend a penny on this home. Bank barn, silo. Owner wants qui& sale. Good terms. 200 ACRES pear shopping land pavement Brick house in excel- lent condition. New dual heat furnace. Barn with 25 tie ups.' Second barn new loose stabling, hog barn, implement shed and two garage, ;Very, .fertile as al- ways a 10 of livestock kept. . Terins • 200 ACEES, 5 bedroom.- house, immaculate throughout. Bath, modern ,kitchen and furnace. L shaped barn, good stabling, silo, hog barn and drive sbed. Level 'rich clay loam. You will like this one. 'Make an offer.. 150 ' AC1lES level With fair buildings. This farm has had a lot of, drains put in recently. Priced low for a cash sale. FARMS SOLD H. Campbell, ,E. Virawanosh to H. DeRuiter, Strathroy; C. Brown .and` T. Dickson, Ashfield to R. Wark, and J. Maynard, • London; J. McCormick, Huron to S. Calderwood, Kincardine; E. Hodgins, Kincardine to W. Splettsioesser, St. Agatha; A. McKillop, Paisley to J. Thomp- son, Port Elgin. For above and other properties coomct: • • IVAN STRUTHERS PHONE KINCARDINE 396-2772 Wilfred Mcintee Co., Limited •'WALK E RTON .Member ofthe Grey and triice Liitings Servide List MLS. — Over 60 Salesmen , Working For You t ,4 owe illrzleie**.t. weir via ii.1*1 lir irlainem- -or : 47* Luck - now Lcivett,pasied away Passes. At. London day of last. week. Mri. 'LoVatt is, sister of Oscar Hodgins of L4Ck- hoMe in London following a heart ly on Saturday, May 27th at his , • Funeral service was held on-Tuet-. attack.. He was in'his•r/Oth year,. theforiner Clara M. Hodgins, • Duncan Farris Suffers Injuries ASHFIELD NEWS 1, . . Duncan Farrith is a patient in. Kincardine Hospital with severe. • • injuries sustained when he was thrown from his horse while herd- • • • • • • • • • • • • ing cattle. •• Church service in Ashfield Presby- . terian Church for June and July will be at 11:/5 to allow Knox Church; Ripley, to have their earlymorning, service. . ;,• Miss Mabel MacDonald of ,Sarnia • , visited relatives here last weekend. Mrs. Emile Norzpard of ,Chicago is the guesi. of IE .ther, Bruce MacDonald. • PAINT $3.99 GAL. Reg. $8.95. Clearance sale of fresh paint. C.I. L., Sher; win -Williams, Mdores, Glid- dens, etc Thousands of "4 gallonsalready sold to Rea- ders of such newspapers as • the Family Herald, Free Press Weekly and many others. • • • OUR, GUARANTEE / If you are .not satisfied re- turn , unused . portion for complete refund. ;— Out- side: • • suitable for wood, , steel, concrete; etc. Co- lours: .whit, primer white, ••brown, yellow, battleship grey, medium grey, shutter green, bright red, barn .red, Cream, black, tOrquoi- se. . ' Inside.• your 'choice of glossenaniel, latex, se-, mi-giosil White, primer' white, sky blue, light grey, light 'green, ivory, . beige, canary yellow, pink, ..tur- quoise. • • Pay in full or 50% deposit Save charges. Ontario resiP dents add 5%, sales tax. Minimum orders of ' four gallons or more shipped anywhere' in Canada. SHERMAN'S HARDWARE LTD. 537 Queen West, Toronto, Ont. • 7 • • ,.. • ,••• ,