HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-06-07, Page 4A 4 3o. irsi.I If CKNOMI $INTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO 'W e „e n'6. a .. WOE DIN E$DAY, .JUNE 7th, 1947 PHONE SALE ..TENT FOR SALE -10'x12'with ' sunporch. Jerry Valad Ripley, phone 395-2708. .FOI.SALE.-- all 'types, of used iron' and: piping. Robert E.' .Irvin, Garage and Farm Machinery, Dun- gannon, 'phone. 529=7911 ASPHALT SHINGLES Standard,; , self seal and lock, 15 . lb felt paper, :roof coatings, caulk- ing' .rpll•MOings.; , 'sidRRISON BROS. R.R; 2 Lucknow Phone 528-2901. • "CEMENT, MASONRY Aiimneys, ` Sidewalks, Pointing op and small Masonry Jobs. Phone, Gerrie Glenn; Dungannon . 529.7962 or .'Vernon Glenn, Goderich 524-7014. SEPTIC TANK SERVICE •Gord's Septic Tank :Service, Vac-. ann i . pumped, . reasonable • rates. .Phone ; Cargill 366-2244• collect. SPRING CLEANING SPECIALS Used :upright' . and tank type vacuum cleaners, Greer T.V. and Electric Lucknow, Phone 5284112. FOR SALE « 'Reversible : all; weather coat, ;blue and beige; like new, : also grey colour coat. Both size 42 and in .,good. condition: Mrs. Gerala . Wagner, phone : 528=3505 evenings. BRIDGE PARTY ENSEMBLE Two score,: pads, thirty:two tally cards, two. pens, all matching, $2 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL.:, FOR SALE - 700 x 17, ' 8 ply • used .truck tires, in good. condition.. Robert E. Irvin' Garage,. Dungan- non, phone 529.7911: • FLOOR SANDING REFINISHING Both ;old floors , and new • • Free estimate Professional Fabulon Floor. ,Finish, PAUL PAUL RINTOUL, WINGHAM. • Phone 357-3172 . ' A WEDDING. in the family? Let us. supply . the invitations, thank you cards, ' special 'napkinsand match covers. Call The Lucknow Sentinel, . Phone 528=3134. 'VACUUM 'CLEANER SALES'' and SERVICE For all makes - Filter: Queen' Sales, - Zurich, phone Hensall 262-5350 collect. FOR YOUR • Insurance Needs ' in Autodiobile, Farm Liability; Accident aid Sick- ness icknese •Home Protection Cali .your Coop. Agent, LLOYD MONTGOMERY 5r Maple 'Street, Wingham; Dial 357-3739 ., ` WOOD:. FOR. SALE-- Hardwood or. softwood . slabs in 10 cord truckload. lots. We deliver. Borden Litt Sawmill, phone Teeswater 392-6895.. • . , 1 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Vacuum cleaning and pumping of septic . tanks, , Ronald .Forster, Lucknow, phone n . 528&2346, . manu- facturer o cement septic tanks and well tile. FOR' SALE --. n limited number of. bags of Sebago Seed . potatoes, , No. 1 and' No, 2; , John Rutherford, ., Lucknow, R.R. '2; phone 528-6744. EAVESTROUGHING;• and metal flashing,.material .;arid ,labour, for free estimate call Morrison Bros. at= .1VYurdie s Hardware, ,Lucknow phone 528-2906. • ' • CENTENNIAL Napkins Coasters Pens• Pencils at , THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL FOR SALE FOR SALE: FOR SALE' -- skeleton elevator :30 feet:. long,, in'. goad condition. Leon 'ard . McInnis, R.R. 6, Lucknow, phone ' 395-5089. . b SEED CORN See us for your seed corn re- quirements.' Lucknow •District Co-operative FOR SALE -. all varieties seed grain, clovers, grasses, . inoculants Pride ' seed corn and Evergreen lawn grass mixture. Pasture tre- foil' and timothy, $5.04" per acre,. Lowland mix $4.60' per acre, High land; hay, Pasture of Alfalfa, .Red Clover, Timothy, Brume and Mea- dow Fescue (20 lb. ,per acre); $7.41. Custom seed and grain ;cleaning. Roy Cramm . & ' ,Son, Pinkerton, phone Cargill 366-2394.. CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and pork sold' in .any quart- ity. Custom butchering in :Govern- ment . licensed abbattoir. Pigs every, Tuesday:; .Beef from Monday through 'Thursday. BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET, FOR SALE Post Hole Diggers Comfort, .'Queen Cow Stalls and Stabling Farrowing Crates We: are now taking ordersfor bale stookers and loaders ART HELM WELDING AND MACHINE 'SHOP ••R.R. 3" Lucknow Phone 395-5342 :Ripley FOR SALE w floor . furnace in good condition, : suitable for., cot- tage or, small . home.. Has. been. cleaned each.year and 'kept in been, pair: Mrs. ''George Jardine Luck - now, phone .528-2527. • PLAYIARDS . 'Double and. siNGngleCdecks, euchre decksat the Sentinel; Office. BARN EQUIPMENT - Acorn send -automatic: Cable- ' : Cleaners, unbeaten: for hog • barns; . chain cleaner; ' bunk .: feeders, silo unload ers, hog equipment; layer equip- ment,. quipment," fans, . bulk tanks, ' Lynn Lowry, Amberley, phone Ripley 395-5286. ATTENTION FARMERS FARMWAY BARN CLIrANERS Have your, barn measured: now for Spring installation: HALLMAN SILOS = Place or- der early. For the best in silo =loaders and bunk feeders, see Van Dale. VERSATILE ' 'SWATHERS AND GRAIN AUGERS • ` We have a :good_. supply , of grass seed and Pfister corn. � GEORGE 'WRAITH • 14 es, south of, Goderich; ay 8. Telephone 5244511 T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs . and Installation; Free ,Estimates, Year Round . Service, Doug Harker, Phone 364-3313 Col- lect, Box' 467, Hanover, Ontario. • HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FRESH DEAD AND DISABLED' HORSES AND COWS For Your Convenience Under 500 lbs. Picked Up CALL MERVYN YULE;., COLLECT CARGTLL 366.2113 Licence No..42RP66 FOR SALE . used, wringer wash er; .used. 22".range; used 2l" T V ; Greer T.V. ; and Electric;•.: phone 528.3112 Lucknow. . FOR SALE portable electric sewing , machine, reverse . sew, practically new. Phone 529.7573. FOR SALE 8 room, 5 bedroom. brick home,bathroom, oil fur- nace, onlovely. lot.. Asking price $10,000: Contact F: , C. van Eyl, Lucknow, phone 528-3618, agent for John Bosveld, Realtor, London.. FOR BULLDOZING,. pulling ha thornes, skidding ogs. Contact. Archie , Nicholson phone Lucknow 528.3611 ' or Donald Nicholson phone. Dungannon 529-7985. . • CROP :'SPRAYING Grain and atrazine for. corn Con- tact Doug ;MacKenzie, " R.R ;n=3 Lucknow,: phone, .395-5276. FOR SALE -' Star; . '8 can 'milk cooler and two unit Surge Milker. pump and: motor; all. ' in near new condition; two ' young Holstein cows, one springing, Blake Alton, phone 529-7117. FAMILY HERALD ` Subscriptions taken at The Luck - now Sentinel,. _phone 528-3134. TTENTION FARMERS. FOR CROP SPRAYING Call James' A. Scott Phone Goderich 524.8039 FOR SALE ' - Feed mill machin- ery in good condition, consisting. .of 60 H.P. Diesel Engine, 24 inch. Sprout -Waldron Grinder, 30 x '9 SproutWaldron -Roller, 1 ton Good icon. Mixer, :Air • Compressor . with tanks, water. pump, :belting, ` pul- leys, ' . shafting, , ' etc. ' Selling 'for health reasons. Eric W. Rice, Lucknow, R.R. 2, phone 528-6695.• LOST. LOST one 15" `'tire and . wheel for , 1 ton truck,'. never used. Duncan .Fairish, R.R.' 3 Lucknow, phone 395.2728.: FOUND ^ tr FOUND ; -• in Atherley District, a tire . and rim.Owner may have same by . proving 'property and. paying for this' ad. John. Ferguson, Amberley, phone 395-2755. FOR RENT FOR RENT -= new rdustless floor„ sanders. Finlay Decorators, Luck' now; ` phone 528-3434. PASTURE AVAILABLE-. for 10 Or, 15 'cattle. B . F. Green,' St. Helens; phone . 528-5854. • v. Notice To Credfars' mow ,mieimimminno. NOTICE TO CREDITORS • IN THE MATTERof the estate of EDITH MAE WALKER, : late of the Township' of :''Kinloss in_ the County of Bruce, Widow, deceased. TAKE ' NOTICE 'that • creditors and others having claims against the estate of . the said Edith . Mae Walkerdeceased, are required to file their claims duly verified with the undersigned on • or before the tenth of June, A.D. 1967, and after the said date 'the executor will distribute the estatehaving regard only to the claims of* which they will then have notice. Dated at Teeswater, Ontario this nineteenth day 'of May, A:D, '1967. A, H. McTeviah, Teeswater, Ontario Solicitor • for the Executor. OG,EVENTS NEW CASH ;BINGO. Legion, 'Hall, Lucknow, Thurs- day, hursday, 8:45 p.m. 15 regular wanes, $10.00, each. . 4. Share The 'Wealth games with jackpot ,included .in each game.. Jackpot . this • week $80 on '56 calls. CENTENNIAL . SERVICE, Dungannon . United • Church ' Sun- day School extends , an invitation to former pupils and neighbour- ing congregations to attend l a spec- ial Centennial: service ; on Sunday, June 11th; 1967 at'11 ' a.m.. Mr. ;William A. White . of . Toronto will be the.: guest. speaker. Everyone welcome..` Rev Glen Wright, ministel., WEBSTER. RE -UNION The . Annual Webster ' Re -union will be held. in Harbour Park,. Goderich on Sunday afternoon, June 18 .M1 members are invited to come and -bring basket„lunch. BANQUET and DANCE Lucknow' Branch; of :.the :Royal Canadian Legion • is sponsoring .a banquet; and dance on Saturday, June .17th `at 7:30 p.m.: in the Leg icn Hall. . This ° event, is Open to Legion and Auxiliary members and their 'wives and husbands and war veterans in the : community. Anyone, ,who wishes to attend and has •not been contacted, please contact the president, Irvine Eedy, Dungannon '• or ' -Secretary_ .Harold Ritchie, Luokngw: by Sunday, June llth. Chester Merriam, Dominion Chairman of the Royal Canadian Legion will be guest speaker: Ad - Mission $2.00 per ,person: ':.SHOWER` AND' DANCE An envelope; shower and': dance will be ' held in honour ' of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald. 'Bailey: (Marlene Carter) • on Friday evening, June' 9th , at 'the ' Canadian' Legion Hall, Walkerton. • Everyone welcome. Ladies please bring lunch OPEN' HOUSE . , All friends of ' Rev. Donald B. MacLennan are cordially invited to attend his: first mass . at :St. ' An- thony's Church, Kincardine ' at 11:30 a.m., June ' 11, 1967, . and' also: a reception in ,the parish hall at 700 ,p.m.: •_ • /. 'SALAD SUPPER The ' St. Helen's W.I.will hold a salad supper on . Tuesday, June 20th at the St. Helen's Hall, from 5:30 to.. 8 p.m. ' Adults - $1:50; Public School 'children. . $1.00; Under .12: years - 75c; ' Pre-school free: • Proceeds; for furnace fund. SUMMER CAMP' A Summer Camp is being held at Camp Boomohra, on Lake Huron, 3 miles north of Goderich, Sunday, August .13th, to Sunday, August; 20th.. Cost $17: Tlie camp is 'for both girls and boys, 8 to 15 years of age. ' Anyone interested contact Donna J. Ritchie, Lucknow, phone 528-3506 as soon as possible. 1 AUCTION SALE' AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of farm stock, machineryand some household'.' effects, •will, be held for .HOWARD CAMPBELL North : half of lot 31, Concession 5, East Wawanosh Township; 3 nue north and 5• miles west of Blyth, or 11 ' miles west and.. 1 mile north of Westfield on SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1967.. At 1 p.m. sharp See Bilis For List • TERMS..CASH = FARM SOLD HOWARD CAMPBELL, Proprietor BRIAN RINTOUL, Auctioneer;, GEORGE POWELL, Cleric NTED WANT TO BUY -- large: English black boar of serviceable age. Jin' Aitchun, R.R. 2 Lucknow, phone 528-5700. WORK WANTED= . at cottage .or looking after children. Carol'Camp.. bell; Lucknow,: 'phone, 529-7417.• WANTED -'three bedroom' house `in .Lucknow by July 1. " Contact: Jack Hackett, phone.: 528=3001 from. 8 a.m. to 6' p.m. TEACHER WANTED Ripley: Huron Township ' School Area Board requires 'a"teacher for Pine River" Central: School to teach Grades '1.-4. Salary schedule in ef- fect. Apply by June 9th; 'stating . qualifications and name of last. Mrs. John C. MacDonald, Sec-Treas. . ::.. R.R.:4 Ripley, Ong.. • 2 ;•TECHERS WAN'T'ED FOR ...,_R C .CSS ASHFhEL:D' , ANS WAr.ANOSH WEST AT KINGSBRID,GE- On Highway 21, 13' .miles north Of' .i.,-.;. Goderich Well . equipped new .5 -room . school:' with gym. SALARY SCHEDULE . • MIN, ' MAX.• Category 1 • "K .:. $4,400 ' $7,100 Category 2' $5,000 $8, Category.. 3 • $5,600. $9;600 Category 4 $6,200 ' $9,600.• Allowance : for previous exper- ience, 10 years at $200 per annum. Annual increment .$300. Additional incentive for musical ability. ' State. . qualifications and exper- ience, name •of last inspector and grades;: preferred:. John Austin,' R.R., 7. Lucknow; Chairman' KINLOSS and '. LUCKNOW TOWNSHIP SCHOOL. .AREA PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD Requires For September, 1967 3 TEACHERS FOR .. KINLOSS `CENTRAL. SCHOOL' LUCKNOW , PUBLIC* SCHOOL r ` BOARD OFFER :1967-68 SALARY SCHEDULE. Standard 1 Standard 2 Standard 3 Standard .4 Bruce. District schedule. i1RIN MAX. $4,000 $5,800 $4,40b . .$6,5 $4,800. $7,200 Cat. 1, Huron High. School, Board Annual increment $200 for 3 years, $300 to maximum in Category 1 $300 .to maximum in Category 2,. 3•and 4, Experience allowance 5 years on schedule. Cumulative sick leave' benefits. Allowance for extra 'duties ,and res- •ponsibilities. • • • Applicants . to . apply in ,;writing, stating experience, age, and name of last .inspector. to: , Mrs. I. C. ',MacKenzie' Secretary -Treasurer P.O. dux 208• • Lucknow